The Importance of Hay Testing Near Me

We know that BioZyme® dealers wear many hats. You are a salesperson, a consultant in nutrition across species, a supporter of youth livestock and horse events, and a pillar in your community. Let’s add one more role to your over-extended job description: forage sampler. Did you know that hay sampling is a free service that BioZyme offers its customers, who are ultimately your customers?  

That’s right! The next time you have a customer ask, “Is there anywhere that does hay testing near me,” your answer will be simple: right here. 

Why Test Hay? 

Testing hay in the late summer and early fall is imperative to know exactly the nutrient content and makeup. Just like no two BioZyme dealers are the same, no two hay crops are the same, even if they both look similar. There is no way to tell the nutritional makeup of your hay just by looking at it. You could have the most gorgeous group of bales, yet they could all be deficient in protein or energy. 

If you or your customers cannot tell the nutrient value of your hay, how will your livestock be getting the proper nutrition. A simple forage analysis can help a customer determine what is missing from their hay, which in turn helps you sell them the added vitamins and minerals to supplement their herd. Forage testing is a win for the customer, you, and their animals. That’s care that comes full circle. 

That is why hay testing is so important.  

Hay Testing Made Easy 

At BioZyme, we want to make your customer’s forage testing experience as simple as possible. That is why we have broken it down into these 5 simple steps. 

1. Identify your Hay 

It is important for you or your customer to have their hay identified by a lot number, so they know which test results are from which lot. A lot is defined by the field and the cutting it is from. 

For instance, a lot from the second cutting from field one would be named Lot 1-2. A first-cutting sample from the third field would be 3-1. It is important to identify the lots when you haul them from the field and store them and continue to know where they are kept.   

2. Collect Samples 

Once the lots are identified, it is time to collect samples. As a dealer, you or your Area Sales Manager should be prepared to help your customer collect samples. Having an accurate sample is the key to a successful analysis. 

We recommend taking 10 samples from each lot, mixing them together, and submitting them as a representative sample of that lot. Be sure to get the samples from as far inside the bale as possible. There are two ways to collect samples: with a probe or by hand. 

Sampling with Hay Probe 

Reach as far as possible inside the bale with your coring tool. This can be more difficult when bales are wet or when the hay is very mature. In those cases, a spare battery for the drill is helpful, especially if a large number of bales are to be probed. 

Sampling Hay by Hand 

It helps to use a short pipe to pry open the bale. The goal is to reach inside with your hands open and grasp tightly a handful of hay. You want to try not to strip the leaves off when you grab them, so many small handfuls are better than one large handful. 

3. Place Samples Into a 5-gallon Bucket. 

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have at least 10 samples from 10% of the bales in the lot you are testing. Place all the samples into the same 5-gallon bucket. 

After sampling your bales, make sure to pull apart and thoroughly mix the entire sample. Do not rely on the lab to mix your sample. 

Place the sample into a re-sealable plastic bag and remove any excess air. It is fine if the bag is not completely full, but you will need approximately 1/2 a quart of material in the bag. You, the BioZyme dealer, should be able to submit the samples. 

If you have any questions at all, please contact your Area Sales Manager or a member of the Dealer Action Team. We submit every sample we receive to Dairyland Laboratories

4. Wait for Results 

Once you submit forage samples for testing, we can typically generate results within a week. These results indicate any deficiencies in energy or protein. In addition to knowing the nutrient content of your forages, it is also important to know the amount of each lot of hay you have. 

This is especially important when working with the BioZyme Nutrition Team to plan your next steps. This will help them calculate the proper rations and make supplement recommendations moving forward when they know how to match your forage supply to your production calendar. 

5. Work with the BioZyme Nutrition Team 

We send the forage analysis results to the producer, the dealer, and the ASM. We suggest the dealer and producer work with the nutritionist at BioZyme to calculate and coordinate formulations and supplementations. 

Where Can I Find Hay Testing Near Me?  

So, next time you hear, “Where can I find hay testing near me?” you will know just how to answer. We hope you are confident that you can pull and collect samples and submit them. That way, you can help your customers find the best nutrition options available.  

Sometimes wearing all these hats can be a challenge. But sometimes, it makes you a superhero, too. Offering hay and forage testing is just one way you can offer customer service that will pay your customers’ dividends in the long run. 

BioZyme® Dealers Recognized for Outstanding 2023 Achievements

BioZyme® dealers were honored for their sales and action during the 2023 business year at the 2024 BioZyme Dealer Retreat. “The Best of BioZyme” was June 4-6 in Saint Joseph, Missouri, home to the leading global fermentation company that relies on nearly 2,000 dealers in its network from coast to coast. 

Alan Lee, Vice President of Domestic Business, recognized the dealers for their accomplishments. Top dealers in each line of the BioZyme family of brands received a personalized belt buckle with a complementary display rack. 

Award winners for 2023 include:  

Top Overall Dealer 
• First Place: Stockmen’s Feed Bunk, Inc. – Texas
• Second Place: High Hill Supplements – Texas  

Top Action Dealer
• First Place: Boyce Feed & Grain – Texas
• Second Place: K Triangle Feed – Wyoming 

Overall Rookie Dealer
• Tina Graham – Wyoming

Top VitaFerm® Dealer
• First Place: Basore Cattle – Missouri
• Second Place: K Triangle Feed – Wyoming

Top Gain Smart® Dealer 
• First Place: Twin Rivers Nutrition – Texas
• Second Place: LaMoure Feed & Seed – North Dakota

Top Vitalize® Dealer
• First Place:, Inc. – Tennessee
• Second Place: Kentucky Buying Coop – Kentucky

Top Sure Champ® Dealer
• First Place: Sullivan Supply – Iowa
• Second Place: Producers Coop – Texas

Top DuraFerm® Dealer
• First Place: Heritage Cooperative – Ohio
• Second Place: Stillwater Milling Agri Center –

Top Backyard Boost® Dealer
• First Place: Shawnee Milling/Shawnee Feed Center – Oklahoma
• Second Place: Boyce Feed & Grain – Texas

Basore Cattle
K Triangle Feed
LaMoure Feed & Seed
Sullivan Supply
Stillwater Milling Agri Center
Twin Rivers Nutrition
Tina Graham

Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards  

New in 2024, BioZyme President and CEO Lisa Norton presented 13 Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards to dealers who exemplified leadership and passion for their businesses.  

