Top Growth Products in 2023

It’s hard to know where you should go, without reviewing where you’ve been. We thought it would be fun to review some of our top selling products for 2023 year-to-date, compared to the same time last year.

These products are fast growing, and by keeping them stocked on your shelves and in your warehouse, you might just see a difference in your sales.

Backyard Boost® Defense – 8 oz

This was by far the top growth product, experiencing nearly a 151% growth, year over year. This liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and a healthy immune response is also a high-margin product. It can be marketed during chick days and beyond as it provides nutrients needed in times of stress and promotes water intake and hydration. Several dealers actually use it to turn their water green during chick days and have signage that encourages customers to “Ask me about the Green Water.”

Gain Smart® Wheat – 50 lb bag

This somewhat seasonal and regional product charted a 92% growth in sales. A free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for stocker cattle designed to maximize efficient gain on wheat or small grain pasture. Gain Smart Wheat provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system. It contains Amaferm, organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability and hoof health.

Vitalize® Blazin – 32 oz

This liquid product for horses is designed to support normal recovery from heat stress and exertion. This quick response product grew in sales 66%. It promotes cellular hydration and water retention. In addition to Amaferm, it includes antioxidants to reduce damaging free radicals caused by exertion and heat.

Sure Champ® Joint Juice – 64 oz bottle

Posting a 68% sales growth, is this multi-specie liquid product for livestock designed to support joint health utilizing patented technology. Joint Juice supports sustainable soundness and mobility while it lubricates joints. It contains MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

VitaFerm Conserve® CTC 3G – 50 lb bag

This VitaFerm product also charted a 67% growth. It’s a vitamin and mineral supplement for beef cattle with CTC designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. It features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package and contains CTC for control of anaplasmosis.

DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid® – 50 lb bag

In the small ruminant line, this product grew by 39%. This free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats is designed to support reproductive success. It supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, while high levels of vitamin E assist in reproductive tract repair.

Vita Charge® Clench Gel – 30 mL

This rapid-response product grew in sales by 22%. Clench is a gel for all livestock designed to support normal digestive function during occasional diarrhea/scours. It contains MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system and electrolytes to support rehydration. It also has Amaferm, to enhance digestibility. Like all Vita Charge and Sure Champ products, it can be used on show livestock without testing and doesn’t interfere with antibiotics.

As you can see with a range in growth across product lines from 22% to 151%, the BioZyme family of brands truly does offer something for every customer. We recommend stocking some of these high-margin, more popular products to make sure that your sales continue to grow into 2024 and beyond.

Marketing materials or signage are now available in the SAMM Center (Signage, Apparel, Marketing Materials) in the Online Dealer Center. These branded materials, in one location, make your marketing even easier than ever.

Changes Coming in January


Starting in January, dealers and end-users will start to see some familiar products in the VitaFerm® and Sure Champ® brands. Although the products might have new names and labels, they are not necessarily new to the BioZyme family of brands. BioZyme is repositioning the Vita Charge products into either VitaFerm or Sure Champ to continue to provide undeniable impact to our customers.

The change comes after months of market and sales research, in an attempt to help increase efficiencies across all brands. All products will continue to be marketed “with the Vita Charge technology,” a fast-acting proprietary blend of ingredients that support animals during, before and after times of stress. All products will continue to have the same great formulas that customers have come to know and trust.

The production cattle products like Stress Tubs and 5L Cattle Drench will be marketed under the VitaFerm label.

All gels, Liquid Boost® and the 32 oz. Cattle Drench will be marketed under the Sure Champ label. Traditional Vita Charge Gel is being renamed Sure Champ Appetite Plus® with Vita Charge Technology, to better describe its function.

Both of the HydraBoost® products for swine become available only on special order, and no longer will be on the price list, once current inventory is depleted, much like HydraBoost AVX.

This will be a rolling change, as inventory of currently labeled products is depleted from inventory. Look for more information on the upcoming changes coming soon in the Online Dealer Center, Dealer Facebook Page and in your email.

How Dealers Can Work with ASMs to Plan their Growth

“The nature of life is to grow,” said Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This famous quote suggests that growth is an inherent characteristic of life itself.

Long-time BioZyme® Area Sales Manager (ASM) Chris Kyle offers some advice when it comes to setting a growth goal for the approaching year. Kyle, who works with dealers in Arkansas, Louisiana and east Texas said he encourages his dealers to start thinking about the budgeting and planning process for the next year at the beginning of Quarter 4 the year prior.

“I usually start putting that reminder out there by the first of October. Then around the end of October or first of November, I like to sit down with my dealers to talk through how they see their sales going for the next year,” he said.

Be Strategic to Grow

Kyle offers advice to dealers as they think through and establish their sales goals for the next year.

First, they look at the current year’s sales. Now, it is time to set the bar a little higher and forecast growth. Kyle said individual dealers’ goals will vary and should align with their action plan and what level of BioZyme dealer they strive to become.

Sales growth can come in a variety of different forms. Revenue can be created by introducing new BioZyme products or brands, obtaining new customers within the same markets serviced in the past or selling more products to existing customers.

The BioZyme family of brands offers ample opportunities to introduce new products into a dealership. In addition, BioZyme’s new product development team works diligently to add new products to its lineup each year, ensuring you always have new opportunities for growth.

These products can be sold to new customers or even existing customers. With the recent Vita Charge® Cattle Drench campaign, several dealers increased sales by offering this product to existing VitaFerm® or Gain Smart® customers.

Finally, consider new business opportunities that you might have. Did you have a new producer move to your sales area? Will you have a producer meeting and invite prospective customers? Kyle’s experience shows that both these help his dealers increase sales, especially in the spring and fall.

Want to grow in 2024? Ask your ASM to schedule a time to help plan your action.

A Day in the Life of BioZyme Employee Shane Schaake

Shane Schaake is a Kansas native who has extensive knowledge of the cattle business. He grew up on his family’s Simmental operation north of Manhattan, Kansas, where they still raise about 100 purebred and percentage Simmental cows. Since he married his wife, Melissa, they have started building their own herd of very prestigious Hereford cows. Melissa and Shane are back-to-back American Royal Hereford Premier Breeder Award winners. 

