Boost Customer Loyalty and Build Business

Customers have a choice. From everything to the brand of pickup they drive to the soda they drink, to the color of tractor they prefer to the mineral they feed their livestock, those choices are part of thread that weaves each human together. Some choices are passed down through the generations; Grandpa had a green combine, so I will have a green one too. Some are influenced by peers, and some are merely personal preferences.

However, in world that is full of choices with more products being developed each day, creating loyal customers is more important now than ever. Building brand loyalty doesn’t just start with a high-quality product, but that product must be backed by a reputable company and customer service that is second to none.

According to Jay Baer, marketing expert, author and presenter, 54% of consumers have purchased from a new company since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. And, a surprising 89% of those consumers will stay with their new provider.

“Market share shifts in time of uncertainty,” he explained. “Brands are built in bad times, not just in good times.”

Don’t let your market share shift. Keep your customers loyal to you, your brand and your business. To keep their loyalty and boost your business, Baer suggests three simple steps.

  1. Reconfigure your products and services.

First, you need to realize that we are living in a fast-paced world. Change happens fast and if we don’t adapt, we are going to be left behind. Perhaps your store needs to extend its hours, offer different services or introduce new products to assist your customers with whatever they are dealing with. Projects that used to take 36 months are now being accomplished in 36 days.

Think about some of the products that BioZyme has introduced this summer to its customers: the VitaFerm® Conserve™ line was introduced during a time when producers needed an economical way to get Amaferm into their animals’ diets. Sure Champ® Joint Juice was introduced because our sister company, Cogent Solutions Group already had the MHB3® technology, and we felt it was important to share it with the show livestock world.

If you aren’t creating better products or amping up your services, someone else will. And making those products available online is crucial. Baer said that as of Oct. 5, 2020, America will surpass all of 2019 e-commerce revenue, and that is without any holiday shopping spurts.

  1. Retrain your team.

Once you have stocked new products or created new services, it is time to retrain your team on the way to present your goods and services. No longer can we do things the way we’ve always done them. BioZyme has strived to make sure we have provided updated training information for our dealers with each product launch. Be sure to visit the Online Dealer Center for all of the latest literature and updated Master Dealer trainings.

  1. Reeducate.

As with any change, it is time to reeducate your customers and potential customers. Make sure they know what you are offering and what makes it unique to your company, especially if there happens to be a competing product or service in the area. What makes you unique? What sets you apart? Why should these customers stay loyal to you?

One of the great ways to educate the consumer and share your message is with a FAQ list. Think of any question that might be asked and present the answer before it is asked. End users will appreciate your foresight.

“How you handle your business over the next six months will have a massive impact on the success of your business for the next six years,” Baer concludes.

Build your customer loyalty today. Be innovative, provide outstanding customer service and happy customers will be your biggest promoters. Build customer loyalty today and watch your business grow.

Effective Action – Videos Are A Multi-Use Resource

Think back to the classic sitcom, The Jetsons. Back in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, when the stars of this animated show, George and Jane Jetson, talked through video to their boss and best gal pal, respectively. At that point in time, nobody could fathom that someday we would use a similar technology to talk to fellow employees, family and even customers.

Enter 2020. Even though technology like Facetime, Zoom, Microsoft Teams and other visual technologies have been in existence, lockdowns and quarantines have forced us to use these technologies more than ever. Perhaps George Jetson and his boy Elroy were forward thinkers for their times.

Today, BioZyme® Inc. offers video technology in numerous ways as a resource to its employees, dealers and end-users. Videos are an efficient means of marketing and promoting to a variety of audiences. They are also an effective way to train people in various audiences at numerous venues. Let’s explore.


The dealer network is the lifeblood of our organization. We also know that not all our dealers sell exclusively BioZyme products. That is why it is vital to us to provide the best sales training and product information we can. We achieve this through the Master Dealer Training Program, an online, video-based training program. This pre-recorded series of training videos is an effective way to train multiple dealers at their convenience.

Log in through the Online Dealer Center to have your employees complete the Master Dealer Training. Unique login credentials can be created for each employee so he or she can complete the training and receive credit. Knowledge is power, and knowledge gained through the use of video is even more powerful.


Videos are a great way to educate producers and end-users. According to an article on, 65% of Americans are visual learners, meaning that the graphics and information that accompany the text and voice recordings on videos help people retain the information better than just reading or hearing it alone.

