Two Minutes in January

As we enter a new year, it seems like a good time to set some new goals. I prefer the term goals over resolutions, because the average resolution lasts 32 days. I sure hope I can stick with something I want to achieve longer than just a month. 

A new year also means new changes in leadership following the November elections, like getting a new Speaker of the House. Following are a few hot topics impacting agriculture from Washington, D.C.  

It’s the year of the farm bill, and Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.), the new House Ag Committee Chairman is already hosting a farm bill listening session in his home state in January. With just six months until Congress breaks for summer recess, Thompson wants to act on getting a farm bill passed that “prioritizes the needs of the farmers, ranchers and foresters,” according to one media report.  

Another news bit from D.C. that impacts you and your customers is the looming definition of WOTUS (Waters of the United States). Late in 2022, an interim definition from EPA was introduced. The new rule would give federal protection to large waterways, like interstate rivers and streams and wetlands that are adjacent to them. Wetlands would be considered adjacent if they are connected to those larger waterways with “relatively permanent” surface water connections, or if they have a “significant” hydrologic or ecological “nexus” to those protected tributaries. This is definitely something to keep watching in the headlines of your local farm publications and the online newsletters you receive. 

Finally, technology is getting even bigger and more advanced each day. According to an article in Farm Journal’s PORK, Dragonfly Aerospace launched its first imaging satellite from the SpaceX launch site in Cape Canaveral, Fla., this month. “Named EOS SAT-1, this is the first of seven ag-specific satellites to be launched over the next three years, which is boasted to be the first such constellation focused on image data collection for agriculture. The constellation will maintain low Earth orbit and collect imagery for EOS Data Analytics with the goal of collecting high-quality data for crop monitoring, application mapping, soil moisture, yield prediction and biomass levels.” 

Technology is everywhere. Even places we don’t think about. 

A Day in the Life of BioZyme Employee Dan Delaney

Title: Inventory Coordinator

Number of Years at BioZyme: 35 (I started when I was 10 😊)

Describe a “typical” day in your job: Every ingredient we use is tested for various things depending on the ingredient. I pull a sample from each inbound ingredient and take to the lab for testing. Once the lab approves it, I can unload it or in the case of bagged product I will put it away in its proper place. In the case of bulk ingredients, I have to set it up in the receiving system and make sure the ingredient is going into the correct bin. It takes roughly an hour to unload each truck. Almost every morning there is at least one truck sitting here ready to unload. A typical day we’ll have around 4 trucks but have had as many as 8. Usually get 2 or 3 bagged ingredients each day as well. Medicated ingredients take special care, they are kept separate, and we have to keep records on its usage. Also, I will take inventory of both finished goods and ingredients to make sure we are staying on track. Every day is different and keeps me on my toes, I enjoy it a lot.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: Back when we had our own trucks and drivers, I would put together the loads, route the trucks and dispatch the drivers. It was VERY challenging, but it was nice when things came together, and I enjoyed working with customers and sales people to make things happen.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: Hmmm oh my there have been a few! lol, I guess if I had to pick an all-time favorite it would be the day we had a belly dancer for Butch’s (Ehlert) 60th birthday.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: I think we are completing the new space in the warehouse literally just in time. It has been challenging finding space to store inbound ingredients and other inputs, and we were chomping at the bit to get to use the new space. Honestly on the day they gave us the go ahead that we could use the new space we had so much stuff coming in I’m not sure where we would have put it all. It has been a welcomed relief to have the new space.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? Being at the beginning of process and knowing that each individual ingredient is going to be blended with others to make up our products that will ultimately be consumed by an animal is an important step. We can’t make great products if we don’t start with great ingredients.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Volleyball is my favorite, and I play competitively but also like golf, disc golf, corn hole, riding my motorcycle and listening to live music. Hanging out with friends and family.

We are thankful for long-term, caring employees like Dan as part of the BioZyme family!

Changes Coming in January

With the continued growth of BioZyme® and the expansion of AO-Biotics® on the additive side of the BioZyme family of products, Amaferm® will be rebranded starting in January as AO-Biotics® Amaferm®. The great product that everyone has depended on remains the same, only the name, logo design and packaging will change. This is a rolling change that will occur on packaging, literature and websites. Watch for the new look!
Starting January 1, 2023, new MAP pricing goes into effect. Separate communication with the updated pricing was sent by in late 2022. If you did not receive this information or have any questions, please contact Jennifer Miller at
The UPC code on the label of both the Vitalize® Alimend® gallons and half gallons will begin changing later in January. This change will occur as inventory of the current stock is sold, likely the third week of the month.
The following small pack items are being discontinued in the new year. Limited quantities are available, but once they are gone, they will no longer be manufactured.
Vita Charge® Neonatal
Vitalize® JumpStart
Backyard Boost® Defense 16oz
Vita Charge® HydraBoost™ AVX
Vita Charge® HydraBoost™ AVX RTU

Dealer Spotlight: Darlington Feed, LLC

Show us a dealer with ambition, a wide network of diverse producers and a willingness to use the tools provided, and we’ll show you Darlington Feed, LLC. Matt Weigel at Darlington, Wisconsin, has been a BioZyme dealer for nine years, and says the best thing about the BioZyme products is that they always do what they say they will.

“I’m not selling them anything. I feel like I am helping my customers,” he said. “Whenever I am talking to anyone – in the store or somewhere else, I ask them ‘how are things at the ranch?’. They will always tell you what is wrong, then you know what to offer them to help them. It’s a simple conversation starter to help them.”

Weigel and his staff are helping a diverse group of producers. He said his team does a great job and is always confident selling the BioZyme products, knowing the products will do what they are needed to do.

One of his most popular products is VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S; however, the Vita Charge® Clench Gel is also increasing in demand with the dairies in his area. Dairy producers like to keep 2-3 cases of Clench Gel on hand when calving.

Another event that has grown for Darlington Feed is Chick Days, and Weigel has seen the benefits of putting Backyard Boost® in his chicks’ water.

Not only does he recognize the diversity and quality of products that he gets from BioZyme, but he also appreciates the presence that the marketing and sales staff offers from the tools they provide from signage and training.

“Everything is there for you to use. You just have to use it,” he said.

In 2022, Weigel was able to build his own store, giving customers a brighter, neater shopping experience. He said the investment shows his customers there is security in his business, and he intends to be able to provide them service for the long haul.

In addition to building his own store front, he has partnered with Eastland Feed, who has the ability to manufacture feed for him and adds Amaferm® to rations when customers request it.

BioZyme is proud to have ambitious, young dealers who use the tools that are offered to them to provide care that comes full circle. Thanks, Darlington Feed, for being a BioZyme dealer!

We Aren’t Competing with Santa!

Due to the holidays, there will be no scheduled freight pickups or shipments from BioZyme today (Thursday, December 22) through Monday, December 26.

We will ship again next Tuesday & Wednesday,

To ensure you receive the freshest product, in the timeliest manner, there is also no shipping or pick-up the following days:

  • Thursday, December 29 to Monday, January 2, 2023

We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.


Congratulations to the following for completing advanced levels of the Master Dealer Program in November:

Master Dealer Chapter 3

  • Boyce Feed & Grain Corp
  • Lazy JB Cattle Works

Master Dealer Chapter 4

  • 5 F Feed
  • Circle Z Farms
  • Foxfire Feed LLC
  • Straightway Farm Services
  • Falling Timber Farm LLC
  • Diamond H Land & Cattle
  • Boyce Feed & Grain
  • Renew Ag Supply
  • Sayre Farmers Cooperative Gin Association
  • All Creatures Mobile Clinic
  • Gillespie Feed & Farm Supply

Two Minutes in December

by Shelia Grobosky, Marketing Brand Manager – Dealers & Public Relations

For some, it is the most wonderful time of the year. The holidays are approaching, and a new year is too. But for others, the holidays are not a happy time to navigate. And the year-end is a reminder of bills that are due and deadlines that must be met. 

Agriculture is hard. There are no two ways around it. However, one of the best things about this industry is its people. If you are having a challenging time right now, remember that you are surrounded by some of the greatest people in the business. Not only are the people in agriculture great, but your BioZyme family is here for you too. 

Mental health and happiness are probably not what you were expecting to read about this month. Cattle numbers are short. Tighter regulations are being put down on truckers, and freight is still a concern. But in the grand scheme of this thing called life, the things that matter most are faith, family and YOU! Let’s talk about you for just a few more paragraphs. 

If you are feeling a little down in the dumps this holiday season or anytime of the year, it is ok to reach out. There is always someone there who wants to help you. And if you don’t think so, just contact me or your ASM. I love listening to people, and sometimes that is just what a person needs – an unbiased person to listen. 

Do something for you. Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives we forget to live. I know this is true for myself. I was going through the motions, and then one day realized my daughter was growing up in front of my eyes. So, I give my time to her from the time she gets off the bus until bedtime. It might mean putting in a few later nights, but those evenings together are so worth it. 

Take up a hobby. Have you always wanted to learn to play the guitar or decorate cakes? You are never too old to learn a talent that can serve as a creative outlet and help you relieve stress at the same time. 

Take a deep breath. Sometimes those deep breaths are just what I need to help clear my mind and help me put things back into perspective. 

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and celebrate this wonderful time of year!  

Changes Coming in December


BioZyme® Inc. and Cogent Solutions Group will now carry the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) Quality Seal on products specifically designed for the equine and companion animal markets. Dealers and customers will start seeing the NASC seal on packaging for products for horses, dogs and cats under the Vitalize®, Hyaluronex® and Trixsyn® brands. The seal will be a rolling change as current packaging inventory is exhausted.


Vitalize® Horse Treats are still available in limited-edition holiday packaging. These carrot-flavored prebiotic snacks make great gifts for your favorite equine companions. Stock up now before the supply is gone!


To allow our families to observe the Christmas and New Year holidays, we are closed the following:

• Friday, December 23 & Monday, December 26

 • Monday, January 2, 2023

To ensure you receive the freshest product, in the timeliest manner, there is no shipping or pickup on:

• Thursday, December 22 to Monday, December 26

• Thursday, December 29 to Monday, January 2, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the BioZyme Family.

Dealer Spotlight: Falling Timber Farm

Batman and Robin. Kenny and Dolly. Johnny and June. Some things are just meant to be together. That same can be said of Falling Timber Farm LLC and BioZyme® Inc. John and Heidi Ridder, Marthasville, Missouri, started as BioZyme dealers shortly after they got married, and have been growing their business while watching BioZyme grow for nearly the last two decades. 

“The VitaFerm® products have a reputation of quality in the cattle world. The products sell themselves,” John said. 

He described the early beginnings in the nutrition industry. One of John’s jobs after college was a sales manager for a feed store before he returned to the home farm in eastern Missouri. The BioZyme district manager asked him to start selling BioZyme products. At that time, BioZyme still ran their own delivery trucks and would call dealers to put together orders every week. They would unload 10 bags of product at a time at Ridder’s shop and hand stack it onto a plastic pallet.  

“A few really good years changed everything,” he said. 

As if he and Heidi were looking into a crystal ball, they started identifying other good end-users in their area to work underneath them in getting products distributed. Falling Timber Farm was among the first to be part of the sub-dealer network.  

“Sub-dealers were going to be the only way to survive, even back then. When the freight changed and they started to bring a load in at a time, the sub-dealers were a great way to get more products out to more customers,” John said. 

Not only do they have several sub-dealers that they work together with, Falling Timber Farm also engages in several marketing opportunities that BioZyme offers. They participate in the quarterly mailer dealer four times a year, offer their customers a promo each spring and fall where they send their own postcard and work closely with their Area Sales Manager Ali Brunner. 

“The dealer mailer is easy, and it works. We keep our mailing list up to date,” Heidi said. “I have considered moving to an email for our spring and fall promos instead of a postcard, but that postcard gives them something in the mail to look at instead of an email where they can just delete it with a push of a button. That postcard usually gets us a few calls after it goes out.” 

In addition to their BioZyme business, the Ridders also have a registered Hereford operation, so they maintain several customer lists with the use of Excel spreadsheets. Heidi said her BioZyme spreadsheet rarely has any returned postcards due to being kept current. One tip she offers others is that for a minimal fee, the Post Office will check a list for accuracy, which she does before mailing their annual production sale catalog, since it is thicker and requires more postage. 

Although they face the same challenges most dealers face, John and Heidi enjoy the family atmosphere that their dealership has given them while raising their own two children, who are the fourth generation to grow up on the ranch. Madi is a sophomore at the University of Missouri studying Animal Science, and Ben is a freshman at Oklahoma State University majoring in Agriculture Systems and Technology.  

“We are able to help other producers with smaller herds and full-time jobs meet their production goals. They come out to get products with their family and their kids. We’ve grown up in this business and our customers have grown up with us, and we get to watch their families grow up, too,” Heidi said. 

John agrees. He also encourages anyone interested in getting involved to branch out and be patient. 

“You likely won’t survive on one entity alone, so you will need to diversify. That might be sales and grain farming or sales and livestock,” he said. “Don’t expect to grow real fast. Grow your customer base one really good customer at a time.”  

Just like John and Heidi Ridder of Falling Timber Farm had the foresight to grow their customer base and their sub-dealer system, they know to use their resources, diversify their opportunities and provide care that comes full circle to their customers. We’re proud that they have been with BioZyme for the long haul!