Continuous Improvements Lead to New Product Developments

“Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.”

This quote from entrepreneur Walt Disney aligns perfectly with the values of BioZyme®. With a mission to show care that comes full circle to all animals and caretakers of those animals, our team is continually focused on making positive changes for the future. 

One of BioZyme’s more recent changes and improvements comes from forming a key partnership with Zinpro®, a world leader in trace minerals. We are excited to kick off this partnership that allows us to introduce a new organic trace mineral (OTM) technology. 

“Absorption is key. Present research shows that using an amino acid complex opens multiple doors for absorption and increases mineral retention rate, providing for maximum utilization. Zinpro Performance Minerals also utilize amino acid transporters for uptake into the bloodstream,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Director of Beef Technical Sales. 

Zinpro amino acid complexes have four primary benefits outlined here: 

1. Soluble

Soluble simply means being capable of being dissolved in a liquid. Since we know that the animal’s body is primarily made of water, if a mineral is not soluble, it won’t be available. 

Mineral absorption is water based, and all Zinpro Performance Minerals have high solubility to improve efficacy and absorption into the enterocyte (small intestinal cell). 

2. Stable

The stability of the organic trace mineral is primarily based on the bond between the mineral (metal) and the amino acid it is “complexed” to. 

Varying bond strengths and pH changes throughout the GI tract cause a lot of OTMs to break apart and become less usable. The rumen is 6.7-7.0, the abomasum is around 2, the duodenum starts to increase back to 5, so it has to be strong enough to make it through this gauntlet of pHs. All Zinpro Performance Minerals are bound to an amino acid ligand with a stability constant between 2-7.4 pH. 

Stability requires a balance, tight enough to stay together, but not so tight that it can’t let go when needed. 

Cassady compares stability to a dating relationship. 

“Stability is a really good girlfriend. If you find this person, you should marry them.” 

“A crazy (too strong bond) clings, clings, clings to you and never lets go when you need it to,” he explains. “Alternatively, the weak girlfriend kind of holds your hand, but lets go and leaves you hanging when younger, more attractive guys show up to the party (antagonists in the rumen),” he said. 

3. Absorbable

For an OTM to be absorbable, it is able to easily enter the bloodstream. Obviously, for trace minerals to be used by the animal, they must be absorbed and distributed through the bloodstream to organs, tissues and enzyme systems. 

Zinpro Performance Minerals are manufactured to create a molecule that the animal can absorb and put to good use. Inorganics and some other organics are inadequately absorbed or not absorbed at all. If they aren’t absorbed, they aren’t used, and are excreted into the environment. 

Zinpro has the data and science to prove that their amino acid complexes are absorbed through the amino acid transporters. So, the receptor on the enterocyte essentially recognizes the specific amino acid it is targeting and “pulls it in”. The Availa Zn, Mn and Cu we are now using have these minerals complexed to multiple amino acids instead of just 

one glycine molecule like we had in the past. This increases the affinity and “opens more doors” for the complex minerals to be absorbed compared to the technology we used in the past.  

4. Metabolically Available

Metabolically available amino acids are in the body, available for immediate use and help animals reach their full genetic potential more efficiently and effectively. Zinpro Performance Minerals are research-proven to provide greater efficiency to reach target organs, tissue, and enzyme systems. These OTMs give us the opportunity to consistently increase the amount of minerals that are available and usable in the animal. 

As you can see, the primary benefits of the Zinpro Availa organic trace minerals are increased health, performance and absorption for the animals. The producers should see more efficiency, a reduced cost and more gain. 

At BioZyme, we know that continuously improving is important to the animals, the customers and you, the dealers. If our products don’t get better, we don’t get better. We hope that you and your customers appreciate these enhanced OTMs the progress we are making to improve our products every day. 