We have used Facebook Live and Zoom meetings with our dealers this spring to introduce products, explain their purpose and share their benefits. The advantages of these face-to-face video meetings is that the audience can have their questions answered while the program is in live mode, and it gives both the presenter and the target audience the sense of interaction even though multiple states and time zones could potentially be represented.

For the Sure Champ® brand, there are a variety of educational videos online under the “Resource” tab. These videos make great teaching aids for new or beginning pig and cattle exhibitors and cover an array of topics. Remember, sales are often built on relationships and offering valuable resources like these videos are just one of the resources you’ll be remembered for.


You can’t sell what you don’t market. What better way to market a product than with videos that show results? Words and pictures are nice in printed pieces, but with more businesses turning to an online presence, the use of video simply offers more punch to the message you are trying to convey. Video tells a story, it offers personality, and when created correctly will help build trust with your audience. On several of the product pages of the website, under the “Media” tab, you can find various videos that will help market the products. Some of these are customer testimonials. Some of clips of the American Rancher files that share great testimonials within them, and some are product videos that can also be found under the “Product” tab.

Most all of the BioZyme products have a brief overview of their benefits and uses on the the BioZyme website under “Product” tab on their respective pages. These 60- to 90-second spots highlight each product in a clear, concise manner that is easy to follow. They are easy to download to use on your own website or social media platform. In addition, the product videos are also located under the “Media” tab, and make a great marketing tool. All of these videos can be shared and used to your own website or platform.

Promoboxx also has plenty of videos for dealers to use in their online marketing efforts. The product videos as well as a video testimonial are available for dealers to post on their social media and are located in the assets folder.

As long as customers continue to carry a smart phone or tablet and have a screen available in the palm of their hand, video will continue to be an effective education, marketing and training tool. George and Jane Jetson were ahead of their time. And we can use the technology they previewed all those decades ago to make our businesses more effective.

How To Use Videos Effectively In Business

Everyone likes to have a choice. Even in the world of digital marketing and social media, you as a business operator have choices, but one thing is clear as we enter the final quarter of 2020, video should be included in your marketing plan. Videos put a face in front of your audience, building trust and credibility, and videos encourage social share, which increases your company’s exposure.

BioZyme primarily uses two forms of videos on its social channels to reach its audience, depending on the goal, a prerecorded video or a Facebook Live. Both formats are fairly simple to produce and post to your social platforms. BioZyme marketing experts, Jessie Judge, Marketing Brand Coordinator, and Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Coordinator, share insight on how dealers can use video to help grow their businesses.

What are the advantages of a Facebook Live session?

Fitzsimmons: Facebook Live is great for those bits of information that are exciting, catchy and you really want to get people’s attention quickly! Live’s are great for the initial announcement of something new coming to your business, a promotion that’s happening in a certain timeframe or a quick in-person interview with someone on an event that just happened (i.e. winners at livestock shows, quick hit with a customer that just sold well on Superior or someone gearing up for their bull sale and has seen amazing results on your products). The benefit of live videos is the ability to capture true emotion, reaction and excitement of what you’re telling your customers.

Judge: You can’t deny that if you see a “LIVE VIDEO” advertisement, you are naturally more intrigued to want to check it out and watch it. Facebook Live videos provide you with the ability to see all the names of your followers jumping on to watch and see the sheer number of participants logging on to your view your video in live time. Another benefit of live video is the ability to directly address questions from the consumer and engage with the audience as comments and questions come in on the live feed. From an analytics standpoint, the Facebook algorithm also re-generates the live videos more often on followers’ timelines.

What advice do you have for a Facebook Live?

Judge: Plan an outline a day or so in advance. Don’t wait until 15 minutes before you go live to jot down points you want to mention. Identify your goal and key talking points that need to be discussed, organize them in a way that makes sense to deliver and practice a few times, so when the nerves set in you will be prepared to stay on target. Also, think of some potential questions you might get so you have the information cued up in your mind and can answer incoming questions quickly and clearly. Take a deep breath and loosen up as you get started! Once the Live begins, announce you will wait for a few more to jump in and encourage those watching to interact – such as “Let us know you’re watching by sending us a message in the comments or waving!” or encourage them to ask questions during the Live video. Engaging with simple conversations reduces the level of awkwardness at the start while you are waiting for more to join.

