July PromoBoxx Campaigns

This month on Promoboxx we are excited to announce our launch of three new campaigns for Vitalize, Sure Champ and VitaFerm
For Vitalize: Help your customers ride more and worry less knowing Vitalize has them covered. With a landing page featuring product information, testimonials and statistics this campaign will show why Vitalize will give your customer’s horse a good gut feeling.
For Sure Champ: Let us help you sell Sure Champ with our Tips and Testimonials campaign. This campaign features helpful blogs just in time for the summer stressors and testimonials on why our products are perfect for your customer’s show animals.
For VitaFerm: Don’t take our word for it, show your customers how VitaFerm has helped other producers battle the heat and keep cows bred with our new testimonial-driven VitaFerm campaign. This campaign features testimonials on VitaFerm HEAT and our Gain Smart Program as well as some product focused posts.
If you have the automation feature set up on Promoboxx, a new post will go up weekly for each campaign. Visit www.biozymedealermktg.com to get started.

Dealer Spotlight: Field Farms

BioZyme® dealer Mitch Field at Field Farms shares his own personal success stories with the products to gain the trust and business of potential customers. He and his family had positive experiences with the VitaFerm® products on their Angus operation in Erhard, Minn., but the closest dealer to him was 100 miles away, so Field decided to become a dealer. He started sharing his success stories, has conducted producer meetings and has taken his message to social media, all while watching his business grow during the past two years.

“The biggest challenge for me has been getting people on a strict mineral program. But I’m working to get them feeding it all year, so it is better for their cows too, and some of them are starting to come around,” Field said.

In an area where farming is the dominant profession and most producers have less than 50 head, Field said getting them on a year-round program has been a battle. However, when they see the benefits of the Amaferm advantage, they are starting to realize the importance of providing excellent nutrition to their herd all year.

Field said he promotes the mineral program by seasons and production cycle. When he and his family only had to treat one sick calf out of 150 at weaning after using Vita Charge® Drench and Stress Tubs, that definitely grew his customer base. He has his producer meetings in the fall just prior to weaning to sell the benefits of the Vita Charge program. He also notes with the humidity and the number of lakes they have in their area, the VitaFerm HEAT® mineral has been easy to sell.

“With where we live in Minnesota, we run into a lot of fly issues in the summer, so I tell people about the HEAT mineral. Once they try it, they really like it, and they don’t have to worry about pinkeye issues either,” Field said.

Though his own experiences have helped him educate producers in his area about the benefits of a high-quality mineral program, he’s also gone a step further, and shares some of his experiences on social media. He shares his personal experiences on Twitter and said that he’s had a few other cattle producers reach out to him about mineral programs. He was able to refer them to BioZyme dealers in their area, and at least one purchased product.

“I always have people ask certain things. Since I’ve had good luck with the product, I share personal experiences with my followers,” Field said.

Educating others on the value of the mineral program is key; however, the biggest benefit to becoming a dealer is the personal network that Field has made. He said he has made connections with people in his own area he didn’t even know raised livestock and made valuable friendships with other BioZyme dealers and staff that he looks forward to talking with on a regular basis.

“I’ve made some good friends along the way. I talk to Keith Micke (Dealer in Wyoming) about once a month and Rowdy Pope (ASM in Florida) about once a week.”

For Field, it’s more than a mineral program. Being a dealer has allowed him to share his experiences, help others help their herds and cultivate friendships and connections along the way. That’s care that comes full circle.


Quarter 2 mailers are here. If you have a current customer or prospect mailing list on file with us, be sure to check your email TODAY to opt-in for this Q2 mailer to your customers.

This program is open to any dealer that has a customer/prospect mailing list on file with us. We will use the most current list we have on file. If you’d like to update yours, please send those updates to your ASM and we will get that list updated for the next quarter’s mailing.

Opt-in date ends May 31st so don’t wait!


This month on Promoboxx we are excited to announce our launch of three new campaigns for VitaFerm, Vitalize and Sure Champ!

The Vitalize campaign focuses on how Vitalize helps elevate horses health at all ages and stages of their life.

Summer Prep with Sure Champ is a campaign that features helpful tips and testimonials.

See the Difference with VitaFerm is a campaign to highlight the difference VitaFerm and Vita Charge can make in your customer’s cow herd with these testimonials and videos.

If you have the automation feature set up on Promoboxx, a new post will go up weekly for each campaign. Visit www.biozymedealermktg.com to get started.


The same great Vita Charge Stress Tub you love that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery is now available with HEAT to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees and above. Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT is a cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and conveniently allows beef cattle to get their daily dose of Vita Charge without additional handling.


  • Amaferm® to combat stress resulting in increased intake, digestibility and nutrient absorption.
  • MOS to trap bad bacteria limiting their ability to do harm.
  • Capsaicin to help maintain circulation to support animal performance and gain in heat stress situations.
  • Garlic, considered a natural insect repellent.

This product became open for ordering yesterday, May 1st and will begin shipping out the middle of May.

Dealer Spotlight: Associated Feed

Associated Feed Develops Next Generation of Livestock Enthusiasts

Imagine taking one day away from your dealership or store front to teach upwards of 1,000 people the basics about feeding and showing livestock. You’ve just enriched 1,000 lives with information and potentially created an interest to continue pursuing a career in the livestock field, but you’ve also come into contact with a lot of potential customers.

Associated Feed & Supply, Turlock, Calif., has hosted at least 12 all-day, totally-free Associated Feed Junior Livestock Camps each October for young livestock exhibitors, the parents, 4-H leaders and FFA advisors in Central California. The day-long camp that focuses on evaluation and selection, nutrition and feeding, fitting and showing of beef, sheep, goats and hogs, is conducted at Modesto Junior College.

