Dealer Spotlight: Hale Feeds LLC

Hale Feeds LLC Keeps Moving Forward

“Keep moving forward.” That’s the advice that young, progressive BioZyme® dealer Tee Hale offers his contemporaries and other new dealers. “We have great products; you’re never going to lose by trying to push forward. Dive in head-first and try for the best. You’re never going to make it if you don’t try.”

Tee, along with his parents Jim and Teresa Hale, and his brother Tye own Hale Feeds LLC at Union Center, South Dakota. Tee manages the daily operations of the dealership along with the feed sales from the on-ranch “feed shed” while running about 300 momma cows with his parents. His brother lives nearby and works for a neighboring cow-calf operation.

Because he uses so much of the product himself and understands the benefits of Amaferm®, Tee said it is simple for him to sell the products to others. He can share the advantages of a high-quality program for both cattle and horses.

“I take the approach about cost, per head, per day. What are we going to put in this cow this day? What is it going to cost me? There is the opinion out there that VitaFerm® is a little costly, but it is a premium mineral, and that is what people need to understand. You’ve got your Amaferm in it, that’s a big selling point right there,” he said. “I had bought a set of 60 bred heifers last spring that I turned out on Concept•Aid® right away; and put on HEAT® through the summer. In the fall I had one open out of those 60 head. Right there I can tell that story and it gets people’s attention. For about 15 cents a day, you can feed this product and it works.”

Tee said he is excited about the new products that BioZyme is introducing; he has already begun selling the VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S HEAT. He said the VitaFerm HEAT is popular in his area of northwest South Dakota, as it is a cost-efficient and effective product for producers.

When Tee isn’t ranching or selling livestock feed and supplements, he likes to rodeo. He said he’s seen remarkable results with the Vitalize® products on his horses. The results he’s seen with the Amaferm advantage in his horses, has helped him promote those advantages to cattle producers too.

“There is a lot of competition in the area, and it’s all in the same price, but this one has more to it. I can feed my horse something, and I know if it works on their guts, it is going to work on a cow’s gut. And I see a huge difference in my horses,” Tee said.

Phone conversations are the most effective communication method for Tee to share his business with others. He spends parts of each day driving between his ranch and his parents’ where he has time to talk on the phone. And even though South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem never formally “shutdown” the state due to COVID-19, Tee said he likely wouldn’t have left the ranch much in March and April due to calving season. Brandings in May were really the first times people gathered, and even then, they respected one another’s space, but they don’t stress about social distancing, according to Tee.

Life will move forward as usual, and Hale Feeds LLC will have new products to market with the Amaferm advantage.

Minimum Advertised Price Policy Reminder

REMINDER!! If you are currently purchasing any Page 2 products, you will need to confirm receipt of our Minimum Advertised Price Policy. You can do this by clicking the confirm button in the email you received on July 9th. 

If you are currently selling these products and did not receive the email, reach out to your ASM.

Turn Up the HEAT with New HEAT Products for Summer

Don’t let summer heat get your customers’ animals down. Remember to promote and stock up on the HEAT® products including the two newest, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® and DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT®, to make sure to get females bred and keep them bred.

VitaFerm Concept•Aid HEAT and DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid HEAT were designed to keep cattle and sheep reproductively sound during the heat of summer. Both Concept•Aid formulas are highly fortified, free-choice vitamin and mineral supplements designed to help prevent heat stress during temperatures of 70 degrees or hotter. Get your cows, heifers and ewes bred and keep them bred!

In addition to these new Concept•Aid HEAT formulas specifically designed for breeding the HEAT line-up includes several other products used for anytime temperatures reach above 70 degrees or when grazing cattle on fescue.

A complete list of HEAT products includes:

Changes Happening in July 2020


  • The VitaFerm® Conserve™ mineral line is now available! We worked hard during the stay at home order to come up with a line to help producers during these tough times. One ASM said it best, “Producers know that VitaFerm Concept•Aid® is the best and produces the most reliable results for their herd; however, in tough times they have to make tough decisions and sometimes that means sacrificing those reliable results for economics.” VitaFerm didn’t really offer a well marketed option and what we know is that Amaferm® must be present in the herd in good times or in tough times. If the producer can afford to invest in the best, VitaFerm Concept•Aid is it. If tough times make that impossible, VitaFerm Conserve will fit the bill until times allow for the investment in the best herd results in the USA.

    VitaFerm Conserve is an economical line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. It includes the Amaferm® advantage to optimize nutrient digestion and absorption while the vitamin and mineral pack preserves cattle performance. Available formulas include:
  • VitaFerm® Conserve™ Line:
    • VitaFerm® Conserve™ Garlic
    • VitaFerm® Conserve™ CTC 3G
    • VitaFerm® Conserve™ Mag
    • VitaFerm® Conserve™ Protein Tub
    • VitaFerm® Conserve™

VitaFerm Conserve will ship in the new poly bag.


  • Published Pallet rates are no longer available via the Terms and Conditions document. In lieu of published rates we have built and launched a new app called LTL Freight Calculator. Estimated shipping rates for LTL shipments can be calculated via the BioZyme Dealer Center and the LTL Freight Calculator.

    NOTE: This tool and its results are for estimation purposes only. BioZyme, Inc makes no guarantees that these rates will be accurate when a shipment is rated and booked.


  • Vitalize® High Performance and Vitalize® Protein Pellets are no longer bagged with a scoop as the poly bag machine upgrade does not allow for it.
  • In response to customer requests for a more durable and weather resistant bag, we are beginning to switch our bagged products from multi-wall, paper to Biaxially Oriented Poly Propylene bags. Vitalize Digest More Plus 40 lb., Vitalize Protein Pellet and Vitalize High Performance, DuraFerm products, and some VitaFerm Concept•Aid Mineral products have begun shipping in the new bags. In July, VitaFerm® HEAT® and the Gain Smart® line will begin shipping in the new bags. The remaining products will transition over the next 6 months.


  • The impacts of coronavirus are being felt in the supply chain. The effect is most noticeable for vitamins, which have increased dramatically because of tight global supply. We are working diligently to mitigate the effects of the shortage to our products and minimize price increases.
  • Due to reduced fuel demand the ethanol industry has seen significant supply chain challenges. As a result of quality and supply issues we have changed to a new DDGS supplier with a more consistent product. This has resulted in a lighter bulk density and smaller particle size that is noticeable in some of our products.


• Joseph Liebel has joined BioZyme as a Picker.

• Taylor Ware has joined BioZyme for the summer as our Marketing & PR Intern.

• Sean Nurski will be joining BioZyme on July 6 as a Picker.

Letters From Lisa – June/July 2020

It seems a bit awkward to be writing about NEW stuff with COVID-19 ruling our lives, but it certainly has forced us to love the word, so maybe it is appropriate. When I Googled ‘dealing with NEW stuff’ the results included these topics: the new normal, new technology, a new boss and having a new baby. Quite a list. One phrase on that list would not even have been there just three months ago. This is a perfect segway into that word NEW and how we can look at it if we choose to do so.

NEW just by its nature means change. So, for anything NEW, we have a choice. We can control it or escape it. Knowing you can’t ultimately escape, one will go through phases of a response to the NEW, which “should” end in acceptance. Acceptance that could lead you to a pot of gold. The belief in that pot of gold as the best option, has been ingrained in me since I was born. With that pot of gold picture in your head, one can embrace change and never go through the normal other responses to change which are shock, fear and forced adjustment. Instead the change embracing person goes straight to acceptance and begins building on the NEW.

It is in that vein that BioZyme® has launched the NEW product line VitaFerm® Conserve™, is investigating a NEW packaging option for mineral that is not a bag (yes you read that correctly), is moving to a larger state of the art facility for all small pack products and is looking toward partnerships that have never existed before, due to being viewed as competition, to ensure we have the best products on the market for the animal and the expectations we place on them to CHANGE all the time without giving them any time to go through the normal four stages of change.

Why is all this NEW exciting?

Because done right, it leads to a pot of gold. Not only a pot that helps grow our dealers’ business, but a most important pot that supports the animal, so they get consistent, effective nutrition allowing them to maximize their genetic potential. With all this NEW swirling around it is easy to forget those things that will always remain the same and for which we should be thankful: Our appreciation for your continued support. Support in good times and in not so good, during struggles and during victories. It means the world to us.

This quote by Henry Ward Beecher says it best, “The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices old experiences.” Thanks for your heart and how you so graciously share it with us!

Protect and Recover with Vita Charge®

Although many shows have been postponed or canceled due to the pandemic this year, livestock still experience stress at home. It is important to reduce their stress and keep them feeling their best all the time, whether you are hauling them every week or keeping them in the barn.

