Two Minutes in December

by Shelia Grobosky, Marketing Brand Manager – Dealers & Public Relations

For some, it is the most wonderful time of the year. The holidays are approaching, and a new year is too. But for others, the holidays are not a happy time to navigate. And the year-end is a reminder of bills that are due and deadlines that must be met. 

Agriculture is hard. There are no two ways around it. However, one of the best things about this industry is its people. If you are having a challenging time right now, remember that you are surrounded by some of the greatest people in the business. Not only are the people in agriculture great, but your BioZyme family is here for you too. 

Mental health and happiness are probably not what you were expecting to read about this month. Cattle numbers are short. Tighter regulations are being put down on truckers, and freight is still a concern. But in the grand scheme of this thing called life, the things that matter most are faith, family and YOU! Let’s talk about you for just a few more paragraphs. 

If you are feeling a little down in the dumps this holiday season or anytime of the year, it is ok to reach out. There is always someone there who wants to help you. And if you don’t think so, just contact me or your ASM. I love listening to people, and sometimes that is just what a person needs – an unbiased person to listen. 

Do something for you. Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives we forget to live. I know this is true for myself. I was going through the motions, and then one day realized my daughter was growing up in front of my eyes. So, I give my time to her from the time she gets off the bus until bedtime. It might mean putting in a few later nights, but those evenings together are so worth it. 

Take up a hobby. Have you always wanted to learn to play the guitar or decorate cakes? You are never too old to learn a talent that can serve as a creative outlet and help you relieve stress at the same time. 

Take a deep breath. Sometimes those deep breaths are just what I need to help clear my mind and help me put things back into perspective. 

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and celebrate this wonderful time of year!  

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