BioZyme® Offers Sheep and Goat Products for All Reproductive Phases 

When BioZyme® says it cares for all animals and the impact they make in the food chains, it sincerely means it. Care that comes full circle is at the heart of BioZyme and how we express our philosophy that everything impacts everything in a connective circularity. 

That is why we knew it was important to create DuraFerm®. DuraFerm is a line of nutritional supplements for sheep and goats that supports optimal digestion and nutrition for maximized performance at every stage of production. 

DuraFerm is Research Proven

The DuraFerm line offers three products specifically for sheep and two for goats. Each of these products contain: 

• High levels of vitamin E for reproductive tract repair.
• Organic trace minerals to support embryo production and conception.
AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. 

Amaferm is research-proven with more than 111 published and/or presented research studies proving its increase in digestibility and ultimately its undeniable impact on the animal. In sheep and goats, Amaferm charts an increased gain through more feed efficiency. It also adds more pounds of milk to the lactating females. For more information on the research, visit our BioZyme Research Center

Additionally, the DuraFerm products are manufactured under the highest quality standards in our plant in Saint Joseph, Missouri. In 2023, we enhanced awareness of our food safety and safe, accurate product production processes through education. All of our operations, quality and laboratory employees have successfully completed PCQI training, and all regulatory personnel are FAMI-QS trained and certified. 

DuraFerm Products for Sheep

The three products exclusively made for sheep are all part of the Concept•Aid® line. They help strengthen your stock while increasing the overall lamb crop percentage. 

DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid®

DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep designed to support reproductive success. As the flagship product, it contains Amaferm, increased levels of vitamin E and organic trace minerals. Available in a 50-pound bag, this mineral is ideal to feed year-round to your flock. However, it is designed to be fed 30 days pre-lambing through 30 days post-breeding. 

DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT

DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid HEAT is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep designed to support reproductive success when temperatures are 70 degrees and hotter. This supplement will help keep ewes bred during summer’s hottest months, during the peak breeding season. It also comes in a 50-pound bag. 

DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® Protein Tub

The DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid Protein Tub is a protein tub with vitamins and minerals for sheep designed to support reproductive success. The 125-pound tub is fortified with 16% natural protein. It is ideal for those females in late gestation and lactation. They meet all the requirements for energy and protein, so you don’t have the added worry of ketosis or pregnancy toxemia. 

DuraFerm Products Made for Goats

BioZyme realizes that the nutrient requirements for goats and sheep are slightly different. That is why the Missouri-based company also makes two supplements specifically for goats. 

DuraFerm® Goat Concept•Aid®

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats designed to support reproductive success. Available in a 50-pound bag, this vitamin and mineral supplement is designed to be fed 30 days pre-kidding through 30-days post-breeding for optimal success. Due to its combination of organic trace minerals, vitamins and Amaferm, it is an ideal mineral for your herd year-round. 

DuraFerm® Goat Concept•Aid® Protein Tub 

The DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid Protein Tub is a protein tub with vitamins and minerals for goats designed to support reproductive success. It contains the Concept•Aid goat mineral package along with 20% natural protein. It comes in a 50-pound, easy-to-handle tub. 

BioZyme Makes other Complementary Products 

In addition to targeted sheep and goat products, the BioZyme family of brands includes products for all species. In the Sure Champ® line, there are products with the Vita Charge® Technology that offer an undeniable impact to your herd and flock. 

The Vita Charge Technology contains a unique blend of ingredients to help support animal health before, during and after a stress response. Here’s how you can incorporate Sure Champ products into your feed room for sheep and goat products. 

Sure Champ® Liquid Boost® 

Sure Champ Liquid Boost is a liquid for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune systems. Available in two sizes, this fruit-flavored liquid helps drive the intake of feed and water. It contains Amaferm, to increase digestibility. It also contains MOS (mannan oligosaccharide), to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system. 

Sure Champ® Appetite Plus® 

Sure Champ Appetite Plus, formerly known as Vita Charge Gel, is a gel for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune system. It comes in a 60- and 300-mL tube, ideal for all sizes and situations. It contains Amaferm and MOS and is ideal for boosting appetite and water intake. 

