How To Use Videos Effectively In Business

Everyone likes to have a choice. Even in the world of digital marketing and social media, you as a business operator have choices, but one thing is clear as we enter the final quarter of 2020, video should be included in your marketing plan. Videos put a face in front of your audience, building trust and credibility, and videos encourage social share, which increases your company’s exposure.

BioZyme primarily uses two forms of videos on its social channels to reach its audience, depending on the goal, a prerecorded video or a Facebook Live. Both formats are fairly simple to produce and post to your social platforms. BioZyme marketing experts, Jessie Judge, Marketing Brand Coordinator, and Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Coordinator, share insight on how dealers can use video to help grow their businesses.

What are the advantages of a Facebook Live session?

Fitzsimmons: Facebook Live is great for those bits of information that are exciting, catchy and you really want to get people’s attention quickly! Live’s are great for the initial announcement of something new coming to your business, a promotion that’s happening in a certain timeframe or a quick in-person interview with someone on an event that just happened (i.e. winners at livestock shows, quick hit with a customer that just sold well on Superior or someone gearing up for their bull sale and has seen amazing results on your products). The benefit of live videos is the ability to capture true emotion, reaction and excitement of what you’re telling your customers.

Judge: You can’t deny that if you see a “LIVE VIDEO” advertisement, you are naturally more intrigued to want to check it out and watch it. Facebook Live videos provide you with the ability to see all the names of your followers jumping on to watch and see the sheer number of participants logging on to your view your video in live time. Another benefit of live video is the ability to directly address questions from the consumer and engage with the audience as comments and questions come in on the live feed. From an analytics standpoint, the Facebook algorithm also re-generates the live videos more often on followers’ timelines.

What advice do you have for a Facebook Live?

Judge: Plan an outline a day or so in advance. Don’t wait until 15 minutes before you go live to jot down points you want to mention. Identify your goal and key talking points that need to be discussed, organize them in a way that makes sense to deliver and practice a few times, so when the nerves set in you will be prepared to stay on target. Also, think of some potential questions you might get so you have the information cued up in your mind and can answer incoming questions quickly and clearly. Take a deep breath and loosen up as you get started! Once the Live begins, announce you will wait for a few more to jump in and encourage those watching to interact – such as “Let us know you’re watching by sending us a message in the comments or waving!” or encourage them to ask questions during the Live video. Engaging with simple conversations reduces the level of awkwardness at the start while you are waiting for more to join.

When would you use a prerecorded video?

Fitzsimmons: Prerecorded videos provide that extra level of professionalism that comes with the ability to do a couple takes, edit out any pieces that aren’t completely on message. These videos are great for more in-depth product information and training, customer testimonials and any content that you’d like to use more than once. These let viewers in on more than just the immediate and exciting and learn more about the whole picture, the story or the detailed selling points of your business, your product or your own personal story.

What kind of equipment is needed to make my videos?

Fitzsimmons: A cell phone or laptop computer is all you need for a Facebook Live. Again, these aren’t supposed to look like “in the studio” professional shot videos. The true selling factor and nature of these videos is the authenticity of the feel! Honestly, for prerecorded videos a cell phone or computer can work just as well, the investment would just be the editing software and time learning.

Judge: For pre-recorded videos, there is a bit more flexibility in regard to what you would like to use depending on how you intend to utilize the video. If it is a video being posted to social media, then a cell phone or laptop is great – maybe get a small microphone to plug into your phone or computer port to amplify sound quality, but this is not necessary. If you are looking to post a pre-recorded video to a website or other digital outlets, a camera and microphone may help create a higher quality video that matches the quality of a website; however, it is not necessary to have a professional camera and mic for a video posted digitally. It is really up to you and the goals you have or what look you are going for.

Both Fitzsimmons and Judge agree that a Facebook Live shouldn’t last more than three minutes. A pre-recorded video should run 3 to 5 minutes.

Most everyone has a smart phone, tablet or laptop. So, start creating those videos. Make a plan. Find your spokesperson, and watch your social engagement grow!