Shane and his brother showed heifers across the country while growing up. Today, the Schaake family hosts an annual heifer sale with a focus on selling junior show heifer prospects. They also conduct a spring bull sale.  

Schaake attended Kansas State University, where he earned his bachelor’s in Animal Science in December 2015. After college, he managed a 700-head commercial cow-calf ranch on the edge of the Sandhills in Eastern Colorado. Prior to joining the BioZyme team in January 2020, he worked for Genex. Although he said cattle are his first passion, he also enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time with family. 

Shane Schaake Is Our Kansas Area Sales Manager 

Let’s learn more about a day in the life of the Kansas Area Sales Manager. 

Title: Kansas ASM 

Number of Years at BioZyme: almost 4 

Describe a “typical” day in your job:  

A typical day for Kansas is traveling around and working with our dealers throughout the state, providing marketing materials, delivering product knowledge, setting up producer meetings and doing customer visits with those dealers.  

In the spring is our big producer meeting time for most dealers so when that rolls around making sure we have our presentation prepared for what we are going to talk about that year as well as making sure we have all of our marketing material we need for it. We also stay in close contact with our distributor reps to help them help our dealers as well.  

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme:   

Attending NCBA twice now and talking with producers from all over the U.S. It’s very interesting to me how everyone has the same goal in an industry but can do it completely differently from coast to coast.  

Share a funny story about one of your days at work:    

Not sure if I really have any funny stories, but some of the most memorable times I have had at BioZyme is meeting, working with and learning about our dealers. My dealers in Kansas seem to be more like family than friends anymore! 

What has been one of the biggest challenges:   

Working with producers that are “old school” and are hesitant about changing their ways.  

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do?   

This is extremely important to me and something I think about every morning when I start my day. This is honestly what drives me day in and day out. I think of this a lot of different directions to look at this from working with the producer to them helping get their stock to perform for them then returning it back the ground. Another example of this is everything we do for outreach with Jr Nationals and developing the youth to prepare them to take over the ag industry in the future.  

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office?  

I really enjoy spending time with my wife on our ranch and taking care of our Hereford and Simmental cows, from calving to weaning, then into the show barn with them, it takes a group effort. I also really like artificially inseminating (AI-ing) cattle for different producers that are on Concept•Aid®. In fact, I really won’t breed for anyone who isn’t using Concept•Aid on their cattle anymore! 

Thanks for being part of the BioZyme family, and showing care that comes full circle in everything you do, Shane!

Product Quizzes & Calculators

Part of the care that comes full circle is taking the guess work out what our customers’ animals need to thrive and help them achieve the most profit. That is why nearly every brand we offer has online tools in the form of product quizzes and various calculators so customers can easily select the product that is best for their situation.

Product Navigator Quizzes

Many of BioZyme’s brand websites feature product quizzes, including:

  • VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®
  • Sure Champ®
  • Gain Smart®
  • Vitalize® Equine

Product quizzes allow you to help your customers determine the proper product(s) for their animals given the time of year, production phase they are currently in or the best way they need to help their animal.

Gestation Calculators

Most producers know gestation length for the species they raise. However, it isn’t always simple to figure 283 days in your head, or figure when you should breed if you want mid-March calves. BioZyme offers online gestation calculators for cattle, sheep and goats on the VitaFerm and DuraFerm websites. Online gestation calculators are available to enter your breeding date to populate a birthing date. Printable tables for each species are also online and are based on the following:

  • Cattle – 283 days
  • Sheep – 145 days
  • Goats – 150 days

Value Calculators

Because we know that saving money is important to our customers, we have also created several online value calculators. For VitaFerm and Gain Smart, you can access these calculators under the Resources Tab on their respective websites.

Gain Calculator allows producers to enter their own information to determine the additional gain advantage when feeding VitaFerm or Gain Smart products.

Forage Savings Calculator calculates the hay savings per pair from incorporating VitaFerm or Gain Smart into the diet.

Amaferm Value Calculator helps determine the advantages of per head per day of feeding AO-Biotics® Amaferm®.

These are also in a downloadable PDF version that you can easily have accessible anytime you are talking to a customer.

We strive to help you make the sale, while helping your customers understand that a premium vitamin and mineral program is an investment, not a cost.

A Day in the Life of BioZyme® Employee Chris Kyle  

Chris Kyle has a background in the dairy and rodeo industries. He joined joined BioZyme® in 2016 as an Area Sales Manager. 
Chris earned a bachelor’s degree in Ag Business from the University of Arkansas at Monticello, where he attended on a rodeo scholarship. 
He and his wife, Lacee and two children, Coree and Kit, live in Greenbriar, Arkansas. They are active in the rodeo community and love to hunt and fish. He currently raises Corriente cattle and has horses that he competes with in team roping events at amateur rodeos. 

If you have spent any amount of time with Chris, you know he has a sweet tooth and a heart of gold – both the size of Texas. He is a great story teller and might even make you a great deal on a car while telling you a tale or two.  

Learn more about Chris and a day in his life at BioZyme. 

Title: Area Sales Manager, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas

Number of Years at BioZyme:

Describe a “typical” day in your job: Wake up, drive, talk on phone, stop and see customer, drive, talk on phone, see customer, repeat. 

What is the most interesting thing you ever done at BioZyme:  Every day is interesting. It’s always an adventure.  

Share a funny story about one of your days at work:  I was asked to show my ID at a store because of my name (American Sniper). I had to take my belt off and show them my name was on it before they believed me.  

What has been one of the biggest challenges:  Covid wasn’t really cool for traveling sales reps. 

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do?  The people who purchase our products live the same lifestyle that my family does. We see each other outside of the sales calls and ranch visits. It’s very rewarding to see a customer or their children have success at an event (livestock show/rodeo/etc.) and have them attribute a part of their success to our products. 

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Being a dad. I have two kids that keep me busy. 

