Understanding Hindgut Fermentation in Horses 

Understanding Hindgut Fermentation in Horses 

Forage, such as hay and pasture, should form the foundation of a horse’s diet. High-quality forage provides essential fiber, vitamins and minerals. Horses should have access to forage throughout the day to promote natural grazing behavior and maintain digestive health.  Horses are hindgut fermenters. What does this mean, exactly? To most, this simply means the fecal […]

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Vitalize® Welcomes New Products to its Lineup

Vitalize® is a brand originally built on BioZyme®’s expertise in animal nutrition and gut health. Now, Vitalize will focus on a wider range of products and a new species by including the Hyaluronex® and Trixsyn® products into the brand.   “We are excited to move Hyaluronex and Trixsyn into the Vitalize brand. Many of the Vitalize […]

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