Letters From Lisa – December 2020

At one second past midnight on January 1, 2021, the day will change from Thursday to Friday, usually a transition of no special significance. But this specific change, ending one year and beginning the next, is different. This unique tick of the clock prompts us to celebrate and to reflect.

The end of the year is a good time to celebrate.

If you skip the celebration, you’ll be hard pressed to realize your success, notice the progress you’re making and pivot on challenges in the future. You may always “woohoo” at your own discretion, but do not miss the opportunity to do so at the end of the year.

The end of the year is a good time to reflect.

Reflect on your personal progress AND your business’ progress. “Reflection is looking back so that the view looking forward is even clearer.” – Unknown

After reflecting on the past year, it’s time to plan how you want to develop in the year ahead. Think of the planning as your “business” resolutions. I know, sadly, only about 8% of the 60% of us who make resolutions, achieve them. Let’s be stat stoppers. Let’s achieve the following business resolutions together so we beat those odds:

  1. Promote Your Business Regularly and Consistently
    Too often the task of promoting our business slips to the bottom of the to-do list, crowded out by urgent tasks. But if you want to attract new customers, you have to make promotion a priority.
  2. Make Business Planning a Weekly Event
    Planning is vital if you want a healthy, growing business. Planning lets you assess what worked and what didn’t work, and helps you set new directions or adjust old goals. So why plan just once a year? Set aside time each week to review, adjust and look ahead.
  3. Learn Something New
    What you choose to learn may be directly related or completely unrelated to your business. Learning something new will add to your skills and add a new dimension to your life. Depending on how you choose to learn, you may meet new and interesting people, who may become customers, colleagues or friends.
  4. Set Realistic Goals
    Goal setting is a valuable habit—if the goals lead to success rather than distress. Resolve that the goals you set will be achievable and not so far out of reach that they only lead to frustration.
  5. Don’t Just Make Do
    Is there a piece of equipment in your office that’s interfering with your success? Is there something that you lack that’s making your work life harder? Whether it’s an old computer that’s a pain to use or the need for a new employee to lighten your workload, stop putting off getting what you need.

To a Great Year

If we apply these resolutions throughout the year, we’ll have more energy to put into our business and make it the success we’ve always dreamed it to be. Here’s to a great 2021!



  • The BioZyme® offices will be closed December 25, 2020, in observance of Christmas. BioZyme will resume normal business hours on December 28, 2020.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Freight companies will not be picking up any freight on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2020, or New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2020.


  • Starting December 1, 2020, Vita Charge® HydraBoost™ RTU will be available as a ready to use formula in a 2.5 gallon jug.
  • Cogent Solutions Group has launched Baxyl®GI – the first human product that contains Amaferm®! BaxylGI is a liquid product formulated for maximum absorption, gastric support, and stomach comfort – containing two of the most research-proven, proprietary ingredients on the market: Amaferm & MHB3 Hyaluronan. For more information or to order, contact Courtney Keller at (859) 259-0300.


  • In December, the sewn in tag will be changed to a printed label for all non-pelleted products.
  • Special Until Christmas: The Vitalize® Horse Treats are being packaged in a Christmas gift bag, making them a perfect stocking stuffer for your customers’ four-legged friends.
  • The Vita Charge Stress Tub (50 lb and 200 lb) and Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT have been upgraded to a new and improved formula that now includes a temperature tolerant probiotic to work synergistically with Amaferm® to replenish and stimulate gut bacteria.


  • At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. The project will run from November 16, 2020 through December 4, 2020.


  • On August 1, 2020, BioZyme® implemented a manufacturer’s minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policy around all of the small package animal products sold by BioZyme and our sister company Cogent Solutions Group. In order to purchase small pack products, you must acknowledge receipt of the policy. Click Here to fill out the Acknowledgement Form
  • The MAP column on the big pack products (page 1 of the price list) has been renamed Sugg Retail as it is how it is referred to in the Dealer Agreement as the price at which a Dealer is to use to resell BioZyme products.



