How to Promote the Programs BioZyme® Offers

Best results and benefits to the animals are achieved when fed a program approach. Assist your customers in outlining the perfect program that fits their individual needs and starts them on the path for success by using BioZyme products year round.

VitaFerm: Building My Customer VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Premium Program

Gain Smart: Building My Custom Gain Smart® Premium Program

Vitalize: Your Guide to the Right Vitalize Supplement

Are Your Customers Ready for Weaning?

Now is the time to have the conversation about how to WEAN STRONG with a combination of Vita Charge® & Gain Smart®.


Receive with Vita Charge® Cattle Drench
Once within 48 hours

  • Jumpstart feed and water intake
  • Stimulate cattle’s immune system
  • Allow maximum effectiveness of vaccinations


Start with the Vita Charge® Stress Tub
First 7-14 days

  • Promote feed and water intake
  • MOS to help trap bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm
  • Increase digestibility to maximize the energy value of feed for more gains
  • Option available with HEAT® to help combat heat stress at 70 degrees and above


Grow with Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT®
Minimum of 45 days, 100 days is recommended

  • Promote calf health and vigor
  • HEAT to help combat heat stress at 70 degrees and above
  • Stimulate digestion and increase nutrient uptake for optimum gain
  • Support hoof health and immunity
  • Accurately supplement those minerals lacking in the pasture and rectify mineral imbalances

*Other available minerals are Gain Smart Stocker, Gain Smart Wheat, Gain Smart Balancer RU1600

Selling Tools

The new Gain Smart Money Saving Minute Series and other great videos featuring Gain Smart and Vita Charge are available on the media page of our Gain Smart site.

Check them out now:

Share with your Customers

There are some great educational pieces and resources to help you sell Gain Smart available on the website at Be sure to check them out, including:

Strengthen your Stock with DuraFerm

Regardless of if you run a herd of 10 does or a flock of 500 ewes, their nutrition should be your number one concern. If they are not feeling their best nutritionally, they simply won’t perform. Quality nutrition found in the DuraFerm line fueled by the Amaferm® advantage will help keep flocks and herds healthier, in better overall shape and more reproductively sound.

With many cattle producers getting into the sheep and goat business, it is easy to compare DuraFerm to the VitaFerm ® of the sheep and goat world. DuraFerm is a vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep and goats with the Amaferm advantage to increase fertility and conception rates resulting in more lambs and kids. When used at least 30 days prior to lambing and kidding through breeding, the formula supports quick repair of the reproductive tract, faster breed back and increased milk production for lamb and kid vigor and growth potential.

For Goats

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid®

A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats specifically designed to target cycling, embryo production and conception when fed 30 days prior to kidding through breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs.

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid ® Protein Tub

A breeding mineral with 20% natural protein in a cooked tub for goats specifically designed to target cycling, embryo production and conception when fed 30 days prior to kidding through breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs.

For Sheep

DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid

A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep specifically designed to target cycling, embryo production and conception when fed 30 days prior to lambing through breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs.

DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid HEAT®

Same DuraFerm Concep•Aid formulated with HEAT to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees or above. Especially beneficial to combat the challenges of getting ewes bred in the summer.

DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid Protein Tub

A breeding mineral with 16% natural protein in a cooked tub for sheep specifically designed to target cycling, embryo production and conception when fed 30 days prior to lambing through breeding. Especially beneficial in A.I. and E.T. breeding programs.

Tips to Make Your Summer Sales Sizzle

BioZyme® Inc. offers a multitude of products for all species to beat the stress of summertime heat. With temperatures warming up, or in some parts of the country fluctuating, we wanted to focus on each of them in this issue. So, we asked our sales team to offer their viewpoint and give their best sales pitch for some of the summer’s HOTTEST products.

DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT®

“This nearly mirrors what we are doing on the cattle side. When these temperatures start getting hot, we want the DuraFerm HEAT out there to help regulate internal body temperatures. I see a bigger influx of trying to gear that toward my A.I. and embryo transfer program customers. That’s where we are going to see the most added benefit because they will be breeding in the summer. A lot of these show stock guys will start flushing and AI-ing and if we can control that internal body® temperature, that is obviously going to help with conception rates and help those ewes produce more viable embryos.” – SAM SILVERS, ASM, Texas & New Mexico