Why Is Video Vital To Your Success Right Now?

Every day it seems like an increasing number of “in-person” events are being cancelled or transitioned to virtual. Conferences and field days are now virtual, local sporting events (if your kids or grandkids even get to play) are limiting attendance to two spectators per player, and even regular meetings like the PTO and County Commissioners are meeting online.

It’s a challenge to have the same personal interaction you once had with customers and potential customers, but you can still get your face and voice out there and make a personal connection with video.

“In a time when everything is cancelled, postponed and interaction is limited, video outlets give you the best opportunity to communicate with your customers in a way that still feels engaging and face-to-face,” said Jessie Judge, BioZyme® Inc. Marketing Brand Coordinator. “Additionally, in 2020 there is an influx in the total number of people who are passing time on their computers and phones, and thus in the case of video, this may be setting you up to reach even more customers with your digital efforts!”

Not only are more people on their phones and tablets, but video is effective because like personal relationships, seeing a face, helps build trust. According to an article, the area in the human brain called the fusiform face area solely recognizes faces, and facial recognition leads to trust.

“Nielsen’s Trust in Advertising reports rank recommendations from someone we know, or feel like we know, as the most trusted. Producing in-house video content lets your audience get to know you in a dynamic way. Ongoing content not only allows for experimentation, it enables you to build trust, even when you can’t be there in person,” according to the article 1.

Ashley Fitzsimmons, BioZyme’s Regional Marketing Coordinator, works with the ASMs and the dealers to make sure their messages are timely and synergistic with the national advertising program. She agrees that video is important and here to stay.

“It’s a digital world, and video is king, again, especially during all that 2020 has thrown at us. Video gives the ability to reach our customers where they are on their phones and convey a message that takes minimal input effort on their side. Watching is easier than reading,” she said.

This summer, BioZyme offered more digital messages than ever before – hosting a three-night mini-series Facebook Live, “How to #Preptowin in a Pandemic,” conducting a youth leadership and development conference, Sure Champ® Advanced Leadership Event (SCALE), hosting two virtual producer meetings in the spring and making numerous new product announcements using Facebook Live. All of these events had tremendous success and allowed for face-to-face interaction through the use of video.

“Any successful tactic is successful because of the planning that takes place ahead of time. With all the virtual, video and digital events we created or hosted this summer, it was key that our team identified the right timing to launch these efforts and develop the content that our customers wanted or needed to hear from speakers that could convey the message best. The team planning and effort on everyone’s part helped us to deliver successful video and virtual campaigns that gave us a lot of digital traction and face time with our customers,” Judge said.

Judge and Fitzsimmons agree that it isn’t always easy to measure if your digital video presence was effective, but if you start with a goal in mind, that will help you measure your video’s effectiveness.

“Social media has trained us that quantity is what’s important. But in all actuality the quality of views is way more important. Now, you can’t sell a product or service if people aren’t viewing your content; but, I think we need to keep in mind with all digital media that the true effectiveness should be measured on cost of transaction versus number who took action,” Fitzsimmons said.

Judge agrees and said that organic involvement with your followers is vital. “The more key customers you can get to share your content, the more reach you will have and the better you can get your message out there. When customers share your video, you can see who is sharing it and if they are commenting, which goes hand in hand with Ashley’s comment about quality of views and engagement.”

Nothing will ever replace the warmth of a smile or the grasp of a firm handshake. However, with today’s technology, video allows us to be in multiple places with multiple people and still have “face-to-face” interaction. Video is here to stay. Incorporate it into your marketing strategy and watch your business grow.

Source: 1 –

Letters From Lisa – October 2020

Staying Connected in Disconnected Times

Salespeople are naturally resilient and strong, but how do we keep selling in COVID-19 times? It is part of our DNA to keep going, quickly recovering from the many rejections we receive from prospects and the market, and this time is no different. More than ever, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and tackle the situation.

Whilst many people believe businesses should completely shut down and that now isn’t a time to buy and sell, we understand that the economic impact on businesses and families will be more detrimental if companies stop buying and selling. We need to be creative and quick to adapt to new challenges while supporting team members, partners and clients as much as possible.

How to adapt

Many events are being canceled or turned into virtual conferences, and the face to face element and networking opportunities are no longer possible, which in turn drastically decreases the number of leads and engagements. So, how do we adapt to the new reality?

Switch the focus to two channels:

  • Digital – which means webinars, digital advertising, trainings, content, etc.
  • Proactive Outreach / Outbound Prospecting – which means a more human and tailored approach to get in touch with prospects via phone, Zoom, email or social.

When using video, phone, email or zoom, there are still a few elements that need to be taken into consideration when you reach out to a prospect. For example:

  • Empathy – We are all human beings and maybe the person you are reaching out to has a close friend or family member that just lost a job, or even worse, is ill. The first thing to do in your outreach is to be human, address the issue, and feel the vibe of the conversation.
  • Tone – The tone is fundamental in your approach. If you sense that the person on the other side of the line is not open to a conversation, make sure you back up, and don’t be too pushy.
  • Be patient and resilient Some people won’t take it well that you are still trying to drive business in tough times. You will have to be even more resilient and work harder to get into conversations that will be open and interactive.

People are more open to talk

Currently, a lot of people are working from home, meaning that they are much more receptive for interaction and happy to talk. Now is the time to have more conversations and to build relationships. Talk to people, listen to their challenges, understand their point of view and empathize with the situation. Whenever they need you or your solution in the future, they will remember you, so put all of your efforts into these calls. This will be crucial for your success in the future, even if not right now.

Look after your customers

In times where business may slow down, it’s time to look after your customers and make sure you are providing them with the value they need. It is an opportunity to get closer to your clients and strengthen these relationships. Understand the challenges they are facing and be flexible in your business terms. Once this all is over – and it will be they will remember the companies that stood by their side.

Changes Coming in October 2020


  • Sure Champ® Joint Juice will be available October 1, 2020 in half gallon and gallon sizes. Sure Champ Joint Juice is a joint product for show livestock powered by MHB3® Hyaluronan, the most highly researched and proven hyaluronic acid available. It is carefully crafted to naturally support, promote and enhance joint and soft tissue health.


  • The Vita Charge Stress Tub (50 lb and 200 lb) and Vita Charge Stress Tub HEAT are being upgraded in October to a new and improved formula that now includes a temperature tolerant probiotic to work synergistically with Amaferm® to replenish and stimulate gut bacteria. The new formula will begin shipping out on October 5th, 2020. The old formula has been sold out and is not available. Orders for the new one may be entered at any time but will not ship until the 5th of October.
  • Vitalize® Alimend K9 (for dogs) is now shipping in case quantities of 6 of the 6 oz. bottles. This is a great product for those dogs who have chronic digestive upset.
  • Feedback from our Dealers and Sales Team has prompted us to change the case quantity of the Vitalize® Horse Treats. A case now contains 12 of the 2-lb. bags. These treats come all the way from Germany and are made by a horse feed company (Eggersmann) that has been in the same family for over 50 years. They are great people who live horses and have made these treats out of that love.


  • In October, the shrink wrap used to wrap pallets during manufacturing will be changing from clear to orange.


  • On August 1, 2020 BioZyme® implented a manufacturer’s minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policy around all of the small package animal products sold by BioZyme and our sister company Cogent Solutions Group. In order to purchase small pack products, you must acknowledge receipt of the policy. Click Here to fill out the Acknowledgement Form


  • Cogent Solutions Group’s animal joint health products are now available on the BioZyme Price List to help streamline the ordering process for dealers. This includes: Hyaluronex® (gallon and half gallon sizes), Trixsyn® Canine, and Trixsyn® Feline. Cogent Solutions Group’s human joint and skin care products can still be ordered by contacting Courtney Keller at 859-259-0300. These products have 7 patents behind their impact on joint health. They work!


  • Sarah Cravens has joined BioZyme as our General Counsel.
  • Maddie Dollar has joined BioZyme as our Organizational Development Intern.
  • Kori McLaughlin will join the BioZyme team on October 5, 2020 as the new Area Sales Manager for Iowa.



  • At BioZyme we take great pride in our manufacturing facility and the products we produce. As with any manufacturing facility, maintenance occurs all the time and from time to time repair projects are needed. When you experience growth and a desire for continuous quality improvement, more intensive upgrades need to occur. It is in that vein that we share the news that BioZyme will be undertaking a significant plant improvement project. The project will run from November 16th, 2020 through December 4th, 2020.



  • On December 31, 2020, VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G and VitaFerm® Cattleman’s Blend™ AUREO 3G IGR will be discontinued due to declining sales.

Dealer Spotlight: Conserve’s Diversity Helps Grow Customer Base

Dealers are the heartbeat of the BioZyme ® organization. They connect the end-users to the products that help the animals stay healthy and performing. During times of unprecedented challenges, like a pandemic and uncertain markets, BioZyme developed the VitaFerm Conserve line to help dealers reach a new market of customers and keep Amaferm in front of their existing customers.

Read what some dealers had to say about Conserve and how it’s helped them grow their customer base.

“BioZyme hit the nail on the head with Conserve. With the world in somewhat of a crisis and producers having a lot of questions about what the markets are going to be like this fall, BioZyme offered a good basic mineral. The first cost a rancher is going to cut is mineral. With VitaFerm Conserve, they can still get a good basic mineral package with Amaferm included. I’ve brought in a few new customers at the Conserve price point that were interested in the Amaferm advantage that I might not have gotten otherwise. I’ve sold a lot of the Conserve with Garlic since the IGR has to be put out early in the year to help with fly control. After about a week, the garlic is helping with the flies. The customer response has been good, and their cattle are looking good.” – Tee Hale, Union Center, South Dakota

“I’ve gained at least two new customers by offering the Conserve mineral this spring to people who just want to save money. The guys in my area don’t want to spend extra on their mineral, so this has been a welcome addition to the VitaFerm line.” – James Bartonek, Olmitz, Kansas

“If I could summarize the new Conserve mineral in one word, it would be diversity because you can go so many different routes with it. The various forms are a big advantage. When times are tough, guys can still get a nice range mineral and have the garlic in there for fly control. I think that is the biggest thing right there. I’m excited to give my customers an economical line that competes with other brands, and it seems to be doing well for customers who have bought it. You can get it in various forms, in these challenging times that we are facing with the coronavirus and all the markets not cooperating the way we want them to, it gives guys more options to stay with BioZyme and keep using our products.” – Blake Bauer, Bingham, Illinois

The Vita Charge Stress Tubs are getting an upgrade!

The New and Improved Vita Charge Stress Tubs are now formulated with the inclusion of heat tolerant Bacillus spores that act as a probiotic to replenish the good bugs in the gut, while Amaferm works to sustain that balance once replenished.

*The new formula will begin shipping out on October 5th, 2020.

VitaFerm Conserve: Save Many with Several Choices

Cutting spending is something everyone can get on board with. But cutting spending while still having several choices – that is just about too good to be true. However, with the VitaFerm® Conserve™ line, producers do have several options to choose from, depending on their specific needs.

A one-size-fits all mineral program doesn’t typically work for everyone, all times of the year. That is why BioZyme has formulated the VitaFerm Conserve in five additional formulas to the original. Producers can choose the product right for their particular situation.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ This original vitamin and mineral supplement contains Amaferm® to provide your herd the health benefits they need. It supports the health and condition of the entire herd and like all but one of the other formulas comes in a loose form.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ CTC 3G This is another economical supplement choice for beef cattle, that includes CTC for the control of Anaplasmosis. This formula is ideal to feed while cattle are grazing or during breeding season. Remember, since 2017, a VFD is required to purchase and feed anything with CTC or any other medicated feed.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ GARLIC This loose mineral combines both Amaferm and garlic, making it an ideal summer mineral. Amaferm is research-proven to maintain body temperature. Garlic is added to naturally deter insects.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ MAG This is an economical mineral and vitamin supplement that is fortified with high levels of magnesium to help prevent grass tetany. If you are in region susceptible to tetany, your customers might consider this in the spring or early summer or any time they start feeding hay that has yet to be tested.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ MOS The newest product in the line, the combination of Amaferm and MOS make this supplement a great choice any time of the year to maximize herd health cost efficiently. The added MOS helps trap and remove harmful pathogens from the digestive tract, eliminating their ability to do harm.

