Fuel Your Reproductive Success with VitaFerm®

Buyers want options. With that in mind, BioZyme® is excited to announce its newest line within the VitaFerm® brand – VitaFerm® ReproMaxx®, designed to Maxximize Reproductive Success.  

VitaFerm ReproMaxx products provide high vitamin and mineral fortification and research-proven components to take reproductive success to the MAXX.  


• Contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility.  
• Includes verified, research-proven levels of Zinpro organic zinc, copper and manganese.
• Maximizes reproductive success of the herd while supporting colostrum quality and bull soundness and fertility.  

“At our Dealer Retreat, we talked about the Olympic mindset. Competitiveness and hopefulness, two qualities of Olympians, can be broken into three themes; having a killer instinct, being intense and being a fierce competitor,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Director of Beef Technical Sales said. “Developing a new top of the line reproductive mineral has been a two-year process because we are competitive, and we are hopeful that the producer will always see value in what we offer.”   


VitaFerm ReproMaxx is part of the Zinpro Verified program and contains research-proven inclusion levels of organic manganese, copper and zinc. The product was developed in conjunction with Zinpro. 

Moving to Good–Better–Best

Adding ReproMaxx to the VitaFerm brand allows BioZyme to offer three choices of breeding minerals to cow-calf producers. As we know from studying the Good-Better-Best model, which is used across a multitude of industries, customers like to have choices. Think about your options at the fuel pump, when purchasing insurance or even airline tickets. The price-conscious consumer wants the basic product that will get the job done with no bells and whistles – good. A good product will often attract new customers to your brand.   


The next product is better than good. It offers some added value at a slightly higher cost. People who are willing to pay for that value will buy this product. Think of the middle tier of about any product. It’s often what customers choose; they don’t want the cheapest offering, but they don’t need premium either.   


Finally, some customers desire more features. They only want the best version, and cost is not an issue because they are willing to pay for the premium and understand the value of the product.  Some customers equate price with quality. Although you offer a quality product at a lower cost, they think that if it is higher dollar, it is higher quality, and that is what they want. As we all know, that’s not necessarily correct. While it’s never going to hurt your bottom line to let them buy the “best” marketed option, you have room to communicate and potentially build trust if you steer them toward something more affordable that is potentially more appropriate to their needs. 


Decades of research, recently summarized by the Harvard Business Review, proves that the Good-Better-Best model works. With new product offerings, ONE and ReproMaxx, BioZyme now offers Good-Better-Best breeding minerals, so you and your customers can benefit.  

Good: VitaFerm® ONE

Provide one solution to conveniently and consistently promote cattle performance in all seasons.  

This is an easy-to-implement solution for all seasons that contains Amaferm and the Zinpro organic copper and zinc. This is a good mineral to target customers who have heard of VitaFerm and Amaferm and are looking for an introduction to the brand. We also think it’s a great option for folks that don’t need all the bells and whistles of the next two product lines because their breeding operation is more simplistic and doesn’t demand it.  

Better: VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®

Promotes effective, easy breeding when fed at least 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Our tried-and-true line of breeding mineral contains Amaferm, organic copper, zinc and manganese as well as higher levels of vitamin and mineral fortification than ONE. 

You will likely have many customers stay at this level or get several new customers who have heard of Concept•Aid or Amaferm and want a quality breeding mineral. It’s a great option for producers that are using some reproductive technologies, such as AI and ET. Customers often tend to shop at the mid-range level. It is comfortable for them, as it isn’t the basic, and it also isn’t “premium.” That’s okay. As long as you are providing a product and service that they are comfortable with, and they become repeat customers, that is the goal. Who knows? They could reach a point where they do move up to the best! 

Best: VitaFerm® ReproMaxx®

Provides maximum performance within intensive reproductive systems. ReproMaxx contains Amaferm, research proven and verified levels of Zinpro organic copper, zinc and manganese as well as even higher levels of vitamin and mineral fortification as compared to Concept•Aid.  

Your target audience when marketing ReproMaxx should be those who use advanced reproductive technologies extensively. There will be room for some new customers within this line, and you will likely move a few of your “better” customers up to this level.   


Cassady suggests identifying bull-focused producers in your area and inviting them to a meeting or discussion about their top challenges – soundness and fertility. This is a great opportunity to introduce them to VitaFerm ReproMaxx.  

Talking Points for YOU

We want you to be comfortable talking about the Good-Better-Best lines of VitaFerm nutrition. Here are a few talking points for your dealership.  

  • The main difference between ONE, Concept•Aid and ReproMaxx is the intensity of nutrition. ONE provides great nutrition, Concept•Aid provides better nutrition, and ReproMaxx provides the best nutrition.  
  • ReproMaxx contains less copper, but more zinc than Concept•Aid. The reduced level of copper is due to the high percentage of highly available organic copper found in ReproMaxx. Animals also store copper more efficiently than zinc. 
  • The increased level of organic zinc found in ReproMaxx provides research-proven support for hoof health and colostrum quality. Compared to copper, zinc is more transient in the system. It’s not stored as well as and there’s a much greater demand for zinc utilization, especially in growth and reproduction.  
  • All three VitaFerm product lines (ONE, Concept•Aid and ReproMaxx) are suitable for cow-calf operations. Depending on the goals and needs of your operation, you can select the VitaFerm mineral you need to fuel your reproductive success.  

Stock up on VitaFerm Today!

There is no time like the present to get your inventory in order. Order your VitaFerm for your dealership today, and remember, the VitaFerm ReproMaxx is now available in the Dealer Center. Be sure to have this in stock, because as we know, customers do like options. 

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