Keep Nutrition Program in the Herd

Care that comes full circle is the BioZyme® company motto, and those are the words that our staff and employees live by every day. One of the best ways we can offer care to the livestock that our customers raise is to make sure those animals are receiving the daily nutrition they need to survive and thrive now and in years to come.

Nutrition is vital to a herd’s success. VitaFerm® Conserve™ was formulated as an economical vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. Though many producers might think cutting their mineral program is one way to save money during uncertain times, cutting a mineral program can negatively impact the herd now and in the future.

Eliminating a mineral program can have detrimental effects, including decreased reproduction efficiency, decreased utilization of forages and an increase in potential health challenges. Cutting out mineral can potentially lead to poor conception rates, more open cows and an extended calving window. It can also lead to poor pasture management and performance. Additionally, vaccines often lose their effectiveness without the assistance of a mineral program.

“We are excited to offer VitaFerm Conserve to our customers who want to conserve costs without giving up the benefits of a balanced and fortified mineral package along with the Amaferm® advantage, 365 days out of the year,” said Jack Oattes, BioZyme Regional Business Manager.

VitaFerm Conserve is a way to provide an adequate nutrition program to the herd when reproductive success is not the key focus. Although it doesn’t contain the organic trace minerals and the additional nutrients, it is a balanced vitamin and mineral program that contains adequate nutrients to maintain the herd. In addition to the vitamin and mineral package, Conserve contains Amaferm. Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that impacts intake, digestion and absorption of available feedstuffs, ensuring the most energy from your feed and forage. The balanced nutrients combined with the Amaferm helps keep your cattle healthy, performing and gaining.

Getting Amaferm into your cattle’s diets is one of the best ways you can care for them. Although many producers have researched and heard about Amaferm, some of them considered the extra-fortification of premium mineral programs with Amaferm out of their price range.

“VitaFerm Conserve was purposefully crafted with the producer in mind as an economical line of vitamin and mineral supplements for the beef cattle herd that complements our existing products during the times of year when reproduction isn’t the primary focus,” Oattes said.

All animals deserve a mineral program. An adequate nutrition source like the VitaFerm Conserve will help support overall herd health and immune function while improving reproductive efficiency. In addition, vitamin and mineral programs help bolster growth and performance and mitigate side effects of mineral deficiencies.

If producers go without mineral, they are losing out on health improvements, performance improvements & reproductive improvements. Keep your customers’ herds healthy and thriving with a program that supplies sufficient nutrients and Amaferm.

Letters From Lisa – September 2020

Good Times.
Tough Times.
Animals Need Amaferm®.
Animals Need You!

Nature teaches us that tough times pave the way for good times. In my life, I have observed that tough times usually prepare me for good times because they make me see things differently and inspire me to go after what truly matters. Things that may have been right in front of me, but I could not see. It is in that vein that I write this month. Please note, I was asked to write about how the best thing you can do in both good and tough times is to make Amaferm accessible to EVERY producer. While that is very true (seriously) what is more relevant in this “interesting” time is how we can use these tough times to see the good that’s ahead of us if we can figure out how to see it. Here are a few things to think about:

Beliefs Filter Our Communication
Beliefs are powerful; they limit what we can see or don’t see. They filter our perceptions, and they are always in motion. That’s why sometimes suspending our disbelief can help us see new possibilities.

If You Don’t Believe It, You Won’t See It
They say, “seeing is believing,” but in a lot of cases, it’s actually the believing that enables the seeing. That’s why trust and rapport, or giving somebody the benefit of the doubt, or stepping into their shoes, or looking at it from their perspective, can help get over communication humps and reduce friction, rather than talking past each other.

If You Don’t Ask, You May Not See It
Sometimes the best way to break out of the loop, is to ask a question, or a different question, or to interrupt a pattern of questions.

You may note that in every sentence there is a common word. You. You are the only one that can truly use these tough times for the good. Enjoy the process. I know this type of decision-making might not be the most fun thing to do, but it is a game of opportunity. Enjoy that. Never forget animals need you in good times and tough times as do people. Take advantage of this opportunity.

