Continuous Improvements Lead to New Product Developments

“Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.”

This quote from entrepreneur Walt Disney aligns perfectly with the values of BioZyme®. With a mission to show care that comes full circle to all animals and caretakers of those animals, our team is continually focused on making positive changes for the future. 

One of BioZyme’s more recent changes and improvements comes from forming a key partnership with Zinpro®, a world leader in trace minerals. We are excited to kick off this partnership that allows us to introduce a new organic trace mineral (OTM) technology. 

“Absorption is key. Present research shows that using an amino acid complex opens multiple doors for absorption and increases mineral retention rate, providing for maximum utilization. Zinpro Performance Minerals also utilize amino acid transporters for uptake into the bloodstream,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Director of Beef Technical Sales. 

Zinpro amino acid complexes have four primary benefits outlined here: 

1. Soluble

Soluble simply means being capable of being dissolved in a liquid. Since we know that the animal’s body is primarily made of water, if a mineral is not soluble, it won’t be available. 

Mineral absorption is water based, and all Zinpro Performance Minerals have high solubility to improve efficacy and absorption into the enterocyte (small intestinal cell). 

2. Stable

The stability of the organic trace mineral is primarily based on the bond between the mineral (metal) and the amino acid it is “complexed” to. 

Varying bond strengths and pH changes throughout the GI tract cause a lot of OTMs to break apart and become less usable. The rumen is 6.7-7.0, the abomasum is around 2, the duodenum starts to increase back to 5, so it has to be strong enough to make it through this gauntlet of pHs. All Zinpro Performance Minerals are bound to an amino acid ligand with a stability constant between 2-7.4 pH. 

Stability requires a balance, tight enough to stay together, but not so tight that it can’t let go when needed. 

Cassady compares stability to a dating relationship. 

“Stability is a really good girlfriend. If you find this person, you should marry them.” 

“A crazy (too strong bond) clings, clings, clings to you and never lets go when you need it to,” he explains. “Alternatively, the weak girlfriend kind of holds your hand, but lets go and leaves you hanging when younger, more attractive guys show up to the party (antagonists in the rumen),” he said. 

3. Absorbable

For an OTM to be absorbable, it is able to easily enter the bloodstream. Obviously, for trace minerals to be used by the animal, they must be absorbed and distributed through the bloodstream to organs, tissues and enzyme systems. 

Zinpro Performance Minerals are manufactured to create a molecule that the animal can absorb and put to good use. Inorganics and some other organics are inadequately absorbed or not absorbed at all. If they aren’t absorbed, they aren’t used, and are excreted into the environment. 

Zinpro has the data and science to prove that their amino acid complexes are absorbed through the amino acid transporters. So, the receptor on the enterocyte essentially recognizes the specific amino acid it is targeting and “pulls it in”. The Availa Zn, Mn and Cu we are now using have these minerals complexed to multiple amino acids instead of just 

one glycine molecule like we had in the past. This increases the affinity and “opens more doors” for the complex minerals to be absorbed compared to the technology we used in the past.  

4. Metabolically Available

Metabolically available amino acids are in the body, available for immediate use and help animals reach their full genetic potential more efficiently and effectively. Zinpro Performance Minerals are research-proven to provide greater efficiency to reach target organs, tissue, and enzyme systems. These OTMs give us the opportunity to consistently increase the amount of minerals that are available and usable in the animal. 

As you can see, the primary benefits of the Zinpro Availa organic trace minerals are increased health, performance and absorption for the animals. The producers should see more efficiency, a reduced cost and more gain. 

At BioZyme, we know that continuously improving is important to the animals, the customers and you, the dealers. If our products don’t get better, we don’t get better. We hope that you and your customers appreciate these enhanced OTMs the progress we are making to improve our products every day. 

Top Growth Products in 2023

It’s hard to know where you should go, without reviewing where you’ve been. We thought it would be fun to review some of our top selling products for 2023 year-to-date, compared to the same time last year.

These products are fast growing, and by keeping them stocked on your shelves and in your warehouse, you might just see a difference in your sales.

