Protect and Recover on the Road with Vita Charge and Prep to Win with Sure Champ!

Vita Charge:

A new year means a new winter show season. Although some of our old favorite stock shows have been cancelled, both on the national and state levels, it seems for each one that is cancelled, at least one new show is planned. Stock show exhibitors are passionate. They are resilient, and the animals they haul need to be resilient to change too. With products from Vita Charge®, those animals will be sure to make the haul and be prepared for any show in any climate at any time.

Vita Charge is a fast-acting, multi-specie livestock supplement for use during stressful times like hauling, changing environments and the added stress of competition, when livestock need protection or assistance in recovery. The Vita Charge line offers versatility in many forms, including liquid, gels and a tub, making application easy depending on what is best for your animal.

Regardless if you are hauling your animal 30 miles to a jackpot or 13 hours to a big-name stock show, you want your animal to look and feel its best. Keep it eating, drinking and performing with the Amaferm® advantage found in Vita Charge products.

Sure Champ:

The Combination of Sure Champ® and Vita Charge in your show barn and on the road is a winning combination to keep your animals healthy and performing. Sure Champ is line a of livestock show supplements that proactively work to assist with the challenges created by the show environment.

Products like Sure Champ Extreme are vital during the heat of the summer, but keep in mind that Sure Champ Extreme is also effective during the extreme cold temperatures, too. And, don’t forget about the new Sure Champ Joint Juice, powered by MHB3® Hyaluronan, the most highly researched and proven hyaluronic acid available. Joint Juice is carefully crafted to naturally support, promote and enhance joint and soft tissue health.

The Power Of Protein

Protein is a powerful nutrient for your animal’s digestive system and rumen to function properly. However, spending money on protein supplementation may not always be the best investment for a producer to make. They need to know when to supplement protein and how much to provide to make it a wise investment in their operation.

Protein is essential within the diet of a ruminant to supply the ammonia needed for microbial growth and to provide the amino acids needed for absorption from the small intestine. A protein deficiency can limit microbial activity, microbial protein synthesis and rate of digestion. In turn, these can impact feed and energy intake. Furthermore, if an animal receives insufficient amounts of protein, meat and milk production can be dramatically reduced.

Follow these three helpful tips to ensure proper protein supplementation.

  1. Identify Protein Needs.

Requirements for protein vary throughout the year and depend on the animal’s stage of production. A cow’s protein requirements will vary from about 9% to 12%, while a ewe’s protein requirements range from 7% to 15%, depending on where she is in the production cycle. Requirements are lowest post-weaning to late gestation and continue to increase as the female gets closer to parturition and lactation. Protein requirements are highest immediately post-calving and post-lambing due to the increase in protein demanded for lactation.

  1. Identify What is in Your Customers’ Feed.

You know the stages of production when additional protein is required, but do you know how much protein to supplement with? Before your customers start a supplementation program, they need to know exactly what their animals are already consuming. Protein can come from pasture, stored forages and grain. By understanding the nutrient profile of the available feedstuffs, they can better identify what supplements they need in their feeding program to meet nutrient requirements and optimize animal performance. BioZyme® Inc. offers forage testing and ration balancing, free to its customers, to help them gain a better understanding of what they are missing in their livestock diets. If you are interested in participating, please contact your Area Sales Manager.

  1. Identify the Protein Supplement that Best Fits their Scenario.

Producers have options when it comes to choosing the protein that will work best with their management practices. BioZyme offers its protein supplements in a tub or meal form to cater to differing management scenarios, allowing for maximum convenience along with improved animal performance. In addition to the added protein, the Amaferm® found in BioZyme products increases the rate of digestion, allowing animals to meet their nutrient requirements faster and on less feed. Increased forage digestion provides for greater microbial growth and production of microbial protein to provide the animal with more protein for growth, lactation and reproduction. Furthermore, with Amaferm in the diet, they will effectively reduce the need to supplement large amounts of protein because they are making more of the protein in the forage available to the animals.


Cattle Products:

  • VITAFERM® CONCEPT•AID® PROTEIN TUB, 200-lb. tub: A combination of Concept•Aid breeding mineral and 20% natural protein in a cooked tub. Specifically designed for reproductive success when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs. Includes natural protein for when forage quality is low.
  • VITAFERM® CONCEPT•AID® PROTEIN MEAL, 50-lb. bag: A combination of Concept•Aid breeding mineral and 20% natural protein in loose form. Specifically designed for reproductive success when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs. Includes natural protein for when forage quality is low.
  • VITAFERM® 30-13% PROTEIN TUB™, 200-lb. tub: A 30% protein cooked tub for beef cattle on forage. Includes no more than 13% equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen allowing for a higher protein level in a low feeding rate. Contains organic copper for maximum bioavailability to support the animal’s immunity.
  • VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ PROTEIN TUB, 200-lb. tub: An economical vitamin and mineral supplement that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. Includes the Amaferm advantage to optimize nutrient digestion and absorption while the vitamin and mineral pack preserves cattle performance and contains protein for when forage quality is low.

