Maverick Squires Joins BioZyme® Sales Team

Maverick Squires, Dover, Oklahoma, is the new Area Sales Manager for BioZyme® Inc. As an ASM, Squires will work to develop new dealerships and build upon current dealer and customer relationships while promoting BioZyme’s numerous product lines in the state of Oklahoma. He replaces John Jeffrey, who has been promoted to Feedlot-Stocker Business Development Manager.

“I like the science behind the products. I started using them and saw how they work firsthand. The culture of the people who work at BioZyme really impressed me with their professionalism and talent. The company has good products and good people,” he said.

Squires brings a diversified background and multifaceted experiences to his new role. A graduate of Oklahoma State University, with a bachelor’s in Animal Science, he was a member of the livestock judging team. He also competed on the Butler Community College livestock judging team. He most recently worked for Animal Health International for five years, where he called on mixed-practice clinics and large-scale livestock producers. He has worked for a boar stud as well as gained other valuable experiences in the livestock industry.

“I am very excited to have Maverick join the BioZyme family! His background in the livestock industry should prove to be extremely beneficial to his own personal success as well as the success of the company. Maverick is a native Oklahoman who is a hard worker and will bring a wealth of knowledge to his customers,” said Jake Warntjes, National Sales Manager.

Squires plans to use his skills and experiences to continue to grow the business while helping customers and potential customers realize the value of the what the BioZyme products will bring to their operations, both from an economic standpoint and for their animals.

“I am really excited to work with everyone and appreciate the opportunity to be here,” he said.

He and his wife McKenzie have one son, Sterling, and will welcome a second child this spring. They raise show pigs and are anxious to become involved in his grandparents’ cow-calf operation. Squires also enjoys hunting and fishing when time allows.

For a list of BioZyme Area Sales Managers, visit

Mark Holmen Joins BioZyme® Inc. Team

Mark Holmen

Mark Holmen, Lanesboro, Minnesota, has joined the sales force at BioZyme® Inc., as an Area Sales Manager. In his new role, he will represent BioZyme working with dealers, potential dealers and end-users in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Holmen has an extensive background in the livestock industry. He was the fifth generation to be raised on his family’s farm and is currently raising the sixth generation, his two sons on that same farm, where they raise Angus and Red Angus cattle and show pig prospects. He has worked the past six years in the beef genetics business. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota – Saint Paul and was a member of its livestock judging team.

“Mark brings a positive attitude and a strong work ethic to this position, as well as a diverse understanding of the beef and dairy businesses. These traits combined with his eagerness to help all producers and dealers succeed will make him a tremendous asset to BioZyme in Wisconsin and Minnesota,” said Mike Wadle, BioZyme Director of National Sales.

As an Area Sales Manager, Holmen will continue to offer dealer support and grow business within his territory through education and promotion of the BioZyme product lines. He will help conduct meetings and represent the company at trade shows while helping end-users meet their goals.

“It doesn’t matter how good producers’ genetics are, if their nutrition is lacking, they are going to have challenges. I’m looking forward to using my diverse background in production, reproduction and nutrition to help them identify different problems on their farms and help them find success in their programs,” Holmen said.

Holmen and his wife, Becky, have two sons, Ryan a high school senior, and Carter a high school freshman. They have recently refurbished a 150-year-old home on their family farm, where they enjoy raising livestock. Holmen enjoys community involvement and was recently elected to his local school board. BioZyme is known for its supplement brands VitaFerm, Sure Champ®, Vita Charge, DuraFerm® and Vitalize®. The company also manufactures and markets Amaferm®, the key additive in all its supplements. For a list of BioZyme Area Sales Managers, visit

Upcoming BioZyme Plant Improvement Project

At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. 

The project will run from November 16, 2020 through December 4, 2020.

What does this mean for you? 

  • Amaferm and Amaferm Liquid will be available during this down time through BioZyme and our Key Partners – Consumers Supply Distributing and Nutra Blend.
  • All page 2 Price List products (Vita Charge & Vitalize brands) will be available during this down time as normal.
  • Due to receiving bin replacements, mixing upgrades and limited warehouse space BioZyme will have limited capacity of page 1 Price List products (VitaFerm, Gain Smart, DuraFerm, etc.) in our St. Joseph manufacturing plant; HOWEVER, we have worked closely to have sufficient inventory of all of these stock items throughout this time with our distribution partners. These include:
    • Consumers Supply Distributing at 800-383-6927
    • Roy Umbarger & Sons at 317-422-5195
    • BWI Companies at 903-838-8561
    • Eldon C. Stutsman Inc. at 319-679-2281

We have and will continue to work hard to meet your needs in every way that we can. Please feel free to contact your BioZyme representative, with any questions about this time.

Minimum Advertised Price Policy Reminder

REMINDER!! If you are currently purchasing any Page 2 products, you will need to confirm receipt of our Minimum Advertised Price Policy. You can do this by clicking the confirm button in the email you received on July 9th. 

If you are currently selling these products and did not receive the email, reach out to your ASM.

