Dealer Spotlight: Boyce Feed & Grain Corp

Boyce Feed & Grain Corp in Waxahachie, Texas, is more than your average feed store. They are a full-service feed mill and distributor with a concentrated focus on marketing. In their 16th year as BioZyme® dealer, they have grown the business exponentially and even changed ownership with Andrew Lucas and his family buying the business last January; however, a few things remain constant. Boyce continues to carry BioZyme products, and they focus on helping their customers.

“We’re not just another feed mill or distributor. Our goal is to continue to grow and while doing that we want to help other feed stores. We are a feed store, so we know their struggles too,” Lucas said.

They offer their leadership and assistance in a variety of ways across the Lone Star State, delivering products to at least 250 other feed stores. This spring, they worked with their Area Sales Manager and the BioZyme Marketing Team to wrap a semi-trailer with the Boyce and BioZyme logos and a Sure Champ® and VitaFerm® message that serves as a traveling billboard as the company makes its deliveries. They are hoping to wrap a second trailer with a VitaFerm and Vitalize® message this spring.

“We’re running up and down the road, and customers see that truck. We are creating marketing with very little push,” Lucas said.

Marketing is key for Boyce, and the business actively promotes across various channels including radio, social media and weekly mailers. Lucas said about 300 invoices are sent each week, each time with a different product or brand featured in the envelope to their customers.

All these efforts take a team, and Lucas encourages anyone getting started in the nutrition business or with any business makes sure they have a good support system to succeed.

“Make sure you have a good team behind you. Create strategic partnerships quickly,” he suggested.

The partnerships they have made and the ways they continue to help their partners and customers succeed by providing them “high-quality and consistent” products show that Boyce Feed truly exemplifies care that comes full circle. We’re glad to have them on the BioZyme Team.

Effective Action: Use Relationships to Ensure Producer Meeting Success

Any time you get a group of like-minded people in a room to talk about solving their challenges, you have the potential to host a successful producer meeting. Use existing relationships to create an even more rewarding meeting. There are a few ways that using these relationships when planning your next producer meeting can help build your business. Let’s explore.

Cooperate with another agricultural company.
Co-host your next producer meeting with another complementary agricultural company. The companies might have some overlap in customers, but each will likely have some unique customers who could benefit from the other company’s products and services. Perhaps you could partner with a genetics company or a show supply company, depending on what BioZyme® products you are talking about. Cooperating on a producer meeting splits the cost of the meeting and exposes a wider audience to your products.

Building on these already established relationships give you a leg up. It shows your potential customers that you are easy to get along with. It also provides an unspoken endorsement on the products and services you provide.

Encourage your customers to bring a guest.
Your customers are probably going to attend, but you could offer an incentive for bringing a guest who has the potential to become a new customer. Send a text reminder a few days before the meeting and let those within a set radius know that you will offer an incentive to those who bring a guest. If the newcomer becomes a customer, perhaps that incentive becomes even greater, like a percentage off your current customer’s order, like a discount for referrals.

Engage with the audience.
It’s always good to get the crowd engaged. Since the room consists of your customers, you should know their challenges and successes. Of course, the first topic to discuss is AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, but after that, mention how a certain product has impacted a particular crowd member’s conception or rate of gain. People like to be recognized and know that you care about their results.

Call upon your allies.
Word-of-mouth and testimonials go a long way in building trust and securing new customers. If there is a local veterinarian or a highly respected producer who has had success with the products, ask them for a few comments. It is always good to hear from a third party about the benefits of the products, without a hard sell.

Producer meetings are an efficient way to show appreciation to current customers and establish relationships with potential customers. Building on current relationships at these meetings makes them even more effective. Like any other enterprise, use your resources, count on your relationships and use those relationships to grow your customer base.

Customer Retention is a Wise Investment

As a youngster, you might have heard, “make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other’s gold.” Substitute the word friend with customer, and the same rings true. Retaining customers is a very important part of business and a wise investment if you want to watch your business continue to grow.

Returning customers give you the opportunity to provide ongoing value, develop more personalized relationships, create brand advocates, gain referrals and earn positive word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, research shows that 68% of new customers come from current ones, making it a smart move for your customers and your bottom line to keep current customers coming back.