Prebiotic Tools for Heifer Development

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Inc., Director of Beef Technical Sales 

A new era of calf prices has brought amazing revenue for cow-calf producers. Immediate income opportunities incentivize cattlemen to sell their weaned calves, meaning a greater number of heifers are destined for the cattle feeding sector. Collectively, the cow herd hasn’t expanded as quickly as projected, ushering in amazing value for the replacement female. Like any valuable asset you may own, protecting your genetics with quality nutrition and management can help cattlemen get the most out of their retained females. Longevity is key to success in this business. With minimal incentive to grow the cow herd, it’s time to explore all the technologies available to produce high quality, sufficient levels of beef with the fewest cow numbers in decades. 

Maximize Cow Herd Longevity

Maximizing longevity is dependent upon getting your replacement heifers bred up early enough to calve by two years of age. Research has shown the long-term negative impacts of late calving heifers on their productivity and stayability as a mature cow. Fertility is paramount, but it’s hard to single-trait select for due to its low heritability. Additionally, the fact that reproduction is non-essential, it’s no surprise that any nutritional or health insult to a growing heifer can prevent her from effectively breeding. Missing cycles takes away substantial dollars to our weaned calf market next year and puts the replacement herself at risk of falling out of the herd thereafter. Collectively, it’s our job to protect cattle from any stressors that can impact their lifetime productivity in the herd. 

Heifers need to stay healthy to breed. However, the immune system requires an exorbitant amount of nutrition when activated and is responsible for anestrous, early-term abortions and more. The first thing that comes to mind when talking about herd well-being are effective vaccination protocols. Many are effective promotors of acquired immunity in your animals, but did you know that more than 70% of the immune system can be found in the gut? Hence, researchers have focused their efforts in evaluating the positive relationship between gut health and overall immune function. It may be time to take a proactive approach to the well-being of our developing heifers. Products such as prebiotics are designed to improve the number and activity of beneficial bacteria in the rumen and gastrointestinal tract. Competitive exclusion by promoting the good bugs and maintaining a stable rumen pH can help to eliminate pathogens and their negative effects on reproductive function. 

Just like a late-night informercial would claim, that’s not all for prebiotics! Prebiotics are defined by their positive impact on beneficial microorganisms in the gut, and some are research proven to improve feed utilization. At BioZyme®, we are proud to have AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a research-proven prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility. Amaferm stimulates the growth of energy-harvesting bacteria, resulting in greater volatile fatty acid production (VFA) in the rumen. Volatile fatty acids serve as the primary energy source for ruminants, and an improvement in VFA production by 16% from feeding Amaferm is nutritionally the same as feeding a pound of DDGS per head per day. Unlocking more energy from within affords the heifer additional energy available for growth, improved body condition and an earlier onset of puberty. Not to mention elevated energy levels have been shown to improve the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are crucial to the effective onset of ovulation in heifers. Obviously, these are essential for reproductive success, meaning that the prebiotic Amaferm can help improve breed-ups without any risks of grain-fed, overweight heifers. 

Prebiotic vs Probiotic

One of the key elements that distinguishes a prebiotic from a probiotic is that it is non-living. The fact that it stays viable at extreme temperatures and varying moisture and pH levels suggests that many delivery mechanisms exist for your heifers. Prebiotics can be fed via total mixed rations (TMR) in confined heifer development systems but are more commonly incorporated into mineral supplements. Vitamin and mineral supplementation strategies are well-established promotors of beef production efficiency. When highly available mineral and vitamin products serve as the carrier for a powerful prebiotic, an effective one-two nutritional punch can be provided to your replacements. 

The best way to incorporate Amaferm into your herd is through the VitaFerm® vitamin and mineral supplements powered by Amaferm. VitaFerm® is a line of nutritional supplements for beef cattle that maximize energy and forage utilization for successful production. A variety of products are available for cattle producers that contain organic trace minerals and Amaferm to help your heifers optimize their health and maximize their reproductive success. 

The feeder calf market is holding back any herd expansion because it incentivizes producers to cash in on their heifer calves while the market is hot. However, if you’re keeping fewer replacements this year, it’s likely you’re keeping the absolute elite of your calf crop. While this will certainly improve the genetic merit of a smaller domestic cow herd, it’s still up to us to maximize the genetic potential of our programs by developing our heifers in the best possible way. Great genetics require premium nutrition, and now is the most critical time to effectively set up our yearling females for a lifetime of success in the herd. 