Backyard Boost® Defense – 8 oz

This was by far the top growth product, experiencing nearly a 151% growth, year over year. This liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and a healthy immune response is also a high-margin product. It can be marketed during chick days and beyond as it provides nutrients needed in times of stress and promotes water intake and hydration. Several dealers actually use it to turn their water green during chick days and have signage that encourages customers to “Ask me about the Green Water.”

Gain Smart® Wheat – 50 lb bag

This somewhat seasonal and regional product charted a 92% growth in sales. A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to maximize efficient gain on wheat or small grain pasture. Gain Smart Wheat provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system. It contains Amaferm, organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.

Vitalize® Blazin – 32 oz

This liquid product for horses is designed to support normal recovery from heat stress and exertion. This quick response product grew in sales 66%. It promotes cellular hydration and water retention. In addition to Amaferm, it includes antioxidants to reduce damaging free radicals caused by exertion and heat.

Sure Champ® Joint Juice – 64 oz bottle

Posting a 68% sales growth, is this multi-specie liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice supports sustainable soundness and mobility while it lubricates joints. It contains MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

VitaFerm Conserve® CTC 3G – 50 lb bag

This VitaFerm product also charted a 67% growth. It’s a vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle with CTC designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. It features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package and contains CTC for control of anaplasmosis.

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid® – 50 lb bag

In the small ruminant line, this product grew by 39%. This free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats is designed to support reproductive success. It supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, while high levels of vitamin E assist in reproductive tract repair.

Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL

This rapid-response product grew in sales by 22%. Clench is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. It contains MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system and electrolytes to support rehydration. It also has Amaferm, to enhance digestibility. Like all Vita Charge and Sure Champ products, it can be used on show livestock without testing and doesn’t interfere with antibiotics.

As you can see with a range in growth across product lines from 22% to 151%, the BioZyme family of brands truly does offer something for every customer. We recommend stocking some of these high-margin, more popular products to make sure that your sales continue to grow into 2024 and beyond.

Marketing materials or signage are now available in the SAMM Center (Signage, Apparel, Marketing Materials) in the Online Dealer Center. These branded materials, in one location, make your marketing even easier than ever.

Changes Coming in January


Starting in January, dealers and end-users will start to see some familiar products in the VitaFerm® and Sure Champ® brands. Although the products might have new names and labels, they are not necessarily new to the BioZyme family of brands. BioZyme is repositioning the Vita Charge products into either VitaFerm or Sure Champ to continue to provide undeniable impact to our customers.

The change comes after months of market and sales research, in an attempt to help increase efficiencies across all brands. All products will continue to be marketed “with the Vita Charge technology,” a fast-acting proprietary blend of ingredients that support animals during, before and after times of stress. All products will continue to have the same great formulas that customers have come to know and trust.

The production cattle products like Stress Tubs and 5L Cattle Drench will be marketed under the VitaFerm label.

All gels, Liquid Boost® and the 32 oz. Cattle Drench will be marketed under the Sure Champ label. Traditional Vita Charge Gel is being renamed Sure Champ Appetite Plus® with Vita Charge Technology, to better describe its function.

Both of the HydraBoost® products for swine become available only on special order, and no longer will be on the price list, once current inventory is depleted, much like HydraBoost AVX.

This will be a rolling change, as inventory of currently labeled products is depleted from inventory. Look for more information on the upcoming changes coming soon in the Online Dealer Center, Dealer Facebook Page and in your email.

BioZyme Holiday Hours

The BioZyme offices will be closed Friday & Monday, December 22-25 for the Christmas holiday. There will be customer pick-ups until noon,  and no LTL/shipping, on Thursday, December 21. We will resume normal office hours on Tuesday, December 26.

We will also be closed on January 1, for New Year’s Day. There will be customer pick-ups until noon and no LTL/Shipping, on Friday, December 29. We will resume normal office hours Tuesday, January 2.

We wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Changes Coming in December


Starting December 1, we will now require customers to prepay for all orders for marketing materials ordered through the SAMM Center using a credit card. All regular product orders will be invoiced based on the customers’ preset terms. Marketing materials and apparel purchased through the SAMM Center will be the items that require prepayment.