When would you use a prerecorded video?

Fitzsimmons: Prerecorded videos provide that extra level of professionalism that comes with the ability to do a couple takes, edit out any pieces that aren’t completely on message. These videos are great for more in-depth product information and training, customer testimonials and any content that you’d like to use more than once. These let viewers in on more than just the immediate and exciting and learn more about the whole picture, the story or the detailed selling points of your business, your product or your own personal story.

What kind of equipment is needed to make my videos?

Fitzsimmons: A cell phone or laptop computer is all you need for a Facebook Live. Again, these aren’t supposed to look like “in the studio” professional shot videos. The true selling factor and nature of these videos is the authenticity of the feel! Honestly, for prerecorded videos a cell phone or computer can work just as well, the investment would just be the editing software and time learning.

Judge: For pre-recorded videos, there is a bit more flexibility in regard to what you would like to use depending on how you intend to utilize the video. If it is a video being posted to social media, then a cell phone or laptop is great – maybe get a small microphone to plug into your phone or computer port to amplify sound quality, but this is not necessary. If you are looking to post a pre-recorded video to a website or other digital outlets, a camera and microphone may help create a higher quality video that matches the quality of a website; however, it is not necessary to have a professional camera and mic for a video posted digitally. It is really up to you and the goals you have or what look you are going for.

Both Fitzsimmons and Judge agree that a Facebook Live shouldn’t last more than three minutes. A pre-recorded video should run 3 to 5 minutes.

Most everyone has a smart phone, tablet or laptop. So, start creating those videos. Make a plan. Find your spokesperson, and watch your social engagement grow!

Why Is Video Vital To Your Success Right Now?

Every day it seems like an increasing number of “in-person” events are being cancelled or transitioned to virtual. Conferences and field days are now virtual, local sporting events (if your kids or grandkids even get to play) are limiting attendance to two spectators per player, and even regular meetings like the PTO and County Commissioners are meeting online.

It’s a challenge to have the same personal interaction you once had with customers and potential customers, but you can still get your face and voice out there and make a personal connection with video.

“In a time when everything is cancelled, postponed and interaction is limited, video outlets give you the best opportunity to communicate with your customers in a way that still feels engaging and face-to-face,” said Jessie Judge, BioZyme® Inc. Marketing Brand Coordinator. “Additionally, in 2020 there is an influx in the total number of people who are passing time on their computers and phones, and thus in the case of video, this may be setting you up to reach even more customers with your digital efforts!”

Not only are more people on their phones and tablets, but video is effective because like personal relationships, seeing a face, helps build trust. According to an article, the area in the human brain called the fusiform face area solely recognizes faces, and facial recognition leads to trust.

“Nielsen’s Trust in Advertising reports rank recommendations from someone we know, or feel like we know, as the most trusted. Producing in-house video content lets your audience get to know you in a dynamic way. Ongoing content not only allows for experimentation, it enables you to build trust, even when you can’t be there in person,” according to the article 1.

Ashley Fitzsimmons, BioZyme’s Regional Marketing Coordinator, works with the ASMs and the dealers to make sure their messages are timely and synergistic with the national advertising program. She agrees that video is important and here to stay.

“It’s a digital world, and video is king, again, especially during all that 2020 has thrown at us. Video gives the ability to reach our customers where they are on their phones and convey a message that takes minimal input effort on their side. Watching is easier than reading,” she said.

This summer, BioZyme offered more digital messages than ever before – hosting a three-night mini-series Facebook Live, “How to #Preptowin in a Pandemic,” conducting a youth leadership and development conference, Sure Champ® Advanced Leadership Event (SCALE), hosting two virtual producer meetings in the spring and making numerous new product announcements using Facebook Live. All of these events had tremendous success and allowed for face-to-face interaction through the use of video.

“Any successful tactic is successful because of the planning that takes place ahead of time. With all the virtual, video and digital events we created or hosted this summer, it was key that our team identified the right timing to launch these efforts and develop the content that our customers wanted or needed to hear from speakers that could convey the message best. The team planning and effort on everyone’s part helped us to deliver successful video and virtual campaigns that gave us a lot of digital traction and face time with our customers,” Judge said.

Judge and Fitzsimmons agree that it isn’t always easy to measure if your digital video presence was effective, but if you start with a goal in mind, that will help you measure your video’s effectiveness.

