Upcoming BioZyme Plant Improvement Project

At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. 

The project will run from November 16, 2020 through December 4, 2020.

What does this mean for you? 

  • Amaferm and Amaferm Liquid will be available during this down time through BioZyme and our Key Partners – Consumers Supply Distributing and Nutra Blend.
  • All page 2 Price List products (Vita Charge & Vitalize brands) will be available during this down time as normal.
  • Due to receiving bin replacements, mixing upgrades and limited warehouse space BioZyme will have limited capacity of page 1 Price List products (VitaFerm, Gain Smart, DuraFerm, etc.) in our St. Joseph manufacturing plant; HOWEVER, we have worked closely to have sufficient inventory of all of these stock items throughout this time with our distribution partners. These include:
    • Consumers Supply Distributing at 800-383-6927
    • Roy Umbarger & Sons at 317-422-5195
    • BWI Companies at 903-838-8561
    • Eldon C. Stutsman Inc. at 319-679-2281

We have and will continue to work hard to meet your needs in every way that we can. Please feel free to contact your BioZyme representative, with any questions about this time.

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