Offering a prebiotic like Amaferm through a supplementation program like VitaFerm is the best way to ensure your yearling heifers are successful contributors to the herd. Prebiotics are powerful tools that can proactively benefit health from within as well as improve feed utilization and energetic status in the animal. Collectively, this technology serves as a vital tool for maximizing heifer breed-ups in the first year, and effective longevity thereon.  

Why Should you Prioritize High Protein Cattle Feed?

Every BioZyme® dealer is different. What one on-farm dealer in North Dakota makes a priority might be totally different than the storefront in Florida. However, you all share more in common than you might think. Every single dealer puts the customer first, and that is care that comes full circle. With fall around the corner, it is time to start thinking about getting high protein cattle feed in stock. 

Be Prepared; Fall is Coming

You are probably selling products with the HEAT® technology and fly control faster than we can say AO-Biotics® Amaferm®. And that is a good thing, for now. However, time moves quickly, and before you know, fall will be here, as the temperature shifts, so will the needs of the beef cow herd. 

We want you to be prepared so you can best serve your customers. If you have protein supplements on hand when your customers are ready, they won’t have to go to another product or another dealer. They will be pleased that you have thought ahead and put their concerns at the top of your mind. 

So, start now to plan your fall protein orders and stock up on high protein cattle feed and supplements. 

Why Worry about Protein in the Fall?

Your cattle customers, and more specifically their cattle, often need added protein in the fall for several reasons. Forage quality decreases, they are preparing for winter, and their nutritional needs increase. Let’s examine each of these a little more in-depth as you consider why you should stock high protein cattle feed and supplements.  

Decline in Forage Quality

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and that is true for summer. As the growing season ends, the nutritional quality of pasture forage typically declines. The protein content in grasses and other forages decreases, forcing supplemental protein to meet cattle’s dietary requirements. 

Increased Nutritional Demands

During the fall, many cattle enter stages that significantly increase their nutritional needs, particularly for protein either late gestation or early lactation. Adequate protein is crucial for fetal development, milk production and overall health. It is vital to ensure your herd has high protein cattle feed or supplements during these phases.  

Preparation for Winter

Providing additional protein helps cattle build and maintain body condition before the harsher winter months. Adequate body condition is essential for maintaining health and productivity during the winter, when nutritional challenges can be more severe. 

Growing in Young Livestock

Young, growing cattle require higher protein levels to support their growth and development. Fall supplementation ensures they continue to grow efficiently and stay healthy as they transition to winter feeding programs. 

The Importance of Protein Supplements for Cattle

Protein is essential for cattle for several key reasons. 

Growth & Development

Proteins are fundamental building blocks for muscle, skin, hair and other tissues. They support the overall growth and development of young cattle, ensuring they reach their full size and potential. Because protein is vitally important to growth and development, it is important that calves in the growing phase receive adequate protein. 

Milk Production

Protein is crucial for lactating cows producing high-quality milk. Adequate protein levels in the diet help maintain milk yield and composition, particularly the protein content of the milk itself. Supplementing with extra protein during lactation helps to ensure your cows produce an adequate milk supply. The calf also receives that extra protein through the milk supply.  

Protein is important for reproductive health. Adequate protein levels improve fertility rates, support healthy pregnancies and contribute to the overall reproductive efficiency of the herd. 

Immune Function

Protein plays a critical role in maintaining and boosting the immune system. Adequate protein intake helps cattle resist diseases and recover more quickly from illnesses. 

Repair & Maintenance

Protein is necessary for the repair and maintenance of body tissues. Protein helps in the healing of wounds and the regeneration of damaged tissues, ensuring cattle remain healthy and productive. 

Enzyme & Hormone Production

Many enzymes and hormones, which regulate various physiological processes, are proteins or are derived from amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. These are crucial for digestion, metabolism and overall bodily functions. 

Energy Source

While carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources, proteins can also be used for energy, particularly in situations where other energy sources are inadequate. 

Feed Efficiency

Proper protein nutrition improves feed efficiency, meaning cattle can convert feed into body mass or milk more effectively. This is economically beneficial for cattle producers. 