And just for the fun of it read this.

There has been some good out of COVID-19. People are sleeping better. Data from Fitbit users in six U.S. cities shows that people are getting an average of 17 minutes more sleep each night during the coronavirus lockdown than they were before the pandemic hit. The health tracking tech company also shows that sleep quality has improved with users getting more REM and Deep Sleep. See, there is good in all tough times. Go Get ‘Em, and then go get 17 more minutes of sleep!

Changes Coming in September 2020


  • On August 1, 2020 BioZyme® implented a manufacturer’s minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policy around all of the small package animal products sold by BioZyme and our sister company Cogent Solutions Group. In order to purchase small pack products, you must acknowledge receipt of the policy. Click Here to fill out the Acknowledgement Form


  • Starting September 1, 2020, Vitalize® Alimend K9 will begin shipping in case quantities of 6 of the 6 oz. bottles.
  • Due to feedback from our Dealers and Sales Team, case quantity of the Vitalize® Horse Treats will now be 12 of the 2-lb. bags.
  • In response to customer requests for a more durable and weather resistant bag, we have begun switching our bagged products from multi-wall, paper to Biaxially Oriented Poly Propylene bags. Vitalize Digest More Plus 40 lb., Vitalize Protein Pellet and Vitalize High Performance, DuraFerm products, VitaFerm® HEAT®, and some VitaFerm Concept•Aid® and Gain Smart® Mineral products have begun shipping in the new bags. The remaining products will transition over the next 6 months.


  • The impacts of coronavirus are being felt in the supply chain. The effect is most noticeable for vitamins, which have increased dramatically because of tight global supply. We are working diligently to mitigate the effects of the shortage to our products and minimize price increases.


  • Starting September 1, 2020, Cogent Solutions Group’s animal products will be available on the BioZyme Price List to help streamline the ordering process for dealers. This will include: Hyaluronex® (gallon and half gallon sizes), Trixsyn® Canine, Trixsyn® Feline. Cogent Solutions Group’s human products can still be ordered by contacting Courtney Keller at 859-259-0300.
  • As of August 1, 2020, an order may only be cancelled with in the first 24 hours of placing the order. After 24 hours, order cancellations will no longer be accepted. Due to our order and picking process, once an order goes into picking it cannot be changed or deleted. Please review the email confirmation you receive once the order is placed and if changes or cancellations are needed, contact the Outreach Support Center within the 24-hour window.
  • As of August 1, 2020 BioZyme® will be implementing a new Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Policy & Procedure. As a FAMI-QS and Safe Feed/Safe Food Certified facility, we now have to follow a strict new return policy to keep these amazing certifications. The new policy will require the receipt of an RMA tag before a return of product will be accepted. All Products are subject to inspection, prior to any return claim being processed. BioZyme products may not be returned without prior written approval from Biozyme’s Customer Outreach Center. Contact Jennifer Miller at (816) 596-8785 or via email at Please do not contact Area Sales Manager about returns.

Any floor stock product may be returned if determined by BioZyme to be:

  • Product was invoiced by Biozyme within the last 15 days
  • Product is not a custom product
  • Product has not been unwrapped, opened, or taken off the delivery truck for any reason
  • Product still has the license plate attached to the outside of the pallet
  • An error caused by BioZyme



  • In October we will upgrade the Vita Charge Stress Tub (50 lb and 200 lb) and Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT to a new and improved formula.
  • In October we will be adding an exciting new product to the Sure Champ product line. Watch your email, the Online Dealer Center and Dealer Facebook group for details.

Dealer Spotlight: Tera Rooney Barnhardt, DVM

Care that comes full circle might be the BioZyme® company motto, but for one of its leading Vita Charge® dealers, that care is something put into practice every day. Tera Rooney Barnhardt, DVM, is a wife, a mom of two young children and a leading bovine veterinarian, consulting feedlots and dairies in Western Kansas. She makes it her mission to ensure that beef and dairy cattle under her watch have the best care possible.

