Dealer Spotlight: Heritage Farm Supply

BioZyme Dealer Puts Focus on Future

With a name like Heritage Farm Supply, you’d think the business has a focus on its past, its heritage. However, just the opposite is true.

The Weaverville, N.C., farm and feed store is dedicated to helping its customers thrive and survive and ensuring there is a future in agriculture for today’s young people as well.

Store co-owner and manager Anna English said that Heritage Farm Supply first became a BioZyme® dealer because it was looking for a premium product to offer its customers. She had heard about BioZyme and its product lines, did some research, and decided their products were the right fit for her customer base. Then, once her own family started using the products, sales really started to take off.

“We use the product ourselves, so it is easy to sell the customer on a product we believe in. The biggest selling point for us is using it in our own operation, and it is easier to sell products when you use them and believe in them,” English said.

She and her family run about 100 mama cows and have started using embryo transfer and A.I. extensively. She said the VitaFerm® line has helped them achieve their goals with their cow herd, and in return, she has started reaching out to other purebred producers in the area.

English uses the assistance of her Area Sales Manager Justin O’Flaherty to help share the BioZyme message, including hosting producer meetings for cow-calf producers. She said that since the BioZyme lines are rather new to her area, the producers are willing to come learn and ask questions about them.

Another audience she is working with that will have a major impact on the future of agriculture and the future of Heritage Farm Supply is the youth in her area. English said that urban sprawl is taking over and moving toward them, away from Asheville; and it is important to continue educating youth about agriculture and its impact.

“As rocky as agriculture is right now, it is important for us to know there is a future out there, that people are getting educated in what agriculture is and what we do as an industry. If we can get kids involved, at least they will be an advocate for agriculture in the future,” she said.

Because the future is so important to English and Heritage Farm Supply, they support several youth livestock shows in the area. Since English and her family also show livestock, that was an easy outlet for them to get involved with the kids showing livestock. They are also involved in the FFA program at the local high school and do a lot with its alumni program so they can support the kids through agriculture in as many ways as possible.

Selling a premium product and supporting superior youth are both tasks that English takes to heart. She encourages new dealers and those considering selling BioZyme products not to get hung up on the price. “Don’t let the price stand in your way. It can be kind of a sticker shock, but it is a premium product and your customers will use it. The price is what sets it apart,” she said.

When you’re advocating for the future and promoting a product that helps animals succeed in life, you’re doing great things. Thanks, Anna English for displaying “care that comes full circle.”

Haul ‘Em and Charge ‘Em with Vita Charge®!

The busy winter show season is upon us, which means it is time to talk about STRESS.

Stress is a MAJOR factor that causes shifts in the gut environment, leading to digestive upset and a decrease in appetite. Show livestock are no doubt the most susceptible to stress as we haul them to and from shows, introduce them to new environments and weather changes, surround them with unfamiliar livestock and change their daily routines and feed on show day. Combat the challenges of the show environment with the quick response of Vita Charge®.

Vita Charge is a fast-acting, multi-specie livestock supplement for use during stressful times when livestock need protection or assistance in recovery. The Vita Charge product line offers versatility in many forms making application easy depending on what is best for your animal. The products’ powerful dose of vitamins, B vitamins and the Amaferm® advantage makes it the perfect fit when your livestock need protection or assistance in recovery.

When To Use: 

  • Vita Charge Gel or Liquid Boost®
    • Start administering Vita Charge Gel or Liquid Boost® 5-7 days prior to leaving for the show through the duration of the show.
  • Vita Charge Climate Control Gel
    • Even though it is cold outside, animals can still experience heat stress and changes in regular body temps as we take them in and out of temperature-controlled barns and areas.
    • Help maintain a normal body temperature with Vita Charge Climate Control Gel!
  • Vita Charge Clench
    • As the weather changes or we begin making nutritional shifts to get animals show day ready, they run a high risk for SCOURS. Help your animal recover QUICKLY from show day scours with Vita Charge Clench, a gel for all species of livestock ideal for use during diarrhea and scours treatments to support recovery, hydration and nutrient absorption.

Your Role In The Industry Matters

Too often we let our jobs define us. It is easy to do since we spend at least eight hours a day at our workplace. Many of us are guilty of introducing ourselves in an adult setting with our name, title and the place where we work. But you are more than just a worker. You are more than a salesperson, marketer, truck driver or person who works in a feed store. You are involved in agriculture, the occupation that ultimately feeds the world, and believe it or not, you are serving as a role model for others in our industry.

