Prep To Win With Sure Champ EVERY. DAY.

By now, your customers should have their summer show projects, and with schools transitioning to remote learning in mid-March, there’s no doubt many lessons were taught and learned in the barn throughout the month of April. Make sure those livestock projects keep healthy and stay on feed and water with the added nutrition from Sure Champ®.

Sure Champ is a line a of livestock show supplements that proactively work to assist with the challenges created by the show environment. But they also are effective while at home preparing for the shows. Sure Champ uses only the highest quality components and proprietary ingredients proven to generate high-yielding results. All Sure Champ products include Amaferm®, shown to impact intake, digestibility and absorption. Amaferm is research-proven to increase water and feed intake. In addition, research shows that Amaferm decreases body temperature in heat-stressed animals.

Including Sure Champ in your livestock’s diets every day will help them stay healthy, stay growing and help you achieve your goals in the show ring. Check out these great Sure Champ products:

  • Sure Champ® Cattle – 50 lb. bag – A pelleted, daily vitamin and mineral supplement for show cattle that can be top-dressed or mixed in a ration to improve digestive health, stimulate appetite and optimize health. Sure Champ Cattle contains organic zinc, copper and manganese and the maximum allowable level of selenium, as well as vitamins A, D and E along with niacin and B-12 for added growth, bloom and health.
  • Sure Champ® Ration Builder – 50 lb. bag – A 32% protein pelleted base mix, fully fortified with vitamins and minerals and the Amaferm ® advantage. Intended to use to build complete feeds for cattle creep, growing and finishing rations by adjusting inclusion rates.
  • Sure Champ® Extreme – 50 lb. bag or 25 lb. bucket – Formulated for all livestock species. A pelleted, daily supplement for show livestock that can be top-dressed or mixed in the ration to promote appetite and digestive health. Includes ingredients designed to help support animals during extreme temperatures and support hoof and coat care. Also contains garlic, considered a natural insect repellent, biotin and zinc for hoof and coat care.
  • Sure Champ® Spark® – 25 lb. bucket – A pelleted, concentrated daily supplement with Amaferm and MOS for show livestock that can be top-dressed or mixed in the ration to drive appetite to higher levels and improve digestive health. Also contains biotin and zinc to promote healthy skin, hair and hooves.

Check out all of the testimonials we have available to share with your customers now:

Get That Good Gut Feeling With Vitalize

Did you know that 67% of U.S. households have at least one dog? That’s a whopping 85 million households with dogs, and surely some of those are your existing customers. As “man’s best friend” dog owners want what is best for their four-legged friends and will oftentimes spend any amount of money on food, vet costs, toys and supplies to make sure their fur babies are happy and healthy.

That’s why BioZyme® has created a canine line of Vitalize® products, specifically formulated with the Amaferm® advantage to maintain that “good gut feeling.” Just like the equine Vitalize, this line of supplements is designed to improve digestive health and gut integrity, keeping your customer’s animal healthy and performing.

Regardless if their canine companion is a working cow dog, show dog, hunting dog, guard dog or a sit on your lap and look cute dog, your customers want what is best for it. Vitalize offers three forms of supplements for dogs:

  • Vitalize® Dog – available in 1 lb. or 40 lb. bucket – a top dress vitamin and mineral supplement for dogs in all stages of life that need or deserve extra fortification and improved digestive health.
  • Vitalize® Dog Recovery Gel – 15 mL tube – a 3-in-1 gel that provides faster recovery during stressful times such as high performance, antibiotic therapy, worming, surgery recovery, sickness or digestive upset such as diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Vitalize® Alimend® K9 – 6 oz. bottle – unique blend of: MHB3® Hyaluronan, H. erinaceous (Lion’s mane) extract, and AO-Biotics® that supports gastric health and GI tissue in dogs.

Horses can face numerous health challenges, including colic, ulcers, dysbiosis, weight management problems, going off-feed, and diarrhea. The equine line of Vitalize products offers research-proven solutions to help combat these problems. These supplements contain precision prebiotics to improve digestive health and gut integrity, keeping your customer’s horse healthy and performing. If they are good enough for some of the world’s best show jumpers and rodeo athletes, aren’t they good enough for your customers? To help your customer decide which Vitalize supplement is right for his or her horse, visit the Simplified Product Guide.

