
Fuel Your Reproductive Success

Why ReproMaxx?

At BioZyme, we believe in providing results you can see. That’s why VitaFerm® ReproMaxx® isn’t just an ordinary cow/calf mineral. Its unique formulation leverages industry-leading nutrition to noticeably enhance herd fertility.

Healthy, Heavier, Marketable Calves

Increases Operational Conception Rates

Supplements Elite Genetics

Preserves and Improves Hoof Health

Boosts Colostrum Quality

Enhances Bull Fertility and Soundness

ReproMaxx Cattle

How ReproMaxx Works

VitaFerm® ReproMaxx® products provide high vitamin and mineral fortification and research-proven components to take reproductive success to the MAXX. 

ReproMaxx provides cattle with a balanced blend of essential minerals and nutrients crucial for reproductive health, semen quality, and overall vitality.

Its advanced formula includes organic trace minerals, vitamins, and other key components that improve nutrient absorption and support immune function and overall health. This increases conception rates, healthier calves, and better cattle performance.

Support for all herds

ReproMaxx is optimized to boost cattle performance of even the most productive herds. The premium formula, developed with industry-leading nutritionists and the highest quality ingredients available, is proven to deliver performance that pays.

Results You Can See

No matter what brings you to VitaFerm’s nutrition solutions, we have a product that will meet your needs and provide lasting, visible results.
Find The Best Cattle Mineral For Your Herd

What Makes ReproMaxx the Best Cattle Mineral to Improve Fertility?

VitaFerm ReproMaxx

Maxximize Reproductive Success
$ 53
  • Contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®
  • Includes verified levels of Zinpro® organic zinc, copper, and manganese
  • Maximizes reproductive success
Wondering if ReproMaxx is right for you? Have any questions you’re not seeing answers for? Want to learn more about our products?

Frequently Asked Questions

BioZyme is committed to continuous improvement and quality. As research and knowledge progress within the industry, our team of PhD nutritionists are constantly evaluating ingredients that will drive performance and care that comes full circle.

Recently, with high cattle values, an additional emphasis has been placed on shifting towards as many research-proven technologies as possible to maximize return on investment for producers.

Zinpro has partnered with customers to ensure producers know if their feed products and mineral supplements provide research-recommended rates for Zinpro® Performance Minerals®.

Time and time again, these supplementation rates have been proven to show the greatest benefits to animals at all stages of production. By using a product that has been Zinpro Verified, you can trust the claims and research you see from Zinpro are expected within your operation.

As a part of the Verified program, the tag for ReproMaxx will also contain the following verbiage, “Intake level of 4 oz has been Zinpro® Verified to provide 3 g Zinpro® Availa® Zn, 2.5 g Zinpro® Availa® Mn and 1.25 g Zinpro® Availa® Cu.”

Absorption is key. The present research shows that using an amino acid complex opens multiple doors for absorption and increases the mineral retention rate, providing for maximum utilization.

There are 4 main benefits of amino acid complexes:

  1. Soluble
  2. Stable
  3. Absorbable
  4. Metabolically available