BioZyme, manufacturer of natural vitamin/mineral supplement VitaFerm® Concept-Aid®, will be featured November 30 and December 6 on RFD-TV’s The American Rancher show. BioZyme experts along with VitaFerm customers will discuss the benefits of nutrition in cow reproduction and share their first-hand experiences using the breeding mineral Concept-Aid.
Show Times:
• 8 p.m. CST on Monday, Nov. 30
• 11 a.m. CST on Sunday, Dec. 6
Getting cows ready to conceive takes planning. Maximizing conception rates is directly tied to nutrition, which leads to better body condition scores and improved fertility. Cattle need a diet balanced with energy, protein, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Concept-Aid has been tried and tested in the field to improve cow conception.
“Reproduction is critical in any cow/calf operation. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in ensuring those cows get bred, and cutting down on those non-productive cow days,” said John Starnes, Tennessee River Music Farm and VitaFerm customer. “If you are serious about getting cattle bred, and if you are serious about having bulls that are super fertile when you turn them out, then you will be hard pressed to find a better mineral than Concept-Aid. The calves are born healthier, grow faster and our cows breed back faster.”
Concept-Aid is a highly fortified vitamin, mineral and organic trace mineral supplement containing BioZyme’s proprietary Amaferm® product – a natural feed additive that acts as a prebiotic to increase digestibility and maximize the energy value of feed. Concept-Aid specifically targets cow cycling, egg production, conception and bull fertility and is nutrient-dense to compliment low quality forage.
When fed to cattle before calving and through breeding, Concept-Aid is research-proven to:
• Increase first-service conception
• Increase milk production
• Increase calf vigor and growth potential
• Improve bull fertility
• Reduce non-productive cow days
Concept-Aid is available in a variety of formulations. For more information about Concept-Aid, click here.