  • The BioZyme® offices will be closed January 1, 2021, in observance of New Year’s Day. BioZyme will resume normal business hours on January 4, 2021.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Freight companies will not be picking up any freight on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2020.


  • On January 1, 2021, we will be changing from Altosid (1-fly claim) to Clarify (4-fly claim) in all of our IGR products. The registration process of the new ingredient requires product name changes to several products:
    • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S IGR will now be VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S with Clarifly®
    • VitaFerm® HEAT® IGR will now be VitaFerm® HEAT® with Clarifly®
    • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S CTC 3G IGR will now be VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S CTC 3G with Clarifly®
    • To prepare for this transition, we will not be manufacturing IGR products in December 2020 or January 2021 but will have product on the floor on a first come, first served basis.


  • On January 1, 2021, VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G and VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G IGR will be discontinued due to declining sales.



  • Stay tuned for our soon to be launched Backyard Chicken products. The timing on these is great as Lebanon, MO, Cackle Hatchery owner Nancy Smith describing the spike in her business since COVID-19 says, “We’ve never seen anything like this, and I have been here since 1964.”

Letters From Lisa – November 2020

Gratitude means “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” Being thankful has many positive effects, according to science. It opens the doors to more relationships, improves both your mental and physical health, reduces your ‘fight-or-flight’ reactions, helps you sleep better and increases your self-esteem. All these are obviously worth making sure that we remember to be grateful.

Granted with this month’s holiday, Thanksgiving, it should not be difficult to remember to have gratitude; however, in the middle of a pandemic it may not seem so easy. But at BioZyme®, we have much to be thankful for: you, our amazing team that works so hard every day, our products that take their jobs very seriously, the dedicated animals we have the honor to feed and a country where we can take advantage of the many opportunities if we choose to do so.

Taking advantage of opportunity is something we should do under all auspices, but for sure under the auspices of gratitude. What is the best way to do that?

Be Consistent

Being consistent is one of the most sure-fire ways to continually grow a successful business. Even the best businesses will fail without a dedication to consistency. It’s a long journey to get from where you are to where you want to be, and the only way to do it properly is to never drop the ball.

Be Agile

What customers needed a year ago may not be what they need today. A business needs to be agile and innovative to take full advantage of the opportunities enough that they grow.

Be Available

Customers today are more demanding than ever. Creating value for clients requires more than sitting at your desk and waiting. You’ve got to go to them and say we’ve come up with a new idea, and this is how it’s going to help you. And yes, even during COVID we need to go to them somehow.

Achieve Operational Excellence

Operational excellence manifests itself through performance across revenue, cost and risk. It focuses on meeting customer expectation through the continuous improvement of the operational processes and the culture of the organization.

Find a Game-Changer

Social media has been a real game-changer in our marketing efforts. Use all the game-changing opportunities you can find.

Build a Legacy

Every business should be a good corporate citizen to maximize opportunity. Think “care that comes full circle.”

Know your Industry

You must understand what is going on, not just in your own business, but also in your industry. Knowing what is harming or helping your customers and determining how your business will respond to those factors may constitute at least some of its competitive advantage.

Thank you for all you do for our Company and our industry! Happy Thanksgiving.



  • The BioZyme® offices will be closed November 26-27, 2020 in observance of Thanksgiving. BioZyme will resume normal business hours on November 30, 2020.


  • Sure Champ® Joint Juice is now available in half gallon and gallon sizes. Our 3-month sales projection for this new product was hit in just 3 days!!! Sure Champ Joint Juice is a joint product for show livestock powered by MHB3® Hyaluronan, the most highly researched and proven hyaluronic acid available. It is carefully crafted to naturally support, promote and enhance joint and soft tissue health.
  • Cogent Solutions Group has launched Baxyl®GI – the first human product that contains Amaferm®! BaxylGI is a liquid product formulated for maximum absorption, gastric support, and stomach comfort – containing two of the most research-proven, proprietary ingredients on the market: Amaferm & MHB3 Hyaluronan. For more information or to order, contact Courtney Keller at (859) 259-0300.


