BioZyme® Dealers Recognized for Outstanding 2023 Achievements

BioZyme® dealers were honored for their sales and action during the 2023 business year at the 2024 BioZyme Dealer Retreat. “The Best of BioZyme” was June 4-6 in Saint Joseph, Missouri, home to the leading global fermentation company that relies on nearly 2,000 dealers in its network from coast to coast. 

Alan Lee, Vice President of Domestic Business, recognized the dealers for their accomplishments. Top dealers in each line of the BioZyme family of brands received a personalized belt buckle with a complementary display rack. 

Award winners for 2023 include:  

Top Overall Dealer 
• First Place: Stockmen’s Feed Bunk, Inc. – Texas
• Second Place: High Hill Supplements – Texas  

Top Action Dealer
• First Place: Boyce Feed & Grain – Texas
• Second Place: K Triangle Feed – Wyoming 

Overall Rookie Dealer
• Tina Graham – Wyoming

Top VitaFerm® Dealer
• First Place: Basore Cattle – Missouri
• Second Place: K Triangle Feed – Wyoming

Top Gain Smart® Dealer 
• First Place: Twin Rivers Nutrition – Texas
• Second Place: LaMoure Feed & Seed – North Dakota

Top Vitalize® Dealer
• First Place:, Inc. – Tennessee
• Second Place: Kentucky Buying Coop – Kentucky

Top Sure Champ® Dealer
• First Place: Sullivan Supply – Iowa
• Second Place: Producers Coop – Texas

Top DuraFerm® Dealer
• First Place: Heritage Cooperative – Ohio
• Second Place: Stillwater Milling Agri Center –

Top Backyard Boost® Dealer
• First Place: Shawnee Milling/Shawnee Feed Center – Oklahoma
• Second Place: Boyce Feed & Grain – Texas

Basore Cattle
K Triangle Feed
LaMoure Feed & Seed
Sullivan Supply
Stillwater Milling Agri Center
Twin Rivers Nutrition
Tina Graham

Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards  

New in 2024, BioZyme President and CEO Lisa Norton presented 13 Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards to dealers who exemplified leadership and passion for their businesses.  

“Leadership is intentional. It is a trait you must work on every day,” Norton said just before recognizing the dealers. 

Live It, Love It, Lead It is part of a leadership development program that Norton is launching and growing within BioZyme. The Live it, Love It, Lead It program’s mission is to intentionally grow leaders for the production livestock industry, through the employees, dealers and the Sure Champ® brand. 

The inaugural Live It. Love It, Lead It Award Winners include:  

Basore Cattle – Missouri 
Boyce Feed & Grain Corp – Texas  
Crusty’s Feed Store – Nebraska 
Darlington Feed, LLC – Wisconsin 
DS Farm Supply – Tennessee 
Falling Timber Farm – Missouri 
Tina Graham – Wyoming  
Hallstead Farms – Kentucky 
Osage Elevator – Iowa 
Performance Feeds – Kentucky 
Reiss Seed Inc. – Kansas  
Route 51 Feed & Supply – Illinois  
WM Feeds – South Dakota 

BioZyme relies on its extensive dealer network to help provide care that comes full circle to its customers and their animals across the country. We are proud of the dealers for their efforts and appreciate them for taking time to attend the Annual Dealer Retreat to learn, network and strengthen the business acumen. 

To find a dealer near you, visit our dealer locator

Basore Cattle
Crusty’s Feed Store
Darlington Feed, LLC
DS Farm Supply
Reiss Seed Inc.
Route 51 Feed & Supply
Tina Graham

Top Growth Products in 2023

It’s hard to know where you should go, without reviewing where you’ve been. We thought it would be fun to review some of our top selling products for 2023 year-to-date, compared to the same time last year.

These products are fast growing, and by keeping them stocked on your shelves and in your warehouse, you might just see a difference in your sales.

Backyard Boost® Defense – 8 oz

This was by far the top growth product, experiencing nearly a 151% growth, year over year. This liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and a healthy immune response is also a high-margin product. It can be marketed during chick days and beyond as it provides nutrients needed in times of stress and promotes water intake and hydration. Several dealers actually use it to turn their water green during chick days and have signage that encourages customers to “Ask me about the Green Water.”