Sure Champ® Clench Gel

Sure Champ Clench Gel is a gel for all livestock. It supports normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. Formerly Vita Charge Clench Gel, it comes in a 30-mL tube and contains Amaferm and MOS but also includes electrolytes to support rehydration. Clench is ideal to have in the barn during lambing and kidding to help with scours. 

Sure Champ® Climate Control Gel

Sure Champ® Climate Control Gel is a gel for all livestock. It supports digestive health and recovery when temperatures are above 70 degrees. Formerly Vita Charge Climate Control Gel, this product contains Amaferm and MOS. It also includes HEAT technology, a combination of essential oils, to support animals when heat is a challenge. This gel is a must-have for those hotter climates and the summer months to help maintain temperatures and promote feed and water intake. 

The above products all contain the Vita Charge Technology. Every product with Vita Charge Technology contains an exact amount of B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, zinc, MOS and Amaferm. In addition, we include a precise salt-to-sugar ratio in our products to boost water retention and hydration levels. 

Customers Trust DuraFerm  

Time after time, customers turn to BioZyme products. We hear from folks across the country, who love sharing the results they see when they feed DuraFerm sheep and goat products to their animals. Here’s what a few of them have to say. 

In Arkansas. . . 

“I was not having great results in the last couple of years with the flushes in our program, and that’s the main reason I wanted to try DuraFerm®. I put all of my recips and flush does on DuraFerm about 60 days ahead of time, and my flushes have gone from 20-40% so far this year to 60-80%, so I am tickled to death and very happy with those numbers. By far the biggest goal I had was to see if I could improve the number of embryos we get on a flush and the number of embryos to stick, and that’s where I have definitely seen some improvements in my program with DuraFerm being one of the new additions in my program this year.” – Scott Hoyle, DVM 

In Oklahoma. . . 

“I am a big believer in the Amaferm advantage, seeing big time results how well our sheep utilize their feed much better. We take our breeding program very seriously. The use of DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid Protein Tubs being out with our ewes nearly year-round is important. Since adding these tubs to our program, the ewes have had a more steady and consistent appetite along with maintaining good body condition.” – Chad Charmasson 

In Virginia. . . 

“We have been using BioZyme products and specifically DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid for over three years now. Our conception rates, the health of our flock and the health of our lambs continue to get better. We breed with some of the largest in the state on our A.I. program, and our rates have never been below 75% and as high as 90%, with our live cover being 100% on the first attempt. With a small flock, having this type of success is crucial as every ewe or lamb is a huge part of our success. I would recommend the Concept•Aid to any producer out there.” – Andy Wills 

BioZyme Strives to Help Every Animal

Not only does BioZyme make sheep and goat products, but the BioZyme family of brands includes products for cattle, horses, pigs, dogs and cats. All products are backed by years of research and include one of our proprietary products, either AO-Biotics Amaferm, for digestive health, or MHB3®, for joint health. 

MHB3 Hyaluronan is a proprietary hyaluronic acid ingredient that has been scientifically proven as bioavailable, absorbable, efficacious and safe. It confers greater and more consistent results than any other product on the market for both short- and long-term care. MHB3 has been awarded eight U.S. patents. 

Get Sheep and Goat Products Today

BioZyme’s sheep and goat products, along with the entire BioZyme family of brands, are sold through the BioZyme dealer network. You can find a dealer close to you. 

Perhaps you like the convenience of online shopping. You can also purchase products online. 

Interested in becoming a BioZyme dealer? We are always looking for those passionate about helping people and animals. Complete our dealer application today. 

Leadership Team Reflects on 2023 — Looks Forward to 2024

“No man will make a great business who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit of doing it.” Those are the words of American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie eloquently described, before his time, the Leadership Team, that is guiding BioZyme® Inc., in 2023 and beyond.