  • Special Until Christmas: Starting November 15, 2020, the Vitalize Horse Treats will be packaged in a Christmas gift bag, making them a perfect stocking stuffer for your customers’ four-legged friends.
  • The Vita Charge Stress Tub (50 lb and 200 lb) and Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT have been upgraded to a new and improved formula that now includes a temperature tolerant probiotic to work synergistically with Amaferm® to replenish and stimulate gut bacteria.


  • At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. The project will run from November 16, 2020 through December 4, 2020.
  • In October, the shrink wrap used to wrap pallets during manufacturing was changed from clear to orange. This was done to lessen freight issues with the companies repalletizing our product without permission.


  • On August 1, 2020 BioZyme® implemented a manufacturer’s minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policy around all of the small package animal products sold by BioZyme and our sister company Cogent Solutions Group. In order to purchase small pack products, you must acknowledge receipt of the policy. Click Here to fill out the Acknowledgement Form
  • The MAP column on the big pack products (page 1 of the price list) has been renamed Sugg Retail as it is how it is referred to in the Dealer Agreement as the price at which a Dealer is to use to resell BioZyme products.


  • Kori McLaughlin has joined BioZyme as our new Area Sales Manager for Iowa.
  • Kelley Weber has joined BioZyme as our new Plant Maintenance/Operations Specialist.
  • Maddie Dollar will be transitioning from the Organizational Development Intern to an Organizational Development Coordinator.



  • The BioZyme® offices will be closed December 25, 2020 in observance of Christmas. BioZyme will resume normal business hours on December 28, 2020.
  • The BioZyme® offices will be closed January 1, 2021 in observance of New Year’s Day. BioZyme will resume normal business hours on January 4, 2021.


  • Starting December 1, 2020, Vita Charge® HydraBoost™ will be available as a ready to use formula in a 2.5 gallon jug.
  • Stay tuned for our soon to be launched Backyard Chicken products. The timing on these is great as Lebanon, MO Cackle Hatchery owner Nancy Smith describing the spike in her business since COVID-19 says, “We’ve never seen anything like this, and I have been here since 1964.”



  • On January 1, 2021 we will be changing from Altosid (1-fly claim) to Clarify (4-fly claim) in all of our IGR products. The registration process of the new ingredient requires product name changes to two products:
    • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S IGR will now be VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S with Clarifly®
    • VitaFerm® HEAT® IGR will now be VitaFerm® HEAT® with Clarifly®
    • To prepare for this transition, we will not be manufacturing IGR products in December 2020 or January 2021 but will have product on the floor on a first come, first served basis.


  • On January 1, 2021, VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G and VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G IGR will be discontinued due to declining sales.

Dealer Spotlight: Valley Vet Supply

Valley Vet Supply is a name recognizable to many in the livestock and equine business as a go-to for their animal health and nutrition supplies. And rightfully so. A pair of veterinarians recognized the need of its customers and created the mail-order retailer for veterinary supplies in the small north central Kansas town of Marysville in 1985. In 1999, their online store, www.valleyvet.com went live, making them one of the early adapters of e-commerce, and today, they sell livestock, equine and pet products from coast-to-coast, including BioZyme® small pack products.

Keeping at the forefront of their customers has always been a priority for Valley Vet and is one reason they have adapted so well to technology. Although this nationally recognized company has a massive web and social media presence, personal service has always been a priority, explains Kori Simmons, Director of Marketing. She said that the veterinarians, Drs. Ray Shultz and Arnold Nagely, still come to work daily, and are available to answer customer phone calls, something they both enjoy. 

However, with the number of clients that Valley Vet serves and the diversity of their products, it has adapted its marketing program to include more information through video on its social media platforms. Simmons said this has proven to be a successful way to partner with its vendors and reach its customers. 

“Do not underestimate the power of video. In today’s day and age, people are less apt to read and more apt to watch a 30-second video – short, quick and to the point. It’s better to have five 30-second videos that are broken up than to have a five-minute video,” Simmons said.

