Ken Ford is the Director of Commercial Sales & Outreach at BioZyme® Inc., with headquarters in Saint Joseph, Missouri. As a former CEO of two companies, including Hagyard Pharmacy, he is a natural leader, and he brings those skills to the Sales and Marketing Teams.
“I am very excited to join the Leadership Team at BioZyme, an organization with a rich history filled with opportunities for the future. Not only do I share a strong value system that aligns with the company culture, but I am looking forward to the intentional decisions that are being made as we pave a bright pathway for the future of this growing, global company,” Ford said.
In his role, he will lead the domestic outreach, marketing and sales teams for BioZyme and its sister company, Cogent Solutions Group, Lexington, Kentucky. He will work closely with the national sales managers for supplements and animal health products as well as marketing to ensure the goals are met for the company. He is based in Lexington, Kentucky.
“Simon Sinek says, ‘If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.’ Ken was hired to lead the Sales and Marketing Teams at BioZyme because he believes that care that comes full circle is a great way to grow a sustainable, giving and impactful business,” said Lisa Norton, BioZyme President and CEO.
Ford, a South Africa native, attended the University of Johannesburg and relocated to the United States in 2001. He brings extensive knowledge in investments, finance, venture capital, human and veterinary animal specialty pharmaceuticals and animal health international distribution. He and his wife, Anna, have a daughter, Morgan. Ford enjoys traveling and can use his multilingual skills as an asset at BioZyme. He also enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including tennis and golf, fishing, pheasant hunting and shooting sporting claying. He likes grilling, teaching Sunday School and coaching youth soccer.