Taking Your Business to the Next Level

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” 

This quote by Winston Churchill can be applied to many facets of our lives. It also resonates with the team here at BioZyme®. We are constantly changing, and working to continuously improve ourselves as businesspeople. We know you are too!

At BioZyme, we strive to always live up to our motto: care that comes full circle. One of the most critical ways we do this is by collaborating with you, our dealers. Another way we do this is by working to embody our 4 pillars.

But our pillars aren’t just goals for us. We know from experience that each of these pillars—research, innovation, inspiration, and giving back—can help you grow your dealership and business. After all, as far as we’re concerned, you, our dealers, are part of our team. When you succeed, we succeed.   

That’s why BioZyme created the Dealer Action Rewards Program, to both thank you and motivate you toward further success. The program allows our dealers to earn and receive points for actions that help their business grow and promote BioZyme products

It is our ultimate goal to help you grow your business. The best and fastest way we can do that is by supporting you as you complete the tasks set up within the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet that best aligns with your business’s overall goals.  

Five Stages for Business Growth 

Small businesses can vary widely in size and capacity and allow for growth within them. The Harvard Business Review states in an entrepreneurial management article, The Five Stages of Small-Business Growth, small businesses can be categorized by 3 key categories. Those growth categories include: independence of action, differing organizational structures and varied management styles.  

Keeping those three key categories for small businesses in mind, you can assess your business’s current standing. Then, assess and evaluate your needs, using that information to take your business to the next level.  

Applying Strategy to Discover Growth 

In the Harvard Business Review article, those five stages include existence, survival, success, take-off, and resource maturity.  

In the existence and survival stages, these companies can range from newly started to high-technology manufacturers that have yet to stabilize and establish either production or product quality. 

When evaluating your business in these stages, it might be helpful to ask, “Can I get enough customers, deliver products, and provide services well enough to become a viable business?” 

In the third, fourth, and fifth stages of business growth, the business faces the challenges of continuing to use the company for growth. Other aspects companies will experience are finding new opportunities as financial growth takes off and delegating responsibilities.  

Along with the rapid growth, it is also key for a company to consolidate and control its financial gains. At this stage, the company has the resources to engage in detailed operational and strategic planning. Examples of this strategic planning could include a standard marketing plan and brand identification for the company, special product promotions, or attending events to build brand awareness. 

Leveling Up: Where Do You Want to Land? 

When leveling up your business, it’s important to remember that your dealership is no different from raising livestock. The quality inputs that you put into your business (taking action) can help increase performance (sales) and drive gains (growth).  

When assessing your business’s current state and determining its desired growth, it’s ideal to consider the tiers set up in the BioZyme Dealer Growth Program—Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. 

These tiers were implemented into the Dealer Action Rewards Program to set dealers up for success both in their own business and as BioZyme dealers. Promoting BioZyme products to drive sales and increase profit can help you advance and level up in the action rewards and growth program.

Along with leveling up in the program, dealers can consider what specific and clear actions are necessary to take their business to the next level. 

Bronze Level: Minimum Sales $10,000 

Dealers who achieve this level earn a maximum 1,499 Action Rewards Points. They also score between 21-25 on their Action Score Card and have at least $10,000 in total sales.  

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following:  

  • $500 in Animal Health product purchases 
  • Total purchases increase annually by 5% or more 
  • Carry at least 2 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Bronze Dealer Benefits 

• Receive a BioZyme Swag Pack with a choice of retail merchandising and apparel 

Silver Level: Minimum Sales $25,000 

Dealers level up to the Silver Level after achieving a score of 1,500–2,249 Action Rewards Points, Action Score Card Score between 26-28 and $25,000 in total sales. 

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following: 

  • $1,000 in Animal Health purchases 
  • Total purchases increase annually by 4% or more 
  • Carry at least 3 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Silver Dealer Benefits 

  • Invite to Dealer Retreat but no reimbursement (you will receive 500 action rewards points for attending). 
  • Guaranteed 2% of total sales from the prior year will be allocated toward a BioZyme-approved marketing plan. 