“Leadership is intentional. It is a trait you must work on every day,” Norton said just before recognizing the dealers. 

Live It, Love It, Lead It is part of a leadership development program that Norton is launching and growing within BioZyme. The Live it, Love It, Lead It program’s mission is to intentionally grow leaders for the production livestock industry, through the employees, dealers and the Sure Champ® brand. 

The inaugural Live It. Love It, Lead It Award Winners include:  

Basore Cattle – Missouri 
Boyce Feed & Grain Corp – Texas  
Crusty’s Feed Store – Nebraska 
Darlington Feed, LLC – Wisconsin 
DS Farm Supply – Tennessee 
Falling Timber Farm – Missouri 
Tina Graham – Wyoming  
Hallstead Farms – Kentucky 
Osage Elevator – Iowa 
Performance Feeds – Kentucky 
Reiss Seed Inc. – Kansas  
Route 51 Feed & Supply – Illinois  
WM Feeds – South Dakota 

BioZyme relies on its extensive dealer network to help provide care that comes full circle to its customers and their animals across the country. We are proud of the dealers for their efforts and appreciate them for taking time to attend the Annual Dealer Retreat to learn, network and strengthen the business acumen. 

To find a dealer near you, visit our dealer locator

Basore Cattle
Crusty’s Feed Store
Darlington Feed, LLC
DS Farm Supply
Reiss Seed Inc.
Route 51 Feed & Supply
Tina Graham

Leadership Team Reflects on 2023 — Looks Forward to 2024

“No man will make a great business who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit of doing it.” Those are the words of American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie eloquently described, before his time, the Leadership Team, that is guiding BioZyme® Inc., in 2023 and beyond.

Although each company faces challenges, the BioZyme Leadership Team leads each individual team to pivot those challenges into opportunities on a regular basis. Let’s look back at 2023, and review some of the big wins, according to our leaders.


Defining wins in 2023 is subjective and depends on individual experiences, goals and perspectives. However, from my seat on the bus, I would define 2023 wins by reflecting on the following.

Personal Achievements: If you accomplish significant personal goals, 2023 was a win. With the use of the Culture Index (work traits analytics) in almost every facet of our business, I think we have had a win here. People understand themselves better so they can work with others to accomplish personal achievements.

Relationships: If you build strong and meaningful relationships it makes for an incredible win. This for sure happened in 2023; we had more meetings and offers to be partners with our vendors, customers and potential customers than we have ever had in the history of the company. Just to name a few, our bagging supplier, our phosphorus supplier, Zinpro, Furst-McNess and Trait Bio.

Health and Well-Being: BioZyme continues to be in a strong financial position. That is always a win in a forprofit business.

Positive Change: Getting our corporate governance and board of directors in place was a huge win in 2023. We now have a dynamic, experienced board of directors who represent all the opportunities and challenges BioZyme faces – industry, science, use of funds and historical perspective.

Happiness: Thanks to all our team members (YOU), most days we experienced and supported each other’s happiness which made the atmosphere at BioZyme happy. For me, that is always a win. Sure, we all make mistakes occasionally, but in totality I think we did a great job in 2023 at being happy, despite a lot of stress from capital projects and slow sales.

Learning and Growth: If you learn, grow and develop new skills or knowledge during a year, it is a huge win. I saw lots of this going on in 2023. Some learning was intentional (all manufacturing team becoming PCQI) and much came from the experiences of each day. In any case, it is a win.

Overcoming Challenges: Successfully overcoming challenges, adversity or obstacles is always a win as it demonstrates resilience and personal growth. In my opinion, we have done a lot of this over the last two years. We have done it by sticking together, not giving up and looking forward instead of backward. Ultimately, what makes a win in a company is a whole bunch of personal wins throughout each individual team member’s work. I think we had a lot of that in 2023, and for that I am very grateful!


This was a very busy, but successful year. Our focus was the launching effort for AO Biotics® EQE. The product is now already actively sold in eight different countries, and we are continuously registering it in more countries. Validation studies were done with many egg producers in different countries, and our research is confirmed constantly.

Another focus was the signing of distribution agreements in interesting countries that have a good potential for our portfolio. We appointed new distribution partners for the GCC countries, Egypt and Slovenia. Continuous training of Product Managers and Salespeople of our distribution partners was a very important part of our work. This is the base for continued growth we are expecting for 2024 and beyond.


One of our biggest achievements from a marketing perspective has been positioning the BioZyme family of brands from a silo of individual brands to a family this year. This lets our customers know that we offer multiple products across species and that we can help more than just one kind of animal at a time.

We have also been building new teams and introducing new people to BioZyme, while overall getting better at knowledge transfer. We can never stop learning and growing, and this knowledge we learned in 2023 will help take us further in 2024.

The sales and marketing teams stepped up their retail merchandising and display activation. Thanks to you, the dealers, we now have more signage and presence each quarter, and this will continue into the next year.

In Animal Health, we continue to support our distributors and have eight additional salespeople working in the field servicing wholesale partners as they promote our products to the retail channel. In addition, Ali Brunner has transferred from ASM to Animal Health Sales Manager.