“Social media has trained us that quantity is what’s important. But in all actuality the quality of views is way more important. Now, you can’t sell a product or service if people aren’t viewing your content; but, I think we need to keep in mind with all digital media that the true effectiveness should be measured on cost of transaction versus number who took action,” Fitzsimmons said.

Judge agrees and said that organic involvement with your followers is vital. “The more key customers you can get to share your content, the more reach you will have and the better you can get your message out there. When customers share your video, you can see who is sharing it and if they are commenting, which goes hand in hand with Ashley’s comment about quality of views and engagement.”

Nothing will ever replace the warmth of a smile or the grasp of a firm handshake. However, with today’s technology, video allows us to be in multiple places with multiple people and still have “face-to-face” interaction. Video is here to stay. Incorporate it into your marketing strategy and watch your business grow.

Source: 1 –

Effective Action: Personal Service is Key to Great Experiences

Great customer service can make you or break you. High-quality products are important, but even more important are the services offered by you, the dealer, to ensure when the customer is paying for his or her product, that customer is getting more than just a product that could have likely been purchased down the road from another business. Be sure to set your company up for success by distinguishing it as the company with great products and exceptional personal service.

In an era where many things are becoming automated, don’t let your service become one of them. Customers and prospective customers still want that face-to-face interaction – a smile, handshake and acknowledgement that a human with a heart is listening to and hearing their challenges while thinking of ways to help. There are several ways that you and your employees can differentiate your business by providing the best personal service possible. Here are four we highly encourage you try out.

  1. Listen. Yes, this seems so simple, yet sometimes we really don’t pay attention while the customer is speaking, and yet we think we have all the answers. On my recent flight home from the Cattlemen’s Convention, my flight was delayed. However, just one gate down, there was a flight to Bloomington that was on time. I asked the airline customer service agent if I could be rebooked onto that flight. He said that airport wasn’t close to my “home” airport and argued that he could rebook me to Wichita. Bloomington might not have been close to my original airport, but when you live in Western Illinois, you know your airport options, and it was a lot closer than Wichita, eight hours away. However, this agent wouldn’t listen to me. He only would look at his computer and offer to rebook me to a place that was not feasible.
  2. Use Names. Names are the most personal possession, and when we use a person’s name it shows we care. A recent study shows that our names are so important to us that hearing them triggers an entirely different part of our brain than any other words. And when we use our own names, that makes the relationship even more personal, like when making a phone call or sending an email or letter. Wouldn’t you rather get an email or note from “Joe” instead of “The Feed Store”?
  3. Know your customers. For most people this comes as second nature, but as you grow your customer base and get busier, don’t forget that customers are people. Asking about their family, their cow herd, and new horse they’ve purchased or even their pets will spur on conversation and show that you care about the person, not just the customer. And maybe you can’t remember the kids’ names, but you read an article about them in the local paper, ask how the kids are doing. That will be enough to make a proud parent’s visit.
  4. Respond quickly. Nobody likes to wait, or even worse be put on hold. Now, there is no way to get to everyone’s request the minute they make them, but do be cognizant of the time it takes you to respond to a customer. If they are on the other end of the phone, and you are looking for a product or a person to put them in touch with, suggest calling them back as soon as the answer or person is found. That way they are not wasting their time on hold, and you are not feeling rushed. Try to return phone calls and emails each day and be prepared when you do.

“Personal service” isn’t just a buzzword created to add to your already busy life. It is an important, valuable concept that can help you grow your business. Happy customers will tell their friends and peers about exceptional service; but they will tell everyone about poor service, something you don’t want to be the topic of!

Providing personal service isn’t hard. In fact, it is something most people do every day. Just remember, it can pay off by distinguishing your business and leading to growth.

3 Ways To Make Sure You Outperform You Competition

Differentiation is what sets your business apart from the four other farm stores, feed dealers and on-farm supplement suppliers in the tri-county area. But how can you set yourself apart in the marketplace? Just think about what makes it on your 10 o’clock news each night – besides politics and viruses. Stories that are unique, controversial or innovative find their way in front of the viewer audiences. Companies that offer unique or innovative products and services that leave customers something to talk about will attract business and create consumer awareness.

Differentiation is to your strategic advantage. Here are three ways to distinguish your business from your competitors.