To help mitigate stress, be sure to recommend the Vita Charge line of products. Perhaps the most versatile line, Vita Charge with the Amaferm® advantage is a fast-acting multi-specie supplement that help when livestock need protection or assistance in recovery.

  • Vita Charge® Stress Tub – 200 lb. or 50 lb. tub – A cooked tub for beef cattle that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. The Stress Tubs contain MOS to trap and expel pathogens, limiting their ability to do harm. 50-lb. tubs are convenient to take to shows to ensure cattle are staying on feed and water while traveling and showing. Also available with HEAT to combat heat stress at temperatures of 70 degrees and above.
  • Vita Charge® Liquid Boost® – 2.5 gallon or 32 oz. bottle – A liquid supplement for animals of all species that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. Can be administered via a medicator, mixed with water, used as a drench or top-dressed on feed. Its palatable flavor helps create consistency in taste for any water source.
  • Vita Charge® Gel – 300 mL or 80 mL tube – A gel for all species of livestock that supports digestive health and promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. This convenient, rapid-response product is formulated to help livestock recover quickly and does not interfere with antibiotics.
  • Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel – 80 mL tube – A gel for all species of livestock formulated to help overcome the challenges of both changes in environment and extreme temperatures by helping maintain the animal’s normal body temperature. Contains Capsaicin which is research-proven to help animals maintain normal body temperature.
  • Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL tube – A gel for all species of livestock ideal for use during diarrhea and scours treatments to support recovery, hydration and nutrient absorption. It is an all-natural oral treatment that provides livestock with ingredients that help to increase nutrient absorption to promote a normal, healthy stool and can be used during competition with no withdrawal period.

Check out all of the testimonials we have available to share with your customers now:

Changes Happening in June 2020


  • The VitaFerm® Conserve™ mineral line will be available June 1, 2020. We worked hard during the stay at home order to come up with a line to help producers during these tough times. One ASM said it best, “Producers know that VitaFerm Concept•Aid® is the best and produces the most reliable results for their herd; however, in tough times they have to make tough decisions and sometimes that means sacrificing those reliable results for economics.” VitaFerm didn’t really offer a well marketed option and what we know is that Amaferm® must be present in the herd in good times or in tough times. If the producer can afford to invest in the best, VitaFerm Concept•Aid is it. If tough times make that impossible, VitaFerm Conserve will fit the bill until times allow for the investment in the best herd results in the USA.

    VitaFerm Conserve is an economical line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. It includes the Amaferm ® advantage to optimize nutrient digestion and absorption while the vitamin and mineral pack preserves cattle performance. Available formulas include:

VitaFerm Conserve will ship in the new poly bag.


  • On June 1, 2020, we will no longer be manufacturing VitaFerm® Cow Calf, VitaFerm® Cow Calf Mag, BioZyme® Cattle Flex 5 and the VitaFerm® Power Keg®. These products will only be available until current inventories are exhausted. These were discontinued so we can invest heavily in the marketing of VitaFerm Conserve.


  • Published Pallet rates are no longer available via the Terms and Conditions document. In lieu of published rates we have built and launched a new app called LTL Freight Calculator. Estimated shipping rates for LTL shipments can be calculated via the BioZyme Dealer Center and the LTL Freight Calculator. Visit

NOTE: This tool and its results are for estimation purposes only. BioZyme, Inc makes no guarantees that these rates will be accurate when a shipment is rated and booked.



  • The impacts of coronavirus are being felt in the supply chain. The effect is most noticeable for vitamins, which have increased dramatically because of tight global supply. We are working diligently to mitigate the effects of the shortage to our products and minimize price increases.
  • Due to reduced fuel demand the ethanol industry has seen significant supply chain challenges. As a result of quality and supply issues we have changed to a new DDGS supplier with a more consistent product. This has resulted in a lighter bulk density and smaller particle size that is noticeable in some of our products. This has also influenced some drier, harder minerals in some cases than we are used to manufacturing.


  • On June 1, 2020, “VitaFerm®” will be removed from the Gain Smart® product names. This is to help differentiate the cow-calf VitaFerm line from the stocker Gain Smart line.


  • Stephen Mohn is no longer with BioZyme. Please contact Jamie Miller or Lisa Norton with any questions.
  • Caity Norton has started as the new Housekeeping & Sanitation Senior Manager and reports to Lisa Norton.
  • Jeremy Javers has joined BioZyme as our new Industrial Fermentation Innovation Manager and reports to Lisa Norton.

Dealer Spotlight: Proven Sires Services

Provides Nutrition Needs To Bull Customers and Others

Cattle producers are often said to be the original stewards of the land. Their genuine passion for caring for their land and livestock is in their blood. They know if they take care of their cattle and the land, the cattle will take care of them. Taking care of his cattle before and after the sale is how Mark Rohr, Proven Sres Services, Hays, Kansas, became a BioZyme® dealer in 2014.

As the owner of Lazy H Ranch, where he markets between 100-150 registered Angus and Charolais bulls each spring, he wanted to be sure that those bulls continued to receive the best nutrition possible after the sale. That’s when he became a dealer and started recommending his customers use the VitaFerm® and Vita Charge® products to keep their new bulls healthy and reproductively sound.

“I wanted to offer the best of the best for my bull customers. At least 35% of my customers have started feeding VitaFerm, and that accounts for at least 50% of my bull sales,” Rohr said.

As a VIP dealer, Rohr not only offers the best products to his customers; he also offers top-notch service. He connects with them each monthly, if not more often and makes sure they have everything they need. He answers their questions promptly and relies on his ASM and National Sales Director for answers when he doesn’t know the answers, knowing they will respond quickly.

He suggests utilizing the ASM as a lead to new customer relationships. He appreciates when the ASM makes a cold call first to explain the Amaferm® advantage and ROI of the various product lines. Then, he can follow-up and share his own unique experiences with his customers. As a user of the products, Rohr can give first-hand accounts of what the products do, how they work and the benefits he has experienced in his own herd.

Building trust is the first step in any business relationship, according to Rohr. To build trust he shares his own experiences and works potential customers using other products into the VitaFerm products gradually.

“Offer them a product we have that their company doesn’t. Something like Vita Charge to help reduce stress with vaccinations and weaning. Or if I want them to try the VitaFerm products, I tell them not to go full-bore, but to try it on half or part of their cows so they can see the difference for themselves,” he said.

Rohr hosts a customer appreciation event each summer. He also makes sure to have plenty of BioZyme and Amaferm information available at his sale so his customers can leave with the information they need about a high-quality nutrition program.

As the industry becomes somewhat more volatile, Rohr said sharing key benefits that can be looked at as opportunity costs of the products will be even more important than ever. For cattle producers those include conception rates, especially for those utilizing A.I. and embryo transfer, calf vigor at birth and cows cleaning themselves at calving. Bull fertility is also key.

“I am in partnership on another set of bulls on feed at another location, under different management but the same mineral program, using a different vet service, we had 100% semen check there, and that vet wanted to know what we do to make that happen. As far as fertility in our bulls, the VitaFerm mineral and Amaferm advantage has been awesome,” Rohr said.

With results like that, it’s easy to see how Rohr can use personal experiences to build his customer base and help his bull customers at the same time. Thanks for being a part of the dealer network, Mark!

Prep To Win With Sure Champ EVERY. DAY.

By now, your customers should have their summer show projects, and with schools transitioning to remote learning in mid-March, there’s no doubt many lessons were taught and learned in the barn throughout the month of April. Make sure those livestock projects keep healthy and stay on feed and water with the added nutrition from Sure Champ®.

Sure Champ is a line a of livestock show supplements that proactively work to assist with the challenges created by the show environment. But they also are effective while at home preparing for the shows. Sure Champ uses only the highest quality components and proprietary ingredients proven to generate high-yielding results. All Sure Champ products include Amaferm®, shown to impact intake, digestibility and absorption. Amaferm is research-proven to increase water and feed intake. In addition, research shows that Amaferm decreases body temperature in heat-stressed animals.

Including Sure Champ in your livestock’s diets every day will help them stay healthy, stay growing and help you achieve your goals in the show ring. Check out these great Sure Champ products:

  • Sure Champ® Cattle – 50 lb. bag – A pelleted, daily vitamin and mineral supplement for show cattle that can be top-dressed or mixed in a ration to improve digestive health, stimulate appetite and optimize health. Sure Champ Cattle contains organic zinc, copper and manganese and the maximum allowable level of selenium, as well as vitamins A, D and E along with niacin and B-12 for added growth, bloom and health.
  • Sure Champ® Ration Builder – 50 lb. bag – A 32% protein pelleted base mix, fully fortified with vitamins and minerals and the Amaferm ® advantage. Intended to use to build complete feeds for cattle creep, growing and finishing rations by adjusting inclusion rates.
  • Sure Champ® Extreme – 50 lb. bag or 25 lb. bucket – Formulated for all livestock species. A pelleted, daily supplement for show livestock that can be top-dressed or mixed in the ration to promote appetite and digestive health. Includes ingredients designed to help support animals during extreme temperatures and support hoof and coat care. Also contains garlic, considered a natural insect repellent, biotin and zinc for hoof and coat care.
  • Sure Champ® Spark® – 25 lb. bucket – A pelleted, concentrated daily supplement with Amaferm and MOS for show livestock that can be top-dressed or mixed in the ration to drive appetite to higher levels and improve digestive health. Also contains biotin and zinc to promote healthy skin, hair and hooves.

Check out all of the testimonials we have available to share with your customers now:

Dealer Spotlight: Jeff Cluxton & Sons

Second Generation Dealer Provides Services and Answers to Livestock Challenges

Providing a quality product to customers while delivering top-notch services are traits that come naturally for second-generation BioZyme dealer Jeff Cluxton, at Ripley, Ohio. Jeff’s dad, Tom, started using VitaFerm® products in 1974 and became a dealer. The family has appreciated the impact that the BioZyme products have had on their 175 head cow herd and have shared that with their peers.

“VitaFerm’s been good to us. It’s a product that we strongly believe in as users of it, so it helps us be able to sell it to people. We’ve always used the product here on the farm, so we know what works best for people.

If they are in the embryo world, we try to direct people to Concept•Aid® products. Even our commercial cattle producers, will use the Concept•Aid 8/S or the Concept•Aid tub,” Jeff said.

Perhaps the thing that differentiates Jeff and assists him in helping others is the relationship that his family has had with local veterinarian Brian Cowdrey. According to Jeff, Dr. Cowdrey’s parents used the VitaFerm products and now he uses them too. And when a client has a challenge that can be fixed with the help of a nutrition product, the vet sends his client Jeff’s way, which Jeff says makes for a unique situation.

“If the customer will be obedient and do what the veterinarian recommends, we get a lot of business from Dr. Cowdrey. Word of mouth from the vet drives a lot of my business. About four to five years ago we had an outbreak of anaplasmosis here in the county, and word of mouth and VitaFerm offering CTC and IGR became a very popular product around here,” he said.

But that isn’t the only relationship that has helped Jeff grow his business. He said he’s been able to market the VitaFerm Gain Smart® Stocker and Vita Charge® Stress Tubs to the Buckeye Valley Beef Cooperative. The group of local, younger beef producing families are working to raise beef for the consumer to buy from the farm or through local retail outlets, with the knowledge that this beef is locally sourced and has never been treated for sickness. This group of progressive cattle producers has used the Gain Smart Stocker to help ensure the cattle they are feeding for their ultimate customers put on healthy, efficient pounds and meet their strict criteria. He said they use the Stress Tubs at weaning.

As an on-farm dealer, Jeff says he is always available to help his customers. He does chuckle that his wife suggests he set some office hours, but he says he’s here to help. For instance, he has an old truck that he’ll leave a bag or two of mineral in if someone is in the area at a kid or grandkid’s ball game and wants to pick it up. He even tells about a customer who drove out of his way to get 20 bags because Jeff had the product he wanted on hand.

“I won’t turn down a customer. I will help someone out. People are busy, but you can gain a lot of business by being flexible,” Jeff said.

He shares a story from last Christmas. Since he’s also an Umbarger dealer, he has the chance to sell Weaver show supplies. Somebody had ordered a show box for Christmas gift. He offered to wrap and deliver to the customer’s front porch on Christmas Eve when that family was at another Christmas celebration. The customer was overjoyed by the service Jeff provided. He said by providing that type of service, he sees the potential of a return customer for show feed or breeding mineral in the long-term.

One of the most valuable lessons Jeff learned from his dad, and one he shares is to always be willing to find out the answer to a question when you don’t know the answer.

“Always be truthful and honest to your customer, and they will always come back to you. If you don’t know the answer, be willing to say you don’t know but you will find out. That goes a long way for you.”

Jeff Cluxton & Sons is a dealer that shows care that comes full circle while differentiating his business through long-time user experience and outstanding customer service. He’s sharing the knowledge from his dad with his customers in Western Ohio. Thanks for being a great dealer, Jeff!