The BioZyme offices will be closed December 22-25 to allow our BioZyme family the time to celebrate Christmas with their families. Please watch for email and text communication or watch the Online Dealer Center for more details about deliveries and pick-ups the week of December 18.

Six Ways to Maximize Opportunities at Livestock Shows 

Attending livestock shows is a way of life for families across the U.S. From the local county fair to the State Fair of Texas, which boasts more than 2 million visitors annually, people typically enjoy going to a fair. The sites, the smells and the attractions offer nostalgia to some. But for our clientele, it’s likely the livestock shows that draw attention. 

For BioZyme® dealers, you can use livestock shows as a venue to reach young exhibitors. Regardless of if you sell products from a feed store in town or from a shed off the farm, shows at the local level are a great marketing tool. You can promote your business; further educate others about the benefits of the products you offer and reach out to potential customers. 

Livestock shows also serve as a wonderful outreach tool. BioZyme’s Area Sales Manager Shane Schaake, who travels Kansas, said the BioZyme company moto, care that comes full circle, is what drives him to get out of bed each day.  

“Whenever I get to work with young people, either talking to them at a show, producer meeting or other youth leadership event, I get excited because I know I am helping them learn more about their animals and themselves. These livestock shows help young exhibitors learn core values while helping them build their program, and that is exciting to me.” 

Let’s explore six ways dealers can get involved at livestock shows at a local level. 

Marketing Opportunities at Livestock Shows 

  1. Networking 

Getting out to your local jackpot show or county fair allows you to visit with new and potential customers. If you are able to have a table with a sign, and perhaps have a give-away or sell product, people will stop by and visit, especially in the down time. 

“People who show livestock are sometimes more progressive and willing to try new products. They will usually ask good questions, so be present to visit, and keep literature on hand, said Kevin Glaubius, ASM for Nebraska. 

  1. Building Awareness 

A sign around the show ring, sponsoring awards or providing back numbers will help create awareness about your business and the products you offer. The BioZyme marketing department has pre-made formatted numbers branded with Sure Champ® that are easy to print.  

These back numbers can be printed or emailed directly to your printer. You can also submit a marketing request for a banner to hang from the show ring or your table to promote the fact that you are there promoting the show. 

  1. Provide Sponsorship 

A case of Vita Charge® Gel is an inexpensive investment for class winner or division winner prizes. This will give the recipients a chance to try a product they might not otherwise have tried. Once the exhibitor tries the Gel, they will likely want to know more about how it works, buy more or even want to purchase other products in the BioZyme family of brands. 

Another way to get involved is to provide a tee-shirt or cap with your business name on it to the young exhibitors. Kids will remember these small gestures, and so will their parents, who are the decision makers and often control the finances. 

  1. Be an Educator 

Make sure to take several pieces of literature with you to the show. Not only will you want information about Sure Champ, but you will also want information about the other product lines you carry. 

“If you are at a livestock show, and someone has a heifer, chances are they have cows at home. They need VitaFerm, too. Even if they are showing lambs, pigs or goats, they probably have other livestock at home, and almost everyone has a dog,” Schaake reminds. 

  1. Make a Sale 

“The biggest thing is if you’re going to a show, be stocked at least with the small pack products, and be willing and able to sell them,” Schaake said. 

There is nothing more disappointing to a potential customer who has just learned about the advantages of a new product than being told that it isn’t available. If you are going to talk about the products, make sure you have them on hand, or someone is at your local store front, and can bring them out to make the sale.  

We know that the benefits of quick response products, those that are typically the small pack products, sell themselves. If a new customer sees how well those products work, they might be more willing to purchase mineral. 

  1. Build Rapport with Future Customers 

Glaubius enjoys the outreach aspect of working with those who attend a livestock show.  

“Obviously, it is important to support the kids and give back to the local community. But just as important, you are working to build your future customer base,” he said. 

If a young person has five show heifers now, with a goal of building his or her herd, they might graduate college with 25 to 30 cows, that all should be on a mineral program. That young person remembers that your dealership gave out a tube of Vita Charge and a Sure Champ sticker a decade previously, so he or she returns to your dealership to learn about VitaFerm®. VitaFerm for 30 cows might not seem like a lot, but that person eventually builds his or her herd to 200 cows, has a few horses and starts a backyard chicken flock. See how the domino effect works on one small outreach effort. 