“I actually have quite a few commercial breeders looking to maximize their bottom line, and they view the DuraFerm HEAT as an investment. They know their true costs are tied up in getting their ewes bred, and as fickle cyclers, they have a smaller window of opportunity to get them bred and keep them bred. Once they realize the return on their investment means more lambs and more pounds of lambs to sell, the® DuraFerm HEAT sells itself as a premium mineral to increase their genetic potential.” – SHANDY BERTOLINO, ASM, Illinois & Indiana

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® & VitaFerm® HEAT®

“My goal is to help my customers reach their goals and help them save money at the same time. The HEAT package found in the VitaFerm HEAT and now VitaFerm Concept•Aid HEAT acts like extra insurance to get your cows bred back. The capsaicin in the HEAT package helps reduce heat, therefore lowering any heat stress, and helps those females retain more pregnancies, which is very important during those first 30 days of fetal development when heat stress can be unbearable in June and July. The HEAT mineral is a real lifesaver in Missouri, where we have so much fescue. The combination of Amaferm and capsaicin helps those cattle grazing fescue to lower their core temperature while converting the nutrients in the grasses.” – DAVE GALLAGHER, ASM, Missouri

“VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT is a really good option for both spring and fall calving herds. For the spring calving cows on Concept•Aid the main thing is to keep those cows out grazing, so they don’t circle up to fight the heat and fight flies, and the bull can still get his job done. The combination of Amaferm, chelated minerals and the HEAT package is amazing. Literally two weeks after you put it out, you’ll see your cows spread out and stay grazing all day long. They don’t huddle up, they’re never in the pond; I mean we’re dropping that core body temperature three degrees, so they can go out and keep pounds on those calves and keep rolling. And then on the flip side of that on the fall cows, Concept•Aid is golden for those guys because we want them on Concept•Aid 60 days prior to calving to get those vitamins and minerals in there to help them clean good, and yet some of them are still calving when it is 100 degrees, which takes a toll on them, so that HEAT pack is awesome.” – SHANE SCHAAKE, ASM, Kansas

Sure Champ® Extreme

“The whole concept behind Sure Champ Extreme is that if you can regulate body temperature and help reduce heat stress, your show livestock will stay on feed and water. Animals that consistently eat and drink are healthier and higher performing – this is true across all species.” – BLAINE RODGERS, ASM, Western US & Show Livestock Manager

“Sure Champ Extreme is a great product for customers that are gearing up for county fairs, state fairs, junior nationals or traveling the show circuit. From my own personal experience, I have found that the animals that are fed Sure Champ Extreme adapt better when arriving at the show. Traveling to a show during the summer heat can be very hard on animals, especially the ones that are kept in coolers during the day. I feel that when animals are fed Sure Champ Extreme the temperature difference does not affect them as much. This product is key when you are trying to get show heifers bred because it helps regulate the body temperature and helps reduce stress. When selling this product, I like to share my own personal stories and experiences. If I am a believer in the product, I feel my customers will gain trust from me and try the product out for themselves.” – KORI SOUTER, ASM, Iowa

Vita Charge®

“A lot of my customers run several thousand stockers a year, and a majority of these calves are high-stress cattle that are prone to sickness. I always let the customer tell me what their challenge is, and a lot of times, I hear, ‘If I could do better, I wouldn’t have to buy as much medicine, or I could get them eating faster.’ I don’t try to sell them a product for the whole herd. I want them to see the results for themselves, so I will give them a jug of Vita Charge Drench and challenge them to use it in a control group of 100 head out of 500 head group. They can see it work that way once they get their hands on it. As for the Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT, those are another bullet in your gun when it comes to fighting heat stress, especially on black calves in the south. We have seen a big difference in the heat stress relief in some of those black calves with the introduction of that HEAT Stress Tub.” – CHRIS KYLE, ASM, Arkansas & Louisiana

Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT®

“No matter what product I am trying to sell, I always start by talking about Amaferm®. If they are running stockers on native grass, I will talk to them about Amaferm, and the value it brings to gain and feed efficiency and utilization of nutrients. In addition, Amaferm has a positive effect on gut health for those animals. Then, I will find out their interest in the HEAT package. Due to the capsaicin, that is research-proven to help maintain the animals’ core body temperature, the heat will dissipate from them, and they will be out grazing longer, converting more forage to pounds.” – JOHN JEFFREY, Feedlot-Stocker Business Development Manager

“Up north here, where I deal with a lot of customers, I encourage them to start feeding the Gain Smart Stocker HEAT by at least June 15. The capsaicin in the HEAT package works great at increasing blood flow and maintaining the body temperature, and the garlic works at keeping the flies off those cattle. This product works, and I know it works because I use it myself. The calves graze and stay spread during the day. When I’ve got customers getting calves ready for a Superior sale, they see the value in it, and they know they need to be on Gain Smart at least 45 days before they sell on Superior.” – JOHN TUCKER, Large Beef Accounts Specialist

Products that Help #PreptoWin in the Ring and in Life

Care that Comes Full Circle at BioZyme® extends far beyond just the care for our animals – it extends to the care takers, too. Sure Champ® is a brand that strives to provide quality products for show livestock while extending a branch of outreach to the young people who care for the livestock, who hold the future of our industry in their hands!

