Letters From Lisa – September 2022

Inspired accountability keeps everyone accountable 

At BioZyme we desire a culture that drives what I like to call inspired accountability.  Inspired accountability is every leader’s dream, as it is accountability that is driven from inside the individual not accountability that is driven with a whip, financial incentives, more days off or performance reviews.  Sounds impossible, especially in a time in our country where accountability of anything including being nice to people seems to have disappeared.  

Webster’s Dictionary defines accountability as: “the obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions.” At work, that might look like owning a mistake and sharing it as a learning experience or giving a presentation around your personal contributions and their impact. 

Henry Evans, the author of “Winning with Accountability,” says accountability is “clear commitments that in the eyes of others have been kept.” Here, the phrase “in the eyes of others” is key. On teams, accountability isn’t just about making and keeping commitments; it’s also about transparency and sharing with teammates along the way. When we make our commitments visible to our teammates (through daily check-ins, quarterly reviews, an annual tool or some other format), everyone is empowered to ask follow-up questions, check on progress and help move work forward. 

Fostering a culture of inspired accountability is one of the hardest things I have had to try and do as a business leader. I struggle with it daily and if I am totally transparent, I would say I am closer to failure than success. So how do I have the right to write this article? I probably don’t, but maybe some of the things I try to do to lead the accountability desired will jump start your brain and you can share back what has worked for you to help me out. Below are just a few of the items I try to keep in my head: 

1. Model inspired accountability 

When it comes to building a culture of inspired accountability, change starts with you. Team accountability is impossible without strong personal accountability in place first, so it’s important to first work on yourself before approaching an accountability conversation with others. 

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2. Set clear expectations 

It may sound obvious but doing what your teammates expect of you requires clarity around what’s expected in the first place. Unclear expectations and lack of specificity create accountability gaps. To fill these gaps and reduce ambiguity, try to be as specific as possible. 

3. Create a “safe space” environment 

Trust and feeling safety when taking risks are foundational to building a culture of accountability. 

4. Use the Accountability Puzzle 

This puzzle (created by Henry Evans) consists of four pieces where each reinforces the others. When a single piece is missing, so is accountability. The four are: 

  1. Clear expectations 
  1. Deadlines with a specific date and time 
  1. One owner of each task 
  1. Sharing specific commitments with another person so we can hold each other accountable 

According to a recent study in Inc magazine, 93% of employees don’t understand what their team is trying to accomplish (let alone how they can contribute to help get there), and 85% of leaders aren’t defining clear enough expectations for employees in the first place. Without accountability standards and accountability systems in place, folks will constantly struggle to know what’s expected of them to perform to their fullest potential. 

This is a hard topic, but together I think we can get it done. Agriculture understands inspired accountability more than any other industry in my opinion.  I mean who gets up at 3:30 am to blow out a steer or heifer, lunge a horse, feed the chickens, check the weather or markets????? 


The school supply list can be both friend and foe – for some there is nothing more exciting than purchasing that brand new on-trend backpack and pack of colored pencils. Yet, in some districts, organizations actually conduct fundraisers where they will purchase your kids’ supplies for a nominal fee or donation to save you the headache.

Just like the parent investing in their students’ supplies, are you making the correct investments in your company’s technology and tools to help your growth for another year and the years after that? Are you still scratching notes on the yellow legal pad your granddaddy used in the last century due to its sentimental value, or have you updated to tablet sand smartphones to help track your customers and their orders?

Business owners – both big and small – have lots of balls to juggle. We’ve got five tech tools to help you increase efficiency and potentially help you grow your business.

Project Management Software

It’s hard to know what you’re supposed to do when you can’t find that yellow post-it note or the corner of that feed sack you wrote a reminder on, so how is the rest of your team supposed to keep track of your tasks and theirs? Project management software is a relatively in expensive investment to share and track your business’s regular tasks and special projects, see who is assigned to which task, and monitor progress and deadlines. A variety of software options exist, and most will allow use on both your computer and phone for easy tracking of projects.