“Investing in our young people today has the potential for a great return on investment,” Glaubius said. 

What You Get Out of It 

We’ve discussed how you can engage with your community at a livestock show. But let’s take a second to discuss what taking time to invest your energy in local livestock shows can do for your business. Because the results can be impressive. 

Create New Business Opportunities 

Livestock shows bring together a diverse group of individuals involved in the industry, including breeders, exhibitors and potential customers. This means you have ample opportunity to identify new business prospects, establish connections with potential clients and expand your customer base. 

Provide New Market Insights 

Attending livestock shows allows dealers to stay updated on market trends, new technologies and the latest developments in the industry. Interacting with other professionals provides valuable insights into the current demands and preferences of customers, helping you adapt your strategies to meet the needs of your community. 

Promote Products 

Livestock shows are an ideal platform for dealers to showcase products and services. You even have the opportunity to engage with potential customers, demonstrate the features and benefits of your offerings and generate interest in products. 

Increase Your Industry Knowledge 

Livestock shows provide the opportunity to exchange knowledge and information with others in the industry. This can include insights on breeding techniques, health management and other aspects of livestock production. This shared knowledge can contribute to your expertise and enhance your ability to valuably serve your community. 

Establish Collaboration Opportunities 

Collaborative efforts often arise at livestock shows. Dealers can explore partnerships with other businesses in the industry, such as suppliers or service providers—like BioZyme, for instance. This allows you to offer more comprehensive solutions to your friends, neighbors and customers. 

Improve Your Visibility and Branding 

Being present at livestock shows increases your visibility within the industry and community. This visibility contributes to brand recognition, which is essential for attracting new customers and establishing credibility in the market. 

Keep Up to Date With Industry Updates 

Livestock shows often provide a platform for discussions on industry changes and standards. So, you can use livestock shows to stay informed about any new regulations that may impact your business. This helps ensure your compliance and continued success. 

Investing in livestock shows isn’t just about making immediate sales. It’s about building relationships, staying informed and positioning your business for long-term success in a dynamic and interconnected industry. 

Don’t Go it Alone 

At BioZyme, we want to be sure you have the materials and resources you need so that you are not flying solo when it comes to meeting your marketing needs. In the BioZyme SAMM Center, a plethora a signage, apparel and marketing materials include literature and more are readily available for you to order.  

In the SAMM Center you can order literature, ink pens, t-shirts, caps, stickers and more. If you are looking for something more specific like a show banner or back numbers, you will need to submit a marketing request. Please be sure to allow at least three weeks for printing and shipping for marketing requests for livestock shows or any event. 

Rely on our People 

If you know you want to get involved with a livestock show in your area, but you aren’t sure of the correct step, reach out. Your ASM and our Marketing Team can help. ASMs see many different promotional and marketing opportunities in their travels across their territories. Likewise, the Marketing Team has created many different projects, and they can give you some great advice if you have an idea, but just are not quite sure how to implement it. 

Marketing at livestock shows is a simple and effective way to capture a new audience while providing community outreach and support. There are various ways to get involved with your local community and your youth at a local livestock show. 

Take advantage of the opportunities above to help build brand awareness, support your community, and you will watch your business grow. 

A Day in the Life of BioZyme Employee Shane Schaake

Shane Schaake is a Kansas native who has extensive knowledge of the cattle business. He grew up on his family’s Simmental operation north of Manhattan, Kansas, where they still raise about 100 purebred and percentage Simmental cows. Since he married his wife, Melissa, they have started building their own herd of very prestigious Hereford cows. Melissa and Shane are back-to-back American Royal Hereford Premier Breeder Award winners. 

Shane and his brother showed heifers across the country while growing up. Today, the Schaake family hosts an annual heifer sale with a focus on selling junior show heifer prospects. They also conduct a spring bull sale.  