Although each company faces challenges, the BioZyme Leadership Team leads each individual team to pivot those challenges into opportunities on a regular basis. Let’s look back at 2023, and review some of the big wins, according to our leaders.


Defining wins in 2023 is subjective and depends on individual experiences, goals and perspectives. However, from my seat on the bus, I would define 2023 wins by reflecting on the following.

Personal Achievements: If you accomplish significant personal goals, 2023 was a win. With the use of the Culture Index (work traits analytics) in almost every facet of our business, I think we have had a win here. People understand themselves better so they can work with others to accomplish personal achievements.

Relationships: If you build strong and meaningful relationships it makes for an incredible win. This for sure happened in 2023; we had more meetings and offers to be partners with our vendors, customers and potential customers than we have ever had in the history of the company. Just to name a few, our bagging supplier, our phosphorus supplier, Zinpro, Furst-McNess and Trait Bio.

Health and Well-Being: BioZyme continues to be in a strong financial position. That is always a win in a forprofit business.

Positive Change: Getting our corporate governance and board of directors in place was a huge win in 2023. We now have a dynamic, experienced board of directors who represent all the opportunities and challenges BioZyme faces – industry, science, use of funds and historical perspective.

Happiness: Thanks to all our team members (YOU), most days we experienced and supported each other’s happiness which made the atmosphere at BioZyme happy. For me, that is always a win. Sure, we all make mistakes occasionally, but in totality I think we did a great job in 2023 at being happy, despite a lot of stress from capital projects and slow sales.

Learning and Growth: If you learn, grow and develop new skills or knowledge during a year, it is a huge win. I saw lots of this going on in 2023. Some learning was intentional (all manufacturing team becoming PCQI) and much came from the experiences of each day. In any case, it is a win.

Overcoming Challenges: Successfully overcoming challenges, adversity or obstacles is always a win as it demonstrates resilience and personal growth. In my opinion, we have done a lot of this over the last two years. We have done it by sticking together, not giving up and looking forward instead of backward. Ultimately, what makes a win in a company is a whole bunch of personal wins throughout each individual team member’s work. I think we had a lot of that in 2023, and for that I am very grateful!


This was a very busy, but successful year. Our focus was the launching effort for AO Biotics® EQE. The product is now already actively sold in eight different countries, and we are continuously registering it in more countries. Validation studies were done with many egg producers in different countries, and our research is confirmed constantly.

Another focus was the signing of distribution agreements in interesting countries that have a good potential for our portfolio. We appointed new distribution partners for the GCC countries, Egypt and Slovenia. Continuous training of Product Managers and Salespeople of our distribution partners was a very important part of our work. This is the base for continued growth we are expecting for 2024 and beyond.


One of our biggest achievements from a marketing perspective has been positioning the BioZyme family of brands from a silo of individual brands to a family this year. This lets our customers know that we offer multiple products across species and that we can help more than just one kind of animal at a time.

We have also been building new teams and introducing new people to BioZyme, while overall getting better at knowledge transfer. We can never stop learning and growing, and this knowledge we learned in 2023 will help take us further in 2024.

The sales and marketing teams stepped up their retail merchandising and display activation. Thanks to you, the dealers, we now have more signage and presence each quarter, and this will continue into the next year.

In Animal Health, we continue to support our distributors and have eight additional salespeople working in the field servicing wholesale partners as they promote our products to the retail channel. In addition, Ali Brunner has transferred from ASM to Animal Health Sales Manager.

We have heard from our partners through the surveys and through that feedback the team is working to identify gaps in our product range so that we are able to introduce new products in 2024.

On the human health side, we were excited to focus complete attention on Baxyl® and HyaGlo® with the transition of all equine and companion animal products from Cogent to the Vitalize® line. We rebranded Baxyl and have built a new team while developing a new web-based platform for these products.


This year, the quality and regulatory teams worked diligently to show just how WOWING BioZyme can be as we strive to live and breathe quality and compliance each day. Some of our 2023 wins are highlighted below.