Simmons said their marketing team realized the power of video compared to a typical post when they were analyzing engagement. So, they started using more video with simple giveaways and sweepstakes by partnering with some of their vendors. However, with COVID-19, the realization that their customers were looking for information, helped them transition their video content, and they saw an even greater boost in their customer engagement.

Prior to COVID, Simmons said their vendors and partners would come in to train the Valley Vet call center and marketing teams to ensure everyone was saying the right things to end-users. Once that came to a halt, they realized the need to continue to get their messages out to their customers, so they started producing Facebook Live sessions with their vendors.

“We started partnering with our vendors, and what we started doing was less of an infomercial and more of an educational focus. With a product focus versus topic focus that fills in with some product information, the engagement was night and day different. Since COVID, our engagement is up about 50%, and really and truly the only thing that has changed is our video engagement,” Simmons said.

Valley Vet typically has between 50 to 100 people watch each Live video, with a growing number of those being a regular following. She said it is not unusual for them to have 30,000 views after the Live is over. They have had great success keeping a regular time and day for their Facebook Lives, Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 p.m. This helps them measure and compare engagement by keeping a consistent time and cadence.

Simmons recommends getting all speakers online about 30 minutes before your Facebook Live to test sound, lighting and background. Make sure that the background isn’t distracting; you might need to clean your office or go to a room with fewer windows if it is too bright. Make sure you have a speaker with a good personality, and one that can answer the questions that are asked. And make sure you have a person to monitor questions, even after the Live program.

“Make sure to actively monitor customer questions. Put yourself out there to answer questions. Make sure it happens,” Simmons reminds.

Although Valley Vet sometimes does prerecord and edit videos to post, the engagement on their live videos is just too good. Simmons said their engagement is usually quadruple on a live video what it is on a prerecorded video that they put on social media. She advises keeping prerecorded videos for product focus on your website, but to keep them short and to make sure they are updated as any changes are made.

Regardless the size of your business, you can make a big impression with Facebook Live and prerecorded videos. Follow the advice that Simmons offers to grow your customer engagement. Video is a tool that is here to stay! 

Upcoming BioZyme Plant Improvement Project

At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. 

The project will run from November 16, 2020 through December 4, 2020.

What does this mean for you? 

  • Amaferm and Amaferm Liquid will be available during this down time through BioZyme and our Key Partners – Consumers Supply Distributing and Nutra Blend.
  • All page 2 Price List products (Vita Charge & Vitalize brands) will be available during this down time as normal.
  • Due to receiving bin replacements, mixing upgrades and limited warehouse space BioZyme will have limited capacity of page 1 Price List products (VitaFerm, Gain Smart, DuraFerm, etc.) in our St. Joseph manufacturing plant; HOWEVER, we have worked closely to have sufficient inventory of all of these stock items throughout this time with our distribution partners. These include:
    • Consumers Supply Distributing at 800-383-6927
    • Roy Umbarger & Sons at 317-422-5195
    • BWI Companies at 903-838-8561
    • Eldon C. Stutsman Inc. at 319-679-2281

We have and will continue to work hard to meet your needs in every way that we can. Please feel free to contact your BioZyme representative, with any questions about this time.

The Power Of Protein

Protein is a powerful nutrient for your animal’s digestive system and rumen to function properly. However, spending money on protein supplementation may not always be the best investment for a producer to make. They need to know when to supplement protein and how much to provide to make it a wise investment in their operation.

Protein is essential within the diet of a ruminant to supply the ammonia needed for microbial growth and to provide the amino acids needed for absorption from the small intestine. A protein deficiency can limit microbial activity, microbial protein synthesis and rate of digestion. In turn, these can impact feed and energy intake. Furthermore, if an animal receives insufficient amounts of protein, meat and milk production can be dramatically reduced.

Follow these three helpful tips to ensure proper protein supplementation.