Make Your Offer Compelling

Steve Jobs said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

Compelling companies are leaders. They are the talk of the town, and this buzz allows the business to gain momentum and grow sales. Now, you’re probably asking yourself what you can do in your particular industry to create buzz. That’s where your innovation and creativity get to thrive. Perhaps you offer a timely promotion for your customers once a year on a product that most everyone uses. Or, you could offer a customer appreciation incentive based on volume of business or number of new customer referrals. Providing education through a producer meeting or open house often sets your business apart, as people appreciate being kept in the know on new products, how to solve challenges in their businesses and learning of new services your business might offer.

Remember, making your business stand out starts with a good product, but also needs to be complemented with exceptional service. That’s why it is important to hire and train employees who are knowledgeable that can show their passion for what they do.

Climb the Reputation Ladder

“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it,” said Benjamin Franklin.

The words spoken by Mr. Franklin could not be truer, especially in a digital world, where one wrong move is recorded and can be shared globally via text message or social media with the click of a button. Being known as a reputable company that really cares about its people – both customers and employees – is the first rung in the ladder of trust. And, building trust is the foundation to any long-term relationship. According to, “creating a good business reputation means honoring a product-returns policy; delivering on time; providing timely and friendly service; publishing accurate ingredients, as well as keeping factual records; and ensuring that goods are safe for consumption.”

Earn Big with Premium Services and Products

The problem with offering products or services similar to everyone else is that it turns your company into a commodity business. Show your customers that you’re a value-added company by explaning how your products add value. It doesn’t take many testimonials or much math to show your potential customers the ROI on a premium product like VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®. Track your customers ordering habits and remind them when they are likely low on the products that they need for the particular season they are in. Offer delivery or stay open later for “after work” pick up. All of these things might seem small, but to the customer, they add a premium and a value, making you stand out from the competition.

Distinguish your business. It’s better to stand out from the crowd, especially when you are differentiating yourself in a positive light. Be unique. Be innovative and uphold the kind of reputation that will make your customers want to come back time and time again.

Technology Can Assist With Customers Service Success

There’s no doubt technology has evolved a lot in the last decade; even the last one to five years, we’ve seen and experienced technological advances that our parents or grandparents never would have fathomed. A lot of these advances have made life and business more efficient, and as the technology continues to evolve, those efficiencies will also continue to increase.

However, when it comes to doing business, especially in agriculture and rural areas, the value of a firm handshake and face-to-face interaction can’t be replaced by any amount of technology. Yet, there are some advances that can help simplify your business and help you create more time for those personal interactions.

Customer Databases

If you don’t already, you should have a customer database system to track your customers and their orders, keep their pertinent information and log your interactions with them. Several software options exist, but if you are just getting started or have kept these details on your handy yellow legal pad for years, consider even a simple Excel spreadsheet.

Keep track of all family member names, contact information including address, phone number and email, record important dates like when they purchase particular products, when they host their annual production sale and even their birthdays. Track when you’ve communicated with them or if they have asked questions you need to follow up on. Keeping track of your communications will help you remember to check in on them on a regular basis without seeming overbearing or pesky.

Portable Technology

Keeping a tablet or iPad with you when you make a customer visit is a smart move. And with Internet connectivity getting better with 4G and plans of 5G later in 2020, the ability to access those tools will become even better. Perhaps you are visiting a customer who has questions about the products or wonders what kind of Concept•Aid® to use, you can pull out your tablet and show them the Concept•Aid® Product Navigator or other online tools. We realize that not every corner of the countryside has these capabilities, but if you do, it will make talking to a customer a little easier and help answer questions as you go.

Data Security

Some folks are just downright leery of anything that comes through the world wide web. And really, who can blame them? However, since news of data breaches have entered the mainstream media, consumers have developed a greater awareness of how their data is treated, and there is greater corporate responsibility around data privacy. New security tools are emerging for both companies and individuals, and as long as people remain aware, it is now becoming easier to do more business online with these increased security measures.

Text Messaging

An increasing amount of communication is being done via text message. Many people still prefer a phone call or face-to-face conversation, but the younger generation relies on texts to have the written reminders and the ability to respond on their time. Texting can be an effective communication tool if you are sending a reminder about a meeting or order, or if you know the person has a busy schedule, it is a good way to request a call back at their convenience. And, texts will always be there in the hand or on the wrist of the recipient.

