#MeettheTeamMonday: A Day in the Life of Cody Jensen

Title: Senior Manager of Blending

Number of Years at BioZyme: 7

Describe a “typical” day in your job:  A typical day can venture in various directions for me. Usually, I start the day with making sure everyone’s area started up correctly, and they have the materials they need to complete the day. I then get on my computer and use the tools we have in BackOffice to assess orders, product shortages for orders and to make sure everything on the day is achievable for my team. During the day I monitor the different areas to make sure that the quality and efficiency we are striving for is met. At the end of every day, I check to make sure everyone has completed their checklist and accomplished the run list, while also scanning through all my emails. The last thing I do at the end of every day is walk through the plant to make sure everything is turned on that needs to be and everything that should be turned off is off, while listening for any abnormal noises since this is the only time it is really quiet throughout the plant.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: This would definitely be the creation of Sure Champ® Climate Control, now integrated into Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel. To go through the whole process from test batches to get the product consistency correct, to doing the test trials on multiple species along with different customers across the country and finally seeing the launch of the product and in our customer stores or show boxes.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: It was relatively close to when I started and was down in Small Pack. We were making HydraBoost™, and at that time we were using powder dyes. While we were weighing it out, Bob Norton came through the plant and came into Small Pack. Well, the powder dyes get suspended in the air very easily, and the dye ended up dying Bob’s teeth green for the day.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: One of the biggest challenges we face in production is we are always striving to have the best facility in the world. With that comes capital improvements every year. Some of those capital improvements require down time. So scheduling production can sometimes become challenging, as we are trying to get the installation completed in a timely manner without sacrificing production’s time. Along with ensuring we have enough product on the floor to meet our customer’s needs, so they do not have to wait.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? I am fortunate to have been raised in the agricultural world my whole life, mainly in the cattle sector. Nonetheless, with being raised in it, I have built numerous relationships through the years. Having a customer call and ask for guidance on what would help their ranch or in the show ring and seeing them use our products and hear the results that products provide while seeing it made is why the care that comes full circle is important to me.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Going to cattle shows either competing or working for other operations. When I’m not at those I am usually found at the golf course or lake.

#FeatureFriday: A Day in the Life of BioZyme® Employee Susan Day

Title: Senior Manager of Formulation & Regulatory

Number of Years at BioZyme: 11.5

Describe a “typical” day in your job: My email is my to-do list, so I start the day running through what needs to be done. Depending on the day, I may be balancing rations for customers, updating formulas for our products, working with the international regulatory group to expand our product coverage internationally or being involved with other teams as a nutritionist/regulatory person.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: Working with the International Regulatory Team and learning how things are different in other countries.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: I typically work from home, but I was in the office a month or so ago and Chris Blakeney stopped by the office I was in to welcome me to BioZyme. He asked how long I had been working here, and I laughed and told him a long time! I appreciated the fact that he saw a new face and wanted to make me welcome, I thought it was very sweet.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: Making sure the proper systems are in place to get things done in a timely manner.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? I formulate the mineral products used on farm, but also help the customer through diet formulation so I can help provide an excellent product and make sure the customer is set up to take full advantage of that product by providing the proper diet to use it with.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Spending time with family and friends, reading, watching our free-range chickens run around.

Changes Coming in March


Sure Champ® Extreme with ClariFly® is now labeled for sheep, goats, cattle and pigs. We are discontinuing the 25-pound bucket of Sure Champ Extreme and replacing it with a 25-pound bag of Sure Champ Extreme with ClariFly, in addition to the existing 40-pound bag. Watch for this on the March price list.


Starting in March, AO-Biotics® EQE will be added to the Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials, in addition to Amaferm®. EQE is the first-and-only postbiotic designed specifically for layers using patent pending technology. The addition will help enhance egg quality, number of eggs, and egg mass. This will be a rolling change as inventory of the current stock is sold.


The renovation at the BioZyme headquarters includes a more efficient loadout system that will be ready for customers picking up products by mid-to-late-March. Customers will still check in at the office, but then will be assigned a dock number at the new load out location north of the check-in office. Once loaded, trucks will exit through the news driveway.


As packaging inventories are depleted, customers will see some changes in the Vitalize® and Sure Champ® bags. We will be moving away from the paper bags to the poly bags to make packaging higher quality and more consistent across brands.



Exciting changes are in store for Hyaluronex® and Trixsyn® joint health products as they officially become part of the Vitalize® brand in April. Be watching for design reveals and news about the change in the coming month!