Young people naturally are attracted to people in their respective field. And those who are growing up on a farm or ranch or who show livestock undoubtedly interact with you on a somewhat regular basis. Believe it or not, there is somebody out there who is watching you, listening to you and maybe evening dreaming of the day they can be in your position. It is important to remember these things to set the best example possible.

You, yes you, are making an impact as a mentor and role model. Think about that. Your role and identity are much greater than just your occupation, but because of your occupation and your role in agriculture, you can impact someone else’s life. And because you are involved in the animal health and nutrition business, you have likely helped a young person or his or her parent get on the right track with a nutrition program.

Sure Champ® Ring Leader Whitney Walker from Prairie Grove, Ark., shared her positive experience with leadership opportunities on the Sure Champ blog in November.

“It’s been a really fun experience so far. I’ve had a lot more kids interact on my social media more curious than I expected about the Sure Champ line and the Sure Champ products. You’d think a lot of the times the parents make feeding decisions and what to buy, but these kids are actually invested and want to know about what their animals are eating. I’ve had a lot of them ask me what Amaferm is, and now I can actually explain to them what it is and back up how Sure Champ products work,” said the Ring Leader who is a freshman at Oklahoma State University.

No doubt that those young people got their first feeding information from those of you that this newsletter is targeted to.

And even when it doesn’t encompass livestock health and nutrition, you are still making a difference. You encourage young people to get involved with youth programs like 4-H, FFA or other junior breed associations. You support the youth by being a sports booster, buying their project animal at the fair or sponsoring awards. Sometimes it is even as simple as listening to reasons for a livestock judging team or a presentation for a national competition.

Catherine Stangl, a member of the Kingfisher FFA Chapter recalls how local businesses in her community help support the local chapter, on a regular basis, in addition to when they are preparing for big competitions.

“Our FFA chapter is very well-known, and we come from a really good community that is there for us,” Stangl said. “When we were preparing for nationals, we would go to several companies and organizations whether it was an oil company or Rotary, and we presented our skit, and they helped us make it better.”

Stangl was a member of the seven-person Ag Issues Forum team that won in Oklahoma and claimed the 2018 National Championship last October that presented a skit set to resemble a courtroom. The issue they presented was over the temporary water lines and the oil industry, an ongoing controversial topic in their home county. Stangl said she and her peers spent countless hours practicing and had wonderful community support.

“This industry is a really good industry to grow up in, and I think we all become better people toward other people, whether it’s being nice or just being there for them,” Stangl said.

Never forget your role is more than your job title. You are a role model, a supporter, a voice in the industry. You are an advocate, educator and a hero. Someone is watching you. Your job doesn’t define you, but how you treat others and serve your community does. Remember people want to know about you, your story and what you do on a daily basis, and not just your title.

Effective Action: Review Past Actions as You Plan Ahead

Everywhere you look, there are signs reminding us how many days there are until Christmas or how many days there are left of this year. To me, it seems like we were just stocking up on bottled water and cash getting ready to ring in the year 2000, Y2K, and now we’re counting down to 2020. As a business owner, you are likely using these last few weeks of 2019 to plan for the new year, finalizing budgets and prioritizing marketing plans. Do you know what those plans look like? How do you plan for the future if you don’t review what you’ve done in the past?

Hopefully, as you’ve made your plans for the year ahead, you have spent time reflecting on what actions you took this year. Were they all successful? Did some of the marketing strategies you implement work better than others? Are there some actions that were smart, but could have used some better implementation? Think back on each strategy, before you plan what you will do in the future.

March on with Successful Strategies
Perhaps you conducted a producer meeting this year that had tremendous turnout, introduced some producers to your products and captured some new customers. That is the definition of success. Think about what made that meeting successful. Was it the speaker? The topics discussed? The audience? Time of year? Whatever made that event successful this year, you will want to capitalize on for the future. As the adage goes, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” move forward with similar events and marketing initiatives in the new year to ensure continued growth for your business.