The need for personal interaction can never be replaced, but with the help of some of these technological advances, you can work smarter and not harder. Consider technology your office assistant that allows you more time to talk to customers and potential customers. With more time to make sales calls, you will be able to reach more people and watch your business grow.

Digital Marketing Is An Efficient Way To Reach Customers

Marketing is essential to your growth as a business. Yes, many dealers rely on word-of-mouth as their number one marketing tool, but as more people become connected via their phones, tablets and even smart watches, digital marketing efforts are increasing. The BioZyme® marketing team has several ways it can work with dealers to simplify this cost-efficient method to reach existing and potential customers.


Promoboxx is a digital tool that connects BioZyme’s national marketing efforts to its local dealers. The BioZyme marketing team creates social media content for its product lines each month and generates posts that dealers can publish on their own Facebook business pages. It saves time and resources of your already limited staff, and if you sign up for “auto share” in settings, the posts are automatically posted to your page.

“The biggest benefit to our dealers is that it is content that is going to marry up with what we say on a national level and because we do such a good job of pull-through national marketing, this is going to look like something their customers are going to have seen before. So, people are more likely to click on it and engage with it because they probably also like our Sure Champ® page, for example, and they are very comfortable with the look and the feel and how that content is presented,” said Ashley Fitzsimmons, BioZyme Inc., Regional Marketing Manager.

In addition to the similar look and feel to the national advertising, other benefits include the fact that busy dealers don’t have to create and plan a social media calendar regularly, and fresh content comes out monthly for each of the six product lines. For dealers that are interested in Dealer Reward Points, Fitzsimmons said 250 points are rewarded per quarter for dealers who engage in Promoboxx for that quarter.

Dealers who use Promoboxx are not limited to only the content on Promoboxx. They can use a combination of the BioZyme-created content from Promoboxx while also posting their own organic content on their Facebook page. And, if the brand has provided downloadable assets as part of a campaign, you can download the assets and publish/post them via your social channels outside of Promoboxx, so the post looks like it is an original from you.

Since BioZyme started making Promoboxx available to its dealers, dealer engagement through Promoboxx as a marketing tool has grown 270%, Fitzsimmons reported. It’s not a one-size fits all approach, and each dealer uses the tool at his or her comfort level.

Email Marketing

“I think email marketing is fantastic, and it is super underutilized,” Fitzsimmons said.

In an age where every marketing dollar spent counts, and reach and engagement matter, email marketing makes perfect sense. It is a free tool, that when used properly, can help you reach a large audience with little effort.

Fitzsimmons encourages dealers to create and build their customer email list. Once a customer database of email addresses is built, it is simple to send reminders about your in-store promotions, new products or product updates, or producer meetings. By using a platform like Mailchimp or Constant Contact you can also see analytics and determine effectiveness of your email blasts.

“Email blasts are a great way to more quickly and easily talk to your customers about the advantages of the BioZyme products or new product alerts. It doesn’t cost anything, but some time to build your customer database. It’s a really great tool when used sparingly, and we’d love to help you with it,” she said.

Website Banner Ads

A final digital tool that Fitzsimmons reminds dealers about is the use of the web banner ad. She said she has worked with several dealers who have a good web presence to create these ads that when clicked on, link to the BioZyme website for more in depth information, without bogging down the dealer’s web page with all that information.

“I’ve had some dealers who have been able to convince customers to add Amaferm® into a custom ration based off the information received off those click-throughs,” she said.

Again, web banner ads are an easy way to communicate and educate customers and potential customers about your products without spending resources and they can help you reach a potentially larger audience who is always connected to the online world.

For more information about any of these services, contact your Area Sales Manager or read more in the Online Dealer Center.

Nurturing Your Network Can Pay Dividends

Growing your business is important. Establishing a brand identity, promoting yourself and growing your customer base is imperative for growth. But, do you know what is even more critical to growing your business? Making sure your loyal customers remain satisfied and are treated with the best services and experiences possible. You simply must nurture your current network to experience growth.

Think about the last book you read or new restaurant you took your family or clients to. Did you make those purchase decisions based on an advertisement in a newspaper or did you make those decisions based on the recommendation of a person that you know and trust? Chances are you based your decisions from a friend’s recommendation because word-of-mouth messaging is so strong.

