Feeding for Success: Sure Champ® Offers Practical Supplements for Show Livestock

A new year means setting new goals. However, with all livestock projects, the goal remains the same – to keep your animals eating and drinking so they gain and perform to their highest potential to capture as many wins as possible.   The Sure Champ line of supplements was designed to proactively help livestock #PreptoWin during the challenges created by the […]

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Tips for Winter Skin and Hair Care

Keeping your show cattle looking good in the winter should be a snap, right? Turn them out in the cold, and let their hair grow. However, the bitter cold combined with the harsh winds sucks the moisture from the animals’ hide, leading to unhealthy skin and dried out hair, if not properly cared for.  Especially if you are exhibiting […]

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Making the Transition from Spring to Summer with your Show Livestock

Throughout the country, hints of spring are everywhere. And while many spring shows have been canceled or postponed through March and April, your show livestock projects are likely still a priority as you prepare for the potential of summer shows. Use this extra time of social distancing to work with your animals and practice your showmanship skills. Since the jackpot […]

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When to Feed Spark® vs Extreme

You’ve spent hours upon hours in the barn working on your show livestock projects. You’ve got skin conditioned, hair worked, the animals trained to walk, drive or lead and you’re ready to show them. There’s just one problem. They haven’t found their way to the feed pan, and they just aren’t performing like they should. […]

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5 Tips to Achieve Healthy Hair in the Summer

It is NO secret. It is A LOT more fun to work on achieving a healthy hair coat in the winter and early spring. Outside temperatures are cooler, cattle are shaggy, and they are naturally growing plenty of hair on their own. But growing hair for the summer is a different story. You go out […]

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The Basics of Biotin

Biotin. We hear a lot about it when it comes to hair and hoof growth. But what is biotin and how does it work? Also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H (for hair), biotin is responsible for the synthesis of keratin, a hard, structural protein essential for hair and hoof production. The body needs […]

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