Faith, passion and sincerity are three traits that have helped John Jeffrey, Stillwater, Okla. , become a successful salesperson in the animal nutrition industry. Jeffrey led the team of Area Sales Managers for Biozyme® Inc., in 2017, recording nearly 10% of the company’s sales in his territory that includes Eastern Oklahoma and Eastern Kansas. He was also the leading ASM in 2016 and 2015.
“John is not successful because he is gifted; he is successful because he is passionate, works hard and makes sure every person around him feels important,” said Lisa Norton, BioZyme Vice-president. “These traits make a big difference at BioZyme, and we are very grateful and humbled that he chose to join our family and are more than excited about our future together.”
Jeffrey has more than two decades of experience in the livestock nutrition and sales fields, and brought his passion and work ethic to BioZyme in 2015 when he joined its sales force. He said it is the family atmosphere of the employee-owned animal nutrition company that initially drew him to BioZyme and that keeps him motivated daily. He also appreciates working for a company whose leadership expresses that faith is important to them and isn’t afraid to put others’ needs first.
“It’s a small company where everybody is like a family,” Jeffrey said. “The employees are owners in it, and that gives you more incentive in that what you do every day actually matters. Everyone you work with matters, and the better everybody does, the better off everyone will be when they are ready to retire. At BioZyme, they really practice doing the right thing, by taking care of others. When you take care of others you are rewarded.”
Jeffrey credits much of his success in sales to his relationships. He has worked in the various sectors of cattle production his entire career and understands what is important to his customers. He understands the industry and can talk comfortably with his customers to help them with their challenges and minimize their risk, which in return helps them turn a profit. His past experiences working on cow-calf, stocker and feed yard operations help him understand his customers’ needs and discuss their challenges. BioZyme also provides the resources he needs to find out answers to questions he doesn’t know.
But Jeffrey said perhaps his most important relationship is one with the Lord.
“I would contribute my success to nothing I do, but I have a God and Savior that takes care of me. If it weren’t for Him I wouldn’t have the successes I’ve had,” he said.
Jeffrey earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University. His past employers include Cargill Meat Solutions (formerly Excel), Eli Lilly and Novartis. Although he worked retail in high school, he never imagined that sales would be his career path.
“What I planned to do after college and what I ended up doing are two different things,” Jeffrey said.
Although the beef industry makes up the majority of his customers, he does have a diverse customer base. His territory is everything east of Interstate-35 in Kansas and Oklahoma, and includes some smaller dairy herds, poultry and swine operations.
Jeffrey offers two pieces of advice that are key whether involved in sales or not. Always say thank you. And always follow through.
“Always thank someone for their time if they are willing to give it because time is their most valuable asset; they don’t have to give you any. Once people understand you can be depended on, you’re sincere, and you can get things done, that starts the relationship, so it can continue to grow. I want to make sure things get done right and get done right now.”
Jeffrey is just one of 17 ASMs for BioZyme, with headquarters in St. Joseph, Mo. To learn more about BioZyme or to find the ASM or dealer nearest you, visit: https://biozymeinc.com.