We have heard from our partners through the surveys and through that feedback the team is working to identify gaps in our product range so that we are able to introduce new products in 2024.

On the human health side, we were excited to focus complete attention on Baxyl® and HyaGlo® with the transition of all equine and companion animal products from Cogent to the Vitalize® line. We rebranded Baxyl and have built a new team while developing a new web-based platform for these products.


This year, the quality and regulatory teams worked diligently to show just how WOWING BioZyme can be as we strive to live and breathe quality and compliance each day. Some of our 2023 wins are highlighted below.

BioZyme rocked our 2023 quality certification audits:
• Stockyards FAMI-QS – 99%
• Stockyards Safe Feed, Safe Food – 100%
• Easton FAMI-QS – 100%
• Cogent GMP – 100%
• Surprise EPA inspection at Stockyards – no findings
• Surprise FDA audit at Stockyards – no findings
• Surprise Eurofins FAMI-QS audit at Stockyards and Easton – no findings

We increased awareness of food safety and safe, accurate product through education:
• PCQI training for all of operations, quality, laboratory employees
• FAMI-QS training for regulatory personnel

We updated and implemented a more robust sampling and testing plan for finished products and raw materials:
• Updated Amaferm testing plan
• Implemented EQE testing plan
• Implemented Amaferm ECO testing plan
• Implemented a test-and-hold program for all international orders
• Created and implemented a sampling calendar for communication on testing needs and deadlines

We prioritized and expanded the scope of laboratory testing, monitoring, and documentation:
• In-house copper testing with one-day turnaround
• In-house non-protein nitrogen
• In-house acid insoluble ash
• In-house liquid fiber analysis
• Increased aseptic technique in Microbiology lab
• Implemented in-process environmental monitoring
• Implemented daily sterility checks for every AO batch
• Generated SOPs for Analytical and Microbiology labs

As we close out the year, we look back on all we’ve learned and the new relationships that have been solidified. I am especially thankful to be part of a work family where colleagues support and encourage each other and excellence is expected. I am most grateful that despite all the challenges we faced in 2023, our team has stayed the course and is fully dedicated to a bigger and brighter 2024!


In the dynamic landscape of 2023, BioZyme’s Research & Innovation battalion experienced a pivotal year defined by strategic initiatives and groundbreaking accomplishments. Noteworthy was the company’s significant investment in state-of-the-art fermentation and drying technologies, laying a robust foundation for advancements in biotechnology.

This dedication also manifested in the expansion of our research portfolio, exemplifying our commitment to staying at the forefront of scientific innovation. Our team successfully devised and implemented a strategic innovation system finely attuned to both business development objectives and the evolving needs of our diverse customer base.

A highlight of the year was the team’s instrumental role in fortifying the AO-Biotics® brand, achieved through the strategic launch of a specialized postbiotic tailored for laying hens. This targeted product not only bolstered our market presence but also showcased our dedication to addressing specific challenges within the poultry industry.

Moreover, BioZyme actively contributed to advancing scientific knowledge in the field of postbiotics, with research findings garnering recognition from esteemed peers, including the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP). These accolades underscore our commitment to scientific excellence and further solidify our standing as industry leaders.

Importantly, the team continued to deepen its understanding of the impact of Amaferm, BioZyme’s flagship additive, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to excellence in animal nutrition. Efforts to expand our additive portfolio reflect a forward-thinking approach, aimed at addressing major challenges in animal nutrition and health. This comprehensive approach to innovation, coupled with a steadfast dedication to scientific inquiry, positions BioZyme as a trailblazer in the field, ensuring sustained growth and impact in the years to come.

Top Growth Products in 2023

It’s hard to know where you should go, without reviewing where you’ve been. We thought it would be fun to review some of our top selling products for 2023 year-to-date, compared to the same time last year.

These products are fast growing, and by keeping them stocked on your shelves and in your warehouse, you might just see a difference in your sales.

Backyard Boost® Defense – 8 oz

This was by far the top growth product, experiencing nearly a 151% growth, year over year. This liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and a healthy immune response is also a high-margin product. It can be marketed during chick days and beyond as it provides nutrients needed in times of stress and promotes water intake and hydration. Several dealers actually use it to turn their water green during chick days and have signage that encourages customers to “Ask me about the Green Water.”

Gain Smart® Wheat – 50 lb bag

This somewhat seasonal and regional product charted a 92% growth in sales. A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to maximize efficient gain on wheat or small grain pasture. Gain Smart Wheat provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system. It contains Amaferm, organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.

Vitalize® Blazin – 32 oz

This liquid product for horses is designed to support normal recovery from heat stress and exertion. This quick response product grew in sales 66%. It promotes cellular hydration and water retention. In addition to Amaferm, it includes antioxidants to reduce damaging free radicals caused by exertion and heat.

Sure Champ® Joint Juice – 64 oz bottle

Posting a 68% sales growth, is this multi-specie liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice supports sustainable soundness and mobility while it lubricates joints. It contains MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

VitaFerm Conserve® CTC 3G – 50 lb bag

This VitaFerm product also charted a 67% growth. It’s a vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle with CTC designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. It features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package and contains CTC for control of anaplasmosis.

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid® – 50 lb bag

In the small ruminant line, this product grew by 39%. This free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats is designed to support reproductive success. It supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, while high levels of vitamin E assist in reproductive tract repair.

Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL

This rapid-response product grew in sales by 22%. Clench is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. It contains MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system and electrolytes to support rehydration. It also has Amaferm, to enhance digestibility. Like all Vita Charge and Sure Champ products, it can be used on show livestock without testing and doesn’t interfere with antibiotics.