“I think when there is a problem with a group of calves, we tend to lean toward what we can do now to fix it. A lot of times that comes in the form of an antibiotic or vaccine. These are wonderful tools for our industry, but we’ve got to be stewards of these types of tools and explore technologies that might otherwise make a consumer more comfortable to keep choosing beef and dairy at the grocery store,” Rooney Barnhardt said. “Many times, if we think about the events that led up to the wreck, we’ll do a better job of preventing or at least preparing for the next one. I’m not a nutritionist, but I’d make a pretty bad veterinarian if I ignored the largest system in a cow’s body!”

Keeping those bovine digestive systems in check isn’t always easy, but it’s a job that Rooney Barnhardt does with zest. Her passion started while growing up on her family’s farm in Southwest Kansas. Her grandfather loved cows, and “he lit a fire in my belly to love cows too,” according to the Kansas State University alumna. She earned her bachelor’s in Animal Sciences and Industry, a master’s in Biomedical Sciences and her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from K-State, before her first stint in a mixed animal clinic in rural Kansas, where she said she became acutely aware of how important the digestive system is to the health of all animals, both big and small. Today, her primary focus is on bovines, both beef and dairy.

“I hit the road every day thinking about what an awesome gig I have – I work with the people who put food on our tables. We make sure that food is safe, nutritious and sustainably produced. It’s a privilege to have consumers who want beef and dairy products for their families,” Rooney Barnhardt said.

The health and welfare of those animals starts at birth. Many of Rooney Barnhardt’s clients raise their animals from birth to harvest, so getting them off to a good start is vital. That is one reason she decided to become a BioZyme dealer.

“I was honestly frustrated that we’d see so many problems in herds or with animals that came down to nutritional deficiencies. Cow-calf herds can be raised in a low maintenance manner where I practice because of all of the available crop residues and grassland. They can be low maintenance, until they can’t. When clients would come to me with a problem, and we’d need to have a solution that made sense when you put boots on the ground – BioZyme seemed to accomplish a lot of that for me,” she said.

Although most of the cattle that Rooney Barnhart oversees are managed well, fed well, and are typically healthy, when they do get sick, she likes to use the Amaferm® advantage used in the Vita Charge to keep the animals she does have to treat healing quicker.

“If I can utilize the animal’s immune system to its maximum potential because I have every other wheel on the track, that’s how I prefer to practice veterinary medicine. I like to stay on the proactive side of problem solving. I like the Vita Charge line for this reason. I can utilize this product in its multiple forms to get an animal or a pen of animals back on track.”

And her favorite products: “I don’t leave home without a tube of Vita Charge Gel in my truck. If I’m treating individual animals, we get better results if I can get their gut back on track sooner. And since I can’t forget the other 4-legged friends on the ranch, I also like to keep Vitalize on hand. I see how many things a good farm dog can eat in a day at the ranch or dairy. Man, do they need some assistance from what I have seen!”

Care that comes full circle. For this dealer, that motto is how she lives her life.

“At the end of the day, I’m a veterinarian in the trenches of the cattle industry. I have a couple of kids at home and I feed the same beef I help raise, to my family. They drink the same milk that my dairies produce for your family. I’m excited to be a small part in the process that keeps the world fed. If you have questions about how your food is produced, please don’t listen to a celebrity, politician or athlete; check in with a farmer or veterinarian. I am happy to be that person for you.”

Vita Charge for Stress Relief

Vita Charge® is the ideal product for stress relief. And when do livestock feel the most stress? When they undergo abrupt changes to their routines. Think weaning. Think shipping/receiving. Think all aspects of showing them.

West Texas Area Sales Manager Sam Silvers said promoting the Vita Charge line to his dealers and customers comes to him with ease due to the type of people he typically is around, even when not on the sales road.

“With a background in show livestock, I am around those people quite a bit and they see the importance of keeping their animals on feed and water in all situations. The Vita Charge products do that, and they work quickly. I’m also around several people who run stockers and their challenges come up in general conversation. It’s easy to suggest a product from the Vita Charge line,” Silvers said.