Gold Level: Minimum Sales $100,000 

Dealers must achieve a score of 2,250–2,999 Action Rewards Points, Action Score Card Score between 29-31, and $100,000 in total sales to advance to Gold Level status. 

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following: 

$3,000 in Animal Health product purchases 

  • Total purchases increase annually by 3% or more 

Carry at least 4 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Gold Dealer Benefits 

  • Invite up to two people and up to $500 expense reimbursements to the annual Dealer Retreat.  
  • A guaranteed 2% of total sales from the prior year will be allocated toward a BioZyme-approved marketing plan. 

Platinum Level: Minimum Sales $300,000 

This level in the Action Plan and Growth Program achieves the requirements of 3,000+ Action Rewards Points, an Action Score Card Score of 31 or above, and $300,000 in sales.  

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following: 

  • $5,000 in Animal Health product purchases 
  • Total purchases increase annually by 2% or more 
  • Carry 5 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Platinum Dealer Benefits 

  • Receive an EXCLUSIVE VIP experience with BioZyme team members — Director of National Sales, Vice President of Domestic Business, and/or your Area Sales Manager.  
  • A guaranteed 2% of total sales from the prior year will be allocated toward a BioZyme-approved marketing plan. 
  • All expenses paid invite for up to two people to the annual Dealer Retreat. 
  • Priority ordering 

Once you level up to the next tier, you are then eligible to redeem those benefits. By staying on target in the plan and continuing to maintain dealer status, you are on the path to taking your business to the next level. Check out the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet to view this list and the tasks through action you can take to get your action plan started.  

Are you curious about more information on our Animal Health products available to order? Learn more about these products in the Product Center in the Online Dealer Center.  

Elevate Your Business 

At the forefront, it seems daunting and possibly intimidating to try to find where to begin the process and steps to take to discover growth and elevate your business. Remember, keep your business in mind and the tools, resources, and actions you can implement to help your business grow.  

Assess Your Current Status 

It is always beneficial to start with an assessment of current standing to know where you are and evaluate where to go with moving toward your business goals.  

BoardroomAdvisors.co suggests a SWOT Analysis to conduct a balanced assessment of internal strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities, and threats. This analysis is one of the most commonly used tools by individuals and businesses.  

Along with the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet, other beneficial resources include a database of prospects and leads in your area. You can develop these through printed direct mailers and in-store display merchandise materials from the SAMM Center to market products to your customers and potential new customers.  

When taking your business to the next level, you can also utilize BioZyme’s professional team. Learn from our team of nutrition experts and other dealers across the country who discuss a variety of topics through the Message Board in the Online Dealer Center.  

Set Clear Goals 

Evaluating the current business standing is just the beginning. To execute a plan to take off and determine the actions to take, you will need to set clear and achievable goals for your business.  

Determine SMART goals for your company and the growth you want to achieve. It is important to remember with the SMART goals in mind, you are setting goals that are:  






These goals can help give you a clear sense of direction, push you further, and help you stay organized to be successful. 

The LinkedIn Learning blog, How to Help Employees Set SMART Goals for Professional Development, discusses the goals set up in the SMART framework. This framework can ensure clarity, focus, and measurable progress in skill enhancement. 

BioZyme Benefits 

After assessing and setting goals for your business, it is vital to then put those goals into action. BioZyme offers several options for dealers to leverage for their businesses and tackle the smaller tasks to achieve the big goals.  

The actions you take can look different for each individual business. To name a few, these include:  

  • Participate in the quarterly direct mailer to your customer list 
  • Engage on social media 
  • Utilize the Ration Request service 

In the Action Plan booklet, we have created examples of the routes you can take to earn points and take your business to the next level. 

The Action Points earned can then be redeemed for items in the list of rewards in the Dealer Center. 

Monitor Progress 

As you are achieving these actions in your plan, remember to monitor and review your progress toward your goals.  

One simple way to review your Action Point total and track activities: check the My Action Dashboard in your Online Dealer Center account! You can then look to see which level you land in the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet

To review your sales progress competitively with other BioZyme dealers, check the Dealer Dashboard under the My Account tab in the Dealer Center. It displays the top 10 dealers of each BioZyme brand. You can also view your sales ranking per product line on the homepage of your account. 

Keep an eye out in Dealer Center and the BioZyme Dealers Facebook group! We provide continuous updates to those dashboards to better keep you in the loop.  

Rewards Program: Fueling Your Growth 

Taking your plan and goals into action is just the first step in fueling growth as a BioZyme dealer. 

At each level of the BioZyme Dealer Action Rewards Program, you will be able to track your business’ growth. All the recommended actions have been specifically designed to generate growth. Though it might not be immediate, you’ll be able to see real, substantive benefits to your earnings and sales numbers.

Shining Success

Don’t just take it from us. Here are a few success stories from BioZyme dealers who have taken action in the Dealer Action Rewards Program.  

Spotlight: K Triangle Feed 

Keith Micke at K Triangle Feed says, “Everything in the Action Rewards Program I’ve done has helped me with sales one way or the other.” He says the Dealer Rewards Program can give you ideas for actions that you may not otherwise do.  

Micke further explains that the program’s actions can also help you get out of your comfort zone. That helps you accomplish tasks that benefit your business long-term.  

“Master Dealer trainings keep you updated on new products coming out and give you ideas on how to sell and place with your customers,” he says.  

He also states hay testing is another way to help you with your customers in making decisions on product placement. Attending trade shows and fairs and setting up booths gets people coming by that you may not normally see.  

 “This can help to get the word out and add exposure for our products and the benefits of Amaferm in their program,” he says. “You may plant the seed one year, and a year or two—or 10—they see you consistently out at these events, they start buying.” 

At the 2024 BioZyme Dealer Retreat, K Triangle Feed received top honors. They were awarded Second Place Action Dealer and Second Place VitaFerm® Dealer from sales in 2023. In 2023, he earned a total of 4,160 action points to receive this award. He did this through attending events, direct customer mailings, co-branded swag, and more!  

Spotlight: Tina Graham 

Though a relatively new member of the BioZyme family, Tina Graham has found the Dealer Action Rewards Program beneficial to her business. She has experienced first-hand the lasting impact that a personal touch can have on her customer base.  

“I benefit from using the rewards program to earn swag to give back to all of my customers,” Tina explains. “Customers love getting ‘gifts’ from me from the simple stuff of chapstick to t-shirts and vests. The rewards program allows me to do this without adding more overhead cost to my business.” 

At this past Dealer Retreat, Tina received the inaugural Rookie Dealer of the Year award for her sales in 2023.  

She also received the new Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards during the 2024 Dealer Retreat.  

BioZyme President and CEO Lisa Norton presented 13 Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards to dealers who exemplified leadership and passion for their businesses. The award spotlights dealers who excelled in their businesses not only in sales but also with engagement, growth, and action.   

“Leadership is intentional. It is a trait you must work on every day,” Norton said. 

Live It, Love It, Lead It is part of an ongoing leadership development program at BioZyme. The program’s mission is to grow leaders for the industry from within our community—employees, dealers, and consumers. 

Put Your Plan into ACTION 

Now that we have evaluated several avenues and resources BioZyme offers through the Dealer Action Rewards Program, it’s time to put these plans into tangible action for your business.  

It is important to remember: 

  1. Action = Growth 
  1. Growth = Success 

Get started with the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet to develop a business strategy and promote BioZyme products.  

If you have any questions, you can also contact your Area Sales Manager or the BioZyme Action Team. The support team can help you start putting your plan together or taking these actions for your business.  

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