June/July 2018 – Letters from Lisa

Courage to Grow

The theme of our recent Dealer Retreat was the Wizard of Oz – Courage to Grow. I know what you are thinking, how can a 1939 movie classic be the business tale of 2018? The answer is found in the five points that are the key take-aways, if you choose to follow the yellow brick road all the way to the Emerald City.

Embrace and value the journey

In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her friends embark on an incredible journey. As a business owner, you are also on an incredible journey. The challenges and victories on the journey are a part of your story, tell it every chance you get. The reason for this is that stories stick with people and have an impact on how they perceive the brand, your culture and whether they want to be a part of your journey.

Realize that things aren’t always what they seem

Dorothy and her friends are stunned when they discover that the Wizard was far from the powerful figure that they had expected him to be. Likewise, the stumbling blocks that your business faces may not be what you think they are. Solutions to business challenges seldom lie in looking at them through the same lens as you have always done. Innovation, creativity, and fundamental changes (yes you might need to change) may be necessary for your business to grow. Those things that seem to be great challenges may not be what they seem when approached in a new way with a fresh perspective.

Don’t be cowardly

Success in business comes from being courageous not cowardly like the lion. One must be courageous enough to search for new opportunities, even if it means a big departure from how you have done business in the past. In business, we are unfortunately, occasionally, subjected to naysayers – people who don’t get us, try to bring our spirit down, and bring us back to “reality.” It isn’t easy to find the courage to overcome all of this, but the alternative is to manage from fear. Fear destroys one’s opportunity for growth. Courage is one of the most important assets to have in a business.

Have a heart

The Tin Man lacked a heart, which is another way of saying that he lacked the energy, emotion and inspiration to lead his life in the way that he wanted. Business is all about energy and it flows down. As a leader, you must find a way to build a culture that engages people with energetic enthusiasm. Employees who feel heard, valued and respected work with much more enthusiasm and energy than those who don’t. They are also more likely to stick around because they love where they work.

Embrace the fact that brainpower matters

Take it from the Scarecrow – it takes work to become smarter. Developing the brains to drive change in your business means committing to continually upgrading your own skills. As a business leader, developing new perspectives, awareness, and resources through coaching, training, and leadership development can help.

So, think yellow brick road, then embrace the journey. Along the path, do not be afraid to challenge yourself to look at your business in new ways. Innovative growth and positive change only come to those who have the skills, energy, and courage to improve themselves and do things differently. As business owners we are constantly going through peaks and valleys – having our good days and bad ones. And with every one of these, there’s a new witch along the road. Decide if you will let the witch be wicked or be Glinda the witch of opportunity.

BioZyme Product Update

In the coming months, customers may notice larger-than-normal particles within our dry mineral bags. The enlarged particles are a result of a seasonal issue that we are facing with corn gluten. We are making efforts to find a long-term solution. Please be assured that the quality and nutritional value of the product has not changed despite the possible change in appearance. If you do experience concerns, please contact Dennis Delaney at 816-344-5748 or dpdelaney@biozymeinc.com.

Thank you for your business.
BioZyme Staff

Positioning VitaFerm HEAT

How exciting!! June ended as a record-setting month for VitaFerm HEAT sales and there isn’t any indication of it slowing down. Thank you to all of our dealers and ASMs who are making this happen. We also appreciate all of the customer success stories you are sharing.

We will continue to market the product heavily in the next couple of months as temperatures remain high and cattle need as much help as possible combating heat stress.

If you need any help marketing HEAT in your area, reach out to Kristi Stevens at kstevens@biozymeinc.com or 816-596-8795.

Visit our Dealer Facebook Group, to watch a video of Alan Lee, Director of National Sales, explaining the benefits of VitaFerm HEAT and how to position it to your customers.


Vacay Giveaway

By purchasing Amaferm®, Vita Charge® or Vitalize® Products
JULY 1 – DECEMBER 31, 2018

For every $8 purchase of Amaferm Products* (before ACH or freight), dealers earn a ticket for the prize drawing. For every $4.50 purchase of Single Dose Products**, dealers earn a ticket for the prize drawing. Eligible purchases are “new” purchases, meaning the Dealer SP, Dealer or Sub-Dealer has not purchased the specific product before AT ALL.


  • Amaferm® granules
  • Amaferm® liquid
  • Amaferm®pellets (Digest More®)
  • Vita Charge® Drench
  • Vita Charge® Gel Caps
  • Vita Charge® HydraBoost™
  • Vita Charge® Liquid Boost®
  • Vita Charge® Neonatal
  • Vita Charge® Gel
  • Vitalize® Dog Recovery Gel
  • Vitalize® Equine Recovery Gel
  • Vitalize® Alimend®
  • Vitalize® Alimend® K9
All tickets earned are entered into the drawing. The first customer pulled in the drawing, which will be held on December 31, 2018, may choose one of the following prizes:
  1. National Finals Rodeo Package:
    The winning dealer may choose up to two people to spend 4 days/3 nights in Las Vegas, NV attending the NFR. Travel expenses, lodging, meals and event tickets will be provided. The winning dealer’s ASM (plus one) will accompany the winner.
  2. Caribbean Cruise:
    The winning dealer may choose up to two people to spend 4 days/3 nights on a Royal Caribbean Cruise to the Bahamas. Travel expenses to/from Orlando, FL will also be provided. The winning dealer’s ASM (plus one) will accompany the winner.
  3. South Dakota Pheasant Hunt:
    The winning dealer may choose up to two people to spend 3 days/4 nights at Rooster Ridge in Chamberlain, SD to participate in a pheasant hunt. The package includes hunting licenses, meals, lodging, guides and processing. The winning dealer’s ASM (plus one) will accompany the winner.

