Jacob Johnson, Ruth, Mississippi, has joined BioZyme®, Inc. as the Inside Sales Representative for Alabama and Mississippi. In his role, he will support dealers and customers in the two-state area to answer their product questions and help them boost their sales across the BioZyme family of brands.
Johnson is a Mississippi native who recently graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science with a business emphasis. He was a member of both the K-State and Eastern Oklahoma State College livestock judging teams and grew up showing Hereford cattle. Johnson was one of the 2022 Sure Champ® summer interns at BioZyme, traveling across the country to shows and events promoting the brands.
“The internship last summer was a big stepping stone to help me confirm that I wanted to pursue sales in the livestock industry. I really enjoyed working for BioZyme and learning more about the products. I knew I wanted to be part of a company that helps producers help their animals,” Johnson said.
“We are fortunate to have someone passionate about people and livestock, like Jacob, who was such a dedicated intern, and then able to return full-time after finishing his education. He has the fortitude and commitment to helping people and helping animals, showing the care that comes full circle that BioZyme is all about,” said Bob Burkham, BioZyme Senior Manager of National Sales.
Johnson enjoys being on his family’s Hereford operation, where they also have a processing facility to harvest their own beef. In addition to working show cattle and spending time with family, he also enjoys hunting.
BioZyme is a global animal health and nutrition company with headquarters in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Its family of brands includes VitaFerm®, Gain Smart®, Sure Champ®, Vita Charge®, DuraFerm®, Vitalize®, Backyard Boost® and AO-Biotics®. To learn more or to locate a dealer near you, visit www.biozymeinc.com.