VitaFerm Protein Options

In total, VitaFerm offers 5 options of protein supplements for cattle, between both the tubs and loose mineral forms. All contain Amaferm, the prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. 

Let’s learn more about their similarities and differences: 

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Meal

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Meal 

VitaFerm Conserve Protein Meal, a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 20% natural protein. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Tub

VitaFerm Concept•Aid® Protein Tub, a premium protein tub with vitamins and minerals for beef cattle on grass pasture designed to support reproductive success on low protein forage. 

• Includes 20% natural protein along with organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. 

• High levels of Vitamin E support reproductive tract repair and milk quality. 

VitaFerm® 30-13% Protein Tub

VitaFerm 30-13% Protein Tub, a protein tub for beef cattle with urea and natural protein designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 30% urea protein with no more than 13% equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Tub

VitaFerm Conserve Protein Tub, a natural protein tub for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 20% natural protein. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal, a premium free-choice 2% phosphorus vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle on grass pasture designed to support reproductive success on low protein forage. 

• Includes 20% natural protein and organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. 

• High levels of vitamin E support reproductive tract repair and milk quality. 

Regardless of the protein supplement you choose, it is just important to be sure that your herd receives the added protein it needs when it needs it most. 

“Providing cattle with a proper supplement that contains adequate minerals is important, as it serves as an insurance policy for seasonal fluctuations in forage quality and can keep cattle from becoming deficient or imbalanced in energy, protein or mineral status,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Director of Beef Technical Sales for BioZyme. 

Save Dollars with Loose Mineral

BioZyme offers two loose supplements with a combination of essential minerals, Amaferm and natural protein in a granular form for beef cattle.  

In a loose formulation, salt is added to control intake. Producers don’t sacrifice any nutrition if they do offer loose mineral instead of tubs. Many of the same high-quality ingredients are used along with less expensive protein sources in the loose mixes, but since molasses is not in the mix, there is added cost savings. 

Another cost savings comes with the packaging. The bag that the loose mineral comes in costs less than 50 cents. A tub adds about $6-7 additional cost to the product; that is money spent that your cows are not consuming. 

For every pallet of tubs purchased, you could purchase a new ground mineral feeder to feed the loose mineral. 

BioZyme Products are Research Proven

Amaferm® is the key additive in all VitaFerm products. It has more than 111 published and/or presented research studies proving its increase in digestibility and, ultimately, its impact on the animal.    

Providing a high-quality trace mineral and vitamin supplementation like VitaFerm Concept•Aid is research-proven to improve reproductive efficiency. For example, our reproductive success report shows that VitaFerm Concept•Aid has proven itself as an industry leader in fertility support. Its ability to improve pregnancy rates, calving percentages, and weaning weights is unmatched by other brand products.    

“Research proves that cattle fed Amaferm synthesize 100 more grams of microbial protein each day. That’s enough protein equivalent to a pound of supplemented soybean meal available for the cow or heifer. This additional protein generated from Amaferm in a year-round supplemental program can help producers reduce their need for additional protein by up to 40% annually. That is a huge continuous savings on feed costs,” Cassady said.  

Get Your High Protein Cattle Feed & Supplements Today

We hope we have convinced you that it is time to start thinking about stocking up on your high protein cattle feed and supplements. Be prepared so when fall comes, your customers are not waiting on you to get the products they need and want for their cattle. 

In addition to the VitaFerm protein supplements, BioZyme also has some protein and VitaFerm mineral literature you might find helpful to have in stock to share with your customers. A protein product guide shows and describes all the products for cattle producers, their benefits and approximate cost per day. 

The other handy resource for this time of year is a seasonal product guide. This one-sheet guide suggests which BioZyme products a producer should feed at which time of year. 

You can request both of these guides and more through the SAMM Center by logging in through the Online Dealer Center. 

Prepare for the fall nutritional needs of your customers now. Fall will be here before we know it — so don’t be left unprepared. Stock up now on high protein cattle feed and supplements. You’ll be glad you did! 