  1. Identify Protein Needs.

Requirements for protein vary throughout the year and depend on the animal’s stage of production. A cow’s protein requirements will vary from about 9% to 12%, while a ewe’s protein requirements range from 7% to 15%, depending on where she is in the production cycle. Requirements are lowest post-weaning to late gestation and continue to increase as the female gets closer to parturition and lactation. Protein requirements are highest immediately post-calving and post-lambing due to the increase in protein demanded for lactation.

  1. Identify What is in Your Customers’ Feed.

You know the stages of production when additional protein is required, but do you know how much protein to supplement with? Before your customers start a supplementation program, they need to know exactly what their animals are already consuming. Protein can come from pasture, stored forages and grain. By understanding the nutrient profile of the available feedstuffs, they can better identify what supplements they need in their feeding program to meet nutrient requirements and optimize animal performance. BioZyme® Inc. offers forage testing and ration balancing, free to its customers, to help them gain a better understanding of what they are missing in their livestock diets. If you are interested in participating, please contact your Area Sales Manager.

  1. Identify the Protein Supplement that Best Fits their Scenario.

Producers have options when it comes to choosing the protein that will work best with their management practices. BioZyme offers its protein supplements in a tub or meal form to cater to differing management scenarios, allowing for maximum convenience along with improved animal performance. In addition to the added protein, the Amaferm® found in BioZyme products increases the rate of digestion, allowing animals to meet their nutrient requirements faster and on less feed. Increased forage digestion provides for greater microbial growth and production of microbial protein to provide the animal with more protein for growth, lactation and reproduction. Furthermore, with Amaferm in the diet, they will effectively reduce the need to supplement large amounts of protein because they are making more of the protein in the forage available to the animals.


Cattle Products:

  • VITAFERM® CONCEPT•AID® PROTEIN TUB, 200-lb. tub: A combination of Concept•Aid breeding mineral and 20% natural protein in a cooked tub. Specifically designed for reproductive success when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs. Includes natural protein for when forage quality is low.
  • VITAFERM® CONCEPT•AID® PROTEIN MEAL, 50-lb. bag: A combination of Concept•Aid breeding mineral and 20% natural protein in loose form. Specifically designed for reproductive success when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs. Includes natural protein for when forage quality is low.
  • VITAFERM® 30-13% PROTEIN TUB™, 200-lb. tub: A 30% protein cooked tub for beef cattle on forage. Includes no more than 13% equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen allowing for a higher protein level in a low feeding rate. Contains organic copper for maximum bioavailability to support the animal’s immunity.
  • VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ PROTEIN TUB, 200-lb. tub: An economical vitamin and mineral supplement that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. Includes the Amaferm advantage to optimize nutrient digestion and absorption while the vitamin and mineral pack preserves cattle performance and contains protein for when forage quality is low.

Sheep Products:

  • DURAFERM® CONCEPT•AID® SHEEP PROTEIN TUB, 125-lb. tub: A breeding mineral with 16% natural protein in a cooked tub for sheep specifically designed to target cycling, embryo production and conception when fed 30 days prior to lambing through breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs.

Horse Products:

  • VITALIZE® EQUINE PROTEIN PELLET – 40 LB. BAGA pelleted, natural protein supplement fully fortified with vitamins, minerals, organic trace minerals for horses who are not receiving additional grain or are receiving very low quality forage.

Letters From Lisa – October 2020

Staying Connected in Disconnected Times

Salespeople are naturally resilient and strong, but how do we keep selling in COVID-19 times? It is part of our DNA to keep going, quickly recovering from the many rejections we receive from prospects and the market, and this time is no different. More than ever, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and tackle the situation.

Whilst many people believe businesses should completely shut down and that now isn’t a time to buy and sell, we understand that the economic impact on businesses and families will be more detrimental if companies stop buying and selling. We need to be creative and quick to adapt to new challenges while supporting team members, partners and clients as much as possible.

How to adapt

Many events are being canceled or turned into virtual conferences, and the face to face element and networking opportunities are no longer possible, which in turn drastically decreases the number of leads and engagements. So, how do we adapt to the new reality?

