Why Is Video Vital To Your Success Right Now?

Every day it seems like an increasing number of “in-person” events are being cancelled or transitioned to virtual. Conferences and field days are now virtual, local sporting events (if your kids or grandkids even get to play) are limiting attendance to two spectators per player, and even regular meetings like the PTO and County Commissioners are meeting online.

It’s a challenge to have the same personal interaction you once had with customers and potential customers, but you can still get your face and voice out there and make a personal connection with video.

“In a time when everything is cancelled, postponed and interaction is limited, video outlets give you the best opportunity to communicate with your customers in a way that still feels engaging and face-to-face,” said Jessie Judge, BioZyme® Inc. Marketing Brand Coordinator. “Additionally, in 2020 there is an influx in the total number of people who are passing time on their computers and phones, and thus in the case of video, this may be setting you up to reach even more customers with your digital efforts!”

Not only are more people on their phones and tablets, but video is effective because like personal relationships, seeing a face, helps build trust. According to an inc.com article, the area in the human brain called the fusiform face area solely recognizes faces, and facial recognition leads to trust.

“Nielsen’s Trust in Advertising reports rank recommendations from someone we know, or feel like we know, as the most trusted. Producing in-house video content lets your audience get to know you in a dynamic way. Ongoing content not only allows for experimentation, it enables you to build trust, even when you can’t be there in person,” according to the inc.com article 1.

Ashley Fitzsimmons, BioZyme’s Regional Marketing Coordinator, works with the ASMs and the dealers to make sure their messages are timely and synergistic with the national advertising program. She agrees that video is important and here to stay.

“It’s a digital world, and video is king, again, especially during all that 2020 has thrown at us. Video gives the ability to reach our customers where they are on their phones and convey a message that takes minimal input effort on their side. Watching is easier than reading,” she said.

This summer, BioZyme offered more digital messages than ever before – hosting a three-night mini-series Facebook Live, “How to #Preptowin in a Pandemic,” conducting a youth leadership and development conference, Sure Champ® Advanced Leadership Event (SCALE), hosting two virtual producer meetings in the spring and making numerous new product announcements using Facebook Live. All of these events had tremendous success and allowed for face-to-face interaction through the use of video.

“Any successful tactic is successful because of the planning that takes place ahead of time. With all the virtual, video and digital events we created or hosted this summer, it was key that our team identified the right timing to launch these efforts and develop the content that our customers wanted or needed to hear from speakers that could convey the message best. The team planning and effort on everyone’s part helped us to deliver successful video and virtual campaigns that gave us a lot of digital traction and face time with our customers,” Judge said.

Judge and Fitzsimmons agree that it isn’t always easy to measure if your digital video presence was effective, but if you start with a goal in mind, that will help you measure your video’s effectiveness.

“Social media has trained us that quantity is what’s important. But in all actuality the quality of views is way more important. Now, you can’t sell a product or service if people aren’t viewing your content; but, I think we need to keep in mind with all digital media that the true effectiveness should be measured on cost of transaction versus number who took action,” Fitzsimmons said.

Judge agrees and said that organic involvement with your followers is vital. “The more key customers you can get to share your content, the more reach you will have and the better you can get your message out there. When customers share your video, you can see who is sharing it and if they are commenting, which goes hand in hand with Ashley’s comment about quality of views and engagement.”

Nothing will ever replace the warmth of a smile or the grasp of a firm handshake. However, with today’s technology, video allows us to be in multiple places with multiple people and still have “face-to-face” interaction. Video is here to stay. Incorporate it into your marketing strategy and watch your business grow.

Source: 1 – https://www.inc.com/entrepreneurs-organization/why-in-house-videocontent-is-critical-in-new-normal.html?cid=search

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