Show Your Customers Why They Need Sure Champ Every. Day

When it comes to raising a livestock project from start to finish, every day counts. From the moment your customers bring their projects home, their livestock depend on them to provide superior nutrition that drives appetite and health, and in turn, your customers expect their animals to gain and perform at the highest level. Feeding Sure Champ from the start and consistently can keep livestock on feed and gaining at their full potential despite the challenges of the show environment, providing your customers peace of mind that EVERY DAY will be their animal’s best day.

Helpful Tools:

Our VitaFerm Power Keg is now Available!

Are your customers looking for another alternative to keep protein costs down this fall and winter without sacrificing quality?
We are excited to offer the new VitaFerm Power Keg. This 20% natural protein pressed keg is perfect for beef cattle on low quality forages needing extra supplementation. It is an economical option for customers who are not calving this fall but still want to provide protein and the Amaferm advantage to their cattle. Learn more about it here:

Our Gel Products Campaign is Now Available on PromoBoxx!

Do you need a little social help promoting our gel products? We have you covered with our new Gel Products Campaign on Promoboxx! This campaign features promotional posts and product information for you to share on your social media accounts. We have content available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Dealer Spotlight: K Triangle Feed

Personal Experiences Lead to Protein Promotion

When a dealer has walked a mile, or 20, in his customer’s shoes it makes it clear to understand the trials and opportunities they face each day. Master and VIP Dealer Keith Micke, Glendo, Wyo., knows what it’s like to try to survive in the cattle business and have Mother Nature against you. He is making strides to help his customers stay profitable while providing high-quality nutrition to their herd.

“I ranched at one time, and I have always been one to get the biggest bang for my buck and save money where I could, and my customers are the same way,” Micke said. “If they are having a bad year, I might have a bad year. I am trying to help them get the best possible product for their money.”

Sufficient protein is always a concern going into the fall and winter months, and BioZyme® offers several options to supplement protein in the cattle diets. However, in a year where some ranchers have too much rain and some are suffering from drought, Micke is trying to make sure his customers also get the most for their dollar, especially in a time when calf prices are depressed. Therefore, he is turning his focus on marketing the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal.

Micke said he typically offers a slight discount on a protein product for about six weeks each fall; and this year, making the choice to focus on the Protein Meal seemed logical after hearing from his customers. The product contains 20% protein, Concept•Aid and the Amaferm® advantage, while being conveniently packaged in 50-pound bags, which he said is easier for older ranchers and lady ranchers to handle than the 200-pound tubs.

Micke said promoting and selling the Protein Meal is two-fold. The Protein Meal offers an affordable value; however, it does require a feeder. He said if his customers order a mass quantity of the Protein Meal, yet to be determined, he will provide a VitaFerm mineral feeder for them.

“The mineral feeders will pay for themselves over time. They are big, and have the VitaFerm label right on them, so each time they are out in the pasture, the producers see ‘VitaFerm’ and think about the value they are receiving when they put mineral out,” Micke said.

He said since he has started keeping the mineral feeders in stock, they have become great sellers. When people see them, they want to try them, and they have great results. He has heard from producers who use them with bulls. They don’t tip over and keep the mineral protected from wind and rain. And, perhaps most importantly, they don’t blow around like the empty tubs.

“The Protein Meal is a hell of a product. It’s not new, but it’s one that producers need to think about when trying to save some money this fall,” Micke said.

He will start marketing the Protein Meal with a mailing that the Marketing Team helped him develop and will launch his promotion at his producer meetings in mid-September. He suggests always working with the ASMs, who are insightful and can help with ideas.

Experience is the best teacher, and having fed the Protein Meal in 2012, when coming through a drought, helped Micke understand the value of the product. To offer a product that helps producers succeed, and helps dealers stay profitable is a great example of care that comes full circle.

Congratulations To Our VIP Dealers!

Congratulations to our dealers who have achieved VIP status so far this year! To achieve this, these dealers had to have at least $250,000 in supplement sales and $2,500 in Vita Charge and/or Vitalize Sales (not including tubs). These dealers will receive VIP Benefits including:

  1. BEST PRICING.  Guaranteed best pricing (truckload) on all orders regardless of size for volume items and Level 2 pricing on all Vita Charge & Vitalize non-volume items.
  2. PRIORITY SUPPORT.  Priority support from your Area Sales Manager, the Customer Support Team, Plant/Operations and the BioZyme Marketing Team.
  3. FUN STUFF.  You will receive free PR in your local and regional papers, a special token of our appreciation for all you do and special perks at our Annual Dealer retreat.

Don’t Forget Our Action Rewards Program!

Don’t forget you receive points for actions including training and for promoting BioZyme products. You can redeem your Action Rewards Points in the Online Dealer Center for merch and other prizes. You can redeem your Action Rewards Points in the Online Dealer Center for merch and other prizes.
For more information on the Action Rewards Program visit:
And as always you can see your points for this period here:

High-Resolution Photos of our Gel Products are Now Available.

We wanted to remind you to update the product photos and information for any paste products that you may have on your website, marketing literature and/or catalogs to the new gel product information and photos. Below you will find links to download high-resolution photos of all of our new gels.
To save them, click on the link below to open the larger photo and then right-click and choose “Save As” to save them to your computer.
If you need any help, please comment below and we can help you out!

Show Your Customer’s The Power of Protein

Need help positioning Concept•Aid Protein Products? We have you covered.

Is Your Customer’s Forage Quality Low?

Then, it’s protein time as proper protein supplementation is essential to overall animal productivity and performance that pays! All VitaFerm® ️Concept•Aid® protein products provide the convenience of Concept•Aid along with a natural protein source so there is no need for additional vitamin and mineral fortification when forage quality is low.

Why Your Customers Need it:

  • 20% Natural Protein: Provides the convenience of the highly bioavailable Concept•Aid breeding mineral along with a natural protein meal so there is no need for an additional vitamin and mineral source when forage quality is low.
  • The Amaferm® Advantage: Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that provides more intake, feed digestibility and nutrient absorption resulting in amplified breeding performance of the cow.
  • Two Form Options Available: You can provide customers with the product in their choice of a convenient 200-lb. tub or a more economical mineral form available in a 50 lb. bag.

Marketing Services:

The BioZyme® ️ Marketing Team is available to help you develop materials about the protein products targeted specifically to your local audience. If you would like help, please reach out to Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Manager, at (307) 575-1082 or

Hay Testing Services:

Taking hay samples is one step that can help your customers determine if the nutrient requirements of their animals are being met. By having a general idea of the quality of the forage, it will enable you to help provide them the lowest cost ration possible to meet performance expectations.

To learn more about hay testing or help your customers analyze the results of their hay test and choose the best products, visit


We Have Some Exciting News About Our Vita Charge Line!

We have EXCITING news coming soon about the Vita Charge® line! On September 1st we are launching a new gel for use during scours called Vita Charge Clinch and we want YOU to be the first to know all the details. Join us LIVE on the Dealer Facebook page on August 28th at 8 PM Central to learn all the things you need to know to equip your business for success with this new product.

How to Tune in:

1. Make sure you are signed up for the BioZyme Dealer Facebook Page. Click the button below to visit the Facebook page and request access.

Please be sure to fill out the group questionnaire with your Dealership Name and Area Sales Manager to gain access.

Click Here for our Dealer Facebook Group

2. Tune in at 8 PM CST to watch a live video with Blaine Rodgers, Show Livestock Business Development, explaining:

  • Product Formulation
  • Key Benefits
  • When to Use
  • Business Opportunities

3. Come with questions to comment and ask LIVE!