Effective Easy Breeding with VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®

How much is one more calf worth?
When it comes to the cow-calf producer each live calf is added profit to his or her bottom line. That is why it is so important to help them determine which VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® formula to use and educate and encourage them to begin feeding that formula at least 60 days prior to calving through breeding.

Because there are so many formulas available of the VitaFerm Concept•Aid, we have developed several tools to help you educate your customers on their differences and help them decide which is the correct formula for them.

A short video about each formula is available online if you click on the product tab. Each video is about one minute and highlights the features and benefits of each product. These are ideal to share on your own social media or on a dedicated screen within your dealership as well.

Spec Sheet
In the same online tab as the videos and in the Online Dealer Center under the product information, you can find a spec sheet about each product. This will outline specific nutritional information and feeding rates in a simple, easy-to-follow format. These are in a downloadable format and easy to print.
They make a great quick reference to keep on hand.

VitaFerm Concept•Aid Product Navigator
This five-question quiz is a simple way to help producers discover which formula is best suited to their management scenario and resources. After the producer answers questions about feed availability and production goals, a formula will be suggested to them. You can help them adjust accordingly with your product knowledge.

It is important to emphasize to your customers that not only does the VitaFerm Concept•Aid assist the cow herd during breeding, it provides the cows great nutrition year-round and provides them added absorption of nutrients they need from the feedstuffs and forages available to them.


Be sure to understand each of your customer’s individual challenges to help them achieve reproductive success and profitability in their herd. Is their calving window longer than they would like? Too many open cows due to poor breed back? Low-quality forages available due to extreme weather patterns this past year? Find out what they are facing and recommend a VitaFerm Concept•Aid for them.

Challenge: Poor breed back rates leading to more open

How to Relevantly Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid: Reduce your risk by investing in the Concept•Aid mineral program to maximize your reproductive efficiency. Leverage the power of organic trace minerals, high levels of vitamin E and selenium to promote optimized fertility and quick reproductive tract repair to ensure a faster breed back.

Challenge: Constant weather challenges led to tightened budgets, and often times, mineral and supplementation programs were cut leading to thin cows, which resulted in poor conception rates and longer calving seasons.

How to Relevantly Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid: Reduce your labor and length of calving season with the help of Concept•Aid. You can trust the Amaferm® advantage to deliver more energy for reproductive success while elevated vitamin E levels lend to faster reproductive tract repair and quicker breed back to shorten your calving window, helping to maximize your efforts.

Challenge: Irregular weather patterns have resulted in low-quality forages and winter pastures.

How to Relevantly Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid: Don’t let winter grazing limit your performance. Let Concept•Aid help maximize digestibility and absorption with the power of Amaferm! Choose the phosphorous level that suits your forage best to help promote milk production and higher calf weaning weights.

Challenge: Soft markets and fewer calves on the ground
will require higher weaning weights to differentiate and stay profitable come sale time.

How to Relevantly Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid: Allow Concept•Aid products to deliver optimal digestive health and nutrition through the power of Amaferm resulting in performance that pays. Through increased absorption and elevated levels of
phosphorous, you can expect an 11% increase in calf weaning weights above the national average (Source: VitaFerm Reproductive Success Report)

Are Your Customers Ready for Weaning?

Now is the time to have the conversation about how to WEAN STRONG with a combination of Vita Charge® & Gain Smart®.


Receive with Vita Charge® Cattle Drench
Once within 48 hours

  • Jumpstart feed and water intake
  • Stimulate cattle’s immune system
  • Allow maximum effectiveness of vaccinations


Start with the Vita Charge® Stress Tub
First 7-14 days

  • Promote feed and water intake
  • MOS to help trap bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm
  • Increase digestibility to maximize the energy value of feed for more gains
  • Option available with HEAT® to help combat heat stress at 70 degrees and above


Grow with Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT®
Minimum of 45 days, 100 days is recommended

  • Promote calf health and vigor
  • HEAT to help combat heat stress at 70 degrees and above
  • Stimulate digestion and increase nutrient uptake for optimum gain
  • Support hoof health and immunity
  • Accurately supplement those minerals lacking in the pasture and rectify mineral imbalances

*Other available minerals are Gain Smart Stocker, Gain Smart Wheat, Gain Smart Balancer RU1600

Selling Tools

The new Gain Smart Money Saving Minute Series and other great videos featuring Gain Smart and Vita Charge are available on the media page of our Gain Smart site.