We’re not insinuating that growing new customers isn’t important. However, it is important to invest in the current customer base that typically will spend 67% more than new customers. And it costs 16 times more to drum up new customers than it does to keep a repeat customer. Here are four ways you can invest wisely in those golden repeat customers.

Customer Outreach
Regardless of if you use a quick phone call, text or email, be sure to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. Your time can be the lowest cost
investment you make to retain a customer. Keep track of their orders, and if you notice it has been a while since they ordered a particular product, give them a call. Perhaps their daughter scored the winning basket at last Friday’s basketball game,
so start the conversation with a congratulations, and then move into asking if they were running low on VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® since you know they are preparing for calving season. Customer outreach is vital to retaining customers; it lets them know you care and that you really are keeping up on their program.

Customer Appreciation
Everyone enjoys being shown some appreciation and that includes your valued repeat customers. If you are hosting a customer appreciation event like an open house or an anniversary sale, be sure your local customers are aware of any promotions or sales. Provide them with a chance to come into your store, visit, shop and take advantage of any appreciation that you are showing. It will make a
difference in their return.

Customer Service
Retaining customers in not always about providing the best products at the best price. It might also be about providing the best services. Perhaps they can get the same products at a neighboring town, but you stay open later to serve those who have 8 to 5 jobs. Maybe the customer likes that you help load the product into their truck, whereas your competitor just expects the customer to load the product into
their own truck. Service, both large and small, adds up and means something to the customer.

Loyalty Programs
Now, it probably doesn’t make sense to have a “punch card” for a mineral program; however, if you have a customer who is buying large quantities of product from you, you might want to show some appreciation in some form. Perhaps with every
pallet, they get some swag, or some Vita Charge® Gel or a percentage off their next pallet. For every customer they refer that purchases a certain amount, they could receive a new cap and pair of gloves. Loyalty matters and rewarding loyalty will keep your customers returning and spending money with you.

Yes, investing time and money in your golden or current customers will pay in the long-term. One online article said that 80% of future profits come from 20% of current customers. Retain your current customers, and watch your business grow.

Tell Everyone: Audio is Becoming More Relevant in Marketing

Marketing involves all five of the senses, and that includes auditory. As the technology becomes more affordable and easier to access, there is no reason not to lean on more audio technology in your marketing strategies. It takes only 0.146 seconds for a human being to hear and interpret a sound. This makes sound a direct avenue to a customer’s emotions and can lead to increased brand recognition for your business.

Nearly 80% of Americans listen to some audio every day. This includes podcasts, radios and other music streaming outlets. It seems like most people are tuned in to some type of audio, so it seems logical to promote your business using audio as a way to complement your marketing strategy. According to Man Made Music, a company focused on sonic branding, music can lead to a 46% increase in brand favorability.

Here are some ways you can use audio to build recognition and help in your marketing.

Radio Ads
A Nielsen study showed that 92% of the U.S. population listens to the radio weekly, 5% more than the population that watches television. So, radio advertising is likely an effective form of promotion, especially in rural areas where many dealers are located. BioZyme® has 30-second radio scripts written for several products and can write scripts for any product or scenario by submitting a marketing request. We typically suggest you use your own voice, or the local broadcaster records it as there is credibility with a local voice.

In Store Music
Playing music in the store while customers are shopping, helps convey emotions, influence consumer behavior and tell your brand story. For example, most fast food or convenience stores play fast-paced music because they want customers to move quickly so they can reap more business. On the other hand, a retail store selling clothing, home decor or even nutritional supplements might play a slower music to encourage browsing, question asking and more shopping.

Podcasts are an opportunity to offer education about your goods and services that a company offers. But take heed, podcasts take planning and implementation. You will want to have several recorded and ready to air before you actually release them. You will want to promote your podcast heavily on your social media and in your store
and be sure to ask for feedback after the first one airs.

Remember marketing involves all five of the senses. When you do incorporate audio, be sure to tie it into the other strategies you are using. It typically takes seven
impressions to make a sale, so be sure to include audio in your marketing strategy

Know your Checkbook: Customer Retention is a Wise Investment

As a youngster, you might have heard, “make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other’s gold.” Substitute the word friend with customer, and the same rings true. Retaining customers is a very important part of business and a wise investment if you want to watch your business continue to grow.

