Sam Silvers

Director of National Specialty Livestock

(816) 344-5751  ext. 2115


Sam Silvers is no stranger to the BioZyme team, as he previously worked as an Area Sales Manager in West Texas for three years. Silvers has an extensive background in the livestock industry, having raised sheep since he was 9 years old. He and his family continue to successfully raise show lambs as well as commercial sheep and goats. He earned his master’s degree in Ag Science from Texas A&M, Kingsville. He received his bachelor’s from Texas Tech and also attended South Plains Community College, where he participated on the livestock judging team. Silvers has worked as a county extension agent, sold farm and ranch real estate, worked in animal nutrition sales and also sold livestock mortality insurance. He and his wife, Jurahee, have two children. In addition to spending time involved in the livestock industry and with his family, he enjoys hunting in his free time.