Two Minutes in February

By Shelia Grobosky, Content & PR Manager 

Earlier this month, I attended the Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show in New Orleans, an event I look forward to each year. One of many highlights for me is attending the Thursday morning CattleFax Outlook Seminar, and this year’s outlook was filled with more optimism than I have heard in several years. 

That optimism was refreshing and reflected in several areas. Let’s start with the weather pattern. It’s fascinating to see the charts and hear Meteorologist Matt Makens forecast weather patterns for the next nine months. According to Makens, La Nina is on her way out and El Nino is coming, meaning we can (fingers crossed) say good-bye to the drought that has plagued so many parts of the U.S. by summer. This perhaps won’t be noticeable immediately as these weather conditions happen over the Pacific Ocean and impact the atmosphere, and it does take a significant time for the atmosphere over the land to catch up with what is happening between South America and southeast Asia.  

Following the principle of supply and demand, it is clear to see why cattle prices continue to climb and hold steady. The drought impacted the cattle inventory in 2022, and according to CattleFax analyst Kevin Good, U.S. cattle numbers are expected to decline around another 1 million head to about 29.2 million. Beef demand remains strong. Good says that in 2022, we had the highest per capita U.S. beef consumption in 12 years at 58 pounds. Still, in the face of that supply we also had record retail beef prices at $7.35 per pound. Beef exports are also still strong, and on average, they add $500 per fed steer to cattle markets. 

The other item to note is that consumers don’t just want beef; they want high-quality beef, and they are willing to pay a premium for Choice or Prime. To create that higher quality beef, more dairy cows are being bred to beef bulls to take advantage of the market premiums of beef-on-dairy calves vs. straight dairy calves. Good said that about 7% of fed cattle slaughter is beef-on-dairy animals and anticipated that to grow to 15% by 2026. 

Randy Blach, CattleFax CEO concluded the session with an overall positive outlook, expecting improvements in the weather pattern and a tighter supply to distribute more money though all sectors of the cattle industry. 


#MeettheTeamMonday: A Day in the Life of Ronda Gottswiller

Title: Purchasing Specialist

Number of Years at BioZyme: 31

Describe a “typical” day in your job: I start the day checking emails and production schedules for urgent needs or changes. Then, place orders for production requirements timed with available storage. Following up with orders based on forecast for items with much longer lead times. Then, reviewing inventory receipts and item cost.

What is the most interesting thing you ever done at BioZyme: I went to Las Vegas for an AFIA meeting. It was my first time to Las Vegas and a city that large.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: Many, many years ago working as customer service we ran our own trucks for delivery. We would get the orders to fill the semi, plan the route and turn the sheet in for the plant to load. We had a particular dealer somewhat infamous for last minute changes to those trucks, and our plant manager was a good guy but had a tendency to yell. One day I requested a load change, and the plant manager started yelling at me and echoing down the halls. The company owner Butch Ehlert heard the shouting and came down the hall and somewhat loudly told the plant manager not to ever yell at me like that again. Up until his retirement the plant manager used to joke that I got him in trouble with the boss. He still yelled fairly often but not at me after that, at least not loudly.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: The global supply chain crisis with rising cost and items that are unavailable.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? I’m an animal lover at heart and have been involved with farming my whole life. I am proud to produce a product that is beneficial, not only for the animals, but for the people raising and caring for them.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Horseback riding, rodeo and camping in the mountains.

Changes Coming in February


Beginning February 1, 2023, Vitalize® Alimend® products will feature an updated UPC. Please reference the table below for changes.


As part of the rebranding of Amaferm to AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, the bag design will be updated. This change will begin in mid-February, but will be a rolling change as bag inventory is depleted.



Sure Champ® Extreme with ClariFly® will now labeled for sheep and goats in addition to cattle and pigs. In addition, we are discontinuing the 25-pound bucket of Sure Champ Extreme and introducing a 25-pound bag of Sure Champ Extreme with ClariFly, in addition to the existing 40-pound bag. Watch for this on the March price list.


Starting March 1, AO-Biotics® EQE will be added to the Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials, in addition to Amaferm®. This will be a rolling change as inventory of the current stock is sold. However, as dealers get the new product, it will be a great marketing tool, especially for added egg quality and more sellable eggs.

#MasterDealer Monday

Congratulations to the following dealers for completing the Master Dealer Training Program, Chapters 3 & 4 in December. We know that you are fully committed to your businesses!

Master Dealer Chapter 3

  • Cordell Farm & Ranch   
  • Kings Angus Farm          
  • Reiss Seed Inc   

Master Dealer Chapter 4

  • Herbert Show Feeds      
  • Darlington Feed, LLC     
  • Lazy JB Cattle Works     
  • Reiss Seed Inc