Sheep Products:

  • DURAFERM® CONCEPT•AID® SHEEP PROTEIN TUB, 125-lb. tub: A breeding mineral with 16% natural protein in a cooked tub for sheep specifically designed to target cycling, embryo production and conception when fed 30 days prior to lambing through breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs.

Horse Products:

  • VITALIZE® EQUINE PROTEIN PELLET – 40 LB. BAGA pelleted, natural protein supplement fully fortified with vitamins, minerals, organic trace minerals for horses who are not receiving additional grain or are receiving very low quality forage.

The Vita Charge Stress Tubs are getting an upgrade!

The New and Improved Vita Charge Stress Tubs are now formulated with the inclusion of heat tolerant Bacillus spores that act as a probiotic to replenish the good bugs in the gut, while Amaferm works to sustain that balance once replenished.

*The new formula will begin shipping out on October 5th, 2020.

VitaFerm Conserve: Save Many with Several Choices

Cutting spending is something everyone can get on board with. But cutting spending while still having several choices – that is just about too good to be true. However, with the VitaFerm® Conserve™ line, producers do have several options to choose from, depending on their specific needs.

A one-size-fits all mineral program doesn’t typically work for everyone, all times of the year. That is why BioZyme has formulated the VitaFerm Conserve in five additional formulas to the original. Producers can choose the product right for their particular situation.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ This original vitamin and mineral supplement contains Amaferm® to provide your herd the health benefits they need. It supports the health and condition of the entire herd and like all but one of the other formulas comes in a loose form.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ CTC 3G This is another economical supplement choice for beef cattle, that includes CTC for the control of Anaplasmosis. This formula is ideal to feed while cattle are grazing or during breeding season. Remember, since 2017, a VFD is required to purchase and feed anything with CTC or any other medicated feed.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ GARLIC This loose mineral combines both Amaferm and garlic, making it an ideal summer mineral. Amaferm is research-proven to maintain body temperature. Garlic is added to naturally deter insects.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ MAG This is an economical mineral and vitamin supplement that is fortified with high levels of magnesium to help prevent grass tetany. If you are in region susceptible to tetany, your customers might consider this in the spring or early summer or any time they start feeding hay that has yet to be tested.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ MOS The newest product in the line, the combination of Amaferm and MOS make this supplement a great choice any time of the year to maximize herd health cost efficiently. The added MOS helps trap and remove harmful pathogens from the digestive tract, eliminating their ability to do harm.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ PROTEIN TUB This 200-pound cooked tub contains all the same benefits from the vitamins, minerals and Amaferm as the loose mineral, but has the added protein needed when forage quality is low. The 20% added protein is ideal for feeding as summer slips away to fall and the grasses change their nutrient content. The tubs also add convenience to distributing the mineral.

Everybody likes a choice, and with a quality base of vitamins, minerals and the Amaferm advantage, the VitaFerm Conserve is a great choice for those producers looking for an economically friendly supplement for their herd.

Vita Charge for Stress Relief

Vita Charge® is the ideal product for stress relief. And when do livestock feel the most stress? When they undergo abrupt changes to their routines. Think weaning. Think shipping/receiving. Think all aspects of showing them.

West Texas Area Sales Manager Sam Silvers said promoting the Vita Charge line to his dealers and customers comes to him with ease due to the type of people he typically is around, even when not on the sales road.

“With a background in show livestock, I am around those people quite a bit and they see the importance of keeping their animals on feed and water in all situations. The Vita Charge products do that, and they work quickly. I’m also around several people who run stockers and their challenges come up in general conversation. It’s easy to suggest a product from the Vita Charge line,” Silvers said.

One of the best customers and dealers Silvers has found in his area are veterinarians. He said they understand the need to get those animals that have been stressed and treated back on the road to recovery as quick as possible and that boost from the Vita Charge helps.

Click here to see what our customers have to say about these products and more.

Conserve Spending, Increase Performance

BioZyme® Inc. is always looking for ways to help our end-users raise livestock in the most economic efficiently way possible, while keeping the animals safe and healthy. In keeping with the company motto, “care that comes full circle,” we know the best way to help producers help their animals is to develop new and cutting-edge products. Since our last VISION, we’ve launched three new products to help the producer save money and help keep animals performing their best.

Cattle producers are always looking for ways to reduce their input costs without surrendering their herds’ performance. Now, they can do both successfully. BioZyme® Inc., has introduced VitaFerm Conserve ™ to its product family.