As you can see with a range in growth across product lines from 22% to 151%, the BioZyme family of brands truly does offer something for every customer. We recommend stocking some of these high-margin, more popular products to make sure that your sales continue to grow into 2024 and beyond.

Marketing materials or signage are now available in the SAMM Center (Signage, Apparel, Marketing Materials) in the Online Dealer Center. These branded materials, in one location, make your marketing even easier than ever.

How Dealers Can Work with ASMs to Plan their Growth

“The nature of life is to grow,” said Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This famous quote suggests that growth is an inherent characteristic of life itself.

Long-time BioZyme® Area Sales Manager (ASM) Chris Kyle offers some advice when it comes to setting a growth goal for the approaching year. Kyle, who works with dealers in Arkansas, Louisiana and east Texas said he encourages his dealers to start thinking about the budgeting and planning process for the next year at the beginning of Quarter 4 the year prior.

“I usually start putting that reminder out there by the first of October. Then around the end of October or first of November, I like to sit down with my dealers to talk through how they see their sales going for the next year,” he said.

Be Strategic to Grow

Kyle offers advice to dealers as they think through and establish their sales goals for the next year.

First, they look at the current year’s sales. Now, it is time to set the bar a little higher and forecast growth. Kyle said individual dealers’ goals will vary and should align with their action plan and what level of BioZyme dealer they strive to become.

Sales growth can come in a variety of different forms. Revenue can be created by introducing new BioZyme products or brands, obtaining new customers within the same markets serviced in the past or selling more products to existing customers.

The BioZyme family of brands offers ample opportunities to introduce new products into a dealership. In addition, BioZyme’s new product development team works diligently to add new products to its lineup each year, ensuring you always have new opportunities for growth.

These products can be sold to new customers or even existing customers. With the recent Vita Charge® Cattle Drench campaign, several dealers increased sales by offering this product to existing VitaFerm® or Gain Smart® customers.

Finally, consider new business opportunities that you might have. Did you have a new producer move to your sales area? Will you have a producer meeting and invite prospective customers? Kyle’s experience shows that both these help his dealers increase sales, especially in the spring and fall.

Want to grow in 2024? Ask your ASM to schedule a time to help plan your action.

Making The Most of Chick Days: Chicken Products, Sales Strategies and The Value of Planning Ahead

As any seasoned dealer can tell you, Chick Days is more than a routine—it’s a boom or bust moment for any vendor in the world of chicken products. As a dealer or feed store owner, you’re not just witnessing a surge in demand; you’re at the forefront of a thriving market. That means there’s genuine opportunity there that you might not initially realize. 

Chick Days isn’t just a blip on the calendar; it’s an opportunity for those well-versed in the nuances of poultry commerce and products. In this blog, the BioZyme team is diving into the intricate dance of supply, demand and consumer behavior during this pivotal period. Let’s be frank: as dealers, you are the experts in what your consumers want. You know your community better than we do. That’s why we aim to provide insights that resonate with the seasoned dealer. Our goal is to offer strategies to fine-tune your approach and extract the maximum value from Chick Days. 

And if you’re new to Chick Days and are looking to get an insight into how to best set up your operation for success, we’ve got you covered. This guide is not only intended to be practical but a tool for everyone. Let’s navigate this season together, leveraging your industry acumen to make Chick Days not just profitable but a standout chapter in your business story. 

What’s So Special About Chick Days? 

Chick Days are a period marked by increased interest in chicken products—typically involving the sale of live chicks to enthusiasts and farmers. 

But it’s more than just about buying chicks. This tradition, rooted in the agricultural calendar, serves as a bridge between winter and spring. It signals not only a practical approach to poultry farming but also a cultural celebration of renewal and growth. It’s more than a fun seasonal event—it’s an annual agricultural milestone. It’s also a dynamic sales period. 

Seasonal trends vary based on factors like geographical location and evolving consumer preferences. Understanding these fluctuations is essential. Are backyard enthusiasts looking for specific breeds? Is there an uptick in demand for organic feeds? By deciphering these nuances, businesses can tailor their offerings, aligning with the pulse of consumer behavior during Chick Days. 

Planning for Chick Days 

For the seasoned dealer or feed store owner, Chick Days necessitates a strategic approach. Anticipating the ebb and flow of demand, optimizing inventory and crafting targeted promotions are imperative for success during this critical season. Strategic planning ensures businesses don’t merely navigate Chick Days; they thrive. 

Check out our Starter Guide for Baby Chicks

Our Tips for Ensuring Successful Chick Days for Your Business 

Tip #1: Consider Your Customers 

Identifying your target customers during Chick Days is pivotal. Are they seasoned farmers, backyard hobbyists or first-time enthusiasts venturing into the world of chicken products? These customers are looking for different things from their dealers, and you can service all of them if you’re strategic. 

Customer Preferences for Chicken Products 

This may sound like a lot of work, especially if you’ve run Chick Days in the past, but where there’s products to sell, there’s more money to be made. With that in mind, it’s important to think about what different types of customers may be looking for. Experienced farmers may gravitate towards heritage breeds, valuing their resilience and self-sufficiency. Hobbyists or first-time buyers are likely to prioritize organic or high-end feeds, as they want to guarantee success and don’t know all the ins and outs of caring for chicks. 

It also doesn’t hurt to take some time to examine accessory trends. For instance—novel coop designs, automated feeding systems or eco-friendly bedding options. While not all of these will be right for all your customers, they can be a great source of additional profit. That being said, don’t make investments that don’t match your community’s needs. If your customer-base is exclusively long-standing chicken producers, you don’t need to go all-in on chicken products for first timers. 

It’s important to make these considerations to ensure you’re pre-empting demand. 

