Letters From Lisa – October 2020

Staying Connected in Disconnected Times

Salespeople are naturally resilient and strong, but how do we keep selling in COVID-19 times? It is part of our DNA to keep going, quickly recovering from the many rejections we receive from prospects and the market, and this time is no different. More than ever, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and tackle the situation.

Whilst many people believe businesses should completely shut down and that now isn’t a time to buy and sell, we understand that the economic impact on businesses and families will be more detrimental if companies stop buying and selling. We need to be creative and quick to adapt to new challenges while supporting team members, partners and clients as much as possible.

How to adapt

Many events are being canceled or turned into virtual conferences, and the face to face element and networking opportunities are no longer possible, which in turn drastically decreases the number of leads and engagements. So, how do we adapt to the new reality?

Switch the focus to two channels:

  • Digital – which means webinars, digital advertising, trainings, content, etc.
  • Proactive Outreach / Outbound Prospecting – which means a more human and tailored approach to get in touch with prospects via phone, Zoom, email or social.

When using video, phone, email or zoom, there are still a few elements that need to be taken into consideration when you reach out to a prospect. For example:

  • Empathy – We are all human beings and maybe the person you are reaching out to has a close friend or family member that just lost a job, or even worse, is ill. The first thing to do in your outreach is to be human, address the issue, and feel the vibe of the conversation.
  • Tone – The tone is fundamental in your approach. If you sense that the person on the other side of the line is not open to a conversation, make sure you back up, and don’t be too pushy.
  • Be patient and resilient Some people won’t take it well that you are still trying to drive business in tough times. You will have to be even more resilient and work harder to get into conversations that will be open and interactive.

People are more open to talk

Currently, a lot of people are working from home, meaning that they are much more receptive for interaction and happy to talk. Now is the time to have more conversations and to build relationships. Talk to people, listen to their challenges, understand their point of view and empathize with the situation. Whenever they need you or your solution in the future, they will remember you, so put all of your efforts into these calls. This will be crucial for your success in the future, even if not right now.

Look after your customers

In times where business may slow down, it’s time to look after your customers and make sure you are providing them with the value they need. It is an opportunity to get closer to your clients and strengthen these relationships. Understand the challenges they are facing and be flexible in your business terms. Once this all is over – and it will be they will remember the companies that stood by their side.

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