Returning customers give you the opportunity to provide ongoing value, develop more personalized relationships, create brand advocates, gain referrals and earn positive word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, research shows that 68% of new customers come from current ones, making it a smart move for your customers and your bottom line to keep current customers coming back.

We’re not insinuating that growing new customers isn’t important. However, it is important to invest in the current customer base that typically will spend 67% more than new customers. And it costs 16 times more to drum up new customers than it does to keep a repeat customer. Here are four ways you can invest wisely in those golden repeat customers.

Customer Outreach
Regardless of if you use a quick phone call, text or email, be sure to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. Your time can be the lowest cost investment you make to retain a customer. Keep track of their orders, and if you notice it has been a while since they ordered a particular product, give them a call. Perhaps their daughter scored the winning basket at last Friday’s basketball game, so start the conversation with a congratulations, and then move into asking if they were running low on VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® since you know they are preparing for calving season. Customer outreach is vital to retaining customers; it lets them know you care and that you really are keeping up on their program.

Customer Appreciation
Everyone enjoys being shown some appreciation and that includes your valued repeat customers. If you are hosting a customer appreciation event like an open house or an anniversary sale, be sure your local customers are aware of any promotions or sales. Provide them with a chance to come into your store, visit, shop and take advantage of any appreciation that you are showing. It will make a difference in their return.

Customer Service
Retaining customers in not always about providing the best products at the best price. It might also be about providing the best services. Perhaps they can get the same products at a neighboring town, but you stay open later to serve those who have 8 to 5 jobs. Maybe the customer likes that you help load the product into their truck, whereas your competitor just expects the customer to load the product into
their own truck. Service, both large and small, adds up and means something to the customer.

Loyalty Programs
Now, it probably doesn’t make sense to have a “punch card” for a mineral program; however, if you have a customer who is buying large quantities of product from you, you might want to show some appreciation in some form. Perhaps with every pallet, they get some swag, or some Vita Charge® Gel or a percentage off their next pallet. For every customer they refer that purchases a certain amount, they could receive a new cap and pair of gloves. Loyalty matters and rewarding loyalty will keep your customers returning and spending money with you.

Yes, investing time and money in your golden or current customers will pay in the long-term. One online article said that 80% of future profits come from 20% of current customers. Retain your current customers, and watch your business grow.

Letters from Lisa

A new year means a fresh slate. Many people say it is a good idea to start the year with a fresh perspective and focus on how to put your best foot forward. 

There’s a Buddhist parable called The Second Arrow. The story explains that in life, things that don’t go the way we desire is inevitable. This is likened to being shot by an arrow – an instance which is outside of your personal control.  

The option of pulling out that arrow and then complaining about the event is entirely on you. This is referred to as the second arrow. Here are a few tips to help you with that second arrow so you start the year with a clean slate as opposed to leaving remnants of those first arrows. 

Practice Gratitude 

Being truly grateful assists you in fresh perspective and putting your best foot forward. 

Make a No “What Ifs” Rule 

Spinning on what might have been keeps you from moving forward. Your thoughts may seem to circle back again and again to the things you think you could, or should, have done differently. When you catch yourself thinking a “what if,” just recognize that you didn’t, and move forward. 

Get Physical 

Take a weightlifting or yoga class or give one-foot barn cleaning or ballroom dancing a go. When you choose an activity that requires your focus to balance or to learn a sequence of motions, your brain will be busy doing something other than ruminating on arrow one. I really need to get this incorporated into my life in 2023.  Stay tuned for how that goes. 

Make a To-Do List 

Having a plan for today keeps you from feeling ungrounded. If you fill your day with meaningful tasks, you will have something to keep you from focused forward and grounded. This takes time, but the payoff is seriously worth it. 

Remember, Happiness is a Choice 

In every moment, you have the choice to be happy. Victor Frankl, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust and founded the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy, is said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” If you are choosing your old perspective as a pattern, consciously make the decision to replace it with a fresh perspective. 

Start with a Mantra or Affirmation 

If your day begins with a thought like, “Today is the first day of the rest of my life,” or “I’m excited for what today will bring,” it keeps your focus on the present and future. Choose a positive affirmation to start each day. One of my favorite gifts during the last year was a set of Daily Prayer cards given to me by a friend who lost her husband too early as well.  Each card is a very short Bible verse focused on the good God provides.  I would say those cards have helped my perspective each day more than anything. It does work. Try it! 

Perspective – yours, mine and others – are all equally important. Take the time to know them all so you can ensure yours is fresh. 

Dealer Spotlight: Darlington Feed, LLC

Show us a dealer with ambition, a wide network of diverse producers and a willingness to use the tools provided, and we’ll show you Darlington Feed, LLC. Matt Weigel at Darlington, Wisconsin, has been a BioZyme dealer for nine years, and says the best thing about the BioZyme products is that they always do what they say they will.

“I’m not selling them anything. I feel like I am helping my customers,” he said. “Whenever I am talking to anyone – in the store or somewhere else, I ask them ‘how are things at the ranch?’. They will always tell you what is wrong, then you know what to offer them to help them. It’s a simple conversation starter to help them.”

Weigel and his staff are helping a diverse group of producers. He said his team does a great job and is always confident selling the BioZyme products, knowing the products will do what they are needed to do.

One of his most popular products is VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S; however, the Vita Charge® Clench Gel is also increasing in demand with the dairies in his area. Dairy producers like to keep 2-3 cases of Clench Gel on hand when calving.

Another event that has grown for Darlington Feed is Chick Days, and Weigel has seen the benefits of putting Backyard Boost® in his chicks’ water.

Not only does he recognize the diversity and quality of products that he gets from BioZyme, but he also appreciates the presence that the marketing and sales staff offers from the tools they provide from signage and training.

“Everything is there for you to use. You just have to use it,” he said.

In 2022, Weigel was able to build his own store, giving customers a brighter, neater shopping experience. He said the investment shows his customers there is security in his business, and he intends to be able to provide them service for the long haul.

In addition to building his own store front, he has partnered with Eastland Feed, who has the ability to manufacture feed for him and adds Amaferm® to rations when customers request it.

BioZyme is proud to have ambitious, young dealers who use the tools that are offered to them to provide care that comes full circle. Thanks, Darlington Feed, for being a BioZyme dealer!

Know your Checkbook: It is more Blessed to Give than to Receive

In our household, the second grader regularly reminds her dad and me that “sharing is caring.” This bold statement can be applied to something small like sharing her apples with me while she eats her popcorn on Sunday night or agreeing to fill a few extra shoeboxes for boys and girls during Operation Christmas Child during the holidays. In other words, she enjoys sharing and knows the importance of it.

As we approach the holiday season, it seems like there are numerous opportunities to give. You can give your time, you can give gifts, you can give blood. You can give as an individual, a family or a business. Giving can be a spontaneous gesture like dropping a donation in the red kettle or it can be planned. Any way you give this season, and throughout the year, remember that it is indeed “more blessed to give than receive.”

Not only will you be blessed as you give, giving is healthy. Studies have shown there are several health benefits to giving. They include lower blood pressure, less anxiety and depression and increased self-esteem. Anytime you can do something good for others and improve your own health, that seems like a win-win.

Giving also makes us happy. Research shows that giving both money and time provides humans an emotional surge because feeling good is a product of doing good. It’s built into our neurochemistry. Giving triggers feel-good chemicals like endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin. And it’s true across cultural and economic lines, too, according to a Harvard Business School study.

Who doesn’t want to reduce their stress levels? It turns out that giving also lowers your stress. When we are overall happier, we are less stressed. Studies also show that volunteering and giving to others can help us with improved self-esteem and can reduce cases of depression.

Giving is contagious. Have you heard of paying it forward? It is a real phenomenon. It feels pretty amazing to be in the fast food or coffee line, and when you get to the window to pay, the clerk announces that the car in front of you has paid for your order. Because of your happiness, and the fact that giving is contagious, you will likely pay for the person behind you. It is a true chain reaction.

Giving builds relationships. If you give your money, time or material gifts, you must have a connection to an individual or an organization that you believe in. That contact is someone you can build a relationship with. You never know where that relationship can lead. It could lead to further relationships, a future employee or customer.

As you can see, the benefits of giving are many. Not only are you helping others, but you are also reaping the rewards, too, in terms of better health, less stress and more happiness. It truly is better to give than receive. There are numerous opportunities to give around the holidays. Give where you can.

Know your Customer: Help your Customer Set Goals for the New Year

As we start thinking about closing out this year and preparing for a new one, there isn’t much time to reflect on the past. We need to start looking ahead to what we want to achieve in 2023, and our customers are not any different. They are likely going to rely on you – their feed and supplement dealer – for some good nutrition advice. You know about their program and understand their challenges.

Once you do understand the overarching goals for their program, it is a good idea to ask them if they have planned out their year to see how they can best make progress. A good method to establishing goals

is to make sure that they are S.M.A.R.T. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Let’s explore how you can help your customers set goals that match this set of criteria.


Help your customers define as many details for their goals as possible. Who is involved? Is there a deadline? Where and when will these goals be achieved? For instance, maybe you have a customer who is planning their first production sale. A very specific goal could be to host a production sale in March to sell 40 yearling bulls and average $4,000.


Every goal that is set should have a unit of measurement to indicate success. For example, your customer doesn’t just want to breed a majority of his or her cows. The measurable goal would be to have 95% conception rate.


It is great to dream big; however, goals should be set that can be reached. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, and goals likely won’t be achieved overnight either.


The goals defined should align with the overall goals of the operation. If the operation wants to raise bulls that produce high-performance calves for the feedlot, the owner or manager probably wants to focus on sires that have desirable growth and carcass traits. A goal to have 100% conception rates isn’t relevant if your customer puts one 2-year-old bull out with 50 cows.


Make sure every goal set has a deadline and work ambitiously to meet those deadlines. Take that one step further and expand your goals to include short-term and long-term goals. Perhaps a short-term goal for the operation is to purchase a new a ram before breeding season (within two months). A long-term goal might be to host an on-farm club lamb sale in the spring (within the next year).

Now is a great time to work with your customers to help them set S.M.A.R.T. goals for their next production year. It’s always good to encourage writing down the goals where they will see them on a regular basis and posting deadlines that they can measure on a calendar that they also see regularly. Make sure their goals include a quality nutrition program. They will thank you, and you can watch your business grow.

Effective Action: Care that Comes Full Circle Comes from the Heart

Have you ever wondered about the phrase “care that comes full circle”? It isn’t just a fancy little catch phrase that BioZyme® throws around. It is the company motto that the company and its employees live by each day. Where does the care come from? It comes from the heart.

One of the things that sets BioZyme apart from other companies is this care that comes full circle. It’s in our people. It’s in our products. It’s in our research. President and CEO Lisa Norton compares it to a boomerang that is properly thrown.

“When you throw a boomerang properly, it will always come back to you. If we make supplements at BioZyme that help animals perform to their fullest, then that care we provide to them will ultimately, come full circle and put food on our plate. Now that is care that comes full circle,” Norton said.

Simply put, caring comes from the heart. This is true if you are talking about making nutrition products for a chicken with a with a rather short lifespan or a newborn child who depends on you for its every need.

Caring about what you do and how you do it always starts with the heart. If you start from the inside out – with the heart – not only will your care shine bright, but that care will boomerang back or “come full circle.”

Our research shows care. With more than 100 published studies, BioZyme never introduces a product until it has been carefully and fully researched. Research starts with a team of scientists and continues to real-life scenarios. Our proprietary fermentation processes are backed by 70 years of research – both in the lab and applied.

Our products show care. It’s no secret that the products that we market and sell do what we say they do. With a research-proven prebiotic like Amaferm® that has been studied and used for more than 70 years, you and your customers can rest assured that the products are carefully manufactured. Amaferm is made one place in the world – St. Joseph, Missouri.

Our people show care. Our people care about the products they make, the way they promote them and the people they work with. They are carefully trained in production best practices and safety manufacturing. They keep safety for themselves, others and the product top of mind.

Not only do our people show care about products and people within the BioZyme family, they extend that care into the greater community. They are active in civic organizations, community projects and helping neighbors. They know that care that comes full circle is a boomerang effect.

From the research, products and people, our care that comes full circle starts in the heart. We know that our dealers have heart too. We hope that you never forget your heart and how to give, and receive, that care.