Schaake attended Kansas State University, where he earned his bachelor’s in Animal Science in December 2015. After college, he managed a 700-head commercial cow-calf ranch on the edge of the Sandhills in Eastern Colorado. Prior to joining the BioZyme team in January 2020, he worked for Genex. Although he said cattle are his first passion, he also enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time with family. 

Shane Schaake Is Our Kansas Area Sales Manager 

Let’s learn more about a day in the life of the Kansas Area Sales Manager. 

Title: Kansas ASM 

Number of Years at BioZyme: almost 4 

Describe a “typical” day in your job:  

A typical day for Kansas is traveling around and working with our dealers throughout the state, providing marketing materials, delivering product knowledge, setting up producer meetings and doing customer visits with those dealers.  

In the spring is our big producer meeting time for most dealers so when that rolls around making sure we have our presentation prepared for what we are going to talk about that year as well as making sure we have all of our marketing material we need for it. We also stay in close contact with our distributor reps to help them help our dealers as well.  

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme:   

Attending NCBA twice now and talking with producers from all over the U.S. It’s very interesting to me how everyone has the same goal in an industry but can do it completely differently from coast to coast.  

Share a funny story about one of your days at work:    

Not sure if I really have any funny stories, but some of the most memorable times I have had at BioZyme is meeting, working with and learning about our dealers. My dealers in Kansas seem to be more like family than friends anymore! 

What has been one of the biggest challenges:   

Working with producers that are “old school” and are hesitant about changing their ways.  

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do?   

This is extremely important to me and something I think about every morning when I start my day. This is honestly what drives me day in and day out. I think of this a lot of different directions to look at this from working with the producer to them helping get their stock to perform for them then returning it back the ground. Another example of this is everything we do for outreach with Jr Nationals and developing the youth to prepare them to take over the ag industry in the future.  

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office?  

I really enjoy spending time with my wife on our ranch and taking care of our Hereford and Simmental cows, from calving to weaning, then into the show barn with them, it takes a group effort. I also really like artificially inseminating (AI-ing) cattle for different producers that are on Concept•Aid®. In fact, I really won’t breed for anyone who isn’t using Concept•Aid on their cattle anymore! 

Thanks for being part of the BioZyme family, and showing care that comes full circle in everything you do, Shane!

Changes Coming in November


The labels on AO-Biotics® Amaferm® have been updated to reflect the feeding rates for fish.


The 40-lb bags of Vitalize® Equine Digest More® Plus and the Vitalize® Equine Protein Pellet are now being bagged in a slightly different bag to better accommodate the volume of those products.

Changes Coming in October


There have been several packaging updates to Vitalize® products, both in the equine and companion animal lines. These updates include new labels on Vitalize Dog and Vitalize Digest More Plus. Vitalize Alimend® K9 along with all Vitalize Trixsyn® products will also begin being packaged in boxes for easier distribution with dosing mechanisms to retailers and better in-store visibility.

Vitalize Dog 40 lb. has also received a new UPC code registration (033471001696). Customers may also notice some slight changes in Vitalize pellets due to the recent completion and inception of the new pellet line.


Extreme weather conditions (both drought and flooding) across the country this year have had a substantial effect on nutrient quality of forages. After thorough analysis by BioZyme’s team of ruminant nutritionists, we have increased the proportion of organic copper in all VitaFerm Concept•Aid products (both tubs and minerals). This change allows us to feel confident that we are helping to improve the health status of cattle across the country experiencing some level of copper deficiency due to the decline in the amounts of the nutrient available in the forage most are eating. This change will not have an impact on the guaranteed analysis.


We introduced VitaFerm Conserve® Protein Meal last month. Conserve Protein Meal is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. We are excited to add this as an option to our protein lineup. 

Click here to download a comparison of the VitaFerm Protein Options

How To Put Weight on Calves: Research Proves Amaferm® Advantage

Are you wondering how to put weight on calves? Well, did you know the combination of Vita Charge® Cattle Drench and Vita Charge® Stress Tubs help support digestive health and intake? If your calves take to eating and drinking without hesitation, one thing is certain: they are likely to gain faster, too.

So, what is Vita Charge?