Fix what Needs Fixin’
As mentioned in the previous article, it is best to debrief or reflect after each event to see what worked well and what didn’t. If you conducted a marketing event during the past year that had some good things going, but didn’t really hit the target, perhaps now is a good time to review those debriefing or post-event notes to recall what didn’t work out so great so you can go back and make necessary changes. Once you review the event, make the changes and add it to your strategy for the forthcoming year, you might find it to be the biggest success of all. Sometimes a little tweak is all that needs fixed to make a good event a great event.

It’s Okay to Call it Quits
Did you conduct a marketing initiative, educational event or promotion that was an absolute flop? That is going to happen once in a while. No, it isn’t ideal, and for those of you driven business leaders, those flops hurt, but we can learn from them and move forward. Maybe it was something as simple as the timing of an event or maybe it was a promotion that just didn’t interest your customer base. Sometimes the biggest lessons come from the hardest times. Your debrief notes should indicate that this was something that your company doesn’t intend to do again. Don’t spend time dwelling on this event. Move on, learn from mistakes and don’t make them again.

Once you have reviewed what worked out well and what didn’t work out so well, you can start making some marketing plans. Try to have a rough plan in place for the next 12 months, so you can start sharing plans with your ASM and creating an outline with more concrete ideas. Remember, there are a plethora of activities and ideas listed in the back office under the Dealer Rewards Center. Or, you can always propose one of your original ideas to your ASM and the Marketing Team.

Reviewing your former marketing strategies is a great way to discover what worked, what didn’t work and what you need to continue to make work in the future.

How Reflection Can Serve as a Successful Meeting Example

Reflect, according to, means to ponder, think or meditate. But according to an article on, U.S. military leaders take this definition even deeper, as they work continuously to improve everything they do. Businesses should be no different. You should want to measure performance and success, not only by sales figures, but also by marketing strategies, educational efforts, customer service and basically any action you take, or mission, as it is referred to in the military.

Military leaders use the debrief, a self-facilitated review of how the team performed on the mission, so things can improve for the next time. In other words, they gather all those involved with a project, engagement, training, promotion, and meet as soon afterward as possible to reflect, get feedback and adjust for future success. Author Gene Hammett said, “You should do a debrief when things are going well just as much as you should when things don’t go well. Using the debrief style of meeting in my work with fast-growth companies has given them a faster path to improvement and speeds a transfer of knowledge across all levels of the organization.”

Hammett offers three tips to business leaders to have a productive debrief through reflection, which should help increase sales and foster employee morale.

1. Include Everyone
Make sure at each debriefing you include every person who was involved, not just those in leadership, but also those who actively participated. They all will have input – both good and bad. As Hammett writes, “Many organizations wonder why they have experience at the top of the company yet lack it at the middle and bottom. One reason is they are not including the full team in the moments of reflection and growth.”

A sign of a good leader is being sure to include everyone. Did you recently host a producer meeting? Have a debrief to reflect on how it was received. Be sure to include those who talked to customers, took orders and even served food. They will all have feedback so you can make future events better for your customers and ultimately your business.

2. Leave Rank at the Door
When you conduct the debrief from your latest “mission” or project, be sure to treat everyone as equals. Yes, that might seem challenging, especially for leaders who like to take charge of meetings. However, it is the best way to hear everyone’s perspective that could ultimately lead to areas for new growth. When everyone is viewed as an equal it is easier to admit faults to create better solutions for the future.

Rob “Waldo” Waldman, a former Air Force Fighter pilot turned author and speaker, offers this advice on the debriefing process: “Leaders must remove their ego. When you leave your rank at the door, you allow others to be open to their mistakes.”

3. Close Effectively
There are two ways to end the meeting with purpose and clarity. First, whoever is leading the meeting should ask for questions. Questions give the opportunity to clarify any topic that wasn’t discussed and ensure that everything that was covered is understood by all. Questions also provide insight about where the leadership might want to improve to make the next project or mission clearer for the audience.

Next, conclude the meeting with a statement that outlines clear and actionable growth steps that need to be made and list who will be responsible for those duties. Once that concluding statement is made, all attendees should be on the same page, and know what to expect for the next project, and they will know their role in making improvements.

The military debriefing might just be the next best thing since Amaferm® . It is a model for you and your employees to follow to reflect and meet after a project or event, so you know how to make the next one even better. Improving your business one day and one project at a time will help you grow your customer base and will help you grow your business.