Thank you, Chris, for being a valuable part of the BioZyme family. We appreciate your family sharing you with us, and for you being a shining example of care that comes full circle. 


Do you love animals? Do you care about people? Do you want to ensure a safe and wholesome food supply for the world?

If you answered yes to these questions and are looking for a rewarding and challenging career, BioZyme® Inc. is hiring. BioZyme, headquartered in Saint Joseph, Missouri, is a global leader in the animal health and nutrition industry.


“Care that comes full circle” is the company motto, and that care is spread throughout the world, starting with its people. That is what motivates 28-year employee Kevin Glaubius every day in his role.

BioZyme has a different business model that focuses on quality and consistency, and in the feed industry that is a rarity. I can feel confident that if I help a dealer get a customer on a product or program, they are going to experience the same performance time after time because our products do what we say they do,” said Glaubius, Area Sales Manager in Nebraska.

BioZyme hires a diverse set of people with a variety of skills and interests. The common thread that ties our employees together is their caring attitude. They care about others, and they care about the wellbeing of animals.

At BioZyme we have people from all walks of life. Those who enjoy problem-solving through science and technology, those who enjoy working with their hands and those who enjoy talking on the phone and helping customers with their challenges.

Available Feed Industry Jobs

Currently, there are positions available on the career listing in several interest and skill areas, including:

✔ Fermentation
✔ Maintenance
✔ Marketing
✔ Sales
✔ Quality

“We encourage those people interested in working at BioZyme to watch the website, as we continually update the careers page. Applying is easy, and we also rely heavily on the Culture Index to ensure that we place the qualified candidates in the positions that they are most comfortable in,” said Caity Norton, Senior Manager of Human Resources.


Glaubius added that in addition to helping people and their animals, he enjoys the benefits that BioZyme offers its employees.

For example, BioZyme employees can earn company shares through the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). He has also witnessed the opportunities that employees have gained in their skills with the growth over nearly three decades.

Some of the other great benefits that BioZyme offers includes:

✔ Competitive Salaries
✔ Comprehensive Insurance Plans
✔ Flexible, Remote Work Opportunities
✔ Ongoing Educational Opportunities

“When I started, there was one sales manager, one marketing person. Now, there are opportunities to gain experience and new skills or work in a variety of roles if you already have those skills. We have our own lab and testing facilities and are committed to improving the facilities when we can,” he said.

Join The Biozyme Family

If you are interested in feed industry jobs or joining the BioZyme family—or you know someone who would make an ideal team member—please visit BioZyme Careers.

How To Put Weight on Calves: Research Proves Amaferm® Advantage

Are you wondering how to put weight on calves? Well, did you know the combination of Vita Charge® Cattle Drench and Vita Charge® Stress Tubs help support digestive health and intake? If your calves take to eating and drinking without hesitation, one thing is certain: they are likely to gain faster, too.

So, what is Vita Charge?

Vita Charge is a line of fast acting, multi-specie livestock products for support before, during and after stressful times. Both weaning and changing environments are stressful for young calves. Therefore, BioZyme® Inc., makers of Vita Charge, recommend Vita Charge products at weaning, when receiving calves or anytime stress occurs.

Vita Charge comes in various forms, including liquid, gels and tubs for multiple applications. And most products, with the exception of the Cattle Drench and Stress Tubs, can be used across all livestock species. The one commonality across Vita Charge – all products contain the research-proven prebiotic AO-Biotics® Amaferm® designed to enhance digestibility.

Research Proves Vita Charge Works

When BioZyme says it’s products work, we mean it. We take the time to research, test and verify the products we promote to consumers.

In a 2016 University of Tennessee – Martin research trial, 48 calves were purchased at a sale barn. After hauling them for about 2 hours, they were fed hay and water overnight before processing. All calves were stressed from hauling, being in a new environment and heat.

The calves were divided into two groups. A control group and the trial group that was given 1 ounce of Vita Charge Cattle Drench during processing.

In addition to Amaferm, Vita Charge Cattle Drench contains MOS (mannan oligosaccharide) to help normalize the gut microflora and supports the immune system. Drench also includes enzymes to generate a more rapid digestive response.

The trial group of calves were also turned out to pens that included Vita Charge Stress Tubs for three weeks. Stress Tubs are designed to support digestive health and intake. They also contain Amaferm and MOS. Additionally, they contain a probiotic to help restore the gut microbiome.

Cattle provided with Vita Charge Cattle Drench upon arrival recovered more quickly. This is shown with a significant increase in average daily gain (ADG) during week one. The control group actually lost weight during the first week.

The cattle that received Amaferm gained 1.54 pounds/head/day. Conversely, the control group lost .52 pounds/head/day during that first week.

How to Put Weight on Calves? Start Them Off Right

Although most calves will start gaining once they transition, this Tennessee study demonstrated that Amaferm offers an advantage in gain. Yes, the control group did start gaining after week 1. However, even after the Stress Tubs were removed after 21 days (week 3), the calves that had Amaferm in their diet kept outperforming.

Calves in the control group, in weeks 4-7 posted an ADG of 1.45 pounds. In the Amaferm group, the calves had an ADG of 2.33 pounds, more than a 3/4-pound advantage per head. When you are selling pounds, raising cattle to gain efficiently, Amaferm seems like an investment worth making.

What our Customers Have to Say

To put weight on calves means healthy, efficient gain. Matthew Cox runs an Angus cow herd in Nebraska. He also buys calves to background from a sale barn, so he has a combination of cattle to turn out to grass.

He is a big fan of the Vita Charge products, not only for the performance, but also for the increased health.

“I swear by the Vita Charge® Cattle Drench. In our yearling operation, we have noticeably less sickness and better appetites, both on calves we get in from the sale barn and on home-raised calves. We couple the Cattle Drench with Stress Tubs and within two weeks our calves are off to the races. Consumption gets to 2% per 100lbs of body weight within 5 days instead of 10,” he explained.

He went on to say, “the quicker I can stimulate appetite and get that young calf to get enough energy intake with the stressful weaning event the better off I am. Our troubles aren’t as prevalent, and we don’t have to treat calves. That’s a savings of $25-$40 per head with the current price of antibiotics. I am a firm believer in the Amaferm in these Vita Charge products.”

Bubba Rutherford from Texas is another cow-calf producer who believes in the benefits of the Drench.

“I give the Vita Charge Drench to every animal – calf, yearling or cow – that comes onto my place as soon as they unload and go through the chute. Even the cows that are heading to the packing house get the Drench. It seems like it just gives them an extra boost, and the cattle go to feed a lot faster. When we doctor yearlings in the pasture, they get a dose of Vita Charge Drench too, and they go right back to feed,” Rutherford said.

Are you Looking for Vita Charge?

Well, we can help you find it. Vita Charge and all BioZyme products are sold through our dealer network and online. Locate your nearest dealer with our dealer locator.

Not seeing a dealer near you? You can refer a dealer on our website, today.

Want more information about our products? Sign up for our regular newsletter.

BioZyme’s Favorite Retail Merchandising Tips: Tools & Resources to Help Dealers Drive Sales 

The consumer experience has changed over the years. Retail stores are finding it challenging to hire workers. Online shopping has continued to grow since the pandemic. However, consumers still want to go into brick-and-mortar stores for items like household goods, furniture and livestock nutrition needs.

BioZyme® Inc., is a company that relies on a dealer network to promote and sell its products across the country. Dealers’ stores vary from family-owned feed stores to farm and home stores to cooperatives.

However, at BioZyme we don’t just provide a product and expect the dealers to sell it. We also provide marketing support in multiple forms.

We Support our Dealers

“One of the things we really pride ourselves on is our Marketing Team. It serves as an in-house marketing agency for our dealers,” said Lynsey Whitacre, Ph.D., Senior Manager of Smarketing and Product Development. “In order for our dealers to succeed, we must provide them the materials they need to promote the products and educate others about them.”

But we don’t only want to help the incredible dealers we work with. That’s why we focused this informational guide on retail merchandising tips and tricks any supply store or agricultural dealer can take advantage of.

The BioZyme Marketing Team has collaborated to share some of its top tools and resources when it comes to creating eye-catching displays.

Retail Merchandising Tips and Tools from BioZyme

Retail merchandising can be one of the hardest parts of running a retail business. It requires lots of planning, materials and attention to detail. All of that while also running a successful business.

It’s no wonder dealers turn to BioZyme’s dedicated ASMs and Brand Managers for regular retail merchandising tips.

Here are our Top 4 Retail Merchandising Tips for Dealers

Tip #1: Signage is Key

Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners? That’s why signage is so important to effective retail merchandising.

In addition to attracting customers, guiding shoppers and strengthening your brand, signage can help drive business and increase sales.

As many dealers are well aware, a customer can’t buy something they don’t know to look for. With in-store signage, you can alert customers to your latest deals and promotions like holiday specials without needing them to be a regular.

But make sure not to dump all your signs near the door. Take advantage of your entire layout, incorporating signs where they will have the most impact on customers. Don’t forget to take advantage of high-value spaces—think counter space near the register—that can be used to upsell additional offerings.

Our Favorite Signage Tools 

Not all signage is created equal. The BioZyme Marketing Team has worked collectively to create eye-catching, informative merchandising materials for their dealers. Some of their favorite pieces include:

Shelf talkers

Shelf talkers or shelf danglers are small signs that hang right in front of a product. They typically highlight the product or product line. They are a great place for a QR-code that links to a quick video or website for more information

Counter mats

BioZyme created counter mats featuring the BioZyme family of brands that are clear and can have the insert replaced depending on the product you want to promote at the time. These are great for providing information at the counter – a focal conversation point.

Aisle violators

These larger signs are rather “violating.” They typically go on an aisle’s end and jump out at customers with bright visuals and bold wording. They are very eye appealing.

Posters & Banners

A variety of sizes of posters and banners across all brands are available. Quality large-form signage is a great tool to communicate with customers on new products, discounts, or important store information.

Product shelf displays

Product shelf displays are available for Vitalize® Equine Gel and Backyard Boost® Busy Balls and Songbird Balls. These help make the product look neater and add visual appeal.

Mini Tabletop pull up signs

These are perfect for special events, promotions, displays and trade shows.

Tip #2: Cross-Merchandise where you Can

Cross-merchandising combines related items within a single display. This is a fantastic way to enhance your sales and improve customer convenience. Not to mention, it allows you to display products in more spaces across your store, boosting the likelihood of a sale.

For example, during Chick Days, you would want to display both Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials and Backyard Boost Defense. This informs customers there are two products that work together to help their chicks at various stages of life.

Likewise, at weaning, we suggest promoting the Vita Charge® Cattle Drench and Stress Tubs with the Gain Smart® minerals. This 3-step approach lets producers know they can keep their animals on AO-Biotics® Amaferm® for best results.

This strategy can also extend between stores, where collaboration and sharing lists of needed items from various local businesses can expand customer reach and boost sales. While we recognize that may not be applicable to every dealer out there, cross-merchandising can be a great opportunity for creative collaboration within your community.

An engaged dealer is a reliable dealer, and customers will respond to that.

Tip #3: Make your Merchandising Active

“Regardless of the kind of retail merchandising you use, be sure it has an effective call to action,” said Hayley Keck, Senior Brand Manager.

“A QR Code makes a good call to action because they are simple to use with a smartphone camera, can be linked to a video or website, and we can also include a sign-up form for newsletters, promotions or giveaways.”

Very similarly to what we mentioned in previous retail merchandising tips, active merchandising leads to engaged customer behaviors. That’s a win for your business. Building opportunities for active engagement can help boost sales, increase customer retention and keep your customers invested in what you have stocked.

Not only that, but a quality call to action can be a fun way to make shopping with you a more conscientious activity. It’s an easy way to show that you care about the quality of their experience.

It all boils down to improving customer experience, and happy customers are repeat customers.

Tip #4: Placement can Make or Break a Sale

This is one of our retail merchandising tips that our ASMs are most passionate about. Setup and display are key. Where you put things in your store can be the difference between a good quarter and a bad quarter.

Now, we know that may sound unlikely on first read. But knowing how to optimize item placement across your store can and will boost your sales.

We recommend dealers place high-volume or popular products slightly further back in the store to encourage customers to walk through the whole space when they visit. It’s the reason products like milk and bread are placed in the back, corners or sides of the grocery store.

People buy them frequently, and you want customers to walk by as much product as possible on their way to them.

Display is Equally Important

This rule also applies to how you display products in the store. Products placed at eye level will get more attention. Goods placed below waist level are more likely to be passed over.

Using benches, shelves and other display materials are a great way to move products from the floor to waist level or higher. This makes them more noticeable to customers, but also prevents customers with physical limitations from having to bend over. A win for everybody.

Similarly, goods placed too high can be frustrating for consumers and a liability for dealers should they fall or break. You should, of course, use the space you have—be it on the floor or up high—to store products.

We just encourage you to have additional quantities nearby so that customers can see and select from them rather than reach up or bend down for them. Especially if they’re heavy or bulky.

Why Invest in Retail Merchandising?

Some dealers reading this may be wondering, “my business is doing just fine without elaborate merchandising strategies. Why are these retail merchandising tips actually worth my time?”

The short answer is because it’s the perfect way to improve your customers’ shopping experience.

Quality retail merchandising helps your customers find what they’re looking for, learn about products and encourages purchases. All things that benefit your business.

The need for knowing product location and information are two primary advantages to retail merchandising, but nowhere near the only reasons.

Other reasons you would want to focus on merchandising include:

  • Visual appeal – Make a positive first impression
  • Strategic placement of product – Complimentary products placed together leads to cross-selling
  • Increase product movement – Customers don’t buy what they can’t see
  • Lead to impulse buys – Customers might learn something about a product from signage

Dealers can Get our Materials

If you’ve read all 4 of our retail merchandising tips and are feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry! BioZyme is here to help. Most standardized retail merchandising supplies can be requested through the Online Dealer Center or through your Area Sales Manager. There are exceptions.

To request materials for the current Vita Charge® Cattle Drench campaign, which includes shelf talkers, neck tags and counter mat inserts, contact Katie McComb at Let her know how many of each item you would like, and they will be shipped to your dealership.

To request Backyard Boost display boxes, email Sam Albers at, with your dealership name, the type needed (Backyard Bird or Songbird) and quantity needed. These will be delivered to you by your ASM, preassembled.

Watch the Dealer Facebook page and VISION newsletter for more merchandising material in the future.

Have an idea for something you’d like to see? Submit a Marketing Request.

Need more information about BioZyme?

Perhaps you are wondering how you can purchase some of our great BioZyme products? Locate one of our dealers near you on our dealer locator.

Or maybe, you do like to shop online. We also provide that option.

Have you read our retail merchandising tips and are interested in becoming a BioZyme dealer? Learn more about the Dealer opportunities.

Looking for a full-time career? BioZyme is an employee-owned company, with amazing benefits. It maintains a list of career openings and is always looking for compassionate, self-starters who want to make a difference in animals’ lives.

BioZyme® Takes its Diversified Family of Brands to SuperZoo and Dakotafest 

What do Mitchell, South Dakota, and Las Vegas during the third week of August have in common? Probably not much unless you are wildly excited about the BioZyme® family of brands. 

Our team divided and promoted the diversity of brands at two unique events, SuperZoo and Dakotafest

The Similarities 

Both SuperZoo and Dakotafest allowed BioZyme experts to share the advantages of AO-Biotics® Amaferm®. They both had captive audiences of people interested in making animals’ lives better. This was BioZyme’s second year at each of the three-day events. 


SuperZoo is North America’s largest pet retail event. 

According to Lori Lawrence, Senior Manager of Commercial Marketing, it allows BioZyme to showcase diverse products that set us apart in the marketplace.  Additionally, we can connect directly with animal health and pet suppliers

“When we see all the different goods out there and all the suppliers, we realize just how large the pet industry is. It sure made us walk away with some ideas on how to be more innovative with new products and collaborations,” Lawrence said. 

BioZyme had a 10×20 booth in the Farm & Feed Area. We were able to showcase several product lines including Vitalize®, Backyard Boost®, Vita Charge® and Sure Champ®.  

“At SuperZoo, the pet business is huge. You realize how many people humanize their animals. You see a little bit of everything there,” Lawrence said. 

The Vitalize products have received NASC (National Animal Supplement Council) accreditation. Therefore, we were able to cross promote in the NASC booth. Lawrence said NASC allowed BioZyme to display Vitalize products with the NASC seal in their booth, adding to brand presence. 


This annual event is designed for farmers, ranchers and those who embrace a rural lifestyle.  

For the second year, the BioZyme Livestock Tent has been the hub of livestock industry information at Dakotafest. In addition to our own display, dealer Greg Steele, Greg’s Feed Service, also had a booth in the tent. Another BioZyme dealer, Cowell Ag, also was at the Dakotafest. 

While BioZyme sponsored the livestock tent, there were other vendors there. This was to our company’s advantage. Each day during chute demonstrations by the equipment company, we were able to demonstrate the ease of using Vita Charge® Cattle Drench and share its benefits. 

“We had a captive audience twice a day. We able to demonstrate cattle drench on live cattle while we hung it on our shoulders,” said Bob Burkham, Senior Manager of National Sales. 

That audience allowed our experts to share the benefits of Amaferm. Talks provided by Chris Cassady, Ph.D., ASMs Kevin Glaubius and Justin Doubet, touted the economic and nutritional advantages of VitaFerm. Wyatt Marshall, Industry and Events Coordinator, also spoke about Vitalize products. 

“Dr. Cassady talked about the value of Amaferm. He even had a white board so he could show the audience the math,” Burkham said. 

Doubet agrees that the set-up at Dakotafest is unique. 

“It gives us an opportunity to partner with another company demonstrating their equipment, while we can still showcase our products,” he said. 