Tip #2: Create A Stellar Lineup of Chicken Products 

Beyond live birds, dealers can enhance their product lineup with a comprehensive array of essential supplies and accessories. This encompasses coops, nesting boxes, bedding and other coop management essentials. Creating an all-in-one shopping destination ensures customers have convenient access to all chicken products required for a successful poultry-raising experience. 

The Value of Nutritional Supplements and Feeds 

The nutritional well-being of poultry is a top priority for backyard enthusiasts and farmers alike. Dealers can elevate their offerings by including a range of nutritional supplements and feeds. This includes specialized feeds for different life stages, ensuring optimal growth and egg production. Nutritional supplements, such as those promoting digestive health and immune support, add a layer of care to the product lineup, providing customers with comprehensive solutions. 

BioZyme offers a variety of excellent supplement products through our Backyard Boost brand that you can steer customers toward! 

Backyard Boost Products Include… 

Backyard Boost® Defense 

A liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and a healthy immune response. Backyard Boost Defense contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility and provides nutrients needed in times of stress. By adding this green liquid to their fresh water daily, you will promote water intake and hydration. 

Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials 

A pelleted protein supplement for poultry designed to maximize digestibility and egg production. Backyard Boost Daily Essentials also contains Amaferm. Additionally, it contains AO-Biotics® EQE, a postbiotic research proven to enhance egg quality and production. This supplement also provides nutrients needed for overall well-being. 

Backyard Boost® Busy Balls 

A prebiotic treat to help bounce boredom, we designed Backyard Bost Busy Balls to maximize engagement among backyard chickens and improve overall quality of life. Busy Balls also contain Amaferm, making them a powerful tool to supplement nutritional deficiencies and improve overall quality of life for a coop. 

Tip #3: Merchandising for Brick-&-Mortar Stores 

Now this is a subject that the BioZyme marketing team has A LOT to say about. Not just because we’re a big fan of our own work, but because it genuinely improves results for dealers at the checkout counter. And we believe that’s what you deserve. 

If you’re looking to make a killing on chicken products during Chick Days, effective merchandising is more than arranging shelves. It’s all about creating an immersive experience. A well-merchandised store isn’t just a place to buy supplies—it’s a hub engaged customers will want to spend money and acquire information. How do you make that happen? 

Eye-catching Displays and Signage 

Transform your store into a shopping destination with displays. Eye-catching arrangements draw customers in, highlighting the diverse array of chicken products you have available. They also make your store look better and more reputable across the board. You can even be strategic about how you place signage, subtly guiding your customers through the available offerings you carry. 

Create Themed Sections for Ease-of-Access 

In particular, many dealers have success organizing their store with themed sections that mirror the journey of raising chickens. This not only simplifies the shopping experience for customers, it makes it easier for you to keep track of what you’re selling the most of. 

Educate Customers About Products In-Store 

Knowledge is key—empower your customers with information about each product. Engage them through interactive displays and informative signage. We also encourage staying up to date on product details so you can have informed conversations with them! An educated customer is a confident customer, more likely to make purchases that ensure the success of both their flock and your business. 

Check out this blog for additional retail merchandising tips

Tip #5: Think Digitally 

We’re more than willing to recognize that this tip is easier said than done for a small operation. Especially if your customer base is older and less likely to use the internet to keep current on deals, seasonal events and purchasing information. But learning to take advantage of e-commerce platforms or social media to announce available chicken products during Chick Days can be a real boon to your business. 

You can consider running special deals on certain chicken products or allow customers to reserve purchases ahead-of-time online. You could even create social posts highlighting your store to potential users looking to partake in Chick Days. Being easier to find and engage with online will almost always help your sales numbers. 

Advice from an Expert… 

To provide you all with a little more usable information, we consulted with Content and Digital Strategy Manager John Sprong, our resident web marketing expert. 

“If you’re a small dealer servicing a smaller community, it’s important to recognize your ability to reach new people online is going to be modest. It might not be worth the man hours necessary to execute a small campaign for your business. But if there’s a real chance you can reach a larger, untapped audience, make sure your investment is meaningful. Link back to your business’ website, run a countdown ‘til the start of Chick Days, send reminder emails. You might even consider creating a special promotion for the event, and reposting your store’s address to help new folks find you.” 

“I recognize this isn’t going to be practical advice for everyone, but if you have a website, you want to create as many opportunities for your customers to engage with you digitally as possible. This can be through exclusive online deals, eblasts to loyal customers, or Facebook posts that you send out prior to the start of Chick Days. You want to highlight your chicken products, and why consumers should turn to YOU.” 

As Sprong stated rather succinctly, “what matters is planning ahead and following through on that strategy.”   

Tip #6: Encourage Customer Engagement 

As most dealers already know, engaged customers are the heartbeat of a successful business. That’s why great dealers don’t only focus on transactions. They create passionate consumers. This may sound a little hokey, we know, but it’s worth thinking of your business as a community in-and-of itself. This can transform chicken product sales during Chick Days into sustainable, year-round revenue. But how do you do that? 

Build a Community Around Chick Days 

Transforming Chick Days from a transactional event to a community celebration is an investment in the longevity of your business. We have found that small dealers thrive by fostering connections, creating spaces where enthusiasts can share experiences, tips, and the joy of raising chickens. So, what does that look like? 

Involve Your Customers 

Empower your customers to share their Chick Days journey. This can be powerful online, or even in the store. Everything from posting testimonials, leaving business reviews or sharing photos, videos and posts about their journey raising chickens. If you care about their experience, they’ll come back to keep buying from you. It can also do wonders to help encourage other people online to pay you a visit and spend money with you. There’s no better advertising than an enthusiastic customer! 