Switch the focus to two channels:

  • Digital – which means webinars, digital advertising, trainings, content, etc.
  • Proactive Outreach / Outbound Prospecting – which means a more human and tailored approach to get in touch with prospects via phone, Zoom, email or social.

When using video, phone, email or zoom, there are still a few elements that need to be taken into consideration when you reach out to a prospect. For example:

  • Empathy – We are all human beings and maybe the person you are reaching out to has a close friend or family member that just lost a job, or even worse, is ill. The first thing to do in your outreach is to be human, address the issue, and feel the vibe of the conversation.
  • Tone – The tone is fundamental in your approach. If you sense that the person on the other side of the line is not open to a conversation, make sure you back up, and don’t be too pushy.
  • Be patient and resilient Some people won’t take it well that you are still trying to drive business in tough times. You will have to be even more resilient and work harder to get into conversations that will be open and interactive.

People are more open to talk

Currently, a lot of people are working from home, meaning that they are much more receptive for interaction and happy to talk. Now is the time to have more conversations and to build relationships. Talk to people, listen to their challenges, understand their point of view and empathize with the situation. Whenever they need you or your solution in the future, they will remember you, so put all of your efforts into these calls. This will be crucial for your success in the future, even if not right now.

Look after your customers

In times where business may slow down, it’s time to look after your customers and make sure you are providing them with the value they need. It is an opportunity to get closer to your clients and strengthen these relationships. Understand the challenges they are facing and be flexible in your business terms. Once this all is over – and it will be they will remember the companies that stood by their side.

Changes Coming in October 2020


  • Sure Champ® Joint Juice will be available October 1, 2020 in half gallon and gallon sizes. Sure Champ Joint Juice is a joint product for show livestock powered by MHB3® Hyaluronan, the most highly researched and proven hyaluronic acid available. It is carefully crafted to naturally support, promote and enhance joint and soft tissue health.


  • The Vita Charge Stress Tub (50 lb and 200 lb) and Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT are being upgraded in October to a new and improved formula that now includes a temperature tolerant probiotic to work synergistically with Amaferm® to replenish and stimulate gut bacteria. The new formula will begin shipping out on October 5th, 2020. The old formula has been sold out and is not available. Orders for the new one may be entered at any time but will not ship until the 5th of October.
  • Vitalize® Alimend K9 (for dogs) is now shipping in case quantities of 6 of the 6 oz. bottles. This is a great product for those dogs who have chronic digestive upset.
  • Feedback from our Dealers and Sales Team has prompted us to change the case quantity of the Vitalize® Horse Treats. A case now contains 12 of the 2-lb. bags. These treats come all the way from Germany and are made by a horse feed company (Eggersmann) that has been in the same family for over 50 years. They are great people who live horses and have made these treats out of that love.


  • In October, the shrink wrap used to wrap pallets during manufacturing will be changing from clear to orange.


  • On August 1, 2020 BioZyme® implented a manufacturer’s minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policy around all of the small package animal products sold by BioZyme and our sister company Cogent Solutions Group. In order to purchase small pack products, you must acknowledge receipt of the policy. Click Here to fill out the Acknowledgement Form


  • Cogent Solutions Group’s animal joint health products are now available on the BioZyme Price List to help streamline the ordering process for dealers. This includes: Hyaluronex® (gallon and half gallon sizes), Trixsyn® Canine, and Trixsyn® Feline. Cogent Solutions Group’s human joint and skin care products can still be ordered by contacting Courtney Keller at 859-259-0300. These products have 7 patents behind their impact on joint health. They work!


  • Sarah Cravens has joined BioZyme as our General Counsel.
  • Maddie Dollar has joined BioZyme as our Organizational Development Intern.
  • Kori McLaughlin will join the BioZyme team on October 5, 2020 as the new Area Sales Manager for Iowa.



  • At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. The project will run from November 16th, 2020 through December 4th, 2020.



  • On December 31, 2020, VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G and VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G IGR will be discontinued due to declining sales.