Use Amaferm® to Sell Across All Species

With vitamins, minerals and supplements aplenty, there is one thing that sets BioZyme® products apart from all the rest – the Amaferm® advantage. This is the selling point used by many when it comes time to market the products we offer.

“I always talk about Amaferm and how it can help all species across the board,” said Lori Lawrence, ASM in Eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Lawrence attributes the brand recognition of Amaferm and VitaFerm® to the success of the products she helps her dealers sell, and she uses that recognition to trickle down into other products for other animals besides cattle. The product guide is her number one favorite selling tool.

“People are not typically single-species raisers, so that product guide is a great way to showcase all the products we have that contain Amaferm, all of them,” she said.

In her sales area, she might visit with a customer who has show lambs and a cowherd and a few horses. Therefore, she can talk about Amaferm and how it can help their lambs stay on feed and water, while helping with general herd health of their cows.

With an area that is predominately store front dealers that offer a variety of products, Lawrence said training new dealers and existing dealers on new products is a top priority. Because so many people do have multiple species, she recommends that the stores carry some of every product. She also encourages in-store displays during the high-selling seasons since often if a product is “out of sight, it is out of mind.”

“During HEAT® season or whatever season, I remind the dealers to bring a few bags of product into their stores to display. When they bring those products in for customers to see, their sales do increase. I like to remind the dealers that Amaferm is the biggest differentiation between our products and others they might carry. We are a premium mineral with premium results,” she said.

Western ASM Britney Creamer agrees that Amaferm is the key sales tactic that she uses. Creamer travels Colorado, Utah and Wyoming and also works with a diverse group of customers.

“Amaferm is always the first thing I talk about with customers and potential customers as it is the one thing that significantly separates the BioZyme line from competitors and provides the most overall benefits no matter the situation,” she said.

The Amaferm advantage of increased intake, digestion and absorption is important regardless of geography, production goals and species. Once a customer has seen the results in one species, he or she will typically understand them and be excited to use a product with Amaferm in other animals.

Creamer said once she has talked about Amaferm and its benefits, she likes to share examples of how the products have helped others. She makes sure they don’t have impractical expectations, and she always follows up.

“Utilizing testimonials, research and personal experience with products always seems to resonate best with potential customers and allows them to feel more comfortable or confident in what you are offering them. I make sure to not create unrealistic expectations as well because people want such quick results that they can visually see with their eye these days. It’s important to let them know what they can expect to see with the eye and also remind them that what is working inside an animal may take a few weeks to see on the outside,” she said.

With an ingredient like Amaferm, it makes differentiating the BioZyme products from their competition a little simpler. Sharing “premium minerals with premium results” across all species should be the goal of every dealer, and that is definitely what the Amaferm advantage does for you.

Educational Resources At Your Fingertips

Gone are the days of flipping through voluminous, outdated encyclopedias for information. Instead, our first instinct is, “I’ll just Google that.” But how does information get onto Google? Did you know that the BioZyme® Marketing Team utilizes various search engine optimization (SEO) tools and Google Analytics to determine what end-users are looking for on Google and various search engines? They do. Then, they use that information to develop educational resources that you can use to help educate your customers. Those resources are available at the click of a button at

Gestation Calculators are available for cattle, sheep and goats. These calculators allow the breeders to input breeding dates to get their anticipated calving, lambing or kidding dates and also provide the suggested dates for beginning to feed Concept•Aid®. If your customers are already on a year-round Concept•Aid feeding program, there are also gestation tables available for each species. Visit the “Resources” tab at and to try them out!

Product Quizzes exist for Gain Smart®, Concept•Aid, and Vitalize® so users can discover which product will be best suited for their management scenario. With several great products in these various lines, the Product Quizzes allow you to input information about your animals and the feedstuffs you have available to them before selecting the ideal supplements. These can be found on the product pages on these brand websites.

Cost Calculators are effective tools to help predict how Amaferm® and the various product lines can help add money to your bottom line. A variety of calculators exist including a VitaFerm Cost of Gain Calculator, an Amaferm Value Calculator and a Forage Savings Calculator. All of these are found on the “Resources” tab at The Amaferm Value Calculator is also found under the “Resources” tab on the Gain Smart page.

Hay Testing and Forage Analysis is vital to know what nutrients you are needing to supplement with. At BioZyme, we offer hay testing as a service to our customers. Once that report is received, it is important to know what to do with the information. On the VitaFerm, Gain Smart, DuraFerm and Vitalize pages under the “Services” tab, you will find complete information about hay testing with a form that tells how to interpret you data and an another interactive form that allows you to input the protein and energy information to get even more information about which products to feed.

The BioZyme website is full of useful interactive calculators and tools just like these. Check back often or watch the Dealer Facebook page for updates as more are added.

Sure Champ® In The Classroom Gets A Makeover

If something isn’t broken, there is no need to fix it; however, there is always room to make improvements in the tried and true. That is what has been happening this winter and spring as the Sure Champ in the Classroom website received a makeover to provide more user-friendly information that is easier to find, broken down by both topics and species.

Sure Champ in the Classroom is an online resource designed to help young people #preptowin in life. The online resource offers educational information about basic animal husbandry, livestock evaluation, preparing a cover letter and resume, preparing for CDEs and more.

“The Sure Champ in the Classroom resource page has especially been targeted to help agriculture educators and advisors thrive and develop their lesson plans in the classroom. With the progression and popularity of ‘virtual’ resources, we have come to realize that education doesn’t just happen in the classroom – it can happen anywhere. We revamped our resource page to be more user friendly for all demographics: teachers, students, advisors, 4-H and FFA members alike,” said Jessie Judge, BioZyme Marketing Brand Manager for Beef and Show Livestock, who manages the website. “These resources cover a wide scope of topics to help teachers in the classroom, support students getting started with new livestock projects, provide tips for career development endeavors and more. We’re all familiar with the phrase ‘the best learning happens in the barn,’ and that same principle drove our decision to overhaul our resources – the classroom can be ANYWHERE. Learning isn’t confined to just the classroom.”

BioZyme® feels that it is important to have well-educated young people involved in agriculture as they become industry advocates. The company also wants these same young people to succeed both in the show ring and in and out of the classroom. The makeover of this site divides learning activities by species so someone with a pig can easily go to the pig resources to find information about selection, nutrition, reading ear notches, commingling animals and a checklist of equipment needed when showing pigs. If you are preparing for a livestock judging contest, a variety of judging classes with placings, cuts and reasons are posted under the Judging Classes and also divided by species. Finally, a host of educational topics live under the educational posts that range from reading a feed tag to preparing for an internship or job interview.

“Equipping young people in our industry with the tools they need to win and be successful in life is vital to the success of our business because these young people are the future of our industry. When they surpass the show ring, many of them will seek careers in this industry and contribute to our progression as an agriculture industry at large. It is important for Sure Champ to make an impact on these young people early on through means of education and leadership opportunities not only to leave a lasting impression and emphasize our Care that Comes Full Circle vision, but to ensure they are prepared to go into the career field and thrive in supporting the industry we serve,” Judge said.

If you have a young customer who is new to livestock showing or who needs material to study for an FFA or 4-H project, guide them to the Sure Champ in the Classroom page. There is a wealth of information there that will help them #preptowin in and out of the show ring!

Effective Action: No Reason for Summer Slump

Alan Jackson might have claimed “there ain’t no cure for the summertime blues,” but that is probably because the VitaFerm® HEAT® mineral didn’t yet exist when he sang that number one hit back in 1994. With ingredients like Capsaicin, Amaferm® and garlic, the HEAT package found in many BioZyme products is the perfect solution to your company’s and your customers’ summertime blues.

The full line of HEAT products will help your customers’ animals thrive during the summer temperatures and while grazing on fescue. With the Amaferm advantage and Capsaicin, both research-proven to lower body temperature, which can improve conception rates by maintaining pregnancy, HEAT is an ideal supplement for both cows and ewes during the summer months. The included garlic helps deter insects. In addition, the HEAT package is available in Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT. It is also readily accessible for show livestock of all species during the summer months in products like Sure Champ® Extreme, Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel and the Vita Charge® Stress Tub with HEAT.

Often times, the results that others see with their BioZyme® products will help sell them to others. Like this testimonial from Steve Olson in New York:

“I’ve seen some great results since starting to use the BioZyme® products. The product I really like is the VitaFerm HEAT mineral. When Jack [Oattes] told me about the product with chili powder and garlic in it, I’m half-Italian, so I knew it would help repel insects. The HEAT definitely helps with fly control. I can go out and see my cows in the pasture and tell which ones are eating it based on the lack of flies on them compared to the cows that haven’t eaten it that are bunched up and have flies landing on them.”

Or this one from Carter Ward in Missouri:

“Prior to using Sure Champ® EXTREME, we exclusively used Climate Control Paste (transitioned to Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel July 2019) on our cattle to keep them cool through the summer. While at Hereford Junior Nationals, I got a bucket of Extreme to try out. I put our Angus cattle on it just prior to the Junior Nationals a week later and saw a HUGE difference before even leaving for the show. Despite the heat, our cattle were eating more, consuming more water and even their hair coat really came on in the last few days. We were huge advocates for Climate Control Paste and now even fans of Extreme. It’s a new staple in our feeding program.”

However, if you are looking for other ways to help promote the HEAT package to your customers, the Marketing Team is always prepared to help you. One very effective way to promote products seasonally is through the mailers that BioZyme sends each quarter. In Q2, the mailer will have a HEAT message to remind your customers to prepare for summer stressors and contact you for your mineral needs.

The quarterly mailer program is available to all dealers. You can simply opt-in by contacting Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Coordinator, and providing her with your most current customer mailing list. The deadline for the Q2 HEAT postcard is 5 p.m., CST on Friday, May 7. Fitzsimmons reminds dealers that there is no limit to the number of times you update your mailing list, and there is no limit to the number of quarters a dealer participates in the mailer program.

Other ways that you can promote HEAT products to your current and potential customers is with Promoboxx. The Marketing Team will have a plethora of campaign material on Promoboxx that you can add to your own social platforms, saving you the time of creating content. Of course, if you are looking for a unique advertisement, billboard or mailer, the Marketing Team has the creative talents to help you. Contact your ASM for more details.

With a little bit of marketing effort and some word-of-mouth success stories, the HEAT line up of products can help take away your summertime blues and get you over that summer slump!

Making a Premium Product with the Same Amaferm® Advantage

Progress. We define progress “to grow or develop, advance,” and at BioZyme®, we work daily to progress in the products that we offer to the animals that we serve. That’s why you’ll likely notice a change in the feed-through pesticide that we are including in our cattle products. Instead of the traditional Altosid IGR that has been in the BioZyme brands, you will now notice ClariFly® is now included in several of our product names.

ClariFly is now found in the following products: VitaFerm® HEAT® with ClariFly®, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S with ClariFly®, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® with ClariFly® and VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S CTC 3G with ClariFly®, Products with ClariFly are labeled for limited for sale in specific states.

ClariFly is a four-fly larvicide that prevents house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies from developing in and emerging from the manure of treated cattle. ClariFly interrupts the lifecycle of the fly through the active ingredient Diflubenzuron that inhibits the synthesis of chitin, according to Casey White, Director of Product Development at Central Life Sciences.

“Chitin is a major component of the exoskeleton of an insect, and as an insect grows and will molt, it will have to reform their exoskeleton. One component is that they deposit chitin to be able to form that exoskeleton. Without a properly formed exoskeleton, that insect immature or not fully mature, will die,” he explained.

The primary benefit of the ClariFly compared to the Altosid is the fourfly versus the one-fly claim for the two products. Altosid was labeled to protect only against horn flies and their larvae. White said it is not economically feasible to increase the dosage of Altosid to obtain a claim to control the other pest fly species. ClariFly includes added claims against face flies, stable files and house flies.

White explained that different fly species become pests in different management scenarios. Horn flies and face flies are typically bigger nuisances in the pasture because they seek out fresh, undisturbed manure piles to lay and hatch eggs in. Conversely, house and stable flies are peskier in confinement areas like pens, corrals or barns, where manure build up exists and wet organic matter like feed or hay is available to lay eggs in and hatch.

Feeding a supplement with ClariFly is very similar to feeding Altosid, from a timing approach, as you want to prevent the larvae from developing. White suggests the 30/30 approach to feeding the supplements with Clarifly. Start feeding the supplement in the spring 30 days before your last hard freeze before the temperatures warm up to the mid-60s. Continue to feed ClariFly all summer long and 30 days past the first freeze in the fall. Feeding to that end point in the fall will actually help with fly control in the spring of the following year.