VitaFerm Conserve is an economical vitamin and mineral supplement line that like all BioZyme products, comes with the Amaferm® advantage to maximize nutrient digestion and absorption. Although it contains a balanced vitamin and mineral package and Amaferm, Conserve does not contain organic trace minerals. Rather than formulating to optimum nutrient levels like the VitaFerm Concept•Aid® line, VitaFerm Conserve is formulated at sufficient nutrient levels to maintain performance. Therefore, the savings can be passed on to the producer without sacrificing the health or performance of the cow herd.

Available in five formulations tailored to different operational challenges:

Vita Charge Products Offer Something For All Livestock

One size doesn’t always fit all situations. However, with a product line like Vita Charge®, your customers can get the benefits of a supplement that help with protection and recovery from stressful situations in a variety of forms and applications.

The Vita Charge line comes in various forms from liquids to gels to tubs, and its versatility makes it easy to administer to all species and in a variety of situations. From weaning lambs and pigs to starting stockers and transporting show livestock, the Vita Charge line offers must-have products for any producer or livestock show enthusiast.

Gels: Three gel products are available for use on beef cattle, swine sheep and goats. The gels are easy to administer and can even be topdressed on feed for challenging animals.

Vita Charge Gel is the most versatile, and can be used for mother animals after parturition, at weaning time, any time stress is involved like treating for sickness, transporting, starting calves, showing livestock, sale preparation, general stomach upset or any other reason your animals might go off feed.

Vita Charge Climate Control Gel offers the same relief from stress and extreme temperatures by helping maintain the animal’s normal body temperature. Climate Control Gel contains capsaicin to help maintain circulation to support animal performance in heat stress situations. Capsaicin is research-proven to support animals’ ability to maintain normal body temperature.

Vita Charge Clench Gel is ideal for use during diarrhea and scours treatments to support recovery, hydration and nutrient absorption. Added electrolytes help replenish the losses animals experience through constant defecation. It is all natural and can be safely used during shows with no withdrawal period.

Liquids: Several liquid products in the Vita Charge line offer convenience to the producer, feeder or showman. Liquids can be administered via an applicator like a drench gun or syringe, through the water, mixed in with feed or top dressed on feed. Always make sure to encourage your customers to read and follow label instructions.

Vita Charge Cattle Drench is specifically formulated for beef and dairy cattle. Designed for processing large groups of cattle, its ideal for weaning or receiving calves, it can also be used on show cattle to jump start to the digestive system to protect cattle during stress. It is formulated to help cattle recover quickly and does not interfere with antibiotics. Cattle Drench is part of the 3-step Gain Smart ® Stocker Program.

Vita Charge Hydraboost ™ is a unique, nutrient rich liquid supplement for commercial swine that increases water and feed intake and maintains gut immunity, thereby increasing overall health and rapidly restoring digestive balance. Hydraboost contains two ingredients to support the animal’s ability to fight off stress; Amaferm® to ensure that feed intake stays consistent and MOS to trap bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm. It also contains electrolytes, organic Zinc, the antioxidant Vitamin E and b vitamins.

Vita Charge Liquid Boost® is the most versatile liquid supplement in the line and is designed for animals of all species that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Administer Liquid Boot via a medicator, mixed with water, use as a drench or top-dress on feed. It is also a valuable tool in the VitaFerm Weaning Program.

Tubs: Tubs are a convenient way for beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge without extra handling. Although the tubs contain all the benefits of the Vita Charge line when it comes to protecting and recovering your cattle during times of stress, they are not intended to be the sole source of vitamins and minerals for your cattle.

Vita Charge Stress Tub MOS comes in both 50-pound and 200-pound tubs for added versatility and convenience. This cooked tub for beef cattle supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. It is ideal to put with weaned calves, stockers, growers, and to keep in your show pens. Stress Tubs are the second step of the Gain Smart Stocker Program.

Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT® is a cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery that conveniently allows beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge without additional handling. It also contains HEAT® to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees and above. Capsaicin, the key ingredient in HEAT is research-proven to support animals’ ability to maintain normal body temperature. HEAT also includes garlic to deter insects, also helping reduce stress.

One size doesn’t fit all, but with one line of great products like Vita Charge, you’ll be able to reach a broader customer base. The Vita Charge line has something for every livestock producer and all products above offer Amaferm®. Amaferm, a precision-based prebiotic, is designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance. It is research-proven to combat stress by supporting the animal’s own immune system, significantly increasing intake and nutrient utilization, and it is research-proven to combat stress and maintain performance during heat stress by supporting the animal’s own immune system.

Turn Up the HEAT with New HEAT Products for Summer

Don’t let summer heat get your customers’ animals down. Remember to promote and stock up on the HEAT® products including the two newest, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® and DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT®, to make sure to get females bred and keep them bred.