Check out what some of our customers had to say!

Things Are Heating Up, Get Your Customers Ready with VitaFerm HEAT!

Keep Them Grazing As Temperatures Heat Up

Spring is around the corner, and temperatures are only going to get warmer and warmer as the days continue to get longer. Cattle aren’t gaining when they are all gathered up under a tree or standing in a pond; but they don’t really like being out in the heat of the day grazing either. That’s why it’s important to share the advantages of our full line of HEAT® products with your customers.

Share these key benefits with your customers:

  • Reduces heat stress when temperatures reach 70 degrees and hotter
  • Reduces stress when cattle are grazing fescue
  • Keeps cattle grazing more during heat of day
  • Reduces foot rot by keeping them from standing in ponds for prolonged periods
  • Fewer flies landing on and biting cattle

Keep Them Bred As The Weather Heats Up

Grazing bred cows in the summer heat comes with its own set of challenges, and it is hard to be profitable when cows are heat-stressed and aborting calves. Share with your customers the value of getting cows bred with VitaFerm® ️ Concept•Aid® ️and keeping them bred through the heat of summer with VitaFerm® HEAT®.

This line of vitamin and mineral supplements contains the Amaferm® advantage and Capsaicin, both research-proven to lower body temperature, which can improve conception rates by maintaining pregnancy. It also includes garlic, a natural insect repellent.

Did You Know?

At BioZyme, we offer a variety of product testimonials from across the country, and you can share these with your customers online or in person with the click of a button. Go to and click on the testimonial tab at the top for a full line of testimonials. If you prefer to share a video with your customer or on your website, click on the media tab instead. There is a line-up of video testimonials and scenes from The American Rancher HEAT episodes that will help you promote HEAT and other products.

Get Your Bull Battery Primed and Ready to Go with VitaFerm

Often times producers concentrate their focus on the cow herd’s reproductive success, they tend to forget about the other 50% of the genetic contribution – the bull. The Amaferm® advantage found in VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® and Vita Charge® offers substantial benefits to the overall growth, health and reproductive performance to your customers’ bulls. Read more about the key benefits you can share with your customers:

  • Increased fertility
  • Increased feed conversion
  • Higher percentage of bulls passing breeding soundness exam
  • Improved sperm motility and morphology
  • Overall healthier bulls with less stress

Keeping a cow herd reproductively sound is vital to your customers’ success and bottom line. It’s important to help them succeed by reminding them to keep their bull battery in good shape, in addition to their cows. A bull’s reproductive soundness is crucial since he can typically cover 25 cows, and if those cows don’t get bred, that is a huge financial loss. Read some testimonials that customers and dealers have shared about using our products on their bulls.

Sharing the Benefits of VitaFerm and Vita Charge for Bulls Using Testimonials

Keeping a cow herd reproductively sound is vital to your customers’ success and bottom line. It’s important to help them succeed by reminding them to keep their bull battery in good shape, in addition to their cows. A bull’s reproductive soundness is crucial since he can typically cover 25 cows, and if those cows don’t get bred, that is a huge financial loss. Read some testimonials that customers and dealers have shared about using our products on their bulls.

Click Here for More Testimonials

How Do You Position VitaFerm Concept•Aid Where It Is Most Relevant?

Be Where Your Customers Are.

The key to herd profitability is reproductive efficiency and success. In order for customers to multiply their efforts and maximize their success, they have to consider every advantage possible at each stage of production.

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. High concentrations of vitamin E and organic trace minerals, coupled with the Amaferm® advantage, supports quick repair of the reproductive tract and more energy for reproductive success. Additionally, increased nutrient absorption and digestion leads to healthier and heavier calves giving you performance that pays.

Where will your customers be in 2020?

There is no question that 2019 was a tough year for cattle producers and in many ways, they are still recovering from the effects of the weather, the market and many other variables. The challenges and management decisions of 2019 will likely be felt as we move to 2020. Here’s the challenges customers are up against in 2020 and how VitaFerm Concept•Aid can play a relevant role in helping:

Click here for the Reproductive Success Report.