Sure Champ® is a line of livestock show supplements that proactively work to assist with the challenges created by the show environment. Sure Champ uses only the highest quality components and proprietary ingredients proven to generate high-yielding results.

Sure Champ for your CATTLE:

Sure Champ Cattle, Sure Champ Extreme with Climate Control

Sure Champ for your Small Species:

Sure Champ Spark, Sure Champ Extreme with Climate Control

Sure Champ Leadership Team Scholarship

The Sure Champ Leadership Team Scholarship program strives to reward young livestock enthusiasts looking to sharpen and expand their leadership skills. Each year we award 10, $500 scholarships to people wishing to attend a breed association leadership conference of their choice. This year, we partnered with the Hereford, Angus, Simmental and Maine Anjou Associations.

This year’s team has representation from 10 different states and all four breeds!

Sure Champ Developmental Resources

The summer is a time of great opportunity for youth involved in agriculture when it comes to job opportunities and internships. Sure Champ serves as a hub for useful resources to help students achieve the outcomes they desire.

Summer Show Tour

We always love to hit the road every summer and show our support for the junior breed associations Junior National Shows. It is great to engage and connect with Junior customers both new and old! This summer you can find us at:

• The Exposition

• Maine/Chi Junior Nationals

• Simmental Junior Nationals

• Hereford Junior Nationals

• Steer Show Junior Nationals

AND we will have the help of a summer intern – another way Sure Champ strives to provide professional opportunities to our youth!

Beat the HEAT this Summer

Depending on where you live, the temperatures are probably starting to heat up, and the grass is starting to green up, sure signs that spring has arrived, and summer is right around the corner. No matter what your customers raise, we have products to help those animals fight heat stress and deter insects this summer. All HEAT® products help animals maintain normal body temperature at temperatures of 70 degrees or warmer and include garlic, a natural insect deterrent.

HEAT for your breeding program:

HEAT for your whole herd:

HEAT for your stocker program:

HEAT for your sheep:

HEAT for your show livestock:

VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT with ClariFly is Now Available

You asked, we listened. The ultimate summer breeding mineral is here! VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT with ClariFly is now available and ready to order! This mineral package combines the benefits of Concept•Aid to get cows bred with the proven effectiveness of the HEAT package for summer grazing and NOW added 4-fly control with ClariFly! ClariFly helps control horn flies, face flies, stable flies and house flies in the larval stages.

Vitalize. For That Good Gut Feeling

By now you are probably aware of the variety of products that Vitalize® offers in the equine line for that good gut feeling. If not, we encourage you to review the November issue of VISION, visit the Product Center on the Online Dealer Center or go to Currently, eight great Vitalize and Hyaluronex® products available to you and your customers that can benefit the digestive and joint health of a horse.

Greatness doesn’t always happen inside the arena. Greatness happens in the horse, in the barn, on the long haul. Greatness happens where you make it happen, and that is why we have rounded up some folks to share their stories about the great things that Vitalize has done for them.

The Marketing Team utilizes 37 industry experts that use and promote the Vitalize to help position products through the Vitalize Ambassador program. People like to hear from their peers, and they develop a certain level of trust. According to one Nielsen report, a 92% level of trust exists among peers, much more than with any other group. Although it is generally fairly simple to get product testimonials, the equine industry is much more visible with the variety and number of competitions both in the English and Western disciplines. The ambassadors are not only passionate about the products, successful at what they do, but are respected within the industry and are usually active on at least one social media platform where they can share their thoughts and ideas with the masses.

Professionals like 10-time Olympic show jumper Ian Millar, his son Jonathan and his daughter, Amy, also an Olympic show jumper, use the products. So do two former World-champion tie-down ropers, Marcos Costa and Haven Meged. Laura Kraut, Olympic Gold Medalist, and Jenni McAlister, Three-Time FEI Show Jumping World Cup Qualifier, are two of the ladies who use Vitalize and travel the international circuit. In addition to two-time NFR qualifying barrel racer Emily Miller-Beisel, other barrel racers like Megan Lyerly and Bobbi Grann use the products. Shaun Strickland, the manager at Poison Spider Ranch uses it on his ranch horses and his champion cutting horses. Eventer and equine blogger Lauren Drew and Derek Braun, the Owner/Trainer at Split Rock Farm and President and Founder of the Split Rock Jumping Tour also use and promote Vitalize.


Because they believe in the products! They have had positive experiences, and they are willing to share to share their experiences with others. See what they say.

“The Vitalize® products allow my horses to better utilize their feed and reach their full ability. I like my horses’ hair coat and their consistent performance they are giving me. The Vitalize Recovery Gel is a must! It keeps my horses eating and drinking properly while on the road. They then perform to their full potential!” – MARCOS COSTA, World Champion Tie-down Roper

“In early 2019, my #1 competition horse Quantico was struggling to come back into competition shape and generally didn’t seem comfortable in work. My vets couldn’t find anything seemingly wrong, but I felt in my gut that he just wasn’t 100%. In the summer of ‘19 I put Quantico on Vitalize® Digest More® Plus and his comfort in work started to improve over the following weeks, the discomfort in his hindgut had been overlooked for months but was finally under control! Vitalize Digest More Plus helped Quantico go from a very light workout schedule to full fitness work and competing again over the first 6 months he was on it made a huge positive change in his work ethic under saddle and truly helped him get back to the competition ring! I will continue to feed the Vitalize supplements to all of my training and competition horses to keep them feeling good from the inside out! – COTI HAUSMAN, 2017 USEA American Eventing Championships Preliminary Rider Champion

“Vitalize® Alimend® is a vital part of our horses’ daily program. With the added stomach and gastric support, I have seen a complete transformation in the consistency of my horses’ overall health, happiness and performance while using Alimend.” – DEREK BRAUN, Owner/Trainer at Split Rock Farm and President and Founder of the Split Rock Jumping Tour

“The Vitalize® products are user-friendly, as there isn’t a lot of mixing, and my horses look great. All three of my horses look better. They are staying filled out, and they are staying chilled out, which is the Amaferm® working to make their gut feel better. I can tell when my mare’s stomach is bothering her, and she doesn’t want to perform, but I haven’t had those problems since I started her on Vitalize. I’ve had my horses on the Vitalize® High Performance pellet for almost 3 years now. It’s a necessity while I’m going up and down the road! It keeps my horses looking great and feeling even better. What I’m most excited about this year is the new Vitalize Alimend®! My good mare stresses and it really doesn’t take much for her to get ulcers. I can’t tell you the last time she’s had gut trouble since I started the Alimend! It’s definitely a must-have in your feed program.” – WHITNEY DESALVO, Three-time WPRA World Champion Heeler

DeSalvo is really good about sharing the Vitalize message with young roping students. She offers a couple roping clinics throughout the year and will typically give students swag bags that include Vitalize caps and/or products. Some of the ambassadors will do giveaways on their social media or partner with another company such as a horse photographer to offer a package. These are all creative ways to spread the Vitalize message among peers.

While these ambassadors are always on the go, we like to see what your customers are doing too! Do you have loyal customers that you could deem as your local ambassadors? Do you have someone that shares the Vitalize message (or any brand message) on social media? Be sure to share that on your social media and tag us in it or share it to the Dealer Facebook page. Some of the best ideas and marketing messages come from our peers.

Using ambassadors, testimonials and word of mouth is a great way to position a product. Ask one of your loyal customers for a testimonial. Chances are, he or she will be glad to talk about the benefits of the product and if the neighbors know that person has success with it, that success will help you gain some other customers as well.

Backyard Boost for a Flourishing Flock

The popularity of backyard chickens has been growing since the early 2000s; however, during the COVID-19 pandemic that status reached a record level with more people being confined at home, schools closing down, people looking for new hobbies and a genuine concern about their food supply decreasing. With the increased demand for backyard birds, BioZyme ® Inc. knew it was important to create products for these animals with the Amaferm ® advantage to demonstrate “care that comes full circle.”

Backyard Boost® is a line of natural products that are crafted to support the health, wellbeing and productivity of poultry. Backyard Boost uses only the highest quality components and proprietary ingredients proven to support a flourishing flock. Initially, BioZyme is launching two products to help backyard poultry producers produce healthy, happy birds.