VitaFerm Concept•Aid HEAT and DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid HEAT were designed to keep cattle and sheep reproductively sound during the heat of summer. Both Concept•Aid formulas are highly fortified, free-choice vitamin and mineral supplements designed to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees or hotter. Get your cows, heifers and ewes bred and keep them bred!

In addition to these new Concept•Aid HEAT formulas specifically designed for breeding the HEAT line-up includes several other products used for anytime temperatures reach above 70 degrees or when grazing cattle on fescue.

A complete list of HEAT products includes:

The Benefits of Introducing New Products

Launching new products is an exciting time for a business. Multiply that times three and we have had big excitement at BioZyme® during the last 60-plus days. New products don’t just happen, but when they are finally ready to launch to the dealers and subsequently the end-users, we know that “care that comes full circle” has been implemented, and the benefits will be numerous.

Let’s explore some of the benefits to the customer and the business when a new product or service is introduced.

Company Growth

Introducing new products is vital to a company’s growth. Without new products, you likely won’t grow market share and your business might turn stagnant. New products demonstrate to customers that a business is not satisfied with the status quo and wants to grow. While the company grows, it often times creates a product that has been missing in the marketplace or can provide a solution to a common challenge in a particular industry segment.

Fulfill Customers’ Needs Developing and marketing new products shows that we care about our customers and are continually working to meet their needs.

VitaFerm® Conserve™ was purposefully crafted with the producer in mind as an economical line of vitamin and mineral supplements for the beef cattle herd that complements our existing products during the times of year when reproduction isn’t the primary focus,” said Jack Oattes, Area Sales Manager, during an online introductory meeting to dealers about the new product.

VitaFerm Conserve is just one example of how a product will meet the needs of a customer base that we haven’t yet reached. It will allow producers who want to give their cow herd the Amaferm® advantage during a time when they don’t need a breeding mineral.

Stay in Tune with Seasonal Demands

May seemed like an ideal time to launch two new HEAT® products as both cattle and sheep producers were planning matings and getting ready to breed females and keep them bred through the summer temperatures. Timing is everything, and customers definitely notice when companies are strategic in these launches.

Build momentum this summer with selling the new VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® HEAT® and DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT® so your customers will be asking about them again next spring and summer.

Build your Reputation

A company that creates new products or improves products is often looked upon by its peers and its customers as creative and innovative. Stand out from the crowd with your new products and be sure to share with your customers how these products will benefit their animals, and ultimately their own bottom line. We want our customers to know we care. We hear their needs and their concerns and when feasible, we create a product that we think will help them help their animals.

Part of your reputation and ours comes from the feedback we receive from satisfied customers. When possible, get testimonials from your customers that are using these new products, especially the seasonal ones and submit them to your ASM or the Marketing Team so we can use those testimonials next year when it is time to start promoting these products again. Remember, often times customers like to hear the success their peers had with a product.

New products equal big excitement! We’ve supplied the products, the resources you need to sell the products, now go share the benefits of these products to your existing and potential customers. The benefits are there for everyone!

Protect and Recover with Vita Charge®

Although many shows have been postponed or canceled due to the pandemic this year, livestock still experience stress at home. It is important to reduce their stress and keep them feeling their best all the time, whether you are hauling them every week or keeping them in the barn.

To help mitigate stress, be sure to recommend the Vita Charge line of products. Perhaps the most versatile line, Vita Charge with the Amaferm® advantage is a fast-acting multi-specie supplement that help when livestock need protection or assistance in recovery.

  • Vita Charge® Stress Tub – 200 lb. or 50 lb. tub – A cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. The Stress Tubs contain MOS to trap and expel pathogens, limiting their ability to do harm. 50-lb. tubs are convenient to take to shows to ensure cattle are staying on feed and water while traveling and showing. Also available with HEAT to combat heat stress at temperatures of 70 degrees and above.
  • Vita Charge® Liquid Boost® – 2.5 gallon or 32 oz. bottle – A liquid supplement for animals of all species that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Can be administered via a medicator, mixed with water, used as a drench or top-dressed on feed. Its palatable flavor helps create consistency in taste for any water source.
  • Vita Charge® Gel – 300 mL or 80 mL tube – A gel for all species of livestock that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. This convenient, rapid-response product is formulated to help livestock recover quickly and does not interfere with antibiotics.
  • Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel – 80 mL tube – A gel for all species of livestock formulated to help overcome the challenges of both changes in environment and extreme temperatures by helping maintain the animal’s normal body temperature. Contains Capsaicin which is research-proven to help animals maintain normal body temperature.
  • Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL tube – A gel for all species of livestock ideal for use during diarrhea and scours treatments to support recovery, hydration and nutrient absorption. It is an all-natural oral treatment that provides livestock with ingredients that help to increase nutrient absorption to promote a normal, healthy stool and can be used during competition with no withdrawal period.

Check out all of the testimonials we have available to share with your customers now: