Lisa Norton, St. Joseph, Mo., has been promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer at BioZyme® Inc. Norton most recently served as Vice-president of Marketing and Sales.
“Lisa is passionate about this company, its staff, its products, its customers and its responsibility to each, and to our community both local and industry,” said Bob Norton, CEO and Chairman of the Board at BioZyme. “She is tireless, enthusiastic, pragmatic and optimistic and has exhibited her value to this company since joining it in 2013.”
Lisa has an extensive business background and offers a wealth of experience to BioZyme. She has a Master’s in Accounting from the University of Missouri and is a Certified Public Accountant. She worked as a professor in accounting at Missouri Western State University for 14 years. She has started two companies in her professional career, Quantitative Resources, a software development/call center support and research firm, and LAN Resources, a market research business.
“Working for BioZyme has been a dream come true for me,” Lisa said. “Given the opportunity to be its president is an honor that I accept humbly and with much excitement. Helping animals has been at the center of my heart since I was 4-years-old. Being able to work on that every day allows me to spend time on my passion instead of on a job. At BioZyme we truly provide care that comes full circle.”
Lisa began her career at BioZyme in 2013 as the Director of Marketing. This is her second promotion in five years.