Get That Good Gut Feeling With Vitalize

Did you know that 67% of U.S. households have at least one dog? That’s a whopping 85 million households with dogs, and surely some of those are your existing customers. As “man’s best friend” dog owners want what is best for their four-legged friends and will oftentimes spend any amount of money on food, vet costs, toys and supplies to make sure their fur babies are happy and healthy.

That’s why BioZyme® has created a canine line of Vitalize® products, specifically formulated with the Amaferm® advantage to maintain that “good gut feeling.” Just like the equine Vitalize, this line of supplements is designed to improve digestive health and gut integrity, keeping your customer’s animal healthy and performing.

Regardless if their canine companion is a working cow dog, show dog, hunting dog, guard dog or a sit on your lap and look cute dog, your customers want what is best for it. Vitalize offers three forms of supplements for dogs:

  • Vitalize® Dog – available in 1 lb. or 40 lb. bucket – a top dress vitamin and mineral supplement for dogs in all stages of life that need or deserve extra fortification and improved digestive health.
  • Vitalize® Dog Recovery Gel – 15 mL tube – a 3-in-1 gel that provides faster recovery during stressful times such as high performance, antibiotic therapy, worming, surgery recovery, sickness or digestive upset such as diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Vitalize® Alimend® K9 – 6 oz. bottle – unique blend of: MHB3® Hyaluronan, H. erinaceous (Lion’s mane) extract, and AO-Biotics® that supports gastric health and GI tissue in dogs.

Horses can face numerous health challenges, including colic, ulcers, dysbiosis, weight management problems, going off-feed, and diarrhea. The equine line of Vitalize products offers research-proven solutions to help combat these problems. These supplements contain precision prebiotics to improve digestive health and gut integrity, keeping your customer’s horse healthy and performing. If they are good enough for some of the world’s best show jumpers and rodeo athletes, aren’t they good enough for your customers? To help your customer decide which Vitalize supplement is right for his or her horse, visit the Simplified Product Guide.

Check out what some of our customers had to say!

Don’t Miss Our Next Episode of The American Rancher Tonight!

TODAY IS THE DAY!! Don’t miss our next episode of The American Rancher airing tonight at 9 PM EST on RFD-TV.
This episode features Tracy and Wendy Savage with Lumberjack Farm and Ranch in Warren, AR and our VitaFerm HEAT products.
Tune in to Dish channel 231 or DirecTV Channel 345.
Check out a sneak peek here:

Don’t Miss Out On Our Vitalize Equine Health Seminar!

Our Vitalize Equine Health Seminar will take place on April 23rd at 5 PM central featuring Lynsey Whitacre, PhD discussing The Impacts of Stress on Your Horse. This Seminar is completely FREE to attend, so be sure to sign up and invite your customers too!

You and your customers can sign up using this link:

BioZyme COVID-19 Information

Below you will find important information about BioZyme’s response to the challenge of COVID-19. To ensure you receive any important updates, please sign up for our text alerts by clicking the link in the top right corner of the Online Dealer Center.

Official Government Issued COVID-19 Information:
We encourage you to be aware of the best practices outlined by the CDC and WHO in an effort to prevent the spread of illness.

FAQs About COVID-19

Steps to Help Prevent the Spread of COVD-19

Families First Coronavirus Response Act


Important Information for BioZyme Dealers:
We understand the growing concern surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) across our communities. From the onset of this situation, we have been listening to the experts as we work to meet the challenges of this extraordinary situation. We are closely monitoring and following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), to ensure we are doing our part to keep everyone in our circle safe, but continue to be able to feed the amazing animals that ultimately contribute to our survival.

We are actively monitoring the situation and assessing risks and are ready to implement immediate changes to ensure a high level of safety and provide the best possible experience during this time.

  • We have introduced rigorous additional cleaning procedures to our facilities and have increased the number of wipes, hand sanitizers, and other cleaning materials available to employees while in our facilities.
  • We’ve taken sensible steps to help protect our team of employees. This means we’ve advised our employees to follow the public health authorities’ guidance regarding personal health and hygiene. Additionally, we’ve implemented significant social-distancing measures that include moving some of our workforce to home office environments and suspending all non-essential in-person meetings and travel.
  • We have advised our sales team against in-person visits as we assess the ongoing situation. We have a talented sales team who knows their territories best, and regardless if they see you in person or not, they will be working from home to best represent you. They will still be accessible via phone, email and text, so reach out to them with your questions or ideas of how we can grow business (times like these tend to help us think).
  • Our buildings remain open to transportation and essential visitors.  If you have any questions the local number to reach our Customer Care team is: 1-800-821-3070.

Our employees, customers and business partners are the heart of our company and we look forward to serving your needs wherever and however you choose to engage with our products and services.