E-mail Marketing

With customers seeking information at their fingertips, an e-mail newsletter is the way of the future. Yes, there is value in the printed word, but for fast, quick blasts of information to get out to your customer list, having those emails on file makes this method of marketing the next wave of great marketing.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Building relationships is key to your business success. Although you might still keep all your customer information on an index card, CRM software will help you track sales patterns, manage and track outreach and even let you see who is visiting your website or opening and reading your emails. A quality CRM program will often help you increase your customer support.

Data Backup

This is perhaps the area to be most proactive in since most of us wait to backup our data only AFTER we have lost it all and are reacting to a bad experience. It’s easy to accidentally delete or corrupt data. Software conflicts and malicious actors can cause major disruptions. SaaS (Software as a service) marketing vendors back up data at the platform level, but you can’t access that information to restore your account.

Backup software gives you full control and immediate access to your critical business data. If something happens, you can restore your data in a few clicks.

HR Management

Few small businesses can afford to hire a human resources administrator. HR management software tools take care of everything from payroll and shift scheduling to distributing important company announcements. They can be a little more expensive, and there is no mobile app because of the sensitive nature of the material.

Just as there are boxes with 12 crayons and 64 crayons, your business can invest in five or 55 technologies to help it succeed. These five are technologies that every company, regardless of size can use to help them grow.


“Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the moreself-confidence you will have.” – Brian Tracy

Five years ago, BioZyme®launched one of its most successful resources to date, and it just keeps getting better. The Master Dealer Training Program was started in 2017 as an online tool to better familiarize dealers with the wide variety of product lines the company offers. Since that time, the online training portal has expanded its offering to help the dealers become better BioZyme marketers and overall, more successful salespeople.

Now, with three “chapters” or levels, the Master Dealer program offers training on a variety of subject matter, all from the comfort of the dealer’s own computer. Having a slow day in in the office? Log on toMaster Dealer. Hired a new employee? Get that person new credentials in the Online Dealer Center so he or she can receive training from theMaster Dealer Program.

In addition to passing the online courses, the Master Dealer Program has a few other requirements. However, the benefits far outweigh the time and resources needed for the Master Dealer designation. Once the dealer has successfully completed coursework, he or she must also purchase three of the following product lines, before receiving certification as a Master Dealer with all the benefits. Eligible brands include:

  1. VitaFerm®
  2. .Sure Champ®
  3. DuraFerm®
  4. Gain Smart®
  5. Vita Charge®, Vitalize®, and/or Backyard Boost®

Chapter One is the most extensive online training that gives a company overview of BioZyme, as well as brief summaries of most product lines and how to position them. Once a dealer completes the requirements for Chapter One, the dealership will be designated as a“Master Dealer” on the Dealer Locator, receive signage for the store, and receive a jacket with the Master Dealer logo.

Chapter Two includes targeted courses about marketing HEAT products, using small pack to open doors and other marketing resources. Once a dealer completes Chapter Two, he or she receives a Master Dealer insulated cup and two caps.

Chapter Three was introduced in the spring of 2022with a specific focus on programs and tools for BioZyme dealers and how to make their business more successful. The dealers who complete Chapter Four receive more BioZyme wearables.

Chapter Four is coming this fall and will focus more on the sales support for BioZyme dealers. The reward for this will definitely be something for the entire family.

Just like anything that gets better with time, that is the case for the Master Dealer Program. Now, dealers can complete all courses as they wish with no waiting in between course work. Complete Chapter One today and start Chapter Two; you don’t have to wait a year in between. A dealership can allow multiple employees to complete the coursework and each employee receives the benefits.

To learn more about the Master Dealer Program, log on to the online Dealer Center and click on Training. This is the most comprehensive training you can get without leaving home!


“You can’t win together if you don’t work together.” – Nick Saban

INVESTING IN YOUR TEAM HELPS GROW YOUR BUSINESS With a career record of 232-62-1, Saban obviously knows a little about building WINNING and WOWing teams. Recently, Bob Burkham, BioZyme® National Manager of Supplement Sales, offered his perspective on why it is vital to invest in your teams to grow your business.

“Investing in training is an investment in their success and ultimately the business’s success. You are making your employees more valuable by giving them the tools they need to be more successful in their jobs,”he said.

Those trainings can come in various models and forms, including external trainings like the BioZyme Master Dealer Training Program, a leadership growth program provided by the local chamber of commerce or other organization or a webinar about sales or other products you offer. Regardless of the trainings you offer, the most important resource to share with your team is communication.

Communications is key to building the team, according to Burkham. It is important to remember that communication doesn’t just take shape in reminders posted to a bulletin board or barking orders to workers before your morning cup of coffee.

“Bring everyone together for a roundtable discussion and listen to their ideas. You probably can’t incorporate all the ideas all of the time, but it will help figure out where there are chinks in the armor, and it helps make everyone feel part of the team,” he said.

Another important thing to consider when investing in your team, is time – both theirs and your customers. When investing in trainings, make sure they are the correct trainings for the correct people on the team, so those valuable team players don’t feel like you are wasting their time in another meeting. Ensure the trainings they receive will inspire, motivate and teach them to be better at whatever their role is to help grow your business.

And, when training a salesperson, especially, make sure they are not going to be wasting a potential customer’s time. If the customer doesn’t feel that their time is valued, they probably won’t feel valued at all.

“Everyone has a limited amount of time in this fast-paced world. It is paramount to show up and bring value,” Burkham said.

Finally, Burkham suggests that when sales staff have the proper training, their natural competitive spirit shows up to do better or sell more than their peers. A competitive rivalry is likely to occur if there is more than one salesperson. And even with a one-person sales staff, that person will likely want to outperform the month or quarter previous, due to the competitive nature of sales.

“Your sales team will be racing to the checkered flag, and at the end of the day, the entire company wins when you have taken time to invest in your team,” Burkham said.

Put forth the resources. Open the lines of two-ways communication. Know the value of time. Grow a successful team and watch your business grow!


Summer is a great time to get involved in your community. It doesn’t matter if your community has more than 75,000 people like Saint Joseph, Missouri, where our corporate headquarters is located, or just a few more than 750 dwellers like Alexis, Illinois, where this article is written from, communities thrive in the summer, and people notice when businesses get involved.

From the summer softball leagues to small town festivals, county fairs and pageants, there are a myriad of ways for businesses to get involved in their community. They don’t all have to involve a lot of extra time, money or resources, but they will likely garner some type of appreciation. End users notice when businesses give back and often, that will gain your business a little extra revenue too. Here’s a look at a few ways businesses can get involved on the Local Team this summer.

Be a Mentor

There is often nothing more rewarding than mentoring a young person. Serve as a mentor to a young person who might be interested in pursuing a career in sales, marketing, nutrition or feed manufacturing. Offer your time to the person to come job shadow you at your company for a few days throughout the summer so they can see various aspects of your career, ask questions and get a feel for what you do. Be sure to follow any safety regulations,

Provide a Space

Perhaps there is a group of young people trying to raise money for an educational trip to Washington D.C., or some other place that wants to have a bake sale or sell fresh produce from their garden. Surely you have a place at your store front for an 8-foot table to allow these kids to sell their goodies. These young people won’t forget your kindness, neither will their relatives. And don’t forget to bring some cash that day; you’ll probably need some of Grandma Betty’s cookies or some fresh tomatoes.

Join the Parade

At least in the Midwest, it seems there is never a shortage of parades. Fourth of July. Let’s have a parade. The county fair. Let’s have a parade. A random Wednesday after wheat harvest. Let’s have a parade! Parades often have themes and are a fun, relatively inexpensive way to showcase your business. Showcase your company, your employees’ cute kids and throw out some candy, and get involved.

Support the Fair

One great way to give back to your customers is to support the local fair or livestock show. You can sponsor a show or purchase and an animal at the premium auction to show support for your customers or their kids or grandkids. Although this typically will have some financial cost, the rewards are worth it in thank you notes and customers that are happy to return the business back to you. This truly demonstrates care that comes full circle.

Having a business means being part of a greater community. Get involved in your local community this summer to show that your business is a team player.


How many times have you seen a football team win by a last-second field goal? That kicker has paced the sideline for most of the game practicing his kicks and keeping that leg ready to go, so we don’t always think about him. Although he might not have as much playing time as the quarterback, his participation on the team is of utmost importance.

The same can be said for your customers. You might not see them everyday or even communicate with them on a regular basis. Their “on-field” time might seem minimal in comparison with your employees and vendors, but without customers on your team, you’re not even in the game.

Oftentimes you only hear from a customer if he or she needs product or if the customer is disgruntled with a product or service – and that isn’t what you want to hear. It is important to follow up with every customer and ask for feedback, and let the customer know that positive or negative, the feedback they provide is important to your team.

The book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” states that “when people don’t unload their opinions and feel like they have been listened to, they won’t really get on board.” The first step is to begin the conversation, which you or your sales team can do in a follow up conversation after the sale. Here are three things that companies can do to bring customers into the conversation and engage them as part of the team:

  1. Always be receptive and responsive to feedback. Regardless of the timing or channel, organizations who are prepared to receive and acknowledge customer feedback will have more loyal and engaged customers. This includes phone calls, letters, emails and even social media. Learn more about using social media as a customer care tool on the next page.
  2. Create an environment built on trust. This means when asking for feedback, clearly state why you want the feedback and what you intend to do with it. In the agricultural world we are accustomed to working in, trust is the foundation of all we do. If your customers don’t trust you, they likely won’t be a part of your team for too long.
  3. Empower customer service teams to solve problems and seek feedback simultaneously. Since most dealers are not staffed by a sales team and a customer service team, training all employees about the products and how to work with people is more important than ever.

Once you receive customer feedback and review it, follow up. Customers offer a fresh perspective, and perhaps their idea will help increase sales or bring in a new customer. At the very least, knowing that you acknowledged their feedback will help encourage a positive business relationship and should help your team keep a winning record.


“You can’t win together if you don’t work together.” – Nick Saban

With a career record of 232-62-1, Saban obviously knows a little about building WINNING and WOWing teams. Recently, Bob Burkham, BioZyme® National Manager of Supplement Sales, offered his perspective on why it is vital to invest in your teams to grow your business.

“Investing in training is an investment in their success and ultimately the business’s success. You are making your employees more valuable by giving them the tools they need to be more successful in their jobs,”he said.

Those trainings can come in various models and forms, including external trainings like the BioZyme Master Dealer Training Program, a leadership growth program provided by the local chamber of commerce or other organization or a webinar about sales or other products you offer. Regardless of the trainings you offer, the most important resource to share with your team is communication.

Communications is key to building the team, according to Burkham. It is important to remember that communication doesn’t just take shape in reminders posted to a bulletin board or barking orders to workers before your morning cup of coffee.

“Bring everyone together for a roundtable discussion and listen to their ideas. You probably can’t incorporate all the ideas all of the time, but it will help figure out where there are chinks in the armor, and it helps make everyone feel part of the team,” he said.

Another important thing to consider when investing in your team, is time – both theirs and your customers. When investing in trainings, make sure they are the correct trainings for the correct people on the team, so those valuable team players don’t feel like you are wasting their time in another meeting. Ensure the trainings they receive will inspire, motivate and teach them to be better at whatever their role is to help grow your business.

“Everyone has a limited amount of time in this fast-paced world. It is paramount to show up and bring value,” Burkham said.

Finally, Burkham suggests that when sales staff have the proper training, their natural competitive spirit shows up to do better or sell more than their peers. A competitive rivalry is likely to occur if there is more than one salesperson. And even with a one-person sales staff, that person will likely want to outperform the month or quarter previous, due to the competitive nature of sales.

“Your sales team will be racing to the checkered flag, and at the end of the day, the entire company wins when you have taken time to invest in your team,” Burkham said.

Put forth the resources. Open the lines of two-ways communication. Know the value of time. Grow a successful team and watch your business grow!

Montana Veterinarian Shares the Amaferm® Advantage with her Clients

Seeing is believing. And that is exactly what happened in 2010, when Beth Blevins, DVM, and her daughter Michaela experienced their first BioZyme® products at the National Junior Angus Show in Denver. Michaela had hauled a steer and heifer two states south of her native Montana and as luck would have it, her steer decided to quit eating. 

“Dennis Delaney was working the BioZyme booth and gave us some Vita Charge® capsules to try on him. He went back on feed and started drinking. We saw some impressive results. That fall Dennis came to Montana for some meetings, and we decided to sign up as dealers,” Beth said. 