VITAFERM® CONSERVE™ PROTEIN TUB This 200-pound cooked tub contains all the same benefits from the vitamins, minerals and Amaferm as the loose mineral, but has the added protein needed when forage quality is low. The 20% added protein is ideal for feeding as summer slips away to fall and the grasses change their nutrient content. The tubs also add convenience to distributing the mineral.

Everybody likes a choice, and with a quality base of vitamins, minerals and the Amaferm advantage, the VitaFerm Conserve is a great choice for those producers looking for an economically friendly supplement for their herd.

Break Into the Market with a Conservative Price Point

The cattle market isn’t painting a pretty picture right now. Markets, environmental challenges and a pandemic are making producers reevaluate their spending. Producers are pinching pennies, but the one area we don’t want them to sacrifice is the health of their herd. That’s why BioZyme® created the VitaFerm® Conserve™ line of mineral products.

VitaFerm Conserve was created as an economical vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. This supplement is the ideal way for your customers’ cattle to receive the nutrients they need along with the Amaferm® advantage.

“I encourage my dealers to position the VitaFerm Conserve as a price-point mineral or a way to get their foot in the door with a new customer,” said Brett Tostenson, Area Sales Manager for South Dakota and Eastern North Dakota. “In my area, producers want to know their per head per day cost, and with roughly 11 cents per cow per day to feed Conserve with Amaferm in it, it is easy to market that.”

Tostenson said he’s been marketing and seeing his dealers sell quite a bit of the VitaFerm Conserve Garlic. He encourages that formula, especially for new customers because they see results fast.

“People want a quick reaction. Within a week to 10 days, the producers can see the garlic is helping control flies in their herd all while getting some baseline nutrients,” he said.

With a price point comparable to other nutrition programs, he is encouraged by the reaction he and his dealers have seen since the product’s launch. He sees the potential for selling even more once temperatures cool and end-users stop using the VitaFerm HEAT® mineral and before they move into their premium mineral option ofVitaFerm Concept•Aid®.

“For about 120 days or so, between HEAT season and late spring calving, ranchers will be able to feed the Conserve mineral. They can cut their supplement costs while still having their cows on a good plane of nutrition,” Tostenson said.

He also said he’s seen some new, younger customers order multiple pallets of Conserve because they realize the value of a good nutrition program but have to watch their expenses. He hopes these customers will see the value of Amaferm in the mineral, and when calving time comes, ask their dealer about a premium product.

Finally, Tostenson suggests that dealers use their own knowledge of their existing customer base to determine the right customers to position VitaFerm Conserve to. He said most seedstock producers are hooked on the Concept•Aid and HEAT program, so marketing the Conserve line to commercial producers and new customers is often a good step. Building on current relationships and knowing your customers’ needs is key because at the end of the day, “people want to buy from people,” he said.

Saving money during uncertain times is often the key to survival. Position the VitaFerm Conserve as a way for your customers to conserve spending without sacrificing health and performance in their herd. Help your customers save some money and watch your business grow.

3 Steps to Effectively Market Conserve

BioZyme® rolled out several new products this spring in an effort to help you help your customers. VitaFerm® Conserve™ was developed as a way to keep your customers’ cattle healthy and performing at a competitive price point. We’ve launched the product. You’ve got the customers who are looking to save money, so it’s time to spread the word on this great new product.

Ashley Fitzsimmons, BioZyme Regional Marketing Coordinator, offers some timely advice to dealers.

1. Get the word out to all your customers.

If your customers aren’t aware of a new product, they are not going to buy it. And with the cost savings that VitaFerm Conserve offers during these economic times, they need to know specifically about this product. Do you advertise on your local radio station or with the local newspaper? Do you have a social media platform you use to connect to your customers?

“Let our marketing team help you with the resources we currently have available: sell sheets and literature, both digital and printed; or let us help you come up with a custom mailer, print ad, radio spot or social post. However, your audience likes to be communicated with, get in that space about the benefits of this product,” Fitzsimmons said.

2. Put together a target list and go after those individuals.

Everyone has customers that understand and know they want the Amaferm® advantage. But maybe they just haven’t made that buying decision yet, or price is currently keeping them out of that space. This is the mineral option for them; they just need you to tell them about it. Make that target list and give them a call or go visit them with your ASM. Make those sales calls and use Conserve to get in the door to their business!

3. Just stock it.

That might sound pretty basic, but you can’t sell what you don’t have. Fitzsimmons suggests that with this product packing the added punch of that recognizable and reputable VitaFerm logo on the side and then also being an economical option, it’s going to sell if it’s on your floor.

“Set it right next to your other VitaFerm products and this mineral will do half the marketing and selling for you.”

Communicate. Use your BioZyme Marketing Team and ASM. Keep the VitaFerm Conserve in stock. Follow these three simple steps to help you help your customers and their herds stay healthy.

Keep Nutrition Program in the Herd

Care that comes full circle is the BioZyme® company motto, and those are the words that our staff and employees live by every day. One of the best ways we can offer care to the livestock that our customers raise is to make sure those animals are receiving the daily nutrition they need to survive and thrive now and in years to come.

Nutrition is vital to a herd’s success. VitaFerm® Conserve™ was formulated as an economical vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle that supports the health and condition of the whole herd. Though many producers might think cutting their mineral program is one way to save money during uncertain times, cutting a mineral program can negatively impact the herd now and in the future.

Eliminating a mineral program can have detrimental effects, including decreased reproduction efficiency, decreased utilization of forages and an increase in potential health challenges. Cutting out mineral can potentially lead to poor conception rates, more open cows and an extended calving window. It can also lead to poor pasture management and performance. Additionally, vaccines often lose their effectiveness without the assistance of a mineral program.

“We are excited to offer VitaFerm Conserve to our customers who want to conserve costs without giving up the benefits of a balanced and fortified mineral package along with the Amaferm® advantage, 365 days out of the year,” said Jack Oattes, BioZyme Regional Business Manager.

VitaFerm Conserve is a way to provide an adequate nutrition program to the herd when reproductive success is not the key focus. Although it doesn’t contain the organic trace minerals and the additional nutrients, it is a balanced vitamin and mineral program that contains adequate nutrients to maintain the herd. In addition to the vitamin and mineral package, Conserve contains Amaferm. Amaferm is a precision prebiotic that impacts intake, digestion and absorption of available feedstuffs, ensuring the most energy from your feed and forage. The balanced nutrients combined with the Amaferm helps keep your cattle healthy, performing and gaining.

Getting Amaferm into your cattle’s diets is one of the best ways you can care for them. Although many producers have researched and heard about Amaferm, some of them considered the extra-fortification of premium mineral programs with Amaferm out of their price range.

“VitaFerm Conserve was purposefully crafted with the producer in mind as an economical line of vitamin and mineral supplements for the beef cattle herd that complements our existing products during the times of year when reproduction isn’t the primary focus,” Oattes said.

All animals deserve a mineral program. An adequate nutrition source like the VitaFerm Conserve will help support overall herd health and immune function while improving reproductive efficiency. In addition, vitamin and mineral programs help bolster growth and performance and mitigate side effects of mineral deficiencies.

If producers go without mineral, they are losing out on health improvements, performance improvements & reproductive improvements. Keep your customers’ herds healthy and thriving with a program that supplies sufficient nutrients and Amaferm.