One of the best customers and dealers Silvers has found in his area are veterinarians. He said they understand the need to get those animals that have been stressed and treated back on the road to recovery as quick as possible and that boost from the Vita Charge helps.

Click here to see what our customers have to say about these products and more.

Conserve Spending, Increase Performance

BioZyme® Inc. is always looking for ways to help our end-users raise livestock in the most economic efficiently way possible, while keeping the animals safe and healthy. In keeping with the company motto, “care that comes full circle,” we know the best way to help producers help their animals is to develop new and cutting-edge products. Since our last VISION, we’ve launched three new products to help the producer save money and help keep animals performing their best.

Cattle producers are always looking for ways to reduce their input costs without surrendering their herds’ performance. Now, they can do both successfully. BioZyme® Inc., has introduced VitaFerm Conserve ™ to its product family.

VitaFerm Conserve is an economical vitamin and mineral supplement line that like all BioZyme products, comes with the Amaferm® advantage to maximize nutrient digestion and absorption. Although it contains a balanced vitamin and mineral package and Amaferm, Conserve does not contain organic trace minerals. Rather than formulating to optimum nutrient levels like the VitaFerm Concept•Aid® line, VitaFerm Conserve is formulated at sufficient nutrient levels to maintain performance. Therefore, the savings can be passed on to the producer without sacrificing the health or performance of the cow herd.

Available in five formulations tailored to different operational challenges:

Vita Charge Is Vital To A Program

Nutrition is important during all phases of production and throughout an animal’s life. Yes, there are times like breeding, lactation and weaning when nutrition plays a bigger role in the animal’s life than others, but it is still important to have them receiving quality nutrition year-round, which is why it is important to get Amaferm® in their diets 365 days a year.

Programs like the Vita Charge® Weaning Program and the Gain Smart® Stocker Program are available to help animals get the boost they need during more stressful times of life. And, when stress is involved, Vita Charge is the answer.

Weaning is stressful for both the mother and the offspring, but especially the young animal, regardless of species that is accustomed to receiving its mother’s milk as a source of nutrition and now is being forced to adapt to grain, grass, or hay and water. Vita Charge is the ideal supplement to mitigate stress with products like Vita Charge Gel and Liquid Boost® for all species. Specifically, for cattle, you can add in the Cattle Drench and Stress Tubs to help give those digestive systems a boost, keep calves eating and drinking and keep them healthy. For pigs, Vita Charge HydraBoost™ is a great way to convert those weaned pigs from nursing to the feeder.

The Gain Smart Stocker Program is structured to get weaned calves and stockers off to a good, healthy start in three simple steps, using two of the Vita Charge products.

  1. Wean or receive with Vita Charge Cattle Drench
    Weaning and receiving calves brings about several abrupt changes: nutritional intake, environment, herd groups and separation from mama. Producers shouldn’t stress because their calves are stressing when they have a product like Vita Charge Cattle Drench to keep cattle healthy, eating and gaining.

    Keeping cattle healthy is key to their wellbeing, and it helps increase rate of gain. Additionally, it can also reduce medical expenses and cost of labor to treat sick calves. Use the Vita Charge Cattle Drench within the first 48 hours of weaning or receiving calves to stimulate the calves’ immune system, spur feed and water intake and maximize the effectiveness of vaccines.
  2. Jumpstart with the Vita Charge Stress Tub or Stress Tub HEAT®
    These cooked tubs support digestive health and promote feed and water intake during the stress of transition. Use the Stress Tub or Stress Tub with HEAT, depending on the temperature, during the first two to three weeks after weaning or receiving to encourage feed and water intake, increase digestibility to maximize gains by maximizing the energy value of feed and to help trap any bad bacteria with the MOS included in the Tubs.
  1. Step three is your customer’s choice of the Gain Smart mineral that best fits his or her feeding scenario.

Encourage your producers to find a program that best works for them, to keep their livestock healthy and performing year-round. Good nutrition starts with reduced stress and increased feed and water intake. The way to achieve those goals is with the Vita Charge products.

Selling products give you a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction of helping your customer reach his or her goals. The only thing better than making a sale is making a sale of multiple products and that is why you’re encouraged as dealers to sell the programs that BioZyme® offers. Sell the program. See that care come full circle. And watch your sales grow.

Quick Response Products Become A Sales Aid

Seeing is believing. That’s why the quick response that the Vita Charge® products offer help sell this line of products, and subsequently help promote the Amaferm® advantage in other product lines.

2020 has been nothing short of bizarre. With so many uncertainties, last-minute cancellations and changed plans, Nebraska’s Area Sales Manager Meghan Bochanski has taken these challenges and turned them into opportunities to share and promote the Vita Charge line.

“With a lack of shows in our area or shows not scheduled in advance, I have been able to offer the Vita Charge products to that customer base. I had one customer who had his steer on a good feeding program, but after hauling it to a show from Western Nebraska to Oklahoma and back home, the steer went off feed and water. With the help of some Vita Charge Liquid Boost and Vita Charge Climate Control Gel, the steer went back on feed and water, and the customer was sold on the Vita Charge line,” Bochanski said.

She said the Vita Charge products have been extremely popular in other similar situations where shows have popped up last minute in the summer heat or where people have had to travel long distances to even participate in a show. Once the show livestock customers try it on an animal in need, they can see the benefits of using it to be proactive prior to those stressful situations.

John Jeffrey, ASM in Oklahoma and Southern Missouri, agrees that the customer that have an animal that really needs the stress relief are willing to try the Vita Charge line, either a sick calf in the weaning pen or a show animal that’s gone off feed. But, once they see how fast and effective the Vita Charge products work, they like it and will continue to use it.

“Especially at a cattle operation, I tell them if they don’t want to use the Cattle Drench at receiving or at weaning, just wait and use it in the sick pen and they will see a difference in how fast that sick calf recovers. They just need to see it work on a sick animal that is not eating, drinking or is stressed before they will take a proactive approach,” Jeffrey said.

And once they see those quick results, they will respond. Bochanski said she has been working with some producers who have tried the Cattle Drench and call it a “miracle.” Once they see how it works, they want to get the Stress Tubs out to their calves to get the Vita Charge into them every day.

Seeing is believing. Make sure that your customers have a way to showcase the rapid responsiveness of the Vita Charge line. One quick response product could lead to pallets of VitaFerm® mineral for the cowherd, and that is how you use something small to make a big difference in your business.

Vita Charge Products Offer Something For All Livestock

One size doesn’t always fit all situations. However, with a product line like Vita Charge®, your customers can get the benefits of a supplement that help with protection and recovery from stressful situations in a variety of forms and applications.

The Vita Charge line comes in various forms from liquids to gels to tubs, and its versatility makes it easy to administer to all species and in a variety of situations. From weaning lambs and pigs to starting stockers and transporting show livestock, the Vita Charge line offers must-have products for any producer or livestock show enthusiast.

Gels: Three gel products are available for use on beef cattle, swine sheep and goats. The gels are easy to administer and can even be topdressed on feed for challenging animals.

Vita Charge Gel is the most versatile, and can be used for mother animals after parturition, at weaning time, any time stress is involved like treating for sickness, transporting, starting calves, showing livestock, sale preparation, general stomach upset or any other reason your animals might go off feed.

Vita Charge Climate Control Gel offers the same relief from stress and extreme temperatures by helping maintain the animal’s normal body temperature. Climate Control Gel contains capsaicin to help maintain circulation to support animal performance in heat stress situations. Capsaicin is research-proven to support animals’ ability to maintain normal body temperature.

Vita Charge Clench Gel is ideal for use during diarrhea and scours treatments to support recovery, hydration and nutrient absorption. Added electrolytes help replenish the losses animals experience through constant defecation. It is all natural and can be safely used during shows with no withdrawal period.

Liquids: Several liquid products in the Vita Charge line offer convenience to the producer, feeder or showman. Liquids can be administered via an applicator like a drench gun or syringe, through the water, mixed in with feed or top dressed on feed. Always make sure to encourage your customers to read and follow label instructions.