Meeting our Goals 

Sales diversification is one of BioZyme’s core goals. From attending a pet-focused event in Las Vegas to demonstrating our products chute-side for ranchers in South Dakota, our team is dedicated to providing care that comes full circle to a variety of animals. With the BioZyme family of brands there is a product for every animal lover out there. 

BioZyme® Inc., Offers a Variety of Career Opportunities & Feed Industry Jobs

Do you love animals? Do you care about people? Do you want to ensure a safe and wholesome food supply for the world?

If you answered yes to these questions and are looking for a rewarding and challenging career, BioZyme® Inc. is hiring. BioZyme, headquartered in Saint Joseph, Missouri, is a global leader in the animal health and nutrition industry.

Our People

“Care that comes full circle” is the company motto, and that care is spread throughout the world, starting with its people. That is what motivates 28-year employee Kevin Glaubius every day in his role.

BioZyme has a different business model that focuses on quality and consistency, and in the feed industry that is a rarity. I can feel confident that if I help a dealer get a customer on a product or program, they are going to experience the same performance time after time because our products do what we say they do,” said Glaubius, Area Sales Manager in Nebraska.

Available Feed Industry Jobs

Currently, there are positions available on the career listing in several interest and skill areas, including:

  • Administration
  • Fermentation
  • Marketing
  • Sales

“We encourage those people interested in working at BioZyme to watch the website, as we continually update the careers page. Applying is easy, and we also rely heavily on the Culture Index to ensure that we place the qualified candidates in the positions that they are most comfortable in,” said Caity Norton, Senior Manager of Human Resources.

BioZyme Benefits

Glaubius added that in addition to helping people and their animals, he enjoys the benefits that BioZyme offers its employees.

As an employee-owned company, each employee has the opportunity to buy into BioZyme. He has also witnessed the opportunities that employees have gained in their skills with the growth over nearly three decades.

“When I started, there was one sales manager, one marketing person. Now, there are opportunities to gain experience and new skills or work in a variety of roles if you already have those skills. We have our own lab and testing facilities and are committed to improving the facilities when we can,” he said.

Join The Biozyme Family

If you are interested in feed industry jobs or joining the BioZyme family—or you know someone who would make an ideal team member—please visit BioZyme Careers.

A Day in the Life of a BioZyme® Employee Morgan Weinrich

Title: Missouri Area Sales Manager (ASM)

Morgan Weinrich

Number of Years at BioZyme: 1 year & 9 months

Describe a “typical” day in your job: As an Area Sales Manager, no day is ever the same. It can vary from an office day working from home, traveling to see dealers & their customers, or working at a trade show. Most of my weeks are filled with dealer face-to-face visits.

As an ASM, I am the dealer’s go-to for BioZyme products. Each day can change from listening to dealers’ challenges, helping them decide what products to suggest for one of their customers or educating them on new products.

What is the most interesting thing you have ever done at BioZyme: My second interview for my position with BioZyme was held at the Centennial Airport. Alan Lee had asked me to meet him there for an in-person interview. Unbeknownst to me, I’d also be walking in to meet the then CEO of the company, Bob Norton.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: I have a few memories from my time in CO, WY & UT instead of a funny story.

One of my first visits with Keith Micke was to Scott Ranches in Douglas, Wyoming. The winds were easily blowing 50-60 MPH that day. Keith made sure that it was my job to open and close all the gates that day.

In Fall 2022, I was determined to make a trip to see Johnson Grain in Afton, WY. Mind you, this trip takes 8 hours to get to. I beat it down the road late one night to make it halfway and drive the other half the next day. Pure luck that I woke up to a few inches of snow on the ground, and the pass to Afton CLOSED. My only decision was to bust it back to Laramie before I got stuck on I-80 in a snowstorm.

I always have great memories of sales meetings with our BioZyme family, Superior Sales, the Wyoming & Colorado State fairs, and getting to know all of my dealers on a personal level.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: Hands down, the biggest challenge I have is traveling efficiently. As an ASM, we are pulled in many different directions to be in many different places at once.

For the last year and a half, I covered Colorado, Wyoming & Utah for BioZyme. Dealerships in Wyoming are spread across the state, and it takes a 1,400-mile trip to see all of them. This is a challenge that I will continue to work through as the Missouri ASM as well.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do?  When I stepped into the role of Colorado, Wyoming & Utah Area Sales Manager, I never imagined the kind of personal relationships an ASM develops with their dealers.

In March of this year, I was offered the position as the Missouri Area Sales Manager. One of the toughest phone calls I had to make was to Keith Micke, a dealer in Wyoming. In typical Keith fashion, he replied, “well, I love you like a daughter, so I wouldn’t want anything else for you.” To me, that’s care that comes full circle.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Golfing, attending livestock shows and spending time with my family & friends.

Bear Creek Country Stores Maximizes Marketing Potential

“If a customer can’t see it, they won’t buy it.”

This simple sentiment by Bear Creek Country Store Manager Drew Tolbert summarizes why he puts so much strategy in their stores’ retail merchandise displays. With two locations, in Leonard and Bells, Texas, Tolbert said the retail displays their stores create are vital to product awareness and education.

The Bear Creek Strategy

With so much experience serving his community and marketing to their needs, we couldn’t help but ask Drew for some tips and tricks. Here’s what he had to say.

It’s All About Timing

At Bear Creek, end caps are rotated about every two weeks; however, they feature one brand for the entire month. Their featured brand has a prime display location, and that display is left for the month before it is returned to its regular shelf or warehouse location.

Tolbert said, after a month of being featured, customers will know to look for it or feel comfortable asking for that particular product line.

Displays are made based on timing and scenarios that are happening. For instance, during chick days, poultry products are featured. During the recent local “picnic weekend” pet food and poultry products were featured and on sale.

Signage Is Key

Tolbert said posting big “featured price” signs on products draw customers in. Even if the prices are regular retail prices, customers will still feel good about purchasing a featured product, regardless of price.

Prioritize Detail

“When we put the products in front of the customers, they are likely to ask more questions. Some will just be satisfied with the price. Others will want more information,” Tolbert said.

That is where information like sell sheets and product guides can come in useful for a display. Typically, he likes to post just the price, and have the customer interact with him or his staff so they can ask questions and perhaps cross sell or upsell.

Use ODC as a Resource

Tolbert said he learned during the recent Dealer Retreat the value of the Online Dealer Center (ODC) for materials to liven up his in-store displays. He can access brand logos, sell sheets, product brochures and more to print from the ODC, and he adds these to his displays.

Partnerships Matter

Bear Creek Country Store is an ag retailer. It is also a family-owned and operated store in two rural communities. That is why it has partnered with the local chambers of commerce.

“We try to have informative and friendly events to try to promote products, interact with customers and build our brand,” Tolbert adds.

Tolbert says a partnership like this helps get feet in the door, and helps the local customers realize that they are more than just a feed store. They run promotions through the chamber, and when the chamber of commerce has a big event like Picnic Days that draws a crowd, they see the benefit, too.

Another partnership Tolbert encourages is with the Area Sales Manager. He said his ASM Chris Kyle is another great resource who he can bounce ideas with. Chris sees a lot of different stores. In addition to sharing product knowledge, he also can share marketing ideas with Tolbert.

For More Information About Profitable Partnerships, Turn to BioZyme

From retail displays to online marketing and texting, Bear Creek Country Store is mastering its marketing efforts. Thanks for sharing your marketing advice with us, Drew. We count ourselves lucky to benefit from a partner so committed to care that comes full circle!

If you’re looking to partner with BioZyme for marketing support or resources, learn more about marketing tools we have available.

Improving Egg Production with a Novel Postbiotic

By César Ocasio Vega, Ph.D. 

Recently, a novel category of feed additives has been introduced: postbiotics. The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) defined postbiotics as a “preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confer a health benefit on the host.”  

All over the world, egg production is gaining popularity and importance, mainly fueled by increasing egg consumption. Therefore, there are some challenges that producers need to overcome to fulfil consumer demands. The most urgent challenges are related to eggshell quality and hen life span. Maintaining normal physiology and good health of the laying hen is essential to produce high-quality eggs for longer periods of time. Dietary interventions like the feeding of fermented feeds, fiber, probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics are acceptable means for influencing the gut microbiota and its metabolic activity. In laying hens, inclusion of postbiotics in the diet to maintain/improve productivity and egg quality has been researched and has led to the development and commercialization of a new feed additive, AO-Biotics® EQE (Egg Quality Enhancer).  

AO-Biotics® EQE is a fungal postbiotic produced using patent pending technology and specifically indicated to improve the number of sellable eggs, egg mass, and productive lifespan of laying hens. De Juan et. al. (2021) studied the effects of the dietary inclusion of 50 grams of EQE per metric ton of feed on the performance and egg quality traits of hens from 15 to 43 weeks of age. In this study, the addition of EQE significantly reduced the incidence of shell-less eggs. In addition, from 15 to 21 weeks of age, the feeding of EQE increased egg production by 9% and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 8%. Motivated by these results, de Juan et. al. (2022) performed a second study extending the laying period of hens to 65 weeks of age. In agreement with previous observations, the inclusion of EQE improved all major production traits at the peak of production, including increasing egg mass by 2%, egg production and egg weight by 1%, and FCR by 2%.  

Several field trials have subsequently evaluated the inclusion of EQE in the diets of commercial laying hens. In agreement with findings reported by de Juan et. al. (2021 and 2022), the inclusion of EQE under commercial conditions improved egg mass, the number of sellable eggs per hen and the productive lifespan of the flock. In eight field trials involving more than 400,000 laying hens, the supplementation of the AO-derived postbiotic resulted in approximately 2% more egg mass, 3% improvement in egg production and 3% more sellable egg per hen. On average, a reduction of 24% in the mortality of the flocks was also observed, demonstrating that EQE improved the productive lifespan of the laying hens. Overall, field trial results were in line with findings found by de Juan et. al. (2021 and 2022) in controlled studies and support the proposition that EQE can contribute to improving eggshell quality, egg mass and productive life span of laying hens.

BioZyme® Inc., Offers a Variety of Career Opportunities & Feed Industry Jobs

Do you love animals? Do you care about people? Do you want to ensure a safe and wholesome food supply for the world?

If you answered yes to these questions and are looking for a rewarding and challenging career, BioZyme® Inc. is hiring. BioZyme, headquartered in Saint Joseph, Missouri, is a global leader in the animal health and nutrition industry.

Our People

“Care that comes full circle” is the company motto, and that care is spread throughout the world, starting with its people. That is what motivates 28-year employee Kevin Glaubius every day in his role.

BioZyme has a different business model that focuses on quality and consistency, and in the feed industry that is a rarity. I can feel confident that if I help a dealer get a customer on a product or program, they are going to experience the same performance time after time because our products do what we say they do,” said Glaubius, Area Sales Manager in Nebraska.

Available Feed Industry Jobs

Currently, there are positions available on the career listing in several interest and skill areas, including:

  • Administration
  • Business Development
  • Fermentation
  • Marketing
  • Outreach (Call Center)
  • Sales

“We encourage those people interested in working at BioZyme to watch the website, as we continually update the careers page. Applying is easy, and we also rely heavily on the Culture Index to ensure that we place the qualified candidates in the positions that they are most comfortable in,” said Caity Norton, Senior Manager of Human Resources.

BioZyme Benefits

Glaubius added that in addition to helping people and their animals, he enjoys the benefits that BioZyme offers its employees.

As an employee-owned company, each employee has the opportunity to buy into BioZyme. He has also witnessed the opportunities that employees have gained in their skills with the growth over nearly three decades.

“When I started, there was one sales manager, one marketing person. Now, there are opportunities to gain experience and new skills or work in a variety of roles if you already have those skills. We have our own lab and testing facilities and are committed to improving the facilities when we can,” he said.