Gain Smart® Wheat – 50 lb bag

This somewhat seasonal and regional product charted a 92% growth in sales. A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to maximize efficient gain on wheat or small grain pasture. Gain Smart Wheat provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system. It contains Amaferm, organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.

Vitalize® Blazin – 32 oz

This liquid product for horses is designed to support normal recovery from heat stress and exertion. This quick response product grew in sales 66%. It promotes cellular hydration and water retention. In addition to Amaferm, it includes antioxidants to reduce damaging free radicals caused by exertion and heat.

Sure Champ® Joint Juice – 64 oz bottle

Posting a 68% sales growth, is this multi-specie liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice supports sustainable soundness and mobility while it lubricates joints. It contains MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

VitaFerm Conserve® CTC 3G – 50 lb bag

This VitaFerm product also charted a 67% growth. It’s a vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle with CTC designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. It features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package and contains CTC for control of anaplasmosis.

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid® – 50 lb bag

In the small ruminant line, this product grew by 39%. This free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats is designed to support reproductive success. It supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, while high levels of vitamin E assist in reproductive tract repair.

Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL

This rapid-response product grew in sales by 22%. Clench is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. It contains MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system and electrolytes to support rehydration. It also has Amaferm, to enhance digestibility. Like all Vita Charge and Sure Champ products, it can be used on show livestock without testing and doesn’t interfere with antibiotics.

As you can see with a range in growth across product lines from 22% to 151%, the BioZyme family of brands truly does offer something for every customer. We recommend stocking some of these high-margin, more popular products to make sure that your sales continue to grow into 2024 and beyond.

Marketing materials or signage are now available in the SAMM Center (Signage, Apparel, Marketing Materials) in the Online Dealer Center. These branded materials, in one location, make your marketing even easier than ever.

How Dealers Can Work with ASMs to Plan their Growth

“The nature of life is to grow,” said Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This famous quote suggests that growth is an inherent characteristic of life itself.

Long-time BioZyme® Area Sales Manager (ASM) Chris Kyle offers some advice when it comes to setting a growth goal for the approaching year. Kyle, who works with dealers in Arkansas, Louisiana and east Texas said he encourages his dealers to start thinking about the budgeting and planning process for the next year at the beginning of Quarter 4 the year prior.

“I usually start putting that reminder out there by the first of October. Then around the end of October or first of November, I like to sit down with my dealers to talk through how they see their sales going for the next year,” he said.

Be Strategic to Grow

Kyle offers advice to dealers as they think through and establish their sales goals for the next year.

First, they look at the current year’s sales. Now, it is time to set the bar a little higher and forecast growth. Kyle said individual dealers’ goals will vary and should align with their action plan and what level of BioZyme dealer they strive to become.

Sales growth can come in a variety of different forms. Revenue can be created by introducing new BioZyme products or brands, obtaining new customers within the same markets serviced in the past or selling more products to existing customers.

The BioZyme family of brands offers ample opportunities to introduce new products into a dealership. In addition, BioZyme’s new product development team works diligently to add new products to its lineup each year, ensuring you always have new opportunities for growth.

These products can be sold to new customers or even existing customers. With the recent Vita Charge® Cattle Drench campaign, several dealers increased sales by offering this product to existing VitaFerm® or Gain Smart® customers.

Finally, consider new business opportunities that you might have. Did you have a new producer move to your sales area? Will you have a producer meeting and invite prospective customers? Kyle’s experience shows that both these help his dealers increase sales, especially in the spring and fall.

Want to grow in 2024? Ask your ASM to schedule a time to help plan your action.

Effective Action: Taking Action Equals Growth

Do you remember the tale of the tortoise and the hare? To summarize, the hare had a lot of enthusiasm, but he didn’t take advantage of that enthusiasm. The tortoise, a little slower paced, knew he was at a disadvantage; however, he kept moving forward, and he WON THE RACE…Action wins.

This fable offers a valuable lesson even in the modern business world. Any action you take will help your business succeed. That is one reason BioZyme® created the Action Awards Program. We want to encourage dealers to take action – marketing, promotion, education – so their businesses will grow. Not only are dealers rewarded with their own sales growth and profits, but BioZyme also rewards them through the various items they can earn with their Action Awards points.