Vita Charge is a line of fast acting, multi-specie livestock products for support before, during and after stressful times. Both weaning and changing environments are stressful for young calves. Therefore, BioZyme® Inc., makers of Vita Charge, recommend Vita Charge products at weaning, when receiving calves or anytime stress occurs.

Vita Charge comes in various forms, including liquid, gels and tubs for multiple applications. And most products, with the exception of the Cattle Drench and Stress Tubs, can be used across all livestock species. The one commonality across Vita Charge – all products contain the research-proven prebiotic AO-Biotics® Amaferm® designed to enhance digestibility.

Research Proves Vita Charge Works

When BioZyme says it’s products work, we mean it. We take the time to research, test and verify the products we promote to consumers.

In a 2016 University of Tennessee – Martin research trial, 48 calves were purchased at a sale barn. After hauling them for about 2 hours, they were fed hay and water overnight before processing. All calves were stressed from hauling, being in a new environment and heat.

The calves were divided into two groups. A control group and the trial group that was given 1 ounce of Vita Charge Cattle Drench during processing.

In addition to Amaferm, Vita Charge Cattle Drench contains MOS (mannan oligosaccharide) to help normalize the gut microflora and supports the immune system. Drench also includes enzymes to generate a more rapid digestive response.

The trial group of calves were also turned out to pens that included Vita Charge Stress Tubs for three weeks. Stress Tubs are designed to support digestive health and intake. They also contain Amaferm and MOS. Additionally, they contain a probiotic to help restore the gut microbiome.

Cattle provided with Vita Charge Cattle Drench upon arrival recovered more quickly. This is shown with a significant increase in average daily gain (ADG) during week one. The control group actually lost weight during the first week.

The cattle that received Amaferm gained 1.54 pounds/head/day. Conversely, the control group lost .52 pounds/head/day during that first week.

How to Put Weight on Calves? Start Them Off Right

Although most calves will start gaining once they transition, this Tennessee study demonstrated that Amaferm offers an advantage in gain. Yes, the control group did start gaining after week 1. However, even after the Stress Tubs were removed after 21 days (week 3), the calves that had Amaferm in their diet kept outperforming.

Calves in the control group, in weeks 4-7 posted an ADG of 1.45 pounds. In the Amaferm group, the calves had an ADG of 2.33 pounds, more than a 3/4-pound advantage per head. When you are selling pounds, raising cattle to gain efficiently, Amaferm seems like an investment worth making.

What our Customers Have to Say

To put weight on calves means healthy, efficient gain. Matthew Cox runs an Angus cow herd in Nebraska. He also buys calves to background from a sale barn, so he has a combination of cattle to turn out to grass.

He is a big fan of the Vita Charge products, not only for the performance, but also for the increased health.

“I swear by the Vita Charge® Cattle Drench. In our yearling operation, we have noticeably less sickness and better appetites, both on calves we get in from the sale barn and on home-raised calves. We couple the Cattle Drench with Stress Tubs and within two weeks our calves are off to the races. Consumption gets to 2% per 100lbs of body weight within 5 days instead of 10,” he explained.

He went on to say, “the quicker I can stimulate appetite and get that young calf to get enough energy intake with the stressful weaning event the better off I am. Our troubles aren’t as prevalent, and we don’t have to treat calves. That’s a savings of $25-$40 per head with the current price of antibiotics. I am a firm believer in the Amaferm in these Vita Charge products.”

Bubba Rutherford from Texas is another cow-calf producer who believes in the benefits of the Drench.

“I give the Vita Charge Drench to every animal – calf, yearling or cow – that comes onto my place as soon as they unload and go through the chute. Even the cows that are heading to the packing house get the Drench. It seems like it just gives them an extra boost, and the cattle go to feed a lot faster. When we doctor yearlings in the pasture, they get a dose of Vita Charge Drench too, and they go right back to feed,” Rutherford said.

Are you Looking for Vita Charge?

Well, we can help you find it. Vita Charge and all BioZyme products are sold through our dealer network and online. Locate your nearest dealer with our dealer locator.

Not seeing a dealer near you? You can refer a dealer on our website, today.

Want more information about our products? Sign up for our regular newsletter.