Effective, Easy Breeding with Concept•Aid

Vitaferm® Concept•Aid® is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle formulated to promote effective, easy breeding when fed 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. High concentrations of vitamin E and organic trace minerals, coupled with the Amaferm® advantage, supports quick repair of the reproductive tract and more energy for reproductive success. Additionally, increased nutrient absorption and digestion leads to healthier and heavier calves giving you performance that pays.

Why Your Customers Need it: 

  • The Amaferm Advantage: Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that provides more intake, feed digestbility and nutrient absorption resulting in amplified breeding performance of the cow.
  • High Vitamin E: Contains high levels of Vitamin E shown to assist in reproductive tract repair.
  • More Stability: Contains organic trace minerals for more stability and higher bioavailability.

Selling Tools:

  • Concept•Aid Quiz: With so many different formulations of Concept•Aid, many customers are not sure which one to choose. To help we’ve created a quiz that asks a variety of questions about their environment and feeding situation. Based on their inputs, it recommends an appropriate Concept•Aid formula for them.
  • Gestation Calculator: We’ve added a gestation calculator and printable gestation table to our website to better serve our customers. In addition to calculating date of birth, it also calculates dates that we recommend feeding Concept•Aid.
  • VitaFerm Conception Calculator: Use this tool to show your customers the additional advantage per calf they can expect from feeding VitaFerm.
  • Progressive Cattlemen rely on VitaFerm: Check out our collection of blogs on why these Progressive Cattlemen rely on VitaFerm.

Show Your Customers Why They Need Sure Champ Every. Day

When it comes to raising a livestock project from start to finish, every day counts. From the moment your customers bring their projects home, their livestock depend on them to provide superior nutrition that drives appetite and health, and in turn, your customers expect their animals to gain and perform at the highest level. Feeding Sure Champ from the start and consistently can keep livestock on feed and gaining at their full potential despite the challenges of the show environment, providing your customers peace of mind that EVERY DAY will be their animal’s best day.

Helpful Tools:

Show Your Customer’s The Power of Protein

Need help positioning Concept•Aid Protein Products? We have you covered.

Is Your Customer’s Forage Quality Low?

Then, it’s protein time as proper protein supplementation is essential to overall animal productivity and performance that pays! All VitaFerm® ️Concept•Aid® protein products provide the convenience of Concept•Aid along with a natural protein source so there is no need for additional vitamin and mineral fortification when forage quality is low.

Why Your Customers Need it:

  • 20% Natural Protein: Provides the convenience of the highly bioavailable Concept•Aid breeding mineral along with a natural protein meal so there is no need for an additional vitamin and mineral source when forage quality is low.
  • The Amaferm® Advantage: Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that provides more intake, feed digestibility and nutrient absorption resulting in amplified breeding performance of the cow.
  • Two Form Options Available: You can provide customers with the product in their choice of a convenient 200-lb. tub or a more economical mineral form available in a 50 lb. bag.

Marketing Services:

The BioZyme® ️ Marketing Team is available to help you develop materials about the protein products targeted specifically to your local audience. If you would like help, please reach out to Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Manager, at (307) 575-1082 or

Hay Testing Services:

Taking hay samples is one step that can help your customers determine if the nutrient requirements of their animals are being met. By having a general idea of the quality of the forage, it will enable you to help provide them the lowest cost ration possible to meet performance expectations.

To learn more about hay testing or help your customers analyze the results of their hay test and choose the best products, visit


How to Position Vita Charge for Weaning

Need help positioning Vita Charge? We have you covered.
Vita Charge® is a multi-specie livestock supplement that provides a powerful dose of vitamins, B vitamins and the Amaferm® advantage for those stressful times when livestock need protection or assistance in recovery. Vita Charge is available in many forms making application easy depending on what is best for your animal.

Selling Tools:

Video testimonials and the new American Rancher show featuring Vita Charge are available on the media page at

Share With Your Customers:

There are some great educational pieces about VitaFerm Gain Smart available on the blog at

Some of the newer ones to check out are:

Gain Smart Positioning Tools

Need help positioning Gain Smart? We have you covered. VitaFerm Gain Smart is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle with the Amaferm advantage that promotes economically produced pounds by maximizing the natural energy and protein available in forage.
Selling tools:
Share with your customers: