Vitalize® Program Provides “Common Ground” for Horseman

Miles Baker is a student of his horses. He spends at least 12-14 hours each day with the 10-15 horses he is currently training. And that’s just his half of the equine athletes he and his business partner have split to work with. Although Baker has been horseback and working with young horses as long as he can recall, he doesn’t want to be known solely as a horse trainer, although that is his primary profession.

“I want people to be like ‘that guy’s a horseman. He can start colts. He can ride a cutter. He can ride a reiner. He can train a rope horse.’ I just want to be known as good at anything that involves a horse,” Baker said.

Baker started riding on his dad’s southwest Oklahoma ranch and feedlot when he was just a young kid. He’d ride pens, rope and treat sick calves. Later, he rodeoed at Oklahoma State University and continued to train some horses in college, until he returned back to the family ranch, where he said training horses works really well with the cattle operation.

A critical part of his horsemanship skills is keeping his horses in good shape nutritionally. He learned about the Vitalize® equine products from a friend who uses the VitaFerm® products on his cows. He now feeds only alfalfa and a program of Vitalize products, allowing him to save money on grain.

Baker said his program consists primarily of Vitalize® Digest More® Plus and Vitalize® Alimend®. He counts on Vitalize® High Performance and Vitalize® Equine Gel when he needs some assistance.

“If I have a program, it is like a common ground, a set regimen that everything gets. And I know if I need to go up or down. That’s why my program consists of Vitalize Alimend and Digest More. On the 2-year-olds if they stay fat as a tick, they don’t get the Alimend. They only get the Digest More. Then, if I have a horse I want to do a little bit better, I can step them up with the Equine High Performance. With having the Alimend and Digest More as the common ground, it lets me know if I need to do more or if I can do less,” he said.

Although he doesn’t use the Vitalize Equine Gel daily, he said it is definitely one of his favorite products to get him out of a bind.

“We’ve had some young horses and hauled them. They get off feed and water when the get on the road. Then, we’ve got some horses in and changed their diet, and they go off feed or get a little colicky. It seems like I can give them that Equine Gel and they are back on feed and water really quick. The Vitalize Equine Gel has saved me some trips to the vet,” he said.

For Baker, the Vitalize program is an important part to his horsemanship success. He encourages others to find the Vitalize products they like and develop a program that works for them, too.

“The thing that keeps me going is you never quit learning, and that is part of the horsemanship side for me. You never stop learning about the horse, mentally, physically. Whether it’s training them, feeding them, just being around them. I take a lot of pride in the riding side of it and the feed program side of it and I’m constantly just trying to become a better horseman. You have to continue trying to do what’s best for the horse and you can’t do that without a good feed program,” he said.

Dealer Uses and Promotes the “Total Package”

Steve Groves is a self-proclaimed Amaferm® guru. His passion for the prebiotic found in the BioZyme products and understanding of the benefits of absorption is why he said it is important to him to make sure it is in his herd’s diet year-round.

Groves owns River Bend Cattle at Garland City, Arkansas. At just 300-feet elevation, in the southwest corner of the state, the cow-calf producer and BioZyme dealer said that Amaferm is one of the main reasons he switched his mineral to the BioZyme products. And he feeds the entire program.

“I can’t stress enough what Amaferm does for a cow. Increasing absorption of what you are feeding them, it is just helping them do a better job,” Groves said.

Groves has shortened his calving window to 60 days since using the VitaFerm® products. He calves in January and February, so his cows start on the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid ® 5/S in December and are on that mineral until late April or early May, when they switch to VitaFerm HEAT® . They consume HEAT until mid-October, and then eat Cattlemen’s Blend until December when they start back on the Concept•Aid 5/S.

Groves said he initially started solely using the Cattlemen’s Blend mineral, and he experienced a slight increase in his conception rates. He decided to try the VitaFerm Concept•Aid 5/S to see if he could take it up one more notch. He said it did. In addition to his commercial cow herd, Groves puts embryos in about 60 cows each year, and he knows how easy it is for those cows to lose a calf, and if they lose a calf, they are out everything.

“I will do anything I can to hold that embryo. We’ve had great results with the VitaFerm Concept•Aid,” he said.

Weaning Program Just as he’s a believer in the VitaFerm program for his cows, he’s a firm proponent for the 3-step Gain Smart® program when he weans his calves. He gives them all a dose of Vita Charge® Cattle Drench at weaning time, and then starts them on the Vita Charge Stress Tubs and Gain Smart mineral.

“Gain Smart is really economical on my calves. I have had awfully good results. No sickness. Their health is right where it should be. I don’t worry about consumption for the first 30 days. They will usually slow down,” Groves said.

If he feels his calves are over consuming their Gain Smart, he will put salt at the bottom of their feeder, so they have to eat the mineral first, then eat some salt for a few days before he refills the feeder with mineral. He always felt like different types of grass made them crave salt.

Groves will ship his calves in early July when they reach about 800 pounds. Since they are getting fleshy, he switches them to Gain Smart Stocker HEAT® around May 1. He said the cattle continue to eat well and gain well for those last two months, even at heavier weights.

Selling the Program Groves does not run eared cattle, but instead settles for a mix of Red Angus and Simmentals, but he does cull for heat tolerance since the heat and humidity do take a toll on the cattle in his climate. He said he would hate to think about running cattle – both cows and stockers without the HEAT minerals he uses.

With 47 years in the cattle business, he said it just made sense that he started selling the BioZyme products, especially when he could talk about Amaferm. Groves said there are two general audiences. One of less progressive producers who “look over the fence” at what he’s doing and then ask questions. Another group of progressive producers much like he is that once they’ve tried the products, “don’t know how they got by without them for so long.”

“I have people always asking me how I can calve in a 60-day window? To me, it is the most economical thing about raising cows is to keep the calving window short, so I can feed all my cows the same. If I have one dry cow and I have to feed her with the wet cows for four or five months, that costs money and she gets too fat,” he said.

Amaferm’s absorption benefit is the tie that binds all the BioZyme products together to deliver the whole package to Groves and his customers. From breeding to calving and weaning and beyond, he is a believer in products from VitaFerm to Vita Charge and Gain Smart. He knows his cattle are healthier and higher performing because of a program, and he’s glad to share that with those who will listen.

How the Amaferm® Advantage Pays with Program Cattle

Are your customers feeding calves to sell at the local auction market one pound at a time? Or are they feeding cattle in a program to capture the most value? If you are not sure, consider having a discussion to better understand how they market cattle, and educate them on the value of getting Amaferm® into their diets so they can be part of a program that pays.

“Branded programs increase a producers bottom line and help develop the reputation of a quality producer who is working at producing a superior product,” said John Tucker, BioZyme’s Large Beef Account Specialist. “When I think of quality producers, I think of those who feed VitaFerm or Amaferm. I can count on one hand the number of commodity producers, those who just feed a hodge podge of cattle, who feed Amaferm.”

In recent years, producers started receiving premiums by selling Gain Smart® Raised or VitaFerm® Raised program cattle through Superior Livestock. These were the first two nutrition value-added programs that Superior recognized in its suite of value-added programs. Calves must be on a Gain Smart mineral 45 days prior to sale through delivery or raised on a VitaFerm-fed cow or be eating a VitaFerm mineral for the same time period. Buyers recognize that the Amaferm advantage creates healthier calves that will go onto feed faster, and often those calves will meet the criteria for other programs like NHTC and all-natural as well.

Another program where the popularity of Gain Smart is being realized is the Prime Pursuits program. This program was started by 44 Farms, a leading Angus operation based in Texas to supply high-quality Angus-based, all-natural cattle to Wal-Mart. According to Tucker, the calves that Prime Pursuits runs on grass are getting the Gain Smart Stocker HEAT® mineral. These cattle are typically higher performing and stay healthier, meaning they can fit the all-natural requirement for other health-based programs.

“In a program like NHTC, Amaferm provides the ionophores to capture what an implant would do for the cattle,” Tucker said.

He adds that the end results of these cattle that have been harvested through the Prime Pursuits program and marketed as McClaren Farms Beef in Wal-Mart stores in the southeast have offered consumers a high-quality, consistent product every time they go to Wal-Mart, something that has been especially important during the pandemic, as more people are shopping and preparing meals at home. Therefore, the entire beef industry is becoming challenged to become better as more competition is created.

Here’s your challenge: ask your customer if they are ready to sell their cattle on a program. There are many out there, and it is beneficial to find programs that are synergistic that a producer can receive multiple premiums on a load of calves. Programs pay. Programs that include the Amaferm advantage pay. Don’t forget to sell the Amaferm advantage through the Gain Smart program to your customers!

Marketing Gain Smart® as a Program

Weaning is the most stress calves will face up to that current time in their life. Up until then, they have lived a fairly peaceful, carefree life. They’ve had their mama’s milk, some grass and perhaps even some creep feed or a Vita Charge® Stress Tub to lick on. But now, everything is about to change, and it is up to your customers to continue to give them the best life they can with the 1-2-3 approach of the Gain Smart® program.

Here’s a refresher on why it is so important to market all three steps of the program, especially if a customer is trying to keep cattle healthy and on an all-natural program.

Step 1: Vita Charge Cattle Drench within the first 48 hours of weaning or receiving if shipping cattle to:

  • Jump start feed and energy intake
  • Stimulate the cattle’s immune system
  • Allows maximum effectiveness of weaning time vaccinations

“When we wean, and we go right to Vita Charge Drench, I’ll go 45 days without any issues, usually. Those calves seem to come out of the drench, hit the stress tubs, and go straight to the bunk. I’ve had no issues the last three years that we’ve used the products.” – Kevin Evans, Thaler Land & Livestock, Wyoming

Step 2: Vita Charge Stress Tubs for the first week to three weeks to:

  • Promote feed and water intake
  • MOS to help trap bad bacteria, limiting their ability to do harm
  • Increase digestibility to maximize the energy value of feed for more gains
  • Prebiotic and probiotic approach provides synergy for a 1 + 1 = 3 effect on cattle health and performance.

“It is a big part to have a healthy calf and not have pulls since we are selling our calves on an all-natural program. We’ve had really good success putting Vita Charge® Stress Tubs in front of the calves immediately at weaning. An ounce or two of stress tubs versus an ounce or two of medication is pretty reasonable if you were able to compare it by ounce.” – Tim Ree, Montana

Step 3: Gain Smart Mineral for 45 to 100 days:

  • Promote calf vigor and health
  • Stimulate digestion and increases nutrient uptake for optimum gain
  • Support hoof health and immunity
  • Accurately supplement minerals lacking in pastures and rectify mineral imbalances.

“I believe in minerals. I believe the most problems you have with cattle is with mineral deficiency. I saw the VitaFerm® Gain Smart® Program on The American Rancher one night, and I thought I could use that. Since I started feeding Gain Smart, I’ve had less than 1% death loss. I have virtually no foot rot or pinkeye problems at all. I love the VitaFerm Gain Smart Stocker HEAT® that has the garlic in it. It has good fly control; Stocker HEAT does help with the fescue because we have a lot of fescue down here. The cattle are healthy, look good, and I think they are getting a premium.” – Tom Carter, Virginia

Hay Testing is a Service Your Customers Need

The adage “you can’t judge a book by its cover” is also true for the nutrient quality of hay. Just because a particular cutting of hay looks superior to another doesn’t mean it has the nutrients that a cow herd needs to thrive. That’s why it’s important to BioZyme ® Inc. to provide forage testing to its customers – to make sure proper nutrients are getting to the cattle when they are most needed.

“Forage testing is an extremely important service we offer as part of the BioZyme services so we can align nutritional programs to our customers’ specific needs,” said Jack Oattes, BioZyme’s Regional Business Manager in Canada, on a recent Facebook Dealer Training.

Forage testing is a management practice that helps you plan ahead to make the best nutritional decisions for your herd. Testing in the early fall will help your customers know which forages to feed during which stages of production and the proper amounts of protein and energy they need to supplement.

Before collecting forage samples, be sure each lot of hay is identified by field and cutting number so the producer will know which sample came from which lot. For example, nutrient needs peak at lactation as the cow is trying to maintain her own condition, raise a calf and prepare for breed-back, so producers will want to make sure their highest quality hay is kept from that lot for that period of the production cycle.

Once you collect the samples, work with your Area Sales Manager to get them sent in and analyzed. The results are typically generated within a week, indicating any deficiencies in energy or protein. In addition to knowing the nutrient content of your forages, it is also important to know the amount of each lot of hay the customer has and the number of cows to feed when working with the BioZyme Nutrition Team to plan the next steps.

“If we don’t know the analysis, it’s hard to know what to do,” said Dan Shike, Associate Professor of Animal Science, University of Illinois, during the dealer training.

In addition to forages, Shike said producers might consider other feed alternatives like crop residues, bakery or grocery store wastes. Regardless of the feedstuffs, the nutritional value needs to be known so proper supplementation can take place. Shike also reminds that feeding must consider the cost per unit of energy or cost per unit of protein, and those calculations need to factor in more than just the feed and supplements.

“Not one size fits all. We need to think about equipment and labor,” he said.

After the tests are analyzed and interpreted and the protein and energy needs are determined, there are five ways to supplement proteins using the Amaferm ® advantage.

Feed mineral with Amaferm. Get the most out of what your cows are consuming by increasing intake and digestibility. This is the least expensive option as the added cost of Amaferm is less than 5 cents per cow, per day.

Feed VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal. This is a granular, free-choice mineral. In addition to the mineral, supplemental protein is provided. Feed VitaFerm Concept•Aid Protein Tub. The tub provides the same nutrition as the protein meal but adds the convenience of the tub form.

Feed VitaFerm 30-13% Protein Tub. This VitaFerm product offers the highest level of protein, but vitamin and mineral levels for maintenance during times of year when nutrient requirements are not as high.

Feed VitaFerm Conserve® Protein Tub. This economical vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle that supports the health and condition of the whole herd with 20% protein.

Capitalize on Marketing DuraFerm®

The number of sheep and goat producers in the United States might be on a decline, but the demand for the red meat and natural wool fibers is on the rise, making supplies tight. When supplies are tight, prices tend to increase, providing producers the incentives to raise the highest quality meat and wool they can. Now is when these producers need a high-quality nutritional program that all of you have access to sell: DuraFerm®.

Now is the time to capitalize on marketing DuraFerm as a line of vitamin and mineral supplements for sheep and goats that emphasizes reproductive performance. With producers aiming to have healthy lamb crops and vigorous kids, now is a great time to market a high-quality supplement to sheep and goat producers.

With the goal for both ewes and does to breed and settle and to give birth to twins, there is a DuraFerm Mineral right for both ewes and does for all times of the year. The Marketing Team has been making a concerted effort to market these DuraFrem products to a variety of audiences.

Don’t miss out on the content that is created specifically for dealers to share on their social media pages. This content meets up with national and regional campaigns, so your local messages have a cohesive look and feel.

Event Partnerships:
Members of the BioZyme staff recently attended the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Sedalia, Missouri, and are preparing to attend the Texas A & M AgriLife Sheep and Goat Expo in San Angelo. By attending these industry events, we can contact a wide array of producers who might not be aware of DuraFerm and point them in the direction of a dealer in their area.

Media Placements:
With both paid advertisements and press release coverage in industry print and online publications, we are helping to share the message of DuraFerm and how it helps keep the flock or herd nutritionally sound while keeping females bred. A few of our media partners include The Goat Rancher, Livestock Weekly, RingSide, ChampionDrive, Integrity Livestock Sales and some breed publications.

As a dealer, the Marketing Team and your ASM is here to assist you to market products like DuraFerm, that might not be as familiar to you. Reach out to your ASM or the Outreach Support Center if you need specific tools and materials to help you market DuraFerm. The time is now to take advantage of the market that exists.

Help your sheep and goat customers strengthen their stock and have healthier, higher performing, growthier lambs and goats. Help your customers reach their full potential, and your DuraFerm sales will reach its potential. That’s care that comes full circle.

Reach for New Audiences to Promote DuraFerm®

Commercial sheep and goat producers often depend on the income from their livestock for their livelihood. Wouldn’t it be nice to help them improve their bottom line while increasing the overall health of their herds and flocks and even helping them get more lambs and kids on the ground?

It might not always be easy to break into this demographic of commercial breeders. However, they are usually hungry for information on animal health, nutrition, parasite and predator control and reproduction and will reach out to experts in their areas for this information. Since the challenges and opportunities vary so much in each region, it is important for producers to build and cultivate relationships with their veterinarian and local or state Extension sheep specialists to learn information about specific regions.

Just one way BioZyme® is making strides to reach out to more potential DuraFerm users in the largest sheep and meat goat producing state – Texas – is by sponsoring and having a booth at the Texas A&M AgriLife Sheep and Goat Expo, August 20-21 in San Angelo. This event is supposed to draw attendees from all across the country who want to hear experts talk about ways producers can improve their bottom lines, and we knew we didn’t want to miss it.

“Sheep and goat producers are thirsting for knowledge, and these are great events to create awareness that we offer sheep and goat nutritional products that are science-driven. We’re choosing to get involved in these programs not just to market products, but to lend a helping hand to producers, which is living our company motto of ‘care that comes full circle,’” said Sam Silvers, BioZyme Area Sales Manager in Texas and New Mexico.

Although not all states have an Extension sheep specialist, many do. And, as part of their Extension and outreach mission, these specialists host either a state-wide or regional educational workshops annually. Look on their websites or Facebook pages to discover when these are. Contact them to see if they are looking for a sponsor. Chances are, they will be excited you are willing to offer to have a booth or information table, as a lot of Extension funding has been depleted. The more interaction you can have with the attendees, the better. Remember to reach out to your ASM to see if he or she might be able to help you.

Even if your state doesn’t have a state Extension sheep and goat specialist, chances are that your local or area Extension office will have a field day or expo that you can participate in.

“Extension Service centers and their corresponding field days/expos are one of the best places within communities, and states as a whole, to find the ideal BioZyme product customers. Attendees are typically progressive stockmen looking to always see what is new and upcoming in their respective industries, those who are always looking to make the best decisions for their operations based on current economic decisions, but also futuristic projections and opportunities. Extension offices provide a huge benefit and asset to their states and communities and are a great way to help support the future of the industry,” said Ashley Fitzsimmons, Regional Marketing Coordinator for BioZyme.

Partnerships come in all shapes and sizes. Look for partnerships in educational outlets where you can not only educate producers about the Amaferm advantage and the high-quality nutrition program of DuraFerm but establish relationships with commercial producers. Build these partnerships and watch your business grow!

Sheep, Goats are Economical Grazers, Browsers

During a time when Mother Nature wreaks havoc on the climate, it can be challenging to provide adequate forages to cattle. However, regardless of if you are in dry climate where resources are dwindling or if you are in an area of excess rain, sheep and goats often compliment the grazing system.

It is important to point out that these small ruminants will often eat different parts of the plants than cattle and are more efficient at converting their forages to gain. Sheep and goats vary from cattle in the types of forages they prefer. They will eat the shorter forbs or shrub-like plants before they eat the taller grasses. They typically will go for the most nutritious parts of the plants first, the leaves and anything that is soft before they eat the stems or even grass. It is best to have a variety of plant species and turn your sheep and goats out when those plants are in the vegetative stage instead of a more mature stage to receive optimum nutrients from the forages. It is essential to have forages that are high in digestible fiber and at high enough levels of crude protein to keep their rumens functioning properly.

Especially in a drought situation like many producers are currently facing, sheep and goats would make more economical sense to raise. They will still help with pasture management while providing protein and a source of income with a relatively good ROI, depending on your overall investment in the livestock and fencing materials.

Anytime you or your customers are grazing small ruminants like sheep or goats, don’t forget they still need mineral. During the drought, especially, the Amaferm® in the DuraFerm® line, will help stretch your feedstuffs to get the most nutritional value out of your forage. Amaferm is a research-proven precision prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility by amplifying the nutrient supply for maximum performance. It is designed to increase the energy available to the animal resulting in more milk production as well as the ability to initiate and maintain pregnancy and fertility.

During the summer heat, your sheep customers will want to use DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT®, specifically designed with the HEAT package to help mitigate heat stress anytime temperatures reach hotter that 70 degrees. The combination of HEAT and Amaferm help maintain that core body temperature, keeping the sheep cooler and helping reduce heat stress, which in turn helps get ewes bred and keeps them bred if breeding in the summer and early fall.

Goats are referred to more as browsers than grazers, because although they do graze like sheep do with their heads down, they also like to climb up a structures and trees to get leaves and greens that are up high, too. If you or a customer has goats, be sure to provide them with a DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid Protein Tub. This convenient tub offers 20% protein, especially important during a drought when protein might not be so readily available. The other ingredients in Concept•Aid are key to reproductive success of the herd.

Smaller animals take up less space. They also will eat some of the less popular forages that cattle will leave standing. Sheep and goats make economical sense from a grazing standpoint, especially during a drought. Contact your local extension personnel if you have questions about grazing sheep and goats or even comingling them with cattle. However you graze your pastures, don’t forget the Amaferm advantage in DuraFerm.

Use the Marketing Tools that BioZyme Offers to Help You Sell

Regardless of your dealership size or status, BioZyme® offers a variety of tools to help you share about the products, promote the products and help educate your customers about your business and the goods that you offer.

Ty McGuire, Area Sales Manager in Michigan, Western Ohio and Kentucky, encourages all dealers to learn about and use the tools that are offered to them. He said that starts with product knowledge so you can talk about products and costs at the drop of hat when the subject comes up in conversation.

“Knowledge is power. Wherever you are, you should know the products and be able to talk about them,” he said.

One of the best ways to familiarize yourself with the products is through the Master Dealer Training Program. This online training tool gives a brief overview of all the products. As an incentive to complete it, dealers are offered a special designation on the Online Dealer Locator, in store signage and a Master Dealer Jacket.

For new products, Facebook trainings have taken place on the BioZyme Dealer Facebook Page, another resource that offers timely information, tools and company news.

Another great tool that McGuire recommends his dealers use regularly is the Online Dealer Center. The Online Dealer Center allows dealers to gather product information and trainings as well as monitor their own sales activities.

Promoboxx and social media are two more marketing tools that McGuire said have been game-changers during the past few years. As people have technology and information at their fingertips, it is important to have a presence on social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are becoming increasingly popular for businesses to publicize featured products and in-store promotions.

The BioZyme Marketing Team creates regular posts through Promoboxx that align with current advertising campaigns. Dealers can sign up for Promoboxx and use these posts or elements of them across all brands to help create awareness on their business Facebook pages.

Perhaps one of the most important tools a dealer can create is a customer mailing list. Mailing lists “fill the pipeline with contacts,” according to McGuire, and those contacts are essential when it comes time for BioZyme to send quarterly mailers.

For someone who hasn’t started a mailing list yet, McGuire suggests starting with a simple Excel spreadsheet and start adding names, mailing addresses, city, state and zip codes. You might also want to add a space for phone number or email and even the types of animals or products they use for future reference. If you are not sure how to get all these addresses, start with getting information from the check or envelopes that the remittance comes in from bill payments.

Marketing tools exist and so do people who are willing to help. Don’t forget to reach out to your ASM or the Outreach Support Center. The tools and people that BioZyme offers are available to help you succeed.

Opportunities to Address Challenges Lead to Sales

For some on the BioZyme sales team, they take the relationship approach to getting products in front of customers. It is more about being problem solvers or helping the potential customer reach their production goals with a nutrition program, than it is “selling” a product.

Brett Tostenson, ASM who represents South Dakota and Eastern North Dakota, said he does extensive homework about a potential customer’s production goals, both commercial and seedstock, before he ever makes contact or sets foot on his or her ranch. With the use of the Internet and state-wide ag publications, there is typically a plethora of information about the larger cow-calf producers he calls on.

“I’m a huge proponent of connection-based selling to help them meet their needs. I look at the birthdates and sire groups in their sale catalogs, see if they have a ranch website or Facebook page, and Google to see if there is information about them, where they market their cattle. This helps me have a plan before I ever meet them,” Tostenson said.

He adds that is it is imperative to be genuine in the conversation, and with knowing background about their operation or having a mutual contact, it shows that you have an interest, and you are not just another cold call salesperson.

Once he knows about their operation, he will set up a time to stop by to look at their cattle, which he enjoys doing. Then, after he’s seen their cattle and had a good conversation, he’ll listen to any needs the producer might have like poor breed-backs, retained placentas or low conception rates. That is when he tells them about the reproductive mineral he uses on his own herd, VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®. His closing statement is strong:

“I don’t try to sell something I would not use on my own cattle.”

Once that trust is established and the producer decides to try the product, Tostenson will put him or her in touch with a dealer. He does follow up to make sure the dealer and the product is meeting expectations. And, he said it is important to be visible at their sale, but just to say hello, and not to talk shop on their big pay day.

The Consultant
Similar to Tostenson, Ty McGuire, who represents Michigan, Western Ohio and Kentucky, said he too likes to help potential and current customers meet their operation goals. He likes to consider himself as more of a consultant rather than a salesperson.

“I want them to know that I am looking out for them, and they can confide in me for answers whether it’s about nutrition, A.I. protocols or anything. I am a straight shooter, and that helps gain their trust and get the sale,” McGuire said.

Typically, on an initial visit, he will leave them with some beneficial literature that might include the sale report from a local livestock auction market, along with some BioZyme product information and his business card.

He agrees that sales books are a great way to learn about operations, and you can tell a lot about calving times, calving windows, sire groups and just about the people from the contents of the sale book. He said his initial face-to-face meetings can last from 20 minutes to an hour, and you can tell how much a person will open up and trust another in a short amount of time. Once he has their trust, he likes to talk about Amaferm®.

“I will bend over backwards for a potential customer to get the Amaferm advantage into their livestock. We have great products for every species and every situation, and I want them to know I will help them meet their goals, not only with nutrition but in other areas, as well,” McGuire said.

Do your homework. Build the relationship. Gain the trust. Sometimes selling isn’t even about selling as much as it is helping a fellow producer meet his or her production goals. Relationship selling is all about helping others. And that is care that comes full circle.