“Livestock and agriculture are dying industries, and we feel it is our job to help these kids learn more about their projects to where we not only we can help educate them to have a successful project, but also spark their interest in ag to continue their involvement in agriculture,” said Nick Warntjes, Associated Feed’s Northern California Sales Rep who manages the Camp. “We want to make sure the kids, parents, 4-H leaders and FFA advisors have the tools and resources they need for a successful livestock project. Selling feed is a secondary bonus.”

Warntjes said they invite highly reputable industry leaders from all parts of the United States to teach about each species, one of the things he believes is such a big draw for the attendees each year. He said in the last Camp, between 500-600 people were pre-registered, but 800-1,000 people actually showed up. The reason they ask for preregistration is to ensure every youth leaves Camp with a unique t-shirt.

“Every kid gets a free Camp t-shirt. It is pretty amazing how much that t-shirt means to the kids. I see those t-shirts at county fairs and worn all over the place the next year,” Warntjes said.

And because the California Camp has been so successful, typically drawing youth from California, Nevada, Idaho and Washington, Associated Feeds expanded its efforts and offered a similar Camp in Oregon this past February. Warntjes said that first-time event drew 300 participants from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California, stating one family even drove 10 hours to attend.

“I truly appreciate the support of Chris Benevedes, my boss at Associated Feeds. He approves and supports these camps. He’s been very generous in continuing to allow us to expand this event and allow us to put it on,” Warntjes said.

Finding high-quality speakers that are respected within the industry are what draws so many people to the Camps. Warntjes asks each year how many young people have previously attended and estimates 30-40% are repeat attendees.

“It’s about bringing knowledgeable people in front of the kids where they can learn something and ask any questions they have.”

Associated Feeds knows the importance of developing the future generations and they give back one day each October to do just that. They get involved, provide the resources and create a spark of excitement in livestock enthusiasts.

Dont Miss The American Rancher April 29th!

Be Sure to set your DVRs for our next episode of The American Rancher April 29th at 9:00 PM EST. See how VitaFerm Heat is working in the elite seedstock operation at Boyd Beef Cattle in Kentucky, then ride with us to Tennessee, where we’ll feature a stocker operation that has had great success using VitaFerm Gain Smart HEAT to combat summer stressors.
There will also be a re-air Tuesday, April 30th at 1:00 AM EST and Sunday, May 5th at Noon EST.

Sure Champ® and Vita Charge® Positioning Tools


Sure Champ EVERY. DAY: Just like a human that takes his or her daily vitamins and supplements to stay healthy, your livestock need the same daily care. Sure Champ products proactively work to assist with the challenges created by the show environment. All Sure Champ products contain Amaferm® a precision-based prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying nutrient supply for maximum performance.

Vita Charge During Stress: Show animals are under constant stress, and it is almost certain their digestive system will be compromised, or they will go off feed at some point in their lives. Being armed and ready with Vita Charge is an excellent way to combat those stressful times and ensure your livestock are back on feed fast.

Use during: Receiving • Hauling • Sickness • Showing


  • Take advantage of our amazing resources to help your new feeders get started. There is a guide for each specie, and they have tons of helpful information including:
    • Nutrition & Feeding Tips
    • Equipment Needs
    • Educational Resources.

These helpful guides can be found on the Sure Champ website at www.surechamp.com and then clicking on the individual specie silhouettes on the homepage.


We have many other great resources for to provide to your show livestock customers to help them learn more about the Sure Champ + Vita Charge products and how to be successful with their show project.

  • Prep to Win Videos How-to videos that will help your customers “prep to win” in the ring with their cattle and pig show projects.
  • Join our community of over 100,000 followers to get the latest education and product information.

2019 Dealer Retreat Keynote Speakers

Doug Slattery – 44 Farms
Doug Slattery learned the value of dedication, hard work and integrity at an early age working on the family corn, soybean and cattle farm in Grundy County, Illinois. During his youth, Doug developed a particular passion for cattle production, being especially drawn to purebred Angus cattle. After leaving home, Doug would go on to work at and manage several Angus operations and herds across the U.S. This would soon turn into more than 40 years of service to the Angus breed and business.
Today as the Chief Operations Officer for 44 Farms, at Cameron, Texas, Doug helps oversee one of the largest and most genetically recognized purebred Angus production operations in the world as well as one of the most successful branded beef programs in the U.S.

Doug Slattery is an experienced cattleman, well versed in the complex and shifting needs of today’s livestock industry – from driving improved breed efficiency through genetic advances, to developing thousands of bulls a season that meet the needs of the commercial beef producer, to getting steaks on the table from coast to coast.

Brian Shul
Brian Shul is one of the most popular and dynamic keynote speakers in America today. His compelling story of living fearlessly and embracing the opportunities each day brings,
resonates with men and woman of all ages. As an Air Force fighter pilot, Brian was shot down in the Vietnam War and severely burned in the ensuing crash. Initially given up for
dead, he was finally rescued and spent one year in hospitals, endured 15 surgeries and was told his flying days were over. Amazingly, Brian returned to active duty flying, and became one of only 93 men in history to fly the SR-71 spy plane, the fastest jet ever built.
Brian masterfully uses his aviation slides and stories as a vehicle to tell a broader inspired story of hope, overcoming obstacles and daring to dream. From lying near death in the jungles of Southeast Asia to flying the world’s fastest jet, Brian shares his amazing story in this most unforgettable one-of-a-kind presentation that both inspires and educates.