“We know that when dealers participate in our programs, whether it is an educational program like the Master Dealer Program or a marketing program like sending out the quarterly postcard, it helps their business grow. They are getting more information to share with their customers, and they are giving their company added recognition. Action equals growth. That is important to BioZyme,” said Jennifer Miller, Outreach Sales & Support Senior Manager.

Opportunities for Action – BioZyme offers several opportunities for dealers to take action to grow their businesses. With dedicated teams in sales, business development, outreach support and marketing, there are a multitude of ways for dealers to participate in programs that BioZyme offers. Dealers who participated in Promoboxx (an easy-to- use social media platform) grew on average 139.99%. Other marketing action opportunities include in-store displays, sending out a mailer or newsletter, print or radio advertising and helping an ASM at a trade show or educational event.

Dealers can act by gathering and submitting hay samples for a customer. They can host a producer meeting, offering a form of education and promotion about the products and their business. They can participate in the Master Dealer program, increasing their knowledge about the BioZyme brands. And they can participate in an after-hours training on any topic with a member of the Outreach Team.

Rewards for Action – By enrolling in the Action Awards Program, dealers are rewarded for their actions, not only by growing their business; but BioZyme offers points for each action taken. Once points are accumulated, they can be redeemed for items that range from promotional swag like shirts and caps to items to help grow your business further like hay probes and iPads.

Caleb Day of Cordell Farm & Ranch Store in Kaufman, Texas, said he appreciates the Action Awards points, and redeems them for wearables to give back to his customers.

“If they buy a certain number of bags of your product, they get a cap, if they buy more, they get a jacket. It incentivizes them. They might buy one more bag to get a cap or sweatshirt. And they appreciate getting something extra when they buy the product they already like,” Day said.

Miller reminds the dealers that points can be rewarded for any action. Contact her or your ASM if you do something a little different that isn’t listed, and she will make sure you are credited.

“We want your business to grow, and we want you to succeed. Take action, get your business name out there. We will gladly give you some points if you are doing the work to improve your business,” she said.

Take the action. Earn the points. Grow your business.

Steps Dealers Can Take to Grow Their Sales

If you want to grow your business, you have to move forward and upward, sometimes doing things outside of your comfort zone. Abraham Lincoln once said, “I may be a slow walker, but I never walk back.” It’s ok to grow slowly, but it’s not ok to go backwards in your growth!

At BioZyme, we want to see our dealers succeed and grow. That’s why we’ve provided the tools and programs to help you grow. Let’s review.

Engage in Promoboxx

Remember that we said a majority of farmers, 94%, have a smart phone or cell phone. A big share of them also have access to social media. For those who are not active on social media, they probably have a spouse or kid who is on social media, whose accounts they “creep” or scroll through periodically. Because we know not everyone has time to create social media posts, BioZyme has created social media posts that align with its national marketing messages and put those into Promoboxx, and easy-to-use platform to help you create awareness of your company with BioZyme information on your social channels.

Promoboxx is free to BioZyme dealers to use, and provides you access to various pre-created posts to share on your social media accounts. As a dealer, you can use the entire post or various assets of it like the copy or just the photo. Content is updated regularly to keep it fresh for you. To learn more or get started with Promoboxx, visit www.

Quarterly Dealer Mailers

Direct mail is a great way to get a message in front of customers. Each quarter, BioZyme creates a message with a focus on one product that is timely for that particular production cycle/time of year. If the dealer sends its customer mailing list to BioZyme, via an excel spreadsheet, it will prepare the mailer to send to those customers, free of charge. And, if you have your customer mailing list split by species or product lines, that is even better. That way when it comes time to send a Vitalize mailer, those with sheep or goats won’t get the mail.

Watch your email and the Dealer Facebook Group for sign up information for this program.

Product Educational Opportunities

In addition to having a product focus for the customer mailer during each quarter, the BioZyme Team also provides a live training for dealers each quarter around that same topic. These trainings take place on the Dealer Facebook Group. These sessions are also recorded, to allow more dealers to watch on their own time.

In addition to dealer trainings, any time a new product is released, a training is conducted and a new product video is put into the Online Dealer center (ODC).

Of course, the Master Dealer, is always a great way to learn about the products and selling techniques. Look for some enhancements to his program in the coming year!