Think About a Customer Loyalty Program 

Loyalty is a two-way street. Implementing a customer loyalty program not only rewards purchases but also acknowledges engagement. From exclusive Chick Days previews to special discounts, valuable incentives can be a key driver in new business. Who wouldn’t want to be a dedicated customer with a dealer that values them? 

Tip #7: Encourage Feedback 

If you’re a small operation looking to make the most of this Chick Days and improve in the years to come, there’s no better compass than your customers. This holds true for larger dealers and feed stores, too. Nobody knows whether your customers are getting what they want better than your customers. 

That’s why if Chick Days come to a close, and you’re wanting to take stock of what worked and what didn’t, turn to your customers. It’s possible their feedback doesn’t give you much direction. Lots of folks might not be comfortable sharing their unfiltered opinion. But there’s real value in asking for honest feedback. 

Maybe you didn’t have the chicken products they were looking for, or the layout of your store could use a little bit of fine-tuning. All of that is useful information. But also, it lets your customers know that you care about their experience. More than that, it showcases that you want to serve them better in the future. So, even if you get nothing but glowing reviews, checking in with the people you serve can be a great way to ensure you get repeat customers next Chick Days. 

BioZyme Can Help Make the Most of Chick Days 

If you’ve read this blog and are feeling overwhelmed about prepping for Chick Days, don’t worry. BioZyme is here to help. Most standardized retail merchandising supplies can be requested through the Online Dealer Center or through your Area Sales Manager. There are exceptions. 

To request Backyard Boost display boxes, email Sam Albers at, with your dealership name, the type needed (Backyard Bird or Songbird) and quantity needed. These will be delivered to you by your ASM, preassembled. 

Have an idea for something you’d like to see? Submit a Marketing Request or watch the Dealer Facebook page and VISION newsletter for more merchandising material in the future or to ask for help. 

Planning is Vital to Tracking Today’s Livestock Show Schedule 

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. . .yes, people are gearing up for the holidays. But in the show livestock world, they are also preparing for livestock shows.  

Yes, jackpots are now basically year-round, and the winter majors are happening soon. The livestock show schedule is a crazy, never-ending loop. So, how do breeders and exhibitors prepare? It all comes down to planning. 

Regional Livestock Show Schedules 

Livestock show schedules happen on a somewhat regional basis. In many parts of the U.S., including the Midwest, plains states and coasts, county and state fairs happen in the summer through the fall. This allows young people to take advantage of the summer months, when they are not in school, to work with their animals and attend weeklong county fairs and junior nationals. 

However, in Texas, the leading state for livestock shows based on number of animals shown, the well-known “Texas Majors” happen in the winter through spring. The Southwestern Livestock Exposition, commonly known as Fort Worth kicks off this string of multi-species major livestock competitions in January. 

Other southern states like Georgia, for example, start showing new projects just like they do in Texas in November and December. These first-time projects are getting their start now and will wrap up in late spring. 

Check out our list of shows at the end of this blog HERE.

Impact on Breeders 

Regionalized livestock show schedules allow for some breeders to have year-round marketing outlets. For instance, those who raise show pigs can breed for and farrow summer pigs for those in the south who need pigs that will finish in the winter and spring. Since sows have a shorter gestation length than a cow, they can have on average 2.57 litters per year. Thus, realistically a sow will have two litters of pigs, which means show pig breeders will have the opportunity to market to two different sets of clientele.  

Of course, cattle breeders don’t have that luxury; but cow-calf producers either fall or spring calve, and there are always options available for exhibitors. 

Livestock Show Schedules Run on Exhibitor Ages 

For most breed associations and youth programs like 4-H and FFA, there are age minimums and maximums for the participant. Depending on the organization and the location, most of the ages are by January 1. However, some of them are set by the actual show date or another date, like September 1. Always be sure to read and know the particular show guidelines set forth by the show or organization.  

You don’t want to get to a show and realize that your son or daughter is not the correct age to show, after you have invested the expense and time into a show project. Read and reread the rules carefully and keep them with you in case you have any questions or concerns. 

How Can Dealers Help Exhibitors Power Champions? 

It is important for dealers to help their customers power champions by keeping a full line of Sure Champ® products stocked during your particular show season. If you live in an area where shows happen year-round, you want to keep the staples like Liquid Boost®, Sure Champ® Joint Juice, Sure Champ® Cattle and the gel products on hand.  

If you have shows in primarily the summer months or live in a warmer, southern climate be sure to have Sure Champ® Extreme with ClariFly® stocked, as that multi-specie product is a crowd favorite in the heat when flies become a challenge. 

Take Advantage of Tools For Success 

Need help promoting these Sure Champ products? We have got you covered there too! Visit the SAMM Center to request all your marketing materials and literature. 

Do you use Promoboxx? Promoboxx is free to our dealers, and we have social media posts already created for these products. Use these to your advantage! If you don’t have Promoboxx, sign up today. It simplifies your social marketing and offers you posts across all of the BioZyme family of brands. You can find more information about Promoboxx under the Marketing Tab in the Online Dealer Center

Tracking livestock show schedules in your area can be a challenge. However, with proper planning you can help your customers power their champions by providing the products they need from Sure Champ. You can also provide a list of upcoming shows. Nearly every show has a social media site, so follow or like the show on Facebook or Instagram so you can keep up with deadlines and dates, and perhaps post those dates on your own social media as a service to your customers. Although many states have a show of some kind on every weekend, we have provided a list of national shows for you to have handy for you to track.  