BioZyme rocked our 2023 quality certification audits:
• Stockyards FAMI-QS – 99%
• Stockyards Safe Feed, Safe Food – 100%
• Easton FAMI-QS – 100%
• Cogent GMP – 100%
• Surprise EPA inspection at Stockyards – no findings
• Surprise FDA audit at Stockyards – no findings
• Surprise Eurofins FAMI-QS audit at Stockyards and Easton – no findings

We increased awareness of food safety and safe, accurate product through education:
• PCQI training for all of operations, quality, laboratory employees
• FAMI-QS training for regulatory personnel

We updated and implemented a more robust sampling and testing plan for finished products and raw materials:
• Updated Amaferm testing plan
• Implemented EQE testing plan
• Implemented Amaferm ECO testing plan
• Implemented a test-and-hold program for all international orders
• Created and implemented a sampling calendar for communication on testing needs and deadlines

We prioritized and expanded the scope of laboratory testing, monitoring, and documentation:
• In-house copper testing with one-day turnaround
• In-house non-protein nitrogen
• In-house acid insoluble ash
• In-house liquid fiber analysis
• Increased aseptic technique in Microbiology lab
• Implemented in-process environmental monitoring
• Implemented daily sterility checks for every AO batch
• Generated SOPs for Analytical and Microbiology labs

As we close out the year, we look back on all we’ve learned and the new relationships that have been solidified. I am especially thankful to be part of a work family where colleagues support and encourage each other and excellence is expected. I am most grateful that despite all the challenges we faced in 2023, our team has stayed the course and is fully dedicated to a bigger and brighter 2024!


In the dynamic landscape of 2023, BioZyme’s Research & Innovation battalion experienced a pivotal year defined by strategic initiatives and groundbreaking accomplishments. Noteworthy was the company’s significant investment in state-of-the-art fermentation and drying technologies, laying a robust foundation for advancements in biotechnology.

This dedication also manifested in the expansion of our research portfolio, exemplifying our commitment to staying at the forefront of scientific innovation. Our team successfully devised and implemented a strategic innovation system finely attuned to both business development objectives and the evolving needs of our diverse customer base.

A highlight of the year was the team’s instrumental role in fortifying the AO-Biotics® brand, achieved through the strategic launch of a specialized postbiotic tailored for laying hens. This targeted product not only bolstered our market presence but also showcased our dedication to addressing specific challenges within the poultry industry.

Moreover, BioZyme actively contributed to advancing scientific knowledge in the field of postbiotics, with research findings garnering recognition from esteemed peers, including the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP). These accolades underscore our commitment to scientific excellence and further solidify our standing as industry leaders.

Importantly, the team continued to deepen its understanding of the impact of Amaferm, BioZyme’s flagship additive, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to excellence in animal nutrition. Efforts to expand our additive portfolio reflect a forward-thinking approach, aimed at addressing major challenges in animal nutrition and health. This comprehensive approach to innovation, coupled with a steadfast dedication to scientific inquiry, positions BioZyme as a trailblazer in the field, ensuring sustained growth and impact in the years to come.

Top Growth Products in 2023

It’s hard to know where you should go, without reviewing where you’ve been. We thought it would be fun to review some of our top selling products for 2023 year-to-date, compared to the same time last year.

These products are fast growing, and by keeping them stocked on your shelves and in your warehouse, you might just see a difference in your sales.

Backyard Boost® Defense – 8 oz

This was by far the top growth product, experiencing nearly a 151% growth, year over year. This liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and a healthy immune response is also a high-margin product. It can be marketed during chick days and beyond as it provides nutrients needed in times of stress and promotes water intake and hydration. Several dealers actually use it to turn their water green during chick days and have signage that encourages customers to “Ask me about the Green Water.”

Gain Smart® Wheat – 50 lb bag

This somewhat seasonal and regional product charted a 92% growth in sales. A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to maximize efficient gain on wheat or small grain pasture. Gain Smart Wheat provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system. It contains Amaferm, organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.

