The Importance of Hay Testing Near Me

We know that BioZyme® dealers wear many hats. You are a salesperson, a consultant in nutrition across species, a supporter of youth livestock and horse events, and a pillar in your community. Let’s add one more role to your over-extended job description: forage sampler. Did you know that hay sampling is a free service that BioZyme offers its customers, who are ultimately your customers?  

That’s right! The next time you have a customer ask, “Is there anywhere that does hay testing near me,” your answer will be simple: right here. 

Why Test Hay? 

Testing hay in the late summer and early fall is imperative to know exactly the nutrient content and makeup. Just like no two BioZyme dealers are the same, no two hay crops are the same, even if they both look similar. There is no way to tell the nutritional makeup of your hay just by looking at it. You could have the most gorgeous group of bales, yet they could all be deficient in protein or energy. 

If you or your customers cannot tell the nutrient value of your hay, how will your livestock be getting the proper nutrition. A simple forage analysis can help a customer determine what is missing from their hay, which in turn helps you sell them the added vitamins and minerals to supplement their herd. Forage testing is a win for the customer, you, and their animals. That’s care that comes full circle. 

That is why hay testing is so important.  

Hay Testing Made Easy 

At BioZyme, we want to make your customer’s forage testing experience as simple as possible. That is why we have broken it down into these 5 simple steps. 

1. Identify your Hay 

It is important for you or your customer to have their hay identified by a lot number, so they know which test results are from which lot. A lot is defined by the field and the cutting it is from. 

For instance, a lot from the second cutting from field one would be named Lot 1-2. A first-cutting sample from the third field would be 3-1. It is important to identify the lots when you haul them from the field and store them and continue to know where they are kept.   

2. Collect Samples 

Once the lots are identified, it is time to collect samples. As a dealer, you or your Area Sales Manager should be prepared to help your customer collect samples. Having an accurate sample is the key to a successful analysis. 

We recommend taking 10 samples from each lot, mixing them together, and submitting them as a representative sample of that lot. Be sure to get the samples from as far inside the bale as possible. There are two ways to collect samples: with a probe or by hand. 

Sampling with Hay Probe 

Reach as far as possible inside the bale with your coring tool. This can be more difficult when bales are wet or when the hay is very mature. In those cases, a spare battery for the drill is helpful, especially if a large number of bales are to be probed. 

Sampling Hay by Hand 

It helps to use a short pipe to pry open the bale. The goal is to reach inside with your hands open and grasp tightly a handful of hay. You want to try not to strip the leaves off when you grab them, so many small handfuls are better than one large handful. 

3. Place Samples Into a 5-gallon Bucket. 

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have at least 10 samples from 10% of the bales in the lot you are testing. Place all the samples into the same 5-gallon bucket. 

After sampling your bales, make sure to pull apart and thoroughly mix the entire sample. Do not rely on the lab to mix your sample. 

Place the sample into a re-sealable plastic bag and remove any excess air. It is fine if the bag is not completely full, but you will need approximately 1/2 a quart of material in the bag. You, the BioZyme dealer, should be able to submit the samples. 

If you have any questions at all, please contact your Area Sales Manager or a member of the Dealer Action Team. We submit every sample we receive to Dairyland Laboratories

4. Wait for Results 

Once you submit forage samples for testing, we can typically generate results within a week. These results indicate any deficiencies in energy or protein. In addition to knowing the nutrient content of your forages, it is also important to know the amount of each lot of hay you have. 

This is especially important when working with the BioZyme Nutrition Team to plan your next steps. This will help them calculate the proper rations and make supplement recommendations moving forward when they know how to match your forage supply to your production calendar. 

5. Work with the BioZyme Nutrition Team 

We send the forage analysis results to the producer, the dealer, and the ASM. We suggest the dealer and producer work with the nutritionist at BioZyme to calculate and coordinate formulations and supplementations. 

Where Can I Find Hay Testing Near Me?  