July Changes for BioZyme Dealers


  • Vitalize® Equine Recovery Paste has changed to a 30 mL tube to streamline production.
  • *NEW* product: Vita Charge® HydraBoost™ Concentrate
    • An oral supplement for swine and poultry containing fermentation products, B-vitamins and antioxidants.
    • Sold by the case (4 1-gallon jugs per case).
      • Feed Rate: 1 gallon mixed with 4 gallons of water then 1:128 through a medicator.
  • Customs have been made available again and are at full Vitamin A & E levels



  • Update to Vitamin A & E levels: June 1 we began manufacturing all stock products with full Vitamin E levels. Starting July 1, we will also bring Vitamin A levels back to full levels. Orders will be filled with products containing full Vitamin A & E levels once our existing inventory of lower levels is gone. Because of the registration process, vitamin levels cannot be changed in the registered IGR products.



  • We wanted to bring our current Amaferm® pricing to your attention! The table below is found at the bottom of your monthly price list. It is the industry standard to price products such as Amaferm® on a per pound basis but we have included the per bag price to eliminate any confusion since we only sell these products in a 50 pound bag. If you have any questions about our additives or the pricing, please reach out to your ASM or call our office and ask to speak with Erin Creason.



  • At the request of many of our dealers and distributors, we have added barcodes to all of our small pack products. Sure Champ® buckets and other small pack products (ie. Vita Charge® Paste, Vitalize® Equine Recovery Paste, Vita Charge® Liquid Boost®) are shipping with UPC codes. The following document can be used to upload barcodes into your system. If you have questions on how to upload the barcodes, please contact our office and ask to speak with Cassie England. If you have other questions pertaining to barcodes, please contact our office and ask to speak with Customer Support.

NEW PRODUCT ALERT: Vita Charge HydraBoost Concentrate

Vita Charge HydraBoost Concentrate is now available in the product center. HydraBoost Concentrate is a unique, nutrient rich liquid supplement for commercial swine and poultry that increases water and feed intake and maintains gut immunity, thereby increasing overall health and rapidly restoring digestive balance.

HydraBoost Concentrate is available by the case (4 – 1 gallon jugs per case).

Feeding Rate: 1 gallon mixed with 4 gallons of water then 1:128 through medicator.

Dealer Spotlight: Taylor Goering

Taylor Goering has Ambitious Goals

Ambitious. Webster defines it as “having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous; having a desire to achieve a particular goal; aspiring.” These are words that best describe Taylor Goering of McPherson, Kan. The 19-year-old is a sophomore at Hutchinson Community College in Kansas. She also manages a boutique three days out of the week, cares for a string of at least half-a-dozen show heifers, helps her parents on their farm and is a BioZyme® dealer.

Taylor has been showing cattle for about 12 years. She shows multiple breeds, and likes to lead anything into the ring, “as long as it’s a good one.” Although, Simmentals are her favorite. She gives her parents Greg and Tammy a lot of credit and appreciation for their support in her show career and her start as a BioZyme dealer.

“My dad always said, ‘I like to get you in the ring as many times as possible.’ Without his support I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Taylor said.

And it was at one of the many junior nationals that the Goering family attends each summer where mom Tammy first learned about Sure Champ®. Tammy was looking through the trade show and came back with Sure Champ information and suggested the family might want to investigate it. The father-daughter duo were busy with cattle. Taylor said her mom went back and bought a bag of Sure Champ, and they have been hooked ever since.

“We noticed a difference in our cattle’s hair coat and appetite right away,” Taylor said. They began their on-farm dealership in 2012.

Taylor has made a personal connection with many of her customers because she is also a cow-calf producer and has traveled the U.S. going to shows and understands what her customers are looking for in a supplement.

“I can relate to a lot of my customers because we are all looking for success in our herds – either the benefits from relieving stress from show calves traveling or increasing fertility/conception rates in their herds. The best part of the products are the results. You can see the results. I really like the personal testimonies because every person has a different product they believe in,” she said.

Although the dealership started as a family affair, Taylor has taken on most of the responsibility since her parents are busy with other endeavors. Much of her customer base has been built from word-of-mouth, and people continue to call and ask about products.

Taylor said the best part of being a young dealer is the satisfaction of succeeding at such a young age and getting a head start on her future. Goerings reached VIP Status in 2015, and Taylor said it is her goal to reach that milestone again in the future. “Dreams don’t work unless you do,” is her motto.

“It’s not scary at all. I love being as young as I am, and having goals set for me within this company. It is rewarding to become a dealer because if you have a question, someone is always there to answer.  You might wonder, will anyone buy from me? But our biggest response to the product has been word-of-mouth. People will drive by our pasture, and see the orange tubs, and want to know where we get those from,” she said.

She added that as a younger person who recently “aged out” of 4-H, it is important to her to give back to the local youth programs. She said she will sponsor awards or shows that help benefit local youth with livestock projects. This is also another great way to share the BioZyme message.

Ultimately, Taylor would like to earn her bachelor’s degree in General Business, expand her dealership to a store front, and achieve the VIP Dealer Status again. Those might seem to be lofty goals to most 19-year-olds. But with the ambition that Taylor has, she knows how to convert goals into accomplishments.