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How to Position Vita Charge for Weaning

Need help positioning Vita Charge? We have you covered.
Vita Charge® is a multi-specie livestock supplement that provides a powerful dose of vitamins, B vitamins and the Amaferm® advantage for those stressful times when livestock need protection or assistance in recovery. Vita Charge is available in many forms making application easy depending on what is best for your animal.

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Video testimonials and the new American Rancher show featuring Vita Charge are available on the media page at www.vitaferm.com.
Visit: https://vitaferm.com/media/#vitacharge

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There are some great educational pieces about VitaFerm Gain Smart available on the blog at www.vitaferm.com/blog.

Some of the newer ones to check out are:

Dealer Spotlight: Wilde Angus

When Wilde Angus Ranch started using VitaFerm® and Vita Charge® products on their registered Angus herd in northwest Minnesota, the partner-owners were excited about the added performance and results they saw in their herd, and knew they needed to explore the opportunity to become dealers.

“If we are going to use the product, there is an immediate benefit to becoming a dealer, but more importantly, I thought I could help people. That is the core of what we do anyway. We try to help people improve their herd health and genetics in their cow herd, so it was a natural fit for us,” said Don Abarr, Wilde Angus Ranch.

Abarr is not a high-pressure salesman, and primarily talks to his personal contacts in the livestock business. However, when he shares his own successes with the products, others listen.

“When we began using the mineral, we could tell that the cattle were immediately off to a great start. Of the 170 bulls on feed, only 6 of them did not gain at least three pounds per day. The rest were 3.80. A huge number of those calves were up over four pounds, so they just really excelled in performance,” Abarr said of his own personal experiences. “It’s one of the reasons it helps me sell the products, too. I tell them this is what it’s done for me, and they say, ‘Holy cats. Can I do that?’ Here’s how you do it!”

He already has Vita Charge Cattle Drench on hand for fall weaning, and the Drench is one of his favorite products to share with customers and potential customers. He’s had great success marketing VitaFerm Concept•Aid® and VitaFerm HEAT® mineral and said he enjoys finding out what a producer’s needs are then matching them to a product.

“We had a customer referral come in, who lives in an area low in phosphorus, but we did leg work to be sure that that Concept•Aid 5/S would be sufficient. We were able to save the customer money while providing them with a nutrition packet that isn’t overkill,” Abarr said, believing that meeting producer needs like this will help grow his business.

Wilde Angus will host its first-ever producer meeting in August at the ranch. In addition to providing education on nutritional needs and the BioZyme® products, the meeting will be in conjunction with a BQA certification.

“I’m excited to be a dealer and look forward to helping people. I don’t have all the answers, and when we don’t have the answers, we reach out to the resources at BioZyme and find them, follow up and come back with something we know to be accurate, instead of winging it and guessing,” Abarr said.

Helping others, providing service and sharing results are what makes Don Abarr an outstanding advocate for the BioZyme brands.

Check Out a Sneak Peak of Our Upcoming Episode of The American Rancher!

A new episode of The American Rancher will appear on August 5th at 9 PM EST on RFD-TV. This episode will feature World Champion Auctioneer, and Superior’s own, Charly Cummings. In addition to his duties with Superior, Charly and his family run 700 cows and raise more than 1000 yearlings each year in Yates Center, Kansas.

Check out a sneak preview here: https://youtu.be/wzZ3aAmWu0U

This episode will re-air Tuesday, August 6th at 1 AM EST and Sunday, August 11th at Noon EST

Dealer Spotlight: Fayette AG

Fayette AG uses Tools to Provide Care that Comes Full Circle

When it comes to decoding the mystery of growth, one progressive dealer who addressed the store dealers shared his answer at the recent Dealer Retreat. Use the tools provided, educate your customers and provide top-quality customer service.

Mike Renfroe, Fayette AG Center, Fayette, Ala., said they are a feed mill that opted to add BioZyme® products to its vast mix of mineral products, after he reconnected with an old rodeo acquaintance Rowdy Pope, now an Area Sales Manager for BioZyme. Renfroe thought if he could sell two or three tons that first year, he’d be doing well.

“Rowdy convinced us to host a producer meeting that first year. We had 85 people show up and by the end of year one, we had sold 160 tons of product,” Renfroe said.

Renfroe said after a first year with phenomenal sales and support from the BioZyme staff, he realized what set BioZyme apart from other nutrition companies besides its premium product, was the support it offered its dealers.

“BioZyme is one of the best at finding answers for its dealers and their customers,” he said. “The people are always there to help us and if they don’t know the answer right away, they will find an answer for us.”

In addition to hosting producer meetings and having a presence at some of his customer-hosted field days, Fayette AG also takes advantage of other programs available to dealers. Renfroe has worked with the BioZyme marketing team to produce radio advertisements and has also completed the Master Dealer Training Program, to help him become more knowledgeable about the products.

“The Master Dealer Program was one of the better things I did to help grow my business,” Renfroe said.

The support and care that comes full circle from the BioZyme staff has created a significant shift in the way he does business and the products he sells. Renfroe said that he started with just a small section of his warehouse with the BioZyme products, but now those products get a bulk of the space and the other supplement brands get just a corner. Much of that is due to the services provided and the communication and support he receives. He said once he places an order with the “other brands” he never hears from them again, yet with BioZyme, he has phone calls and emails and follow-up from his ASM and the Outreach Support Center, something he greatly appreciates.

And those services BioZyme provides that he can pass down to his customers like feed testing and ration balancing, speak volumes and make a difference to his end-users. Vista Farms Managers Scott and Sarah McElfresh said services like pulling forage samples and receiving complete forage analyses are some of the great services they appreciate that Fayette AG offers through BioZyme. Scott said when he took the completed analyses to his Extension service to help him determine rations, they too were impressed with the complete information, making it more efficient to determine what Vista Farms needed to add to their nutrition program.

“The customer service like that Mike and BioZyme provides is what made us go all in,” Scott said.

And that service is care that comes full circle – from the tools and customer support that the company offers Renfroe and Fayette AG and the outstanding service and products he can provide his customers so they can produce a quality product for the consumer.

Gain Smart Positioning Tools

Need help positioning Gain Smart? We have you covered. VitaFerm Gain Smart is a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for beef cattle with the Amaferm advantage that promotes economically produced pounds by maximizing the natural energy and protein available in forage.
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