Backyard Boost Daily Essentials is a pelleted, natural protein supplement fully fortified with the precision prebiotic Amaferm® , vitamins, minerals and organic trace minerals to maximize growth and egg production and support overall flock health. Amaferm is research-proven to increase digestion and absorption of nutrients to help maximize egg production and quality. In addition, Daily Essentials contains additional protein to support growth, feather quality and egg production and calcium and other nutrients for natural improvement of eggshell and yolk quality.

  • 2.5 lb. or 10 lb. resealable bag.
  • Fed at a rate of 0.5 oz/chick/day.
  • For a 6-bird flock, 2.5 lbs. will last 2 weeks, and 10 lbs. will last 8 weeks.

Backyard Boost Defense is a liquid supplement that promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery to help support digestive health and a healthy inflammatory response. With natural products like the precision-prebiotics Amaferm® that helps combat the negative effects of stress and gets your hens back to producing eggs faster, and MOS to trap and expel unwanted disease-causing pathogens, limiting their ability to do harm, Defense promotes feed and water intake. It also contains electrolytes to support proper hydration and works with antibiotics to improve health and recovery.

  • 16 oz twin neck bottle with dosing chamber.
  • Added to water at the rate of 1 oz per gallon.
  • Mix daily to best freshness.
  • Designed for intermittent feeding during stress/recovery; can be fed at same time as Daily Essentials.



  • Improved health & performance
  • Supplementing calcium improves eggshell & yolk quality
  • Supplementing protein supports growth, feather quality
  • Increase egg production
  • Amaferm ensures that you’re getting the most nutritional value from your feed through increased digestion & absorption
  • Healthier chickens


  • Recover from stress & sickness
  • Increase appetite
  • Decrease diarrhea incidences
  • Reduces peculiar behaviors like feather picking, egg eating, comb or vent pecking
  • Decreases panting and excessive tiredness
  • Supports the birds’ immune systems



  • Feed daily – either in the feeder or scattered around the pen
  • Intended as a supplement, not as a complete feed


  • Designed for intermittent feeding during times of stress, sickness and recovery
  • Mix in fresh water daily for best results
  • Maximizes the effectiveness of antibiotics

Effective Easy Breeding with VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®!

Getting cows bred and keeping them bred can be a challenge, but those are the first crucial steps to herd profitability. Your customers need to consider their herds nutritional needs through every step of production in order to achieve the reproductive success they want to meet.

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Concept•Aid is a mineral specifically formulated for reproductive success that contains high levels of Vitamin E for reproductive tract repair, organic trace minerals for more stability and higher bioavailability and Amaferm®, a precision-based prebiotic that impacts intake, feed digestibility and nutrient absorption for optimum health and performance. Increased nutrient absorption and digestion leads to heavier calves that gives your customers performance that pays.

How good were your customers’ conception rates this year?

Get to Know Your Customers and Their Needs!

Be sure to understand each of your customer’s individual challenges to help them achieve reproductive success and profitability in their herd. Is their calving window longer than they would like? Too many open cows due to poor breed back? Low-quality forages available due to extreme weather patterns this past year? Find out what they are facing and recommend a VitaFerm Concept•Aid for them.

ChallengeHow to Relevantly Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid
Poor breed back rates leading to more open cows.Reduce your risk by investing in the Concept•Aid mineral program to maximize your reproductive efficiency. Leverage the power of organic trace minerals, high levels of vitamin E and selenium to promote optimized fertility and quick reproductive tract repair to ensure a faster breed back.
Constant weather challenges led to tightened budgets, and often times, mineral and supplementation programs were cut leading to thin cows, which resulted in poor conception rates and longer calving seasons.Reduce your labor and length of calving season with the help of Concept•Aid. You can trust the Amaferm® advantage to deliver more energy for reproductive success while elevated vitamin E levels lend to faster reproductive tract repair and quicker breed back to shorten your calving window, helping to maximize your efforts.
Irregular weather patterns have resulted in low-quality forages and winter pastures.Don’t let winter grazing limit your performance. Let Concept•Aid help maximize digestibility and absorption with the power of Amaferm! Choose the phosphorous level that suits your forage best to help promote milk production and higher calf weaning weights.
Soft markets and fewer calves on the ground will require higher weaning weights to differentiate and stay profitable come sale time.Allow Concept•Aid products to deliver optimal digestive health and nutrition through the power of Amaferm resulting in performance that pays. Through increased absorption and elevated levels of phosphorous, you can expect an 11% increase in calf weaning weights above the national average (Source: VitaFerm Reproductive Success Report)