Vita Charge Cattle Drench is specifically formulated for beef and dairy cattle. Designed for processing large groups of cattle, its ideal for weaning or receiving calves, it can also be used on show cattle to jump start to the digestive system to protect cattle during stress. It is formulated to help cattle recover quickly and does not interfere with antibiotics. Cattle Drench is part of the 3-step Gain Smart ® Stocker Program.

Vita Charge Hydraboost ™ is a unique, nutrient rich liquid supplement for commercial swine that increases water and feed intake and maintains gut immunity, thereby increasing overall health and rapidly restoring digestive balance. Hydraboost contains two ingredients to support the animal’s ability to fight off stress; Amaferm® to ensure that feed intake stays consistent and MOS to trap bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm. It also contains electrolytes, organic Zinc, the antioxidant Vitamin E and b vitamins.

Vita Charge Liquid Boost® is the most versatile liquid supplement in the line and is designed for animals of all species that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Administer Liquid Boot via a medicator, mixed with water, use as a drench or top-dress on feed. It is also a valuable tool in the VitaFerm Weaning Program.

Tubs: Tubs are a convenient way for beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge without extra handling. Although the tubs contain all the benefits of the Vita Charge line when it comes to protecting and recovering your cattle during times of stress, they are not intended to be the sole source of vitamins and minerals for your cattle.

Vita Charge Stress Tub MOS comes in both 50-pound and 200-pound tubs for added versatility and convenience. This cooked tub for beef cattle supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. It is ideal to put with weaned calves, stockers, growers, and to keep in your show pens. Stress Tubs are the second step of the Gain Smart Stocker Program.

Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT® is a cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery that conveniently allows beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge without additional handling. It also contains HEAT® to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees and above. Capsaicin, the key ingredient in HEAT is research-proven to support animals’ ability to maintain normal body temperature. HEAT also includes garlic to deter insects, also helping reduce stress.

One size doesn’t fit all, but with one line of great products like Vita Charge, you’ll be able to reach a broader customer base. The Vita Charge line has something for every livestock producer and all products above offer Amaferm®. Amaferm, a precision-based prebiotic, is designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance. It is research-proven to combat stress by supporting the animal’s own immune system, significantly increasing intake and nutrient utilization, and it is research-proven to combat stress and maintain performance during heat stress by supporting the animal’s own immune system.

Letters From Lisa – August 2020

Simple Selling Methods Boost Sales

Want to know a simple method to increase your sales and boost your bottom line? If you’re not cross-selling and upselling to your customers, you’re missing out on a LOT of revenue. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%. And since product recommendations can drive between 10-30% of revenue, putting the right offers in front of people at the right time is an important sales growth tactic.

First, it’s important to understand the difference between upselling and cross-selling. Both are tactics used to boost sales revenue, but they work slightly differently.

Cross-selling is suggesting other relevant products people can try. What is an example of cross-selling? When you buy a cell phone online, and the online store suggests screen protectors for that model. That’s cross-selling.

Upselling is persuading the customer to upgrade their product or buy a more expensive version of it. How do you upsell? Let’s stick with the cell phone example. If you’re about to buy the model with 32GB of storage space, the online store can suggest you get the one with 64GB or 128GB.

How does this apply to our partnership? BioZyme has many products that provide opportunities to do both. See the chart below to capitalize on some of these great ideas.

All of these products quickly demonstrate the way Amaferm works so when people buy these products and see results, they will buy other products too. I have been asked point-blank on many occasions, “will what I see with the liquid products repeat itself with the mineral?” Amaferm makes that easy to answer. The answer is yes; obviously each product focuses on what it was designed to do so there will be differences, but the bottom line is Amaferm opens the door to easy cross-selling.

When focused on cross-selling, don’t forget the dog products. Sixty-eight percent of all households own a dog. So that means almost all of your customers can be cross-sold on these products.

Last but not least, remember you cannot sell what you don’t have.

I encourage you to keep these quick response products in stock so you can drive more revenue to your bottom line. Revenue that is very profitable, with products that are very effective. Now that’s care that comes full circle.