Featured BioZyme Team – Cogent Solutions Group

Cogent Solutions Group was founded in 2005 in Lexington, Kentucky, with its early focus on the equine industry. From the very onset, Cogent has developed products with proven efficacy. The company’s focus is unique in that during the product development process, it emphasizes focus on addressing the underlying issues of challenges that humans and animal face – rather than just relieving symptoms. Ultimately, its corporate goal is to improve the quality of life of its customers and their animals by upholding the “care that comes full circle” model. BioZyme acquired Cogent in the summer of 2018. Both companies are founded upon proprietary fermentation-based ingredients. Both uphold the highest quality standards, aiming for safe, accurate products ALWAYS. And both believe in only putting forth products and ingredients that are backed by research that do what they say they will do.

At Cogent, a large percentage of its business is dedicated to contract manufacturing relationships. Cogent’s expertise lies in its ability to take an idea, formulate it, test it, scale it up and adapt its production to suit the needs of its vendor.

Currently, Cogent focuses primarily on manufacturing liquids of varying viscosities from the consistency of water up to a thick gel. They are able to adapt to filling multiple container types and sizes, based upon the vendors’ needs and wishes. In the summer of 2018, Cogent worked to transition all existing BioZyme paste products to water-based gel formulas. That conversion improved:

  • Product consistency across different environments (extreme temperature doesn’t affect the consistency of gels like it does paste)
  • Ease of administration (no more getting stuck in the tubes)
  • Homogeneity & dosing accuracy of the full spectrum of ingredients
  • Product texture (animals seem to prefer the smoothness of the gel over the paste)

Cogent Solutions Group manufactures a unique high-molecular weight hyaluronic acid formula calledMHB3®Hyaluronan. MHB3 is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid patented & proven for the support of GI tissue integrity, joint, and bone health. It has eight U.S. patents for joint health support (osteoarthritis, bone spurs & more).

Several BioZyme products are powered by MHB3, including:

  • Vitalize®Alimend®
  • Vitalize® Hyaluronex®
  • Sure Champ®Joint Juice
  • Vitalize®Trixsyn®Canine & Trixsyn®Canine Performance
  • Vitalize®Trixsyn®Feline

Cogent also sells and manufactures products for humans, including HyaGlo®, a skincare line, andBaxyl®, supplements for joints and digestive health. To learn more about these products, visit and

Do you want to carry Baxyl or HyaGlo in your dealership? To get signed up as a wholesaler call (816)238-3326 or

Six Ways to Maximize Opportunities at Livestock Shows 

Attending livestock shows is a way of life for families across the U.S. From the local county fair to the State Fair of Texas, which boasts more than 2 million visitors annually, people typically enjoy going to a fair. The sites, the smells and the attractions offer nostalgia to some. But for our clientele, it’s likely the livestock shows that draw attention. 

For BioZyme® dealers, you can use livestock shows as a venue to reach young exhibitors. Regardless of if you sell products from a feed store in town or from a shed off the farm, shows at the local level are a great marketing tool. You can promote your business; further educate others about the benefits of the products you offer and reach out to potential customers. 

Livestock shows also serve as a wonderful outreach tool. BioZyme’s Area Sales Manager Shane Schaake, who travels Kansas, said the BioZyme company moto, care that comes full circle, is what drives him to get out of bed each day.  

“Whenever I get to work with young people, either talking to them at a show, producer meeting or other youth leadership event, I get excited because I know I am helping them learn more about their animals and themselves. These livestock shows help young exhibitors learn core values while helping them build their program, and that is exciting to me.” 

Let’s explore six ways dealers can get involved at livestock shows at a local level. 

Marketing Opportunities at Livestock Shows 

  1. Networking 

Getting out to your local jackpot show or county fair allows you to visit with new and potential customers. If you are able to have a table with a sign, and perhaps have a give-away or sell product, people will stop by and visit, especially in the down time. 

“People who show livestock are sometimes more progressive and willing to try new products. They will usually ask good questions, so be present to visit, and keep literature on hand, said Kevin Glaubius, ASM for Nebraska. 

  1. Building Awareness 

A sign around the show ring, sponsoring awards or providing back numbers will help create awareness about your business and the products you offer. The BioZyme marketing department has pre-made formatted numbers branded with Sure Champ® that are easy to print.  

These back numbers can be printed or emailed directly to your printer. You can also submit a marketing request for a banner to hang from the show ring or your table to promote the fact that you are there promoting the show. 

  1. Provide Sponsorship 

A case of Vita Charge® Gel is an inexpensive investment for class winner or division winner prizes. This will give the recipients a chance to try a product they might not otherwise have tried. Once the exhibitor tries the Gel, they will likely want to know more about how it works, buy more or even want to purchase other products in the BioZyme family of brands. 

Another way to get involved is to provide a tee-shirt or cap with your business name on it to the young exhibitors. Kids will remember these small gestures, and so will their parents, who are the decision makers and often control the finances. 

  1. Be an Educator 

Make sure to take several pieces of literature with you to the show. Not only will you want information about Sure Champ, but you will also want information about the other product lines you carry. 

“If you are at a livestock show, and someone has a heifer, chances are they have cows at home. They need VitaFerm, too. Even if they are showing lambs, pigs or goats, they probably have other livestock at home, and almost everyone has a dog,” Schaake reminds. 

  1. Make a Sale 

“The biggest thing is if you’re going to a show, be stocked at least with the small pack products, and be willing and able to sell them,” Schaake said. 

There is nothing more disappointing to a potential customer who has just learned about the advantages of a new product than being told that it isn’t available. If you are going to talk about the products, make sure you have them on hand, or someone is at your local store front, and can bring them out to make the sale.  

We know that the benefits of quick response products, those that are typically the small pack products, sell themselves. If a new customer sees how well those products work, they might be more willing to purchase mineral. 

  1. Build Rapport with Future Customers 

Glaubius enjoys the outreach aspect of working with those who attend a livestock show.  

“Obviously, it is important to support the kids and give back to the local community. But just as important, you are working to build your future customer base,” he said. 

