Reach for New Audiences to Promote DuraFerm®

Commercial sheep and goat producers often depend on the income from their livestock for their livelihood. Wouldn’t it be nice to help them improve their bottom line while increasing the overall health of their herds and flocks and even helping them get more lambs and kids on the ground?

It might not always be easy to break into this demographic of commercial breeders. However, they are usually hungry for information on animal health, nutrition, parasite and predator control and reproduction and will reach out to experts in their areas for this information. Since the challenges and opportunities vary so much in each region, it is important for producers to build and cultivate relationships with their veterinarian and local or state Extension sheep specialists to learn information about specific regions.

Just one way BioZyme® is making strides to reach out to more potential DuraFerm users in the largest sheep and meat goat producing state – Texas – is by sponsoring and having a booth at the Texas A&M AgriLife Sheep and Goat Expo, August 20-21 in San Angelo. This event is supposed to draw attendees from all across the country who want to hear experts talk about ways producers can improve their bottom lines, and we knew we didn’t want to miss it.

“Sheep and goat producers are thirsting for knowledge, and these are great events to create awareness that we offer sheep and goat nutritional products that are science-driven. We’re choosing to get involved in these programs not just to market products, but to lend a helping hand to producers, which is living our company motto of ‘care that comes full circle,’” said Sam Silvers, BioZyme Area Sales Manager in Texas and New Mexico.

Although not all states have an Extension sheep specialist, many do. And, as part of their Extension and outreach mission, these specialists host either a state-wide or regional educational workshops annually. Look on their websites or Facebook pages to discover when these are. Contact them to see if they are looking for a sponsor. Chances are, they will be excited you are willing to offer to have a booth or information table, as a lot of Extension funding has been depleted. The more interaction you can have with the attendees, the better. Remember to reach out to your ASM to see if he or she might be able to help you.

Even if your state doesn’t have a state Extension sheep and goat specialist, chances are that your local or area Extension office will have a field day or expo that you can participate in.

“Extension Service centers and their corresponding field days/expos are one of the best places within communities, and states as a whole, to find the ideal BioZyme product customers. Attendees are typically progressive stockmen looking to always see what is new and upcoming in their respective industries, those who are always looking to make the best decisions for their operations based on current economic decisions, but also futuristic projections and opportunities. Extension offices provide a huge benefit and asset to their states and communities and are a great way to help support the future of the industry,” said Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Coordinator for BioZyme.

Partnerships come in all shapes and sizes. Look for partnerships in educational outlets where you can not only educate producers about the Amaferm advantage and the high-quality nutrition program of DuraFerm but establish relationships with commercial producers. Build these partnerships and watch your business grow!

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