So, next time you hear, “Where can I find hay testing near me?” you will know just how to answer. We hope you are confident that you can pull and collect samples and submit them. That way, you can help your customers find the best nutrition options available.  

Sometimes wearing all these hats can be a challenge. But sometimes, it makes you a superhero, too. Offering hay and forage testing is just one way you can offer customer service that will pay your customers’ dividends in the long run. 

Why Should you Prioritize High Protein Cattle Feed?

Every BioZyme® dealer is different. What one on-farm dealer in North Dakota makes a priority might be totally different than the storefront in Florida. However, you all share more in common than you might think. Every single dealer puts the customer first, and that is care that comes full circle. With fall around the corner, it is time to start thinking about getting high protein cattle feed in stock. 

Be Prepared; Fall is Coming

You are probably selling products with the HEAT® technology and fly control faster than we can say AO-Biotics® Amaferm®. And that is a good thing, for now. However, time moves quickly, and before you know, fall will be here, as the temperature shifts, so will the needs of the beef cow herd. 

We want you to be prepared so you can best serve your customers. If you have protein supplements on hand when your customers are ready, they won’t have to go to another product or another dealer. They will be pleased that you have thought ahead and put their concerns at the top of your mind. 

So, start now to plan your fall protein orders and stock up on high protein cattle feed and supplements. 

Why Worry about Protein in the Fall?

Your cattle customers, and more specifically their cattle, often need added protein in the fall for several reasons. Forage quality decreases, they are preparing for winter, and their nutritional needs increase. Let’s examine each of these a little more in-depth as you consider why you should stock high protein cattle feed and supplements.  

Decline in Forage Quality

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and that is true for summer. As the growing season ends, the nutritional quality of pasture forage typically declines. The protein content in grasses and other forages decreases, forcing supplemental protein to meet cattle’s dietary requirements. 

Increased Nutritional Demands

During the fall, many cattle enter stages that significantly increase their nutritional needs, particularly for protein either late gestation or early lactation. Adequate protein is crucial for fetal development, milk production and overall health. It is vital to ensure your herd has high protein cattle feed or supplements during these phases.  

Preparation for Winter

Providing additional protein helps cattle build and maintain body condition before the harsher winter months. Adequate body condition is essential for maintaining health and productivity during the winter, when nutritional challenges can be more severe. 

Growing in Young Livestock

Young, growing cattle require higher protein levels to support their growth and development. Fall supplementation ensures they continue to grow efficiently and stay healthy as they transition to winter feeding programs. 

The Importance of Protein Supplements for Cattle

Protein is essential for cattle for several key reasons. 

Growth & Development

Proteins are fundamental building blocks for muscle, skin, hair and other tissues. They support the overall growth and development of young cattle, ensuring they reach their full size and potential. Because protein is vitally important to growth and development, it is important that calves in the growing phase receive adequate protein. 

Milk Production

Protein is crucial for lactating cows producing high-quality milk. Adequate protein levels in the diet help maintain milk yield and composition, particularly the protein content of the milk itself. Supplementing with extra protein during lactation helps to ensure your cows produce an adequate milk supply. The calf also receives that extra protein through the milk supply.  

Protein is important for reproductive health. Adequate protein levels improve fertility rates, support healthy pregnancies and contribute to the overall reproductive efficiency of the herd. 

Immune Function

Protein plays a critical role in maintaining and boosting the immune system. Adequate protein intake helps cattle resist diseases and recover more quickly from illnesses. 

Repair & Maintenance

Protein is necessary for the repair and maintenance of body tissues. Protein helps in the healing of wounds and the regeneration of damaged tissues, ensuring cattle remain healthy and productive. 

Enzyme & Hormone Production

Many enzymes and hormones, which regulate various physiological processes, are proteins or are derived from amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. These are crucial for digestion, metabolism and overall bodily functions. 

Energy Source

While carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources, proteins can also be used for energy, particularly in situations where other energy sources are inadequate. 

Feed Efficiency

Proper protein nutrition improves feed efficiency, meaning cattle can convert feed into body mass or milk more effectively. This is economically beneficial for cattle producers. 

VitaFerm Protein Options

In total, VitaFerm offers 5 options of protein supplements for cattle, between both the tubs and loose mineral forms. All contain Amaferm, the prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. 

Let’s learn more about their similarities and differences: 

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Meal

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Meal 

VitaFerm Conserve Protein Meal, a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 20% natural protein. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Tub

VitaFerm Concept•Aid® Protein Tub, a premium protein tub with vitamins and minerals for beef cattle on grass pasture designed to support reproductive success on low protein forage. 

• Includes 20% natural protein along with organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. 

• High levels of Vitamin E support reproductive tract repair and milk quality. 

VitaFerm® 30-13% Protein Tub

VitaFerm 30-13% Protein Tub, a protein tub for beef cattle with urea and natural protein designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 30% urea protein with no more than 13% equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Tub

VitaFerm Conserve Protein Tub, a natural protein tub for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 20% natural protein. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal, a premium free-choice 2% phosphorus vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle on grass pasture designed to support reproductive success on low protein forage. 

• Includes 20% natural protein and organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. 

• High levels of vitamin E support reproductive tract repair and milk quality. 

Regardless of the protein supplement you choose, it is just important to be sure that your herd receives the added protein it needs when it needs it most. 

“Providing cattle with a proper supplement that contains adequate minerals is important, as it serves as an insurance policy for seasonal fluctuations in forage quality and can keep cattle from becoming deficient or imbalanced in energy, protein or mineral status,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Director of Beef Technical Sales for BioZyme. 

Save Dollars with Loose Mineral

BioZyme offers two loose supplements with a combination of essential minerals, Amaferm and natural protein in a granular form for beef cattle.  

In a loose formulation, salt is added to control intake. Producers don’t sacrifice any nutrition if they do offer loose mineral instead of tubs. Many of the same high-quality ingredients are used along with less expensive protein sources in the loose mixes, but since molasses is not in the mix, there is added cost savings. 

Another cost savings comes with the packaging. The bag that the loose mineral comes in costs less than 50 cents. A tub adds about $6-7 additional cost to the product; that is money spent that your cows are not consuming. 

For every pallet of tubs purchased, you could purchase a new ground mineral feeder to feed the loose mineral. 

BioZyme Products are Research Proven

Amaferm® is the key additive in all VitaFerm products. It has more than 111 published and/or presented research studies proving its increase in digestibility and, ultimately, its impact on the animal.    

Providing a high-quality trace mineral and vitamin supplementation like VitaFerm Concept•Aid is research-proven to improve reproductive efficiency. For example, our reproductive success report shows that VitaFerm Concept•Aid has proven itself as an industry leader in fertility support. Its ability to improve pregnancy rates, calving percentages, and weaning weights is unmatched by other brand products.    

“Research proves that cattle fed Amaferm synthesize 100 more grams of microbial protein each day. That’s enough protein equivalent to a pound of supplemented soybean meal available for the cow or heifer. This additional protein generated from Amaferm in a year-round supplemental program can help producers reduce their need for additional protein by up to 40% annually. That is a huge continuous savings on feed costs,” Cassady said.  

Get Your High Protein Cattle Feed & Supplements Today

We hope we have convinced you that it is time to start thinking about stocking up on your high protein cattle feed and supplements. Be prepared so when fall comes, your customers are not waiting on you to get the products they need and want for their cattle. 

In addition to the VitaFerm protein supplements, BioZyme also has some protein and VitaFerm mineral literature you might find helpful to have in stock to share with your customers. A protein product guide shows and describes all the products for cattle producers, their benefits and approximate cost per day. 

The other handy resource for this time of year is a seasonal product guide. This one-sheet guide suggests which BioZyme products a producer should feed at which time of year. 