Beth and her husband own and operate a registered Angus ranch near Ronan, Montana, and Beth is also a veterinarian, owning All Creatures Mobile Veterinary Clinic. She specializes as a large animal veterinarian and says that the precision nutrition that BioZyme offers helps her help her clients. 

“VitaFerm ® Concept•Aid® is totally amazing at helping cows get bunched up at breeding time, and calves will start eating it when they are about a week old, so it helps prevent scours in them. I sell a lot of DuraFerm® to goat and sheep producers and am actually getting more meat goat breeders all the time. And the Vita Charge Clench gel is one of the best products to help with diarrhea,” she said. 

Although she specializes in large animals, she said her ranch clients have ranch dogs that have taken to the Vitalize® K9 products, and she has also helped a Husky owner whose pups suffered long-term diarrhea until she treated them and got their stomachs back to normal with the Vitalize Dog Gel. 

She said the litter of three pups had suffered from diarrhea for most of their first four months of life with no break. Beth treated them with a five-day fenbendazole deworming treatment accompanied with the Vitalize Dog Gel to restore the normal gut flora. She said that particular owner is now a Vitalize believer too.  

Additionally, Beth said that although dog is often man or woman’s best friend, their nutritional needs are often neglected. Ranch dogs are notorious for munching on the placentas after calving, which can cause stomach upset, and she often suggests Vitalize Dog Gel for ranch dogs who aren’t feeling their best. She also said many of her equine clients have seen amazing results with the Vitalize Alimend® and have also tried the Vitalize Alimed K9 for their dogs. She has personally experienced great results with the dog food with Amaferm®

“We have two pugs, and when I switched their feed, gave them the same amount that I was giving them before. They gained five pounds in three weeks! I had to cut their portions down by one-third. I have a friend with labs, and she said with the larger dogs, to cut their food down in half to prevent weight gain,” Beth said. “Their coats are shinier. The coats are the window to what is going on inside of the body.” 

Regardless of if Beth is selling VitaFerm mineral for cows, Sure Champ ® for a show customer or Vitalize Dog Gel to a small animal that has had too much afterbirth, she said word of mouth is often her best marketing tool. She said the products generally sell themselves once people see the results, just like they did for her and Michaela more than a decade ago. 

“You sell the first bag of mineral, and the cows will sell the rest,” she said. 

She has taken advantage of other marketing tools BioZyme offers and encourages others dealers to as well. She has had clients buy products after receiving the quarterly post card in the mail. She also shares the Promoboxx content and likes that it is available for her to use on her own social media. 

As a vet, she said a quality nutrition program and a good vaccination program go a long way in keeping animals healthy and being proactive is best. 

Thanks Beth for being a long-time dealer and sharing care that comes full circle!  

Meet the BioZyme Family

Team: Marketing Team

Leaders: Jodi Eineichner and Macall Compton

Number of people currently on your team: 11

Key Responsibilities: To create awareness and customer demand for BioZyme brands and drive those new and existing customers to dealers and distributors in their area to buy the products that help their animals perform.

List of each team members and the role they play at BioZyme:

Jodi Eineichner – Interim Director of Strategic Marketing

The Director of Strategic Marketing is responsible for overall strategy, planning and development for all BioZyme marketing activities. Jodi works directly with the marketing and sales teams to create a unified message across all brands and expand BioZyme’s market exposure and brand reputation and recognition by identifying, evaluating, recommending and implementing new strategies and initiatives.

Macall Compton – Senior Manager of Marketing Operations

Macall is responsible for the daily operation of the marketing team as it relates to all marketing activities, including organization, planning, execution, monitoring and delivery on time and within budget.

Jamie Beatty – Marketing Design Coordinator

Jamie creates graphics for print and digital content for the company and across all brands. From the VISION newsletter to banners, postcards and web graphics, Jamie is the creative mind behind a majority of the design work.

Mackinze Gray – Website & Digital Marketing Manager & assists with Vitalize K9

Mackinze helps manage the websites across all brands. From uploading content to making sure the content that is on the site is current, she is your point of contact for all things digital. She is also a member of the Merchandise Team and helps coordinate with the brand managers to create fun, new merch to help promote our brands. On top of that, she has recently started helping our Vitalize Brand Manager create content for our Vitalize K9 brand.

Shelia Grobosky – Marketing Brand Manager – Dealers & Public Relations Coordinator

Shelia wears two hats–marketing our products and services directly to the dealers as well as serving as the Public Relations Coordinator. She is responsible for writing a majority of the content on the website, writes and distributes press release to the media and edits content for the entire team.

Wyatt Marshall – Event Manager & Texas Sales Specialist

Wyatt helps our Brand Managers at events promote the brand and projects we have while attending the event. He is also tasked with helping promote our Vitalize brand in Texas and creating opportunities there to grow our sales.

Brand Managers

Brand Managers listen to customers and followers to create content and deliverables to drive engagement. Through strategic content creation, the Marketing Brand Manager will engage brand followers in-person, through strategic relationships and across social media channels to increase brand awareness and ultimately sales. The Marketing Brand Manager will know how to implement strategies (both paid and organic) for events, key relationships and on the appropriate social platforms, and work with the Digital Marketing Coordinator to utilize analytics to understand performance to optimize and adjust moving forward.Brand Managers are passionate and familiar with their species and/or area of expertise. They also work closely with their counterpart in Business Development and Sales.

Samantha Albers – Marketing Brand Manager-Small Livestock (DuraFerm and Backyard Boost)

Hayley Keck – Marketing Brand Manager – Companion

Kylie Patterson – Marketing Brand Manager – Show

Ellie Sennett – Marketing Brand Manager – Vita Charge

Katelyn Williams – Marketing Brand Manager – Beef

How does your team deliver “care that comes full circle” for BioZyme Customers:

The Marketing Team helps with “care that comes full circle” in a few ways. The largest being with our Sure Champ brand. We have our internship program that helps our Marketing Brand Manager for Show attend several events and run our booths as well as come up with content to share on social and our websites, our leadership program that helps train students to become better leaders before they enter the workforce, and the Sure Champ in the Classroom program that offers content for 4-H and FFA leaders to use to help educate the youth. On top of that we want to bring that “care that comes full circle” message to all of the brands and start creating new opportunities to really help especially in these times of need. If you have any ideas of projects, we could implement to help promote this BioZyme, message please reach out to mmaddox@biozymeinc.com.

Nutrition Company Gives Back to its Customers

Working in agriculture is a natural gamble. Producers take a chance every day with the markets, weather, breeding and feeding decisions. Since we know that livestock producers are natural risk takers, BioZyme® Inc., makers of Vita Ferm® and Gain Smart® nutrition products, want to reward that risk this summer with a Lucky 7 Promotion. 

This promotion is one way to show livestock producers that we understand the challenges they are facing during these unprecedented times, and we care. For each of 7 weeks this summer, 77 winning tokens will randomly be placed into bags of product manufactured in the Saint Joseph, Missouri-plant. The “lucky” winners will receive prizes that range from caps to gift cards to $777 cash. Seven weeks x 77 tokens each week means 539 prizes.  

“Our company motto is ‘care that comes full circle,’ and this is 100% the reason we are doing this for our customers,” said Lisa Norton, BioZyme President and COO. “It’s a way to give back to producers who are feeling the effects of market volatility and supply chain instability.”  

Starting June 1, the 7 products below will have a special “Lucky 7” sticker on the outside of the bag. These specially-marked bags may contain a winning token:  

  • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® 
  • VitaFerm® HEAT® 
  • VitaFerm Conserve® Garlic 
  • Gain Smart® Stocker HEAT® 
  • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S with ClariFly® 
  • VitaFerm® HEAT® CTC 3G 
  • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S HEAT® with ClariFly® 

The tokens are biodegradable and will not hurt the livestock if ingested or the environment if not found when pouring out the mineral.  

Winning tokens must be claimed via the Lucky 7 website https://biozymeinc.com/lucky7 to receive a prize. Each winning token depicts the specific prize won and the corresponding prize number.  All prizes must be redeemed by Dec. 30, 2022. 

“My late husband Bob always loved to give back. As we continue to give back, we honor Bob, honor the company he loved and the customers he cared so much for,” she said. Bob Norton, CEO, unexpectedly passed away in April.  

For a full list of rules and eligibility for the BioZyme Lucky 7 promotion, visit: https://biozymeinc.com/lucky7.