How BioZyme is Protecting Our Employees:
BioZyme Infectious Disease Preparedness & Response Plan.

Vendor / Visitor Entrance
Vendors and visitors will not be allowed in the building unless:

  1. It is an employee support vendor. If this is case, they must fill out this BioZyme Health Screening Survey and email it to Sam Norton ( before arriving.
  1. If the vendor or visitor is not an employee support vendor or on the approved visitor list – they will not be allowed in the buildings until after the shelter in place for Saint Joseph, Missouri is no longer in effect.

Essential Employee Letter:
Employees that must come to the Stockyards or Easton facilities to ensure production of our products continues uninterrupted are being provided an essential employee letter to carry with them. Click Here to download the letter.
All employees who are able to work remotely are doing so, including the Sales Team, International Team, Outreach Support Center, Marketing Team and Office Support Staff.

Changes Happening in April 2020


  • VitaFerm® Sure Start Pellets and VitaFerm® Roughage Fortifier have been discontinued.


  • FedEx has agreed to reduce the 50-70 lb. handling fee from $24 down to $6. We are still working on getting the entire fee waived but did get a 75% reduction. Currently, this impacts orders of any 50 lb. bagged product and cases of Vita Charge Drench.
  • As of March 1, 2020, fulfillment of small pack products [Page 2 items] is via FedEx at our sister company in Lexington, KY. Therefore, small pack products will no longer be top loaded on pallets. All orders will be shipped separately via FedEx Ground. Customers will be billed actual shipping rates of FedEx for small pack orders.
  • As of March 1, 2020, we began transitioning from pallet rates on LTL shipments to actual quoted rates via carriers. This will include additional fees charged by carriers for farm/residential deliveries [determined by the carriers, not BioZyme], lift gate service fees and any fees associated with delivery appointments and/or driver assistance.


  • The impacts of coronavirus are being felt in the supply chain. The effect is most noticeable for vitamins, which have increased dramatically because of tight global supply. We are working diligently to mitigate the effects of the shortage to our products and minimize price increases.
  • Effectively immediately, some production changes have been implemented to ensure the continued quality of the bagged Vitalize® products. You will notice a slightly smaller pellet size and a more uniform, consistent product.
  • Vitalize® High Performance will be moving from a 50 lb. bag to a 40 lb. bag once current inventories are exhausted, sometime in mid-April or early May.
  • Starting May 1, 2020, Amaferm® Digest More® will change names to Amaferm® Pellet and will ship in the same style bag as Amaferm® granular.
  • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S IGR and VitaFerm HEAT® IGR require annual registration which has been completed for 2020. We have received approval for states including: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming


Effective Action: Personal Service is Key to Great Experiences

Great customer service can make you or break you. High-quality products are important, but even more important are the services offered by you, the dealer, to ensure when the customer is paying for his or her product, that customer is getting more than just a product that could have likely been purchased down the road from another business. Be sure to set your company up for success by distinguishing it as the company with great products and exceptional personal service.

In an era where many things are becoming automated, don’t let your service become one of them. Customers and prospective customers still want that face-to-face interaction – a smile, handshake and acknowledgement that a human with a heart is listening to and hearing their challenges while thinking of ways to help. There are several ways that you and your employees can differentiate your business by providing the best personal service possible. Here are four we highly encourage you try out.

  1. Listen. Yes, this seems so simple, yet sometimes we really don’t pay attention while the customer is speaking, and yet we think we have all the answers. On my recent flight home from the Cattlemen’s Convention, my flight was delayed. However, just one gate down, there was a flight to Bloomington that was on time. I asked the airline customer service agent if I could be rebooked onto that flight. He said that airport wasn’t close to my “home” airport and argued that he could rebook me to Wichita. Bloomington might not have been close to my original airport, but when you live in Western Illinois, you know your airport options, and it was a lot closer than Wichita, eight hours away. However, this agent wouldn’t listen to me. He only would look at his computer and offer to rebook me to a place that was not feasible.
  2. Use Names. Names are the most personal possession, and when we use a person’s name it shows we care. A recent study shows that our names are so important to us that hearing them triggers an entirely different part of our brain than any other words. And when we use our own names, that makes the relationship even more personal, like when making a phone call or sending an email or letter. Wouldn’t you rather get an email or note from “Joe” instead of “The Feed Store”?
  3. Know your customers. For most people this comes as second nature, but as you grow your customer base and get busier, don’t forget that customers are people. Asking about their family, their cow herd, and new horse they’ve purchased or even their pets will spur on conversation and show that you care about the person, not just the customer. And maybe you can’t remember the kids’ names, but you read an article about them in the local paper, ask how the kids are doing. That will be enough to make a proud parent’s visit.
  4. Respond quickly. Nobody likes to wait, or even worse be put on hold. Now, there is no way to get to everyone’s request the minute they make them, but do be cognizant of the time it takes you to respond to a customer. If they are on the other end of the phone, and you are looking for a product or a person to put them in touch with, suggest calling them back as soon as the answer or person is found. That way they are not wasting their time on hold, and you are not feeling rushed. Try to return phone calls and emails each day and be prepared when you do.

“Personal service” isn’t just a buzzword created to add to your already busy life. It is an important, valuable concept that can help you grow your business. Happy customers will tell their friends and peers about exceptional service; but they will tell everyone about poor service, something you don’t want to be the topic of!

Providing personal service isn’t hard. In fact, it is something most people do every day. Just remember, it can pay off by distinguishing your business and leading to growth.

3 Ways To Make Sure You Outperform You Competition

Differentiation is what sets your business apart from the four other farm stores, feed dealers and on-farm supplement suppliers in the tri-county area. But how can you set yourself apart in the marketplace? Just think about what makes it on your 10 o’clock news each night – besides politics and viruses. Stories that are unique, controversial or innovative find their way in front of the viewer audiences. Companies that offer unique or innovative products and services that leave customers something to talk about will attract business and create consumer awareness.

Differentiation is to your strategic advantage. Here are three ways to distinguish your business from your competitors.

Make Your Offer Compelling

Steve Jobs said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

Compelling companies are leaders. They are the talk of the town, and this buzz allows the business to gain momentum and grow sales. Now, you’re probably asking yourself what you can do in your particular industry to create buzz. That’s where your innovation and creativity get to thrive. Perhaps you offer a timely promotion for your customers once a year on a product that most everyone uses. Or, you could offer a customer appreciation incentive based on volume of business or number of new customer referrals. Providing education through a producer meeting or open house often sets your business apart, as people appreciate being kept in the know on new products, how to solve challenges in their businesses and learning of new services your business might offer.

Remember, making your business stand out starts with a good product, but also needs to be complemented with exceptional service. That’s why it is important to hire and train employees who are knowledgeable that can show their passion for what they do.

Climb the Reputation Ladder

“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it,” said Benjamin Franklin.

The words spoken by Mr. Franklin could not be truer, especially in a digital world, where one wrong move is recorded and can be shared globally via text message or social media with the click of a button. Being known as a reputable company that really cares about its people – both customers and employees – is the first rung in the ladder of trust. And, building trust is the foundation to any long-term relationship. According to, “creating a good business reputation means honoring a product-returns policy; delivering on time; providing timely and friendly service; publishing accurate ingredients, as well as keeping factual records; and ensuring that goods are safe for consumption.”

Earn Big with Premium Services and Products

The problem with offering products or services similar to everyone else is that it turns your company into a commodity business. Show your customers that you’re a value-added company by explaning how your products add value. It doesn’t take many testimonials or much math to show your potential customers the ROI on a premium product like VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®. Track your customers ordering habits and remind them when they are likely low on the products that they need for the particular season they are in. Offer delivery or stay open later for “after work” pick up. All of these things might seem small, but to the customer, they add a premium and a value, making you stand out from the competition.

Distinguish your business. It’s better to stand out from the crowd, especially when you are differentiating yourself in a positive light. Be unique. Be innovative and uphold the kind of reputation that will make your customers want to come back time and time again.

Identify Your Customers’ Pain Points and Help Eliminate Them

Physical pain is never good. However, for people in business, trying to make a living there is another pain that needs to be addressed. Did you know that in the world of marketing, your customers experience their own pain points? Although these pain points may not cause physical pain, they can still be challenging to “diagnose.” As a business owner or leader, you can distinguish your business by discovering pain points your customers have and providing a solution.

What is a pain point?

Pain points are specific problems that your prospective customer faces or simply put, challenges. Challenges come in a variety of forms and can be as different as your potential customer list. Some challenges can be prevented or eliminated due to proper management. Other challenges, like the environment cannot always be predicted, but can still be helped. Although a multitude of pain points exist, groups pain points into four broad categories and describes them as follows:

• Financial Pain Points: Your prospects are spending too much money on their current provider/solution/products and want to reduce their spending, or see a better ROI.

• Productivity Pain Points: Your prospects are wasting too much time using their current provider/solution/products or want to use their time more efficiently. With our audience this could be that they want to shorten their calving window or simply find a way to increase efficiencies.

• Process Pain Points: Your prospects want to improve internal processes. For our customer base, this could mean they want to treat fewer calves or they are looking for a more stress-free way to wean their calves and get them started on feed and water.

• Support Pain Points: Your prospects aren’t receiving the support they need at critical stages of the customer journey or sales process.

Once you start thinking about pain points in these four categories, you should be able to start to plan your positioning in a way that will address each of these pain points to show that your company is the best solution to their challenges.

How to Identify the Pain Points and Find a Solution

Now that you understand the four broad categories of pain points, how do you tell which pain point your potential customer is facing? Chances are, there are at least a couple of pains points that have your potential client reeling. So be ready to address their needs to set your business apart from the competition.

The best way to identify pain points is to have a one-on-one conversation with your prospects. Ask them directly what their challenges are and how you can help solve those challenges. Really listen to what they have to say before offering a solution. Although many prospects and customers will have similar pain points, everyone will have some variation on how they plan to manage to fix or solve those challenges.

Perhaps your customer is troubled with spending a large sum of money on a consumable product like mineral. This is a great time to have a conversation about the investment that customer or prospect will be making in the nutrition and overall health of an animal. Talk about the ROI for that customer, if he or she spends money on a product like VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®, and how that investment can produce more live calves, and therefore generate more income.

If the pain point involves support, you can offer numerous solutions based on the goods and services you offer while providing outstanding customer service. The personal services that back a product are sometimes just as important to the customer as the product itself.

We don’t want to see anyone in pain – physical or otherwise. By discovering your potential customers’ pain points early in your conversation, you can set your company apart by offering solutions to their challenges and helping to ease their “pain.” This should ultimately differentiate your business, and you can watch your business grow.

Letters From Lisa – April 2020

Differentiate Product Lines, Lower Risk

Sales diversification is one of BioZyme®’s five goals for the next three years. Why? No matter how you dissect it, BioZyme is very dependent on the U.S. cattle market. It represents about 60% of every dollar of revenue we have.

You can look at that two ways. Way to go team! Or, what are all the ways we can change that will allow us to have more revenue from different things? That thought means looking at how to grow international sales, equine sales, small pack (treatment for a challenge) sales and even pet sales such as dogs and backyard chickens. (Did you know 8% of the 10 million households in the USA have chickens in their backyard?)

Why would anyone want to add all that to their plate if you can be successful just doing one thing for one species? Here’s why:

Sales can dry up, so keep investing in them

It should go without saying that businesses can’t rely on a single sales source to keep them afloat (never mind grow the company). It doesn’t matter how great your client or customer is, or how well your relationship might be working right now. Anything could happen to change that. Continually be on the lookout for new sales in order to build a solid portfolio of customers. No matter how well things might seem to be going, you can’t afford to be complacent. Set aside some time every day to capture and chase leads, even if it’s just one hour. You’ll be surprised by how much you can achieve in that time.

Competition will be tough, so make the most of your resources

The benefit of diversification is that it enables businesses to maximize their use of resources and fully realize their potential. You might only be able to diversify horizontally, by adding a new product or service to appeal to your current customer base. Or you could jump into an entirely new market segment, with a new customer base, to take advantage of high growth potential. But, either way, you will be making the most of your resources and ensuring you aim for the best return on your investment.

Finding out what your business does well (and better than your competitors) is a good way to see if your resources are being used to support these strengths. It can also help you identify where you might be wasting time, money and skills. This will allow you to see where you can potentially add value for current customers with new products or services, or how you could use your resources better to add value to an entirely new market.

It’s easy for one revenue stream to drain your energy and distract from growth

I’ve seen this happen too many times. One main revenue stream starts demanding increasing focus until it takes over everything. It might be your first cherished customer, or it could be the income source that has been the most lucrative. Regardless, it can quickly become an obstacle to success by taking up too much of your energy and resources, leaving you little for taking advantage of new opportunities. Learning to avoid this from happening up front is way better than trying to untangle yourself afterward.

It is widely acknowledged that while business diversification is appealing for a number of reasons, it is a ‘high-stakes game.’ In other words, both the rewards and the risks are potentially extraordinary. Yet one of the reasons diversification strategies can fail is because they are often undertaken when the company is under pressure and there isn’t time for well thought out options. Think about diversification of your revenue streams ahead of time, when you’re not under pressure and you can give the proper authority to make a good decision. This will allow you to more likely find success– and protect the future of your business.

Don’t Miss Out on our Virtual Producer Meetings!

With the current limitations on travel and event attendance due to the COVID-19 outbreak, getting your dose of education and industry networking can be challenging. However, we are making it easier than ever with our NEW Virtual Producer Meetings! Please share this opportunity with your customers and invite them to join us!

These meetings are completely FREE for you and your customers. We have 2 segments available for you to attend; March 30th and 31st.

  • TRACK 1: The Importance of a Quality Mineral Program in 2020: The basics of the Amaferm Advantage
  • TRACK 2: Is Premium Nutrition Worth It: An in-depth look at a quality nutrition program

You and your customers can sign up using this link:…