You can request both of these guides and more through the SAMM Center by logging in through the Online Dealer Center. 

Prepare for the fall nutritional needs of your customers now. Fall will be here before we know it — so don’t be left unprepared. Stock up now on high protein cattle feed and supplements. You’ll be glad you did! 



In observance of Independence Day, BioZyme will be closed Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5. We will resume normal business operations Monday, July 8, at 8:00am CST. Please enjoy this time with your family and friends.


BioZyme is committed to continuous improvement and quality. As research and knowledge progress within the industry, our team of Ph.D. nutritionists are constantly evaluating ingredients that will drive performance and care that comes full circle. Recently, with high cattle values, an additional emphasis has been placed on shifting toward as many research-proven technologies as possible to maximize return on investment for producers.

Look for updates to the organic trace minerals in all BioZyme minerals, pellets and tubs beginning July 1 and in all ClariFly® products (except those with CTC) beginning January 1, 2025 (due to EPA registration). This will be a rolling change as inventory is depleted. To learn more about the benefits of Zinpro Performance Minerals®, tune into our webinar July 18 at 3pm Central Standard Time. Watch your email for a link to join!


Due to some ongoing supply chain issues, a limited number of VitaFerm® HEAT® products have been shipped in white BioZyme branded bags. A limited number of VitaFerm® ONE products have been shipped in white bags with full size front design stickers. We expect to rectify this issue in the coming weeks. Thank you for your understanding.


The DuraFerm® ONE®️ Sheep Master Dealer On Demand Training is now available in the Online Dealer Center. Take the time to familiarize yourself with this ONE mineral solution for all seasons.

Letter from Lisa

What a pleasure it was to host BioZyme®’s highest achieving dealers – in dollars, action and growth – at the recent Dealer Retreat in St. Joseph, Missouri. The Olympic theme lent itself to conversations about what it takes to “get to the podium” in sports, life and business.

The podium (bronze, silver and gold) can also be symbolic of a popular selling model in many businesses called “Good, Better, Best.” The Good, Better, Best model has revolutionized consumer choices by offering a tiered selection that caters to a wide range of preferences and budgets. At its core, this model provides customers with options that vary in features, quality and price points, ensuring there’s something suitable for every individual.

The “Good” tier typically offers essential functionalities at an affordable price, appealing to budget-conscious consumers without compromising on basic needs. Moving up to “Better,” customers find enhanced features and improved performance, striking a balance between affordability and enhanced capabilities. Finally, the “Best” tier represents topof- the-line quality, boasting cutting-edge technology, superior craftsmanship and premium materials for those seeking the ultimate in performance and luxury.

This tiered approach not only simplifies decision-making but also empowers customers to make informed choices based on their specific needs and desires. Start looking and you will notice this model being used in various industries, from gas at fuel stations, to cable TV, to airline tickets and car washes because the customer is empowered to select which tier best caters to their needs.

At BioZyme, we are very anxious to announce a “Good, Better, Best” approach coming soon to the VitaFerm® line. During Dealer Retreat we officially unveiled the newest VitaFerm product, ReproMaxx®. ReproMaxx features all the premium benefits your customers need to take reproductive success to the MAXX. Born out of an environment with high cattle prices and cutting-edge research, ReproMaxx is designed to provide research-proven technologies such as AO-Biotics® Amaferm® and Zinpro® Performance Minerals®. In fact, we are proud to announce that, through collaboration with Zinpro, ReproMaxx will be one of the few beef cattle minerals on the market to carry the Zinpro Verified seal.

ReproMaxx will be positioned as the “best” VitaFerm breeding mineral to fuel reproductive success, but it may not be for every customer. Concept-Aid® is still king, and it will be positioned as the “better” breeding mineral. Newcomer VitaFerm ONE will be positioned as the “good” breeding mineral.

We are excited about this Good, Better, Best approach. We hope you are, too.