Effective Action: Use Relationships to Ensure Producer Meeting Success

Any time you get a group of like-minded people in a room to talk about solving their challenges, you have the potential to host a successful producer meeting. Use existing relationships to create an even more rewarding meeting. There are a few ways that using these relationships when planning your next producer meeting can help build your business. Let’s explore.

Cooperate with another agricultural company.
Co-host your next producer meeting with another complementary agricultural company. The companies might have some overlap in customers, but each will likely have some unique customers who could benefit from the other company’s products and services. Perhaps you could partner with a genetics company or a show supply company, depending on what BioZyme® products you are talking about. Cooperating on a producer meeting splits the cost of the meeting and exposes a wider audience to your products.

Building on these already established relationships give you a leg up. It shows your potential customers that you are easy to get along with. It also provides an unspoken endorsement on the products and services you provide.

Encourage your customers to bring a guest.
Your customers are probably going to attend, but you could offer an incentive for bringing a guest who has the potential to become a new customer. Send a text reminder a few days before the meeting and let those within a set radius know that you will offer an incentive to those who bring a guest. If the newcomer becomes a customer, perhaps that incentive becomes even greater, like a percentage off your current customer’s order, like a discount for referrals.

Engage with the audience.
It’s always good to get the crowd engaged. Since the room consists of your customers, you should know their challenges and successes. Of course, the first topic to discuss is AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, but after that, mention how a certain product has impacted a particular crowd member’s conception or rate of gain. People like to be recognized and know that you care about their results.

Call upon your allies.
Word-of-mouth and testimonials go a long way in building trust and securing new customers. If there is a local veterinarian or a highly respected producer who has had success with the products, ask them for a few comments. It is always good to hear from a third party about the benefits of the products, without a hard sell.

Producer meetings are an efficient way to show appreciation to current customers and establish relationships with potential customers. Building on current relationships at these meetings makes them even more effective. Like any other enterprise, use your resources, count on your relationships and use those relationships to grow your customer base.

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