Get Your Store Ready

Nothing is more discouraging than going to a store, looking for a product, and not being able to find it because there is no signage, or it is buried behind some other irrelevant product. If it is weaning time, get your Vita Charge® products on an end cap with signage that promotes stress recovery.

Upselling and cross selling are great techniques. Keep gel products on the sales counter and when a customer buys Vitalize® Equine Digest More Plus, be sure to suggest they might also like the Vitalize Equine Gel.

Signage and product placement will help you sell products in your store more often than you think. You can’t sell what the customers can’t see.

We’ve provided you four simple steps to help you market your business. Follow these steps and watch your business grow!

Product Knowledge Helps Build Trust

When your customers come to you looking for a product, they are typically also looking for a solution. Solutions are answers to their challenges, so if you want to make the sale, you must be prepared with the answers, or the information they need about a product. The number one way to make a sale is by building trust. The best way to build trust is to provide reliable, accurate information about the products you are offering.

One recent online survey of consumers showed that the number one expectation of the stores they visit was knowledge of the products sold in the store. If you and your staff are knowledgeable about the products, that is meeting the customers’ expectations and the first step needed to build trust. At BioZyme, we know how important that trust is to making the sale; that is why we have created multiple ways to ensure the product information is available to you when and how you want it so you can share it with your customers.

Online Dealer Center

All product information is available at your fingertips at the Online Dealer Center (ODC). Find key selling points, ingredients, feeding rates and ordering information for any of the BioZyme products your customer might be looking for. Even if they are not sure the exact name of a product, you can search by species, program or product line, and a variety of products will appear from your search.


The Marketing Team creates a wide variety of brochures and educational materials across all brands. From one-page sell sheets to tri-fold brochures to extensive product guides that give specific details about every product, these colorful, easy-to-use pieces are available to you to have at your dealership. They can be sourced two ways. First, you can print them yourself from the ODC by selecting the Marketing menu and dragging down to “Marketing & Sales Aids.” Or, if you would like to request hard copies of these brochures, drag down to “Marketing Requests” under the Marketing menu and follow the steps outlined to make a request.

Product Videos

Some people learn better through video or hearing a presentation. For that purpose, a quick promotional video has been created for each product to share the highlights of the uses and benefits. These product videos can be found on the product pages on any of the brand websites or by viewing a product in the Product Center found in the ODC. These are great to be able to play in-store for your customers and each video is 30-seconds to less than two minutes in length.

Master Dealer Program

The Master Dealer Training Program is an online comprehensive training program that provides all employees at a dealership with the information that they need to talk about the products with potential customers.

At BioZyme we want to be proactive in providing you the answers you need so you can build trust and provide your customers solutions. What other ways would you find it helpful to receive information to educate customers and potential end-users about our products? Let us know! You can always reach out to the Outreach Support Center or your ASM to let them know what other methods you would like to see used for providing education and information to you about products.

Marketing Focuses on Driving Customers to our Dealers

The Marketing Team serves many functions at BioZyme; however, its primary objective is to connect prospective end-users with dealers in their area. They do this by driving traffic to the Dealer Locator on the website so customers can find the products they need to solve their challenges close to home and begin building relationships.

How do customers and potential customers find the Dealer Locator? The Marketing Team creates awareness and demand for all of BioZyme’s product lines through various tactics. Everything the Marketing Team creates from a national, regional or local level has connecting the dealer to the end-user in mind. Initiatives include social media posts across all brands, digital advertising with leading industry partners, print, radio, television commercial, events, partnerships with respected industry partners and more. Every media piece includes a call to action such as clicking a link, scanning a QR code or visiting the website to encourage the viewer to learn more about the specific product and find a dealer near them.

The Marketing Team doesn’t do its job blindly. Just like the Sales Team sets a sales goal each month, Marketing also has a goal for reaching potential and current customers and driving them to the Dealer Locator. This goal of 5% is met or exceeded for every brand, as Lisa talked about in this month’s letter. For example, Vitalize Equine had more than 6,800 clicks on the dealer locator, which was nearly a 12% conversion rate. However, a more aggressive brand like VitaFerm had 26,000 clicks or a 27% conversion rate!