Vitalize® Blazin – 32 oz

This liquid product for horses is designed to support normal recovery from heat stress and exertion. This quick response product grew in sales 66%. It promotes cellular hydration and water retention. In addition to Amaferm, it includes antioxidants to reduce damaging free radicals caused by exertion and heat.

Sure Champ® Joint Juice – 64 oz bottle

Posting a 68% sales growth, is this multi-specie liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice supports sustainable soundness and mobility while it lubricates joints. It contains MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

VitaFerm Conserve® CTC 3G – 50 lb bag

This VitaFerm product also charted a 67% growth. It’s a vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle with CTC designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. It features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package and contains CTC for control of anaplasmosis.

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid® – 50 lb bag

In the small ruminant line, this product grew by 39%. This free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats is designed to support reproductive success. It supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, while high levels of vitamin E assist in reproductive tract repair.

Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL

This rapid-response product grew in sales by 22%. Clench is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. It contains MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system and electrolytes to support rehydration. It also has Amaferm, to enhance digestibility. Like all Vita Charge and Sure Champ products, it can be used on show livestock without testing and doesn’t interfere with antibiotics.

As you can see with a range in growth across product lines from 22% to 151%, the BioZyme family of brands truly does offer something for every customer. We recommend stocking some of these high-margin, more popular products to make sure that your sales continue to grow into 2024 and beyond.

Marketing materials or signage are now available in the SAMM Center (Signage, Apparel, Marketing Materials) in the Online Dealer Center. These branded materials, in one location, make your marketing even easier than ever.

Letters from Lisa

What Did 2023 Mean to Me? 

As we enter a new year, I always like to reflect on the past. 2023 was a year of recovery in many ways. To be honest, for me, 2022 went by without any real intention, but more so I was merely trying to make it from one day to the next. Grief is a funny thing; it sneaks up on you and doesn’t really care what you need or where you are trying to go. 

I was quite happy and relieved when I made it to 2023, hoping things would at least start moving week to week, not only day to day. And as He always does, God delivered. BioZyme has taken advantage of this time and accomplished many items that will have a significant impact on our very bright future. They include: 

  1. Tripling our fermentation and downstream capacity and ensuring that capacity allows for the most complex and impactful fermentation possible. This will ensure we can continue using fermentation and the knowledge we receive from it to develop passionate solutions for undeniable impact. 
  1. Restructuring the company governance to have a dynamic, experienced board of directors that represents all the opportunities and challenges BioZyme faces – industry, science, use of funds and historical perspective. 
  1. Expanding the manufacturing and sales teams so we have the mental and physical recourses to not be reactive but proactive and working to be amazingly predictive. 
  1. Getting our market channels better defined so we can help animals through all of our abilities, including nutrition, health, additive technologies and manufacturing expertise.  This has resulted in two new divisions: animal health and toll manufacturing (pelleting, minerals, fermentation/DSP, liquids and gels) both of which have a very bright future. 
  1. Expanding our operation to have an equine-safe line. This separate line allows us to manufacture in a 100% safe environment from a horse’s perspective. This also allowed all our manufacturing, outside of the tubs, to be in-house. This accomplished goal is one we have had for a few years. 
  1. Always looking ahead with intention, to ensure we don’t miss a chance to grow as humans in providing care that comes full circle in all that we do. 

In 2024, we’ll set our sights up high,  

With dreams as vast as the endless sky.  

The future opportunities, we can’t deny,  

A world of success will be nigh. 

In every heart, a burning desire, 

To reach higher, to aspire.  

In this year, we won’t tire,  

For hard work is what we require. 

We’ll innovate, create and explore,  

To open new pathways and unlock the door.  

Challenges faced, we’ll conquer and more, 

The future’s success, we’ll surely implore. 

With diligence, hard work, and funation,  

We’ll build a cool but thankful foundation.  

In 2024, a global celebration,  

Of progress, growth and realization. 

In our strategies, willingness to change and graphic arts,  

We’ll make our mark, playing our parts.  

While innovation will set us apart,  

Always working toward a brighter future and a fresh start. 

So let us march into this year, with hope and purpose, without fear.  

In 2024, success will be clear.