Adding ClariFly to the VitaFerm HEAT and VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT makes two of our products even better for producers, eliminating even more stressors. Provide your customers the best vitamin and mineral supplements available this summer. Provide them with the HEAT package and ClariFly to take away their summer stress!

Position Concept•Aid as a Mineral Program Not Just a Product

When it comes to nutrition, you don’t want your customers to cut any corners. Sure, everyone is trying to cut costs and reduce their inputs, but a quality nutrition program is an investment in health, and healthy animals lead to increased conception rates, more pounds of gain and more dollars at sale time.

Maximizing nutrition within the herd will maximize your customers’ bottom line. That is why it is important for you to market VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® as a program, not just a breeding time mineral.

You already know the benefits that Concept•Aid offers in addition to Amaferm®, which impacts intakes, feed digestibility and nutrient absorption for optimum health and performance:

  • 2.5X NRC for quicker impact
  • High levels of Vitamin E for reproductive tract repair
  • Organic trace minerals for more stability and higher bioavailability.

With nutritional advantages like those and a variety of formulas to meet a multitude of management styles and feed resources, it only makes sense to encourage VitaFerm Concept•Aid be part of a year-round mineral program.

Enter VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT® and VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT® with ClariFly®. Now, cattle producers can get the same high-quality mineral package they have come to know and expect during breeding season during the heat of the summer. There is no more trying to “guess” when they should switch from Concept•Aid to HEAT, especially for those breeding for spring calving herds.

“I was so excited when they came out with VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® because for us in the upper Midwest, you wanted to feed Concept•Aid and get your cows bred back up, so you couldn’t feed the HEAT mineral. It was like tugging strings, which one was going to be better for you? So, by being able to have the two in one, it really helped us out up here because we breed our cows in the heat in the summer. It is a very beneficial product. Concept•Aid 5/S is our staple mineral. I was pretty excited about the 5/S with the HEAT. We spent most of the summer months on the 5/S HEAT. You’re still going to have some flies, but it does reduce them drastically. It helps keep the cows spread out more and grazing more,” said Justin Maus, Maus Angus Ranch, North Dakota.

As Maus said, the primary advantages of the VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT and the new product with ClariFly is that producers will be confident that they are getting the best vitamins and minerals for their herds as a critical production time and still benefitting from the HEAT package. The new VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT with ClariFly should keep even more flies away from the cattle, with a four-fly claim, and keep those cattle more comfortable than ever before.

Take your marketing mindset from a product to a program. With the variety of Concept•Aid formulas including those with HEAT, your producers will be glad that they don’t have to make choices anymore when it comes to a summer grazing mineral. Sell them the mineral that helps get their cows bred, keeps them bred and keeps them cool while out in the summer heat. Then, watch your business grow.

Different Brand Name, Same Amaferm® Advantage

We’ve encouraged diversification because it does work.

Amaferm® is the key component that sets our products apart from other nutrition products and is found across all product lines The Amaferm advantage has been proven across all species. Are you trying to increase your conception rates or shorten your calving window? Amaferm in the VitaFerm works. Have a flock of ewes that you want to breed, have them carry those lambs to term and then once the lambs are born, make sure those lambs have more vigor? The Amaferm in the DuraFerm® works. Are you trying to keep high-dollar show animals on feed and water through times of stress? Amaferm in Sure Champ and Vita Charge works. How about giving your high-performance horses a good gut feeling? Amaferm in the Vitalize works!

In addition to the research that Amaferm has been a part of, livestock producers and horse and dog enthusiasts provide countless testimonials to our staff that prove that Amaferm is working – doing what it says it will do, in every animal across species. That’s diversification, and that is why it is important that our customers know that we offer products that fit the need across all animal species, especially if they are already familiar with the Amaferm advantage in one product line.

Vitalize® ambassador and 2019 world-champion tie-down roper Haven Meged, Miles City, Montana, and his family are a perfect example. The Meged family’s relationship with BioZyme ® began when their son, Haven, started using Vitalize and saw results.

Haven gives his horses Vitalize Alimend® twice a day to help ensure they maintain a good gut feeling to help keep them healthy and performing while he’s traveling up and down the road.

“These two-lanes roads are rough. The Vitalize® Alimend® is going to help keep my horses’ guts feeling good because when we are traveling day in and day out, getting in and out of the trailer, that is the hardest part on the horse. When they are in the trailer that is when they get ulcers the worst. I want my horses to stay slick and shiny and feeling their best. That is my number one priority out here; making sure my horses look good and feel good. If they don’t feel good, they aren’t going to perform to their best. It’s all about making them feel good,” he said.

After witnessing Haven’s experience with Vitalize and having known about the VitaFerm® brand for a while, his dad, Bart decided to try the VitaFerm mineral on his cow herd.

Bart has seen great results with his herd, feeding both VitaFerm Concept•Aid® and Conserve™.

“Bart said that he is glad that he had the nudge from his son, as he has heard and known of the quality of Amaferm and VitaFerm as being the best,” said John Tucker, Large Beef Account Specialist.

It is common for the younger generation to get the older generation involved in a new product line. That is often the case with the Sure Champ® line. Once young exhibitors use the Sure Champ or Vita Charge® products on their show livestock, regardless of species, it is easy to open up a conversation with their parents about the product lines that exist. This could be VitaFerm for the cow herd, DuraFerm for the flock or Vitalize for the horses.

Diversification is everywhere! And it is your success story just waiting to be written.

BioZyme Helps Dealers Achieve Success with Marketing Campaigns

Success doesn’t happen overnight. Success is a collaborative effort that takes time, effort, some failures along the way and an army of people working toward a common goal. Our goal is to help you position and market the products that we make so we all succeed.

When it comes to the Vitalize® equine line, we’ve spent time diversifying our efforts, both in the audiences we reach and the methods that we use to reach them. Vitalize is such a unique product because it can be used by such a variety of end-users: hobby riders, professional athletes in the English discipline and in rodeo and by those who use their horses for work like ranchers. We’ve partnered with relevant ambassadors across all disciplines to help promote the benefits of Vitalize and the #goodgutfeeling, regardless of if it is jumping, trying to be a tenth of a second faster around a barrel pattern or even keeping your horses fresh and healthy when on the open range.

During the recent National Finals Rodeo, the BioZyme team branched out to do more than ever before to get the Vitalize name in front of the rodeo audience. For the second year, two Vitalize ambassadors competed in the finals – barrel racer, Emily Miller-Beisel and 2019 world-champion tie-down roper Haven Meged. Much of the Vitalize social media content was focused on these two rodeo athletes.

In addition, a Vitalize television commercial aired every other night during the performance on the two channels that televised the NFR. On the Cowboy Channel and RFD websites and mobile apps during December, Vitalize had three banner ads, a feature story with a special pop up as one of the rotations highlighting our story on the website and mobile app, and a 10-second commercial spot on the Cowboy Channel official NFR Experience page and app.

We ran a sponsored carousel ad on Team Roping Journal social pages during the second week of the NFR. BioZyme participated in the NFR Blitz with National Roper Supply and did some doorbuster giveaways during the two weeks of the NFR, and also conducted numerous in-store displays and promos with dealers.

What does this mean to you?

With every advertisement commercial and story, there is a place for the viewer to click on the website and ultimately “find a dealer.” That is our goal. According to Hayley Keck, Marketing Brand Coordinator, in the month of December 2020, had the most visitors in its history. 12,861 unique users in 14,396 total sessions visited the website, when the site typically get 4,000 to 6,000 visitors per month!

In addition to web traffic, social media sites were also busier than normal during December. Between the NFR promotions like “Greatness is in your Horse” and the ambassador stocking stuffer giveaways, social media proved to be another fantastic way to spread the Vitalize message in a timely manner. It also helps when you can show videos of Miller-Beisel and Meged winning rounds at the NFR wearing brand patches.

Once the potential customers find a dealer – you – we know that our marketing has been successful. Will all 12,000 plus reach out to a dealer? No. But some will. Will they reach out at once? No. But they will remember that they visited a website about a good gut feeling next time their horse is colicky or isn’t feeling its best. Will Emily’s and Haven’s rodeo friends ask them about how they keep their horses healthy hauling them all over the country? Yes, they will, and both the cowboy and cowgirl are believers in Vitalize Alimend and Vitalize Recovery Gel.

Success. It comes one day at a time. One collaboration at a time and one marketing strategy at a time.

Opening the Conversation to Diversification

In her letter this month, Lisa challenged every dealer to diversify to ensure their success. Sure, that might sound easy. And guess what? It is going to be easier than you think!

At BioZyme®, we offer a variety of supplement lines to cover a multitude of species from cattle, sheep and goats to swine, poultry and companion animals of horses, dogs and cats. Chances are that a majority of your customers own more than just one of those species. A recent statistic shows that 53% of American households own a dog. That’s more than half of your customers. Have you approached half of your customers about the Vitalize® canine line yet?

Perhaps the easiest way to open the conversation about a new product line to an already existing customer is to talk about something you are both familiar with – Amaferm®. For instance, if you have a cow-calf producer, who is feeding the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® mineral, they probably understand one of the primary benefits is Amaferm, and how it works in their herd’s diet. But now you find out they also have four or five horses. Wouldn’t it be great to get them on Amaferm too?

“Multiple product lines open up more opportunity that can lead to additional sales. We have to get comfortable with having those conversations even if they aren’t in our wheelhouse. One thing that we are all comfortable with, or should be, is Amaferm and that is really what our products are about. That should be the very first thing that we are talking about when discussing our products. If we understand how Amaferm works, the rest of the conversation will take care of itself. In addition, the Vitalize products are designed to make the dealer more money than some of our other brands,” said Justin O’Flaherty, Area Sales Manager for the Carolinas, Tennessee and Virgina.

Chris Kyle, ASM for Arkansas and Louisiana, agrees that once people are hooked Amaferm in a product like VitaFerm, it should be easier to open the conversation on another line of product that BioZyme offers.

“Ask them if they liked the products on their other animals (cattle, sheep, goat) then they might be interested in what Amaferm could do for their horses also,” Kyle suggests.

O’Flaherty said another way to open up a conversation about the Vitalize line with someone who feeds another product line is to offer a sample, like the Vitalize Equine Recovery Gel. This quick-response, product could be a great conversation starter that leads to a long-term diverse customer who now orders Vitalize in addition to his or her VitaFerm each month, and it offers a great ROI.

Next, ask specific questions about your customer’s horse’s current nutritional needs and what feed they are feeding.

“This can usually open up a dialogue about what each specific horse’s needs are and/or if they feel they are buying hay constantly, the Vitalize® Digest More® Plus pellets can help them cut back a little on that,” O’Flaherty said.

Her last piece of advice was to keep the process simple and relevant.

“Dip your toe into the discipline that is most prevalent where your dealership is located. It doesn’t make sense to try to target dressage riders if you have an arena down the road that has nightly ropings. Just don’t overcomplicate it and don’t be afraid to ask for help,” she encourages.

Kyle agrees that keeping things simple is the best step for product diversification and sales success.

“Our products work, they will see it, and they will be glad that you, the dealer recommended the product. You just need to believe, and you will look like a pro for recommending them,” he said.

Start the conversation. Ask questions. Recommend a new line. Diversify, and watch your business grow.

Help Us Share the News About Backyard Boost®

A new challenge is always full of emotions: fun, excitement and exhilaration! Sometimes new things can be a little intimidating. But there is safety in numbers. That’s why we are confident as a company and specifically as a sales and marketing team that Backyard Boost is going to be a smashing success with those who raise backyard poultry. Figures in 2019 show that more than 13 million households have taken to raising these feathery friends. That was before COVID-19 had everyone staying home last year and spiked interest in raising in raising backyard poultry.

In an effort to share our products with you and the end-users, we will have three platforms where we can share information: a website, Facebook and Instagram. Initially, we will rely heavily on you, our dealers, to help us generate customer testimonials and feedback from the end-users to add to these sites.

This website will be the portal for all educational and product information as it becomes available. As with all of our product lines, we want to become a place where our users and dealers can come for premium products and for education. We plan to include education about feeding and nutrition, flock health and stress, coops and housing, egg production and more. In addition, we look forward to posting customer testimonials here once backyard poultry enthusiasts start using the products.

BioZyme uses social media like Facebook and Instagram to keep our dealers and end-users updated regularly with the latest and greatest product information, education and testimonials. These platforms will be where we really need you to speak up and share your end-user results or encourage your customers to do so.

We also use social media to engage with our customers for promotions, contests, to find out what they like, what they would like to see more of in the future. Social media is a great way for us to interact with customers of all levels in all corners (and backyards) of the country.

Every challenge is exciting! And this one is no different. We are excited to launch Backyard Boost this month, and we’re excited to launch three new communication platforms where we can engage with customers. We hope you’ll come along with us on this journey!