BioZyme COVID-19 Information

Below you will find important information about BioZyme’s response to the challenge of COVID-19. To ensure you receive any important updates, please sign up for our text alerts by clicking the link in the top right corner of the Online Dealer Center.

Official Government Issued COVID-19 Information:
We encourage you to be aware of the best practices outlined by the CDC and WHO in an effort to prevent the spread of illness.

FAQs About COVID-19

Steps to Help Prevent the Spread of COVD-19

Families First Coronavirus Response Act


Important Information for BioZyme Dealers:
We understand the growing concern surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) across our communities. From the onset of this situation, we have been listening to the experts as we work to meet the challenges of this extraordinary situation. We are closely monitoring and following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), to ensure we are doing our part to keep everyone in our circle safe, but continue to be able to feed the amazing animals that ultimately contribute to our survival.

We are actively monitoring the situation and assessing risks and are ready to implement immediate changes to ensure a high level of safety and provide the best possible experience during this time.

  • We have introduced rigorous additional cleaning procedures to our facilities and have increased the number of wipes, hand sanitizers, and other cleaning materials available to employees while in our facilities.
  • We’ve taken sensible steps to help protect our team of employees. This means we’ve advised our employees to follow the public health authorities’ guidance regarding personal health and hygiene. Additionally, we’ve implemented significant social-distancing measures that include moving some of our workforce to home office environments and suspending all non-essential in-person meetings and travel.
  • We have advised our sales team against in-person visits as we assess the ongoing situation. We have a talented sales team who knows their territories best, and regardless if they see you in person or not, they will be working from home to best represent you. They will still be accessible via phone, email and text, so reach out to them with your questions or ideas of how we can grow business (times like these tend to help us think).
  • Our buildings remain open to transportation and essential visitors.  If you have any questions the local number to reach our Customer Care team is: 1-800-821-3070.

Our employees, customers and business partners are the heart of our company and we look forward to serving your needs wherever and however you choose to engage with our products and services.



How BioZyme is Protecting Our Employees:
BioZyme Infectious Disease Preparedness & Response Plan.

Vendor / Visitor Entrance
Vendors and visitors will not be allowed in the building unless:

  1. It is an employee support vendor. If this is case, they must fill out this BioZyme Health Screening Survey and email it to Sam Norton ( before arriving.
  1. If the vendor or visitor is not an employee support vendor or on the approved visitor list – they will not be allowed in the buildings until after the shelter in place for Saint Joseph, Missouri is no longer in effect.

Essential Employee Letter:
Employees that must come to the Stockyards or Easton facilities to ensure production of our products continues uninterrupted are being provided an essential employee letter to carry with them. Click Here to download the letter.
All employees who are able to work remotely are doing so, including the Sales Team, International Team, Outreach Support Center, Marketing Team and Office Support Staff.

Lynsey Whitacre Named IPPE 30 Under 30 Outstanding Young Leader

Lynsey Whitacre, Ph.D., and Companion Animal Business Development and Field Support for BioZyme® Inc., was recently recognized as one of the “30 Under 30” Young Leaders for her outstanding leadership contributions in the production of animal or poultry feed by the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE).

The IPPE “30 Under 30” Young Leaders is a way to recognize professional leadership qualities and to provide exposure to the world’s largest trade show involving the production and processing of meat and poultry products and the manufacturers of feed and pet food products, according to the IPPE website. The program not only exposes these young leaders to the latest technology, but also allows them to attend valuable educational programs to assist in their leadership development. Whitacre attended the IPPE event and received recognition during a special ceremony the last week of January.

“We are extremely proud of Dr. Lynsey Whitacre’s selection to the International Production and Processing Expo 30 Under 30 Young Leaders Program. It has been amazing to watch Lynsey’s growth since joining BioZyme in 2017. She is highly respected and well-liked by her peers as she easily moves back and forth between science (research) and technical support (sales and marketing). Lynsey is an accomplished equine rider in jumping events and has a sincere passion for the companion animals she rides, hugs and pets. She is a devoted worker that uses her scientific training and experience to develop and promote new ideas to enhance animal well-being and performance. She is very deserving of the 30 Under 30 recognition,” said Bob Norton, BioZyme Chief Executive Officer.

Whitacre initially worked with BioZyme to expand its equine sales. Shortly after that, she started helping the company with its marketing efforts to the canine audience. She also assumed research project management in 2018 and new product development in 2019. As a result, she is now involved in all research and all products for all species.

“To be able to get an opportunity like this is really beneficial because you get to make connections to people who are working alongside you toward similar goals of improving animal health, production and sustainability, but using different techniques and technologies. The work that we are doing collectively as an industry is going to be very impactful both domestically and globally,” Whitacre said. “As a group, we can clearly see where the future of the feed industry will lead us, and we have the responsibility of creating precise, innovative solutions to today’s challenges, like antibiotic use for example. It’s a good feeling because together I think we can make a really big difference, not only in the lives and health of animals, but in the lives and health of humans as well.”