Studies show that the probability of selling to an existing customer ranges between 60 to 70%, where the chance of selling to a new customer is only 5 to 20%. Furthermore, it costs more than six times more to acquire new customers than it does to keep current, happy customers. So, keep your current customers pleased, and they will likely start singing your praises to others in their circles, who might also become your customers.

Steven Shapiro, an innovation consultant and speaker writes, “I’ve found that sometimes simply calling or writing a past client to say hello is enough. In doing so, when a new need arises, they think of me first. I often introduce clients to one another so that they learn about innovation from a peer, not just me. Sometimes I’ll send a small, personal gift. Or if I find a relevant article, I mail it. The key is not to sell to these customers, but to provide value. You want them to view you as an ally, not a vendor. And this repeated, friendly contact keeps you front and center in their minds. Should they (or a colleague) require someone with your skills, they will think of you first.”

Providing value is just one way of nurturing your network. When you provide value, your customers will remember that. Providing them a quality product that helps them reach their production goals is another way to provide value, as is delivering products, staying open later one or more nights a week and reminding customers when it is time to order certain products for specific production cycles.

A happy customer is the best marketing tool you can have to grow your business. Perhaps you could offer a customer loyalty program, where a loyal customer receives a gift or percentage off for referring a set amount of business or so many new customers. A satisfied customer will sing your praises to their friends and neighbors. However, they will likely share their discontent even louder, so make sure to keep your customers happy. Nurture your network and watch your business grow.

The Advantages of a Testimonial

It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday life of selling products to help your customers achieve their goals. But do you know what can make your marketing efforts more effective and simplified? Testimonials from loyal customers or respected industry individuals will go a long way in selling your goods and services. Testimonials are unbiased, often unprompted and come from peers in the industry that have often faced that same challenges as your prospective customers. Yes, you can relay all the benefits of a product, but those benefits become more meaningful when your prospect hears that the Rocking S Ranch improved its conception rates to 97%, especially in a year of drought.

There are several ways to incorporate testimonials into your marketing strategy. You can use testimonials in your advertising campaign. Post them to your website, even having a dedicated space for testimonials like BioZyme® Inc. does. You can feature testimonials on your social media each week using the hastag, #TestimonialTusesday. Or, often satisfied customers are glad to talk to others on behalf of your company and your brand at events like trade shows or producer meetings.

When compiling a testimonial, there are a few things to keep in mind to keep it genuine and effective. Remember, the purpose of testimonials is to create reliability and to convert prospects into new customers. Follow this 5-step approach to build up your testimonial strategy.

1. Be Selective. 

The key to testimonials is that they include specific product benefits that help prospects decide if they want to try your products or not. Therefore, your testimonials need to include specific information, not just “I like VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® and my cows do too.” Provide a testimonial that tells the benefits of the product: “We have been feeding VitaFerm® products for several years. VitaFerm Concept•Aid® plays an important role in the performance of our breeding cows and heifers, as well as our bulls. We see increased conception rates of our embryo pregnancies by 23%, and on our bulls, we see an improvement in semen quality.”

2. Add a Face.

Remember to include a photo to each testimonial to give it a persona. We might not always remember Tim Smith’s name, but when we see the man in his signature pearl snap shirt and beat up hat, we remember him as the guy who gets top dollar at the sale barn each year. Adding a face to your testimonial makes it more real and significantly increases the trust factor. Research has shown, that on web-based testimonials, adding a picture increases your click-through rate significantly.

3. Use them Everywhere.

Once you’ve got a testimonial, use it. You can add it to your print advertising, post it to your website, use it on social, make posters to hang at businesses around town, and even use it in mailers and texts.

4. Remember your Audience.

Be sure to capture testimonials for each potential customer you are trying to reach. You are trying to grow your market share in the cow-calf sector, be sure to get some testimonials from cattle producers. Perhaps, there are several horse farms in the area. Talk to an equine enthusiast who uses the product to get a testimonial from them. It doesn’t do any good to have one testimonial for one product line when you are selling multiple lines.

5. Never Be Fake.

The most important thing to remember is that testimonials are designed to establish trust and credibility. The most important rule in sharing testimonials is to use real testimonials from real customers. It’s not worth the risk to fake anything in your marketing plan, especially testimonials.

Testimonials are a great way of using established relationships and growing your customer base. Follow these simple steps to create your own testimonials and convert prospects to new customers.