Check them out now:

Share with your Customers

There are some great educational pieces and resources to help you sell Gain Smart available on the website at Be sure to check them out, including:

Effective Easy Breeding with VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®!

Getting cows bred and keeping them bred can be a challenge, but those are the first crucial steps to herd profitability. Your customers need to consider their herds nutritional needs through every step of production in order to achieve the reproductive success they want to meet.

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Concept•Aid is a mineral specifically formulated for reproductive success that contains high levels of Vitamin E for reproductive tract repair, organic trace minerals for more stability and higher bioavailability and Amaferm®, a precision-based prebiotic that impacts intake, feed digestibility and nutrient absorption for optimum health and performance. Increased nutrient absorption and digestion leads to heavier calves that gives your customers performance that pays.

How good were your customers’ conception rates this year?

Get to Know Your Customers and Their Needs!

Be sure to understand each of your customer’s individual challenges to help them achieve reproductive success and profitability in their herd. Is their calving window longer than they would like? Too many open cows due to poor breed back? Low-quality forages available due to extreme weather patterns this past year? Find out what they are facing and recommend a VitaFerm Concept•Aid for them.

ChallengeHow to Relevantly Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid
Poor breed back rates leading to more open cows.Reduce your risk by investing in the Concept•Aid mineral program to maximize your reproductive efficiency. Leverage the power of organic trace minerals, high levels of vitamin E and selenium to promote optimized fertility and quick reproductive tract repair to ensure a faster breed back.
Constant weather challenges led to tightened budgets, and often times, mineral and supplementation programs were cut leading to thin cows, which resulted in poor conception rates and longer calving seasons.Reduce your labor and length of calving season with the help of Concept•Aid. You can trust the Amaferm® advantage to deliver more energy for reproductive success while elevated vitamin E levels lend to faster reproductive tract repair and quicker breed back to shorten your calving window, helping to maximize your efforts.
Irregular weather patterns have resulted in low-quality forages and winter pastures.Don’t let winter grazing limit your performance. Let Concept•Aid help maximize digestibility and absorption with the power of Amaferm! Choose the phosphorous level that suits your forage best to help promote milk production and higher calf weaning weights.
Soft markets and fewer calves on the ground will require higher weaning weights to differentiate and stay profitable come sale time.Allow Concept•Aid products to deliver optimal digestive health and nutrition through the power of Amaferm resulting in performance that pays. Through increased absorption and elevated levels of phosphorous, you can expect an 11% increase in calf weaning weights above the national average (Source: VitaFerm Reproductive Success Report)

Things Are Heating Up, Get Your Customers Ready with VitaFerm HEAT!

Keep Them Grazing As Temperatures Heat Up

Spring is around the corner, and temperatures are only going to get warmer and warmer as the days continue to get longer. Cattle aren’t gaining when they are all gathered up under a tree or standing in a pond; but they don’t really like being out in the heat of the day grazing either. That’s why it’s important to share the advantages of our full line of HEAT® products with your customers.

Share these key benefits with your customers:

  • Reduces heat stress when temperatures reach 70 degrees and hotter
  • Reduces stress when cattle are grazing fescue
  • Keeps cattle grazing more during heat of day
  • Reduces foot rot by keeping them from standing in ponds for prolonged periods
  • Fewer flies landing on and biting cattle

Keep Them Bred As The Weather Heats Up

Grazing bred cows in the summer heat comes with its own set of challenges, and it is hard to be profitable when cows are heat-stressed and aborting calves. Share with your customers the value of getting cows bred with VitaFerm® ️ Concept•Aid® ️and keeping them bred through the heat of summer with VitaFerm® HEAT®.

This line of vitamin and mineral supplements contains the Amaferm® advantage and Capsaicin, both research-proven to lower body temperature, which can improve conception rates by maintaining pregnancy. It also includes garlic, a natural insect repellent.

