A Step-by-Step Approach to a Successful Producer Meeting

The BioZyme Team wants your next producer meeting to be a success. Follow this guide as you plan your next meeting this fall or winter.

1. Set a Date

Setting a date can be the biggest challenge, as you want to work around your customers’ schedules of calving, harvest, pulling cattle off of government managed ground and other tasks. Work with your Area Sales Manager and set a date at least 60 days out that works best for your schedule.

2. Submit a Marketing Request

At least 60 days before your producer meeting, submit a Marketing Request through the Online Dealer Center to let your ASM and the Marketing Team know that you are planning a Producer Meeting, along with all the pertinent information. The Marketing Team will send invitations on your behalf, provide you with literature and arrange one of the BioZyme experts to speak at your event, if you so choose.

“Use the BioZyme Marketing Team. They are a talented, creative group, so let them help you,” said Keith Micke, K Triangle Feed. Micke hosts at least one successful meeting annually.

3. Update your Customer List

Once you have your Marketing Request submitted, you will want to get an updated customer mailing list submitted to the Marketing Team. Make sure this includes customers and potential customers that you want to invite to your meeting.

Make sure your list is relevant; if you have customers out of state, no need to invite them. If you are focusing on cow-calf nutrition, should you invite customers who only buy dog supplements?

Make Local Arrangements

Decide on what you need locally for your meeting. Are you providing a meal or heavy appetizers? Secure the caterer or work with a local church group or producer’s group to do the cooking. Make sure you have adequate tables, chairs, plates and utensils. If you are having a speaker, you will need a screen and an LCD projector.

5. Follow Up with Phone Calls

Micke advises following up the printed invitation with a friendly phone call. Although the postcard invitation is professional and looks nice, so many of his customers get lots of mail. He said the phone call is a nice reminder for people who might otherwise forget about the meeting.

6. Host the Producer Meeting

On the day or evening of the meeting, make sure you have everything you need. Micke said the best piece of literature he offers attendees is the Product Guide.

“I used to flood them with too much literature. Now we just go through the Product Guide to let them know we have products for every animal and even humans. I will usually sell Baxyl at every meeting,” Micke said. “The other piece of literature that is important is the Amaferm booklet. It all starts with Amaferm, and they need to see how it works.”

He adds that his customers really appreciate seeing someone from BioZyme like Chris Cassady or John Jeffrey at the meeting, as they do a great job explaining and showing care that comes full circle.

7. Close the Sale

At the end of the meeting, follow up with the attendees to gather any orders, especially if you are offering a one-time discount. Follow up with potential customers who you might have met at the meeting within a few days to answer any questions.

The ASM will collect contact cards. A thank you email will be sent on yours and the ASMs behalf. Producer meetings are a great way for outreach, marketing and sales. Reach out to your ASM or the Marketing Team if you have questions on how to make your next producer meeting a success!

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