If a young person has five show heifers now, with a goal of building his or her herd, they might graduate college with 25 to 30 cows, that all should be on a mineral program. That young person remembers that your dealership gave out a tube of Vita Charge and a Sure Champ sticker a decade previously, so he or she returns to your dealership to learn about VitaFerm®. VitaFerm for 30 cows might not seem like a lot, but that person eventually builds his or her herd to 200 cows, has a few horses and starts a backyard chicken flock. See how the domino effect works on one small outreach effort. 

“Investing in our young people today has the potential for a great return on investment,” Glaubius said. 

What You Get Out of It 

We’ve discussed how you can engage with your community at a livestock show. But let’s take a second to discuss what taking time to invest your energy in local livestock shows can do for your business. Because the results can be impressive. 

Create New Business Opportunities 

Livestock shows bring together a diverse group of individuals involved in the industry, including breeders, exhibitors and potential customers. This means you have ample opportunity to identify new business prospects, establish connections with potential clients and expand your customer base. 

Provide New Market Insights 

Attending livestock shows allows dealers to stay updated on market trends, new technologies and the latest developments in the industry. Interacting with other professionals provides valuable insights into the current demands and preferences of customers, helping you adapt your strategies to meet the needs of your community. 

Promote Products 

Livestock shows are an ideal platform for dealers to showcase products and services. You even have the opportunity to engage with potential customers, demonstrate the features and benefits of your offerings and generate interest in products. 

Increase Your Industry Knowledge 

Livestock shows provide the opportunity to exchange knowledge and information with others in the industry. This can include insights on breeding techniques, health management and other aspects of livestock production. This shared knowledge can contribute to your expertise and enhance your ability to valuably serve your community. 

Establish Collaboration Opportunities 

Collaborative efforts often arise at livestock shows. Dealers can explore partnerships with other businesses in the industry, such as suppliers or service providers—like BioZyme, for instance. This allows you to offer more comprehensive solutions to your friends, neighbors and customers. 

Improve Your Visibility and Branding 

Being present at livestock shows increases your visibility within the industry and community. This visibility contributes to brand recognition, which is essential for attracting new customers and establishing credibility in the market. 

Keep Up to Date With Industry Updates 

Livestock shows often provide a platform for discussions on industry changes and standards. So, you can use livestock shows to stay informed about any new regulations that may impact your business. This helps ensure your compliance and continued success. 

Investing in livestock shows isn’t just about making immediate sales. It’s about building relationships, staying informed and positioning your business for long-term success in a dynamic and interconnected industry. 

Don’t Go it Alone 

At BioZyme, we want to be sure you have the materials and resources you need so that you are not flying solo when it comes to meeting your marketing needs. In the BioZyme SAMM Center, a plethora a signage, apparel and marketing materials include literature and more are readily available for you to order.  

In the SAMM Center you can order literature, ink pens, t-shirts, caps, stickers and more. If you are looking for something more specific like a show banner or back numbers, you will need to submit a marketing request. Please be sure to allow at least three weeks for printing and shipping for marketing requests for livestock shows or any event. 

Rely on our People 

If you know you want to get involved with a livestock show in your area, but you aren’t sure of the correct step, reach out. Your ASM and our Marketing Team can help. ASMs see many different promotional and marketing opportunities in their travels across their territories. Likewise, the Marketing Team has created many different projects, and they can give you some great advice if you have an idea, but just are not quite sure how to implement it. 

Marketing at livestock shows is a simple and effective way to capture a new audience while providing community outreach and support. There are various ways to get involved with your local community and your youth at a local livestock show. 

Take advantage of the opportunities above to help build brand awareness, support your community, and you will watch your business grow. 

Featured BioZyme Team – Domestic Sales

At BioZyme®, we take the TEAM approach, meaning that Together Everyone Achieves MORE! That is why we have a sales TEAM to support our customers. You likely know these men and women out in the field as your ASMs, or Area SalesManagers. They are our boots on the ground to help the dealers succeed in their business.

“We want the dealers to communicate with the ASMs their goals and aspirations for their business,” said Bob Burkham, Senior Manager of National Sales, who oversees the team of ASMs. “Do you want to grow as a dealer? Or are you happy where you currently are? Use your ASM to help you grow!”

The Sales Team is currently comprised of 12 knowledgeable men and women across the country to help you reach your goals. If there isn’t an ASM in your specific territory, feel free to call the BioZymeOutreach Support TEAM at 800-821-3070.

According to Burkham, the Sales Team offers dealers four key areas of support.

Product Knowledge

The sales team is well-versed in product knowledge and can provide training to you or your staff.

Expert in the Field to Answer Questions

Do you or a potential customer have a question about how a product works, the best product within a line for a specific scenario or how to merchandise a product? Use your ASM or Inside Sales Rep to get your questions answered.

Access to Nutritional Support

Not every company offers nutritional support, but in addition to the Sales Team, we offer a staff of nutritionists to help you. The ASMs can help you work with them, and also help you gather hay and feed samples for testing to be sure your customers get the right products.

Business Development

Do you have a potential end-user who is on the fence? Schedule a joint meeting with that producer, you and your ASM to discuss a product and the BioZyme products that would benefit its operation.

“My main goal is to help people improve their animals’ performance. Training the dealer to service the end-user is one of the best uses of my time. Fifty dealers are going to talk to way more people than I can in a day, and that helps us spread the care that comes full circle,” said Kevin Glaubius, ASM in Nebraska.

In the end, Burkham and Glaubius both agree, the dealer-ASM relationship is based on a common goal –growing the dealer’s business and providing solutions for customers.

“Call on any ASM to get the resources you need. They are here to help you reach your goals,” Burkham said.