Did You Know?

At BioZyme, we offer a variety of product testimonials from across the country, and you can share these with your customers online or in person with the click of a button. Go to and click on the testimonial tab at the top for a full line of testimonials. If you prefer to share a video with your customer or on your website, click on the media tab instead. There is a line-up of video testimonials and scenes from The American Rancher HEAT episodes that will help you promote HEAT and other products.

How Do You Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid Where It Is Most Relevant?

Be Where Your Customers Are.

The key to herd profitability is reproductive efficiency and success. In order for customers to multiply their efforts and maximize their success, they have to consider every advantage possible at each stage of production.

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. High concentrations of vitamin E and organic trace minerals, coupled with the Amaferm® advantage, supports quick repair of the reproductive tract and more energy for reproductive success. Additionally, increased nutrient absorption and digestion leads to healthier and heavier calves giving you performance that pays.

Where will your customers be in 2020?

There is no question that 2019 was a tough year for cattle producers and in many ways, they are still recovering from the effects of the weather, the market and many other variables. The challenges and management decisions of 2019 will likely be felt as we move to 2020. Here’s the challenges customers are up against in 2020 and how VitaFerm Concept•Aid can play a relevant role in helping:

Click here for the Reproductive Success Report.

Effective, Easy Breeding with Concept•Aid

Vitaferm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. High concentrations of vitamin E and organic trace minerals, coupled with the Amaferm® advantage, supports quick repair of the reproductive tract and more energy for reproductive success. Additionally, increased nutrient absorption and digestion leads to healthier and heavier calves giving you performance that pays.

Why Your Customers Need it: 

  • The Amaferm Advantage: Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that provides more intake, feed digestbility and nutrient absorption resulting in amplified breeding performance of the cow.
  • High Vitamin E: Contains high levels of Vitamin E shown to assist in reproductive tract repair.
  • More Stability: Contains organic trace minerals for more stability and higher bioavailability.

Selling Tools:

  • Concept•Aid Quiz: With so many different formulations of Concept•Aid, many customers are not sure which one to choose. To help we’ve created a quiz that asks a variety of questions about their environment and feeding situation. Based on their inputs, it recommends an appropriate Concept•Aid formula for them.
  • Gestation Calculator: We’ve added a gestation calculator and printable gestation table to our website to better serve our customers. In addition to calculating date of birth, it also calculates dates that we recommend feeding Concept•Aid.
  • VitaFerm Conception Calculator: Use this tool to show your customers the additional advantage per calf they can expect from feeding VitaFerm.
  • Progressive Cattlemen rely on VitaFerm: Check out our collection of blogs on why these Progressive Cattlemen rely on VitaFerm.

Show Your Customer’s The Power of Protein

Need help positioning Concept•Aid Protein Products? We have you covered.

Is Your Customer’s Forage Quality Low?

Then, it’s protein time as proper protein supplementation is essential to overall animal productivity and performance that pays! All VitaFerm® ️Concept•Aid® protein products provide the convenience of Concept•Aid along with a natural protein source so there is no need for additional vitamin and mineral fortification when forage quality is low.

Why Your Customers Need it:

  • 20% Natural Protein: Provides the convenience of the highly bioavailable Concept•Aid breeding mineral along with a natural protein meal so there is no need for an additional vitamin and mineral source when forage quality is low.
  • The Amaferm® Advantage: Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that provides more intake, feed digestibility and nutrient absorption resulting in amplified breeding performance of the cow.
  • Two Form Options Available: You can provide customers with the product in their choice of a convenient 200-lb. tub or a more economical mineral form available in a 50 lb. bag.

Marketing Services:

The BioZyme® ️ Marketing Team is available to help you develop materials about the protein products targeted specifically to your local audience. If you would like help, please reach out to Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Manager, at (307) 575-1082 or

Hay Testing Services:

Taking hay samples is one step that can help your customers determine if the nutrient requirements of their animals are being met. By having a general idea of the quality of the forage, it will enable you to help provide them the lowest cost ration possible to meet performance expectations.

To learn more about hay testing or help your customers analyze the results of their hay test and choose the best products, visit