Hitting that goal is very important to ensuring what the marketing the team is doing is effective and ultimately driving traffic into your store, and the data is evaluated regularly so adjustments can quickly be made, if necessary. Since the Team knows that the customers are going to the Dealer Locator and reaching out to Dealers, it wants you, the dealer, to have the most current information listed on the website.

There is a Dealer Locator on every brand website as well as the main site. Once on the locator, end-users can enter their zip code to find you, their local dealer, including your basic contact information such as name, address, phone number, fax number, email and website. The more information we have from you, the more we can provide. In addition, the locator also lists the product lines you carry. Finally, if you or someone within your dealership has completed the Master Dealer program, that is also designated, with a note that the “Master Dealer is certified as having extensive product knowledge and many products available,” giving you an added competitive edge.

Marketing to the end-user pays. The Marketing Team works tirelessly to make sure customers know they can reach out to the dealer network wherever the customer is located and find someone knowledgeable about the BioZyme brands. Let us drive the customers to you.

Making a Premium Product with the Same Amaferm® Advantage

Progress. We define progress “to grow or develop, advance,” and at BioZyme®, we work daily to progress in the products that we offer to the animals that we serve. That’s why you’ll likely notice a change in the feed-through pesticide that we are including in our cattle products. Instead of the traditional Altosid IGR that has been in the BioZyme brands, you will now notice ClariFly® is now included in several of our product names.

ClariFly is now found in the following products: VitaFerm® HEAT® with ClariFly®, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S with ClariFly®, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® with ClariFly® and VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S CTC 3G with ClariFly®, Products with ClariFly are labeled for limited for sale in specific states.

ClariFly is a four-fly larvicide that prevents house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies from developing in and emerging from the manure of treated cattle. ClariFly interrupts the lifecycle of the fly through the active ingredient Diflubenzuron that inhibits the synthesis of chitin, according to Casey White, Director of Product Development at Central Life Sciences.

“Chitin is a major component of the exoskeleton of an insect, and as an insect grows and will molt, it will have to reform their exoskeleton. One component is that they deposit chitin to be able to form that exoskeleton. Without a properly formed exoskeleton, that insect immature or not fully mature, will die,” he explained.

The primary benefit of the ClariFly compared to the Altosid is the fourfly versus the one-fly claim for the two products. Altosid was labeled to protect only against horn flies and their larvae. White said it is not economically feasible to increase the dosage of Altosid to obtain a claim to control the other pest fly species. ClariFly includes added claims against face flies, stable files and house flies.

White explained that different fly species become pests in different management scenarios. Horn flies and face flies are typically bigger nuisances in the pasture because they seek out fresh, undisturbed manure piles to lay and hatch eggs in. Conversely, house and stable flies are peskier in confinement areas like pens, corrals or barns, where manure build up exists and wet organic matter like feed or hay is available to lay eggs in and hatch.

Feeding a supplement with ClariFly is very similar to feeding Altosid, from a timing approach, as you want to prevent the larvae from developing. White suggests the 30/30 approach to feeding the supplements with Clarifly. Start feeding the supplement in the spring 30 days before your last hard freeze before the temperatures warm up to the mid-60s. Continue to feed ClariFly all summer long and 30 days past the first freeze in the fall. Feeding to that end point in the fall will actually help with fly control in the spring of the following year.

Adding ClariFly to the VitaFerm HEAT and VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT makes two of our products even better for producers, eliminating even more stressors. Provide your customers the best vitamin and mineral supplements available this summer. Provide them with the HEAT package and ClariFly to take away their summer stress!

Help Us Share the News About Backyard Boost®

A new challenge is always full of emotions: fun, excitement and exhilaration! Sometimes new things can be a little intimidating. But there is safety in numbers. That’s why we are confident as a company and specifically as a sales and marketing team that Backyard Boost is going to be a smashing success with those who raise backyard poultry. Figures in 2019 show that more than 13 million households have taken to raising these feathery friends. That was before COVID-19 had everyone staying home last year and spiked interest in raising in raising backyard poultry.

In an effort to share our products with you and the end-users, we will have three platforms where we can share information: a website, Facebook and Instagram. Initially, we will rely heavily on you, our dealers, to help us generate customer testimonials and feedback from the end-users to add to these sites.

