BioZyme® Inc. is excited to announce its 2023 summer interns. For many years, BioZyme has welcomed summer interns to the team as a part of its commitment to outreach and youth in the agriculture industry. Over the years, many of these interns have not only remained part of the BioZyme family, but several have gone on to accept full time positions with the company. This year’s class of interns is comprised of three talented individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Ethan Dennis, Saint Joseph, Missouri, has been named the Sales Intern. Haylee Henry, London, Ohio, and Dawson Osborn, Lynchburg, Ohio, have been named Marketing Interns. Dennis will travel with the Business Development Team to various locations this summer to learn more about sales and working with customers. Henry and Osborn will focus their attention at various junior livestock shows and events this summer while engaging with youth and potential customers and helping young livestock exhibitors discover their “formula 4 success” with the BioZyme Family of Brands.
Ethan Dennis is a sophomore at Northwest Missouri State University, majoring in business. He eventually hopes to use his skills to go into sales, and is looking forward to learning more about the BioZyme products. He will travel with BioZyme’s Alan Lee, John Jeffrey, and others to further his product and sales knowledge. He has experience working part-time at BioZyme while attending college. He enjoys hunting, fishing, trapping and spending time with family.
“I am excited to learn more about the BioZyme products and to learn more about sales tactics from different people. Really, no matter what part of business I go into, learning different ways to sell from different people will be beneficial. I really admire Alan Lee and the way he talks about the products, so I am excited to learn from him this summer,” Dennis said.
“Ethan’s enthusiasm to learn more about sales and the BioZyme Family of Brands is going to lead him to excel not only in this internship, but in life. He is a young man who is not afraid to ask questions, roll his sleeves up and get to work, and he encompasses the passion for people and animals that we all do here at BioZyme,” said Alan Lee, Director of Domestic Business Development.
Haylee Henry is a May 2023 graduate of South Dakota State University, where she earned dual bachelor’s degrees in Agricultural Communications and Agricultural Leadership with a minor in Marketing. At SDSU, she was president of the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, a College of Ag Ambassador and a member of the SDSU Women’s Choir. She served a two-year term on the National Junior Swine Association board of directors.
Henry is looking forward to attending graduate school at the University of Arkansas, where she plans to get a Master’s degree in Agricultural Extension & Education. She is a long-time user of Vita Charge® Liquid Boost and a variety of Sure Champ® products, and she says she appreciates the consistent results that the products offer.
“I’m looking forward to this internship as an opportunity to help make me a more well-rounded individual, as I’m always looking for opportunities to grow,” Henry said. “There is always a chance to learn if you are 8 years old or 85. I put 110% into everything, and I am looking forward to working with a side of the industry that is more based with reaching producers and consumers.”
Dawson Osborn attends The Ohio State University with plans to graduate with a degree in Political Science in December 2023. He is active on campus, is on the livestock judging team, serves as reporter for the Saddle & Sirloin Club, and was the Alpha Gamma Sigma Fraternity secretary & steer show chair. He also served as the 2021-22 Ohio FFA Association State Reporter. Osborn was a member of the Ohio Corn and Wheat Collegiate Policy Academy, Ohio Cattlemen’s BEST Junior Representative, and a member of the Ohio Junior Shorthorn Association board of directors.
His career goals include serving as an advocate for an agricultural organization or working in public policy to help make ag a more predominant focus. He would like to spend some time in Washington D.C. He credits his dad as his role model for always serving as a mentor to him and others in the livestock industry while also having a successful career.
“To me, care that comes full circle means taking care of the people in our industry just as much as it does the actual livestock. I believe in treating people with hospitality and giving them my full attention in all interactions,” Osborn said. “I have used the Sure Champ products for the 10 years that I showed and know the products well. I am looking forward to going to shows and promoting products I am confident in.”
“We are so excited to have two diverse young livestock enthusiasts join the Marketing Team for the summer,” said Lori Lawrence, BioZyme Senior Manager of Commercial Marketing. “Both Haylee and Dawson have wonderful experiences in the livestock industry, are eager to learn and engage with adults and young people and are genuinely interested in sharing our products and helping others succeed, carrying out our mission of care that comes full circle.”
The internships begin June 1 at the BioZyme headquarters in Saint Joseph, Missouri, and will conclude at the end of the summer with each intern giving a capstone presentation to BioZyme’s leaders.