This website will be the portal for all educational and product information as it becomes available. As with all of our product lines, we want to become a place where our users and dealers can come for premium products and for education. We plan to include education about feeding and nutrition, flock health and stress, coops and housing, egg production and more. In addition, we look forward to posting customer testimonials here once backyard poultry enthusiasts start using the products.

BioZyme uses social media like Facebook and Instagram to keep our dealers and end-users updated regularly with the latest and greatest product information, education and testimonials. These platforms will be where we really need you to speak up and share your end-user results or encourage your customers to do so.

We also use social media to engage with our customers for promotions, contests, to find out what they like, what they would like to see more of in the future. Social media is a great way for us to interact with customers of all levels in all corners (and backyards) of the country.

Every challenge is exciting! And this one is no different. We are excited to launch Backyard Boost this month, and we’re excited to launch three new communication platforms where we can engage with customers. We hope you’ll come along with us on this journey!

Marketing Trends for 2021

Trends come and trends go. But one action that will always be trendy is to have a marketing plan in place as you roll into a new year. The BioZyme® Marketing Team recently attended the virtual Brand Manage Camp to freshen up their skills and learn how to better increase market share while helping dealers market their product lines.

In the final presentation of the three-day seminar, Michael Brenner, CEO of the Marketing Insider Group and best-selling author, reminded everyone that marketing has two key purposes: to create leads and to generate a return on investment (ROI). He said the best ways to accomplish marketing are through story telling and reaching for emotion.

The team at BioZyme is always here to help its dealers with their marketing. The Marketing Team offers a variety of services from print and radio advertising, social media, email marketing, custom in-store displays, custom signage and other custom designed pieces.

“I encourage each dealer to take a look at what we offer, have a conversation with their ASM and decide what works best for them. Each business differs based on brands, target audience, geographic location and time of year, so make sure you’re not just marketing to say you’re marketing, but that you’re doing what’s most beneficial to your goals and customers that you serve or desire to serve. Meet your customers where they are,” said Ashley Fitzsimmons, BioZyme Regional Marketing Manager.

Brenner offered three trends he predicts will continue to be popular for businesses to use in their marketing approach as we enter 2021. Explore how those trends will synergize with what the Marketing Team offers.

  1. Build your Business Case
    Be sure when you create marketing materials you are creating content that your customers want and need. Use key words to help get engagement, reach the customers you are looking to get to come into your business and retain those customers. One way that BioZyme can help you with the content that will resonate with your customers is by engaging on Promoboxx or sharing national marketing content from the BioZyme brands on social media that are most applicable to your business.
  2. Increase Traffic and Conversions with more Regularity
    The adage out of sight, out of mind is key in marketing. If you are not making regular impressions with your customers, they might just forget that you exist. In an effort to engage with dealers as part of our “care that comes full circle,” Fitzsimmons created an easy opt-in quarterly mailer program in 2019. This is a simple and effective action for dealers to help prospect for new and retain current customers by staying in from of them on a regular basis.

“Each quarter our marketing team will create a timely mailer that we can customize with your dealership information. We will send this out to your customer/prospect lists. All you have to do is opt in! Each quarter dealers get an email blast two weeks before the next mailer goes out asking them to opt in. Dealers may also opt in one time for the whole year beginning in the first quarter,” Fitzsimmons explained.

The quarterly mailers are available to all dealers. The only thing BioZyme needs from you is your complete mailing list, which you can update as many times as you need throughout the year. This is a fantastic way to get a concise message to your customers and potential customers on a regular basis. All you need to do is opt in; send your mailing list to Fitzsimmons, and the mailers will be printed and sent for you.

  1. You Must Answer Customer Questions
    Customers rely on their nutrition suppliers to answer a multitude of questions. You are their resource. Regardless if it is a question they pose on your social media or a question they ask over the phone or in person, be sure to provide them a timely and accurate answer. No one likes waiting for an answer, and if they wait too long, they might take their business elsewhere. Not sure of the answer? Let them know that you are doing a little research and will be glad to get them an answer as soon as you can.

Marketing is never going to go out of style. As long as you have a product or service to sell, you will need a way to present those goods and services to your customers and prospective customers. Stay in the know with their needs, stay in front of them, and provide solutions to their answers.