Join The Biozyme Family

If you are interested in feed industry jobs or joining the BioZyme family—or you know someone who would make an ideal team member—please visit

Dealer Emphasizes Sustainability, Sells Stacks of Empty Orange Tubs

What started as a family tour around Dr. Bob Black’s ranch landed as an opportunity and an idea for sustainability. Bob, DVM and cattle rancher, and his wife, Shirley, had “massive stacks” of the empty VitaFerm® and Vita Charge® tubs around their ranch, when family toured last Thanksgiving. At the suggestion of a sister-in-law from Texas who said that someone could surely use these empty tubs, Bob decided to start offering them for sale on the popular Facebook Marketplace starting in spring 2023.

“My goal is to see an orange tub in every yard in Wichita,” chuckled Katie, Black’s daughter, who works full-time at the Elk County Vet Clinic where Dr. Black practices, while she also studies nursing.

Katie said their family lives about an hour from Wichita, and that is where a majority of tubs end up. With her grandmother and an aunt living in Wichita, those driveways often serve as the pick-up point for the tubs that get used for starter gardens, storage bins, water recycling vestibules, cleaning yards of sticks and leaves and more.

“My dad does most of the Facebook postings, listings and monitors all of that,” Katie said. “Some people will come to the clinic or contact him directly because they have heard about all these tubs.”

Dr. Black shared that he enjoys recycling the tubs.

“Having a second or third use for the plastic tubs is great and helps recycle a product that otherwise might not be used,” said Dr. Black.

BioZyme dealer Bob Black is creating sustainable uses for empty tubs and providing new customers a product that they can readily use. That’s care that comes full circle.


BioZyme® Dealers Grow Animal Health and Supplement Businesses to Earn Achievements

BioZyme® Inc. recognized the following dealers for their outstanding sales, action, years of business and diversification in 2022 at the BioZyme Dealer Retreat June 6-7, 2023, in St. Joseph, Missouri. These awards recognize dealers that are taking action to grow their animal health and supplement businesses. BioZyme was thankful to bring the Dealer Retreat back in-person for 2023 to recognize these “out of this world” dealers on their 2022 achievements.

Central Farm Supply of Kentucky – Kentucky

  • Top Overall Dealer
  • Second Place VitaFerm® Dealer 
  • Second Place Gain Smart® Dealer 
  • Second Place Backyard Boost® Dealer 

K Triangle Feed – Wyoming

  • Second Place Overall 
  • Second Place Action Dealer 
  • Second Place Overall Individual

Basore Cattle Company – Missouri 

  • Top VitaFerm® Dealer 

Twin Rivers Vet Supply – Texas

  • Top Gain Smart Dealer 

Associated Feed & Supply Co – California

  • Top Sure Champ® Dealer
  • Top DuraFerm® Dealer 

Cowell Ag – Illinois 

  • Second Place Sure Champ® Dealer 

Sullivan Supply, Inc – Iowa

  • Top Vita Charge® Dealer 

Stockmen’s Feed Bunk Inc Texas

  • Second Place Vita Charge® Dealer, Inc – Tennessee

  • Top Vitalize® Dealer 

Surrey International – New Jersey

  • Top Backyard Boost® Dealer 
  • Second Place Vitalize® Dealer 

Heritage Cooperative Ohio

  • Second Place DuraFerm® Dealer

Boyce Feed and Grain – Texas

  • Top Action Dealer

Jeff Cluxton & Sons Ohio

  • BioZyme Dealer for 50 years 

Hess Ranch – Louisiana

  • BioZyme Dealer for 52 years

Cottor Farms Wisconsin

  • Family of Brands Diversification Award

Producers Coop Texas

  • Second Place Family of Brands Diversification Award 

The BioZyme network is comprised of more than 2,000 independent dealers from coast-to-coast who provide access to the BioZyme family of brands, including VitaFerm, Gain Smart, DuraFerm, Vita Charge, Sure Champ, Vitalize, and Backyard Boost. To locate a dealer near you, visit:

Central Farm Supply of Kentucky
K Triangle Feed
Basore Cattle Company
Associated Feed
Heritage Cooperative
Cluxton Family
Missy Hess
Cottor Farms

A Day in the Life of a BioZyme® Employee Mike Wadle

Title: Additive Territory Manager

Number of Years at BioZyme: 14+

Describe a “typical” day in your job: The beauty of the job is that there is no typical day; one day I am flying all day to get to appointments on either coast, the next day driving to meet with prospects/customers, and then the following day being stuck in a hotel room because of the weather working on the computer. 

What is the most interesting thing you have ever done at BioZyme: When starting to work at BioZyme, having to travel without all the technology of today and trying to find ranchers, farmers, customers and business prospects using a plat map and road atlas.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: Traveling 2 hours to the airport for a 10 am flight and then going through security and realizing it was a 10 pm flight. It pays to double and triple check schedules!!!

What has been one of the biggest challenges: Working the territory because they are usually big and then not getting down when the word “NO” is heard more than “YES” when asking for the order.  There are so many opportunities in a territory and never giving up.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? Understanding what the prospect/customer/distributor wants and needs and helping them fulfil that request. I have always said we help them; they will help us and as we need more boots on the ground it has worked out

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? It has been watching kids compete as that phase of life is moving onto being a Grandpa and working around the family farm with the cattle.

Dealer Spotlight: Cottor Farms Excels in Diversification

“We wish we would have gotten started with BioZyme® products sooner,” said Leo Sanftner, of Cottor Farms, Osceola, Wisconsin.

That’s a pretty strong sentiment from an 11-year veteran dealer who sells everything from VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® for breeding success to Vita Charge® Liquid Boost® to show rabbit customers, and even mixes AO-Biotics® Amaferm® into their own custom layer feed.

Sanftner, long-time employee of Cottor Farms, said he was first introduced to the BioZyme family of brands by former ASM Dorothy Orts at a bull sale when she recommended the Vita Charge tubes to jump start newborn calves. As they say, the rest is history.

According to Sanftner, once they saw how well the calves responded to the Amaferm in the Vita Charge, they started expanding their product offering to other BioZyme brands. Today, he said they have a majority of their customers on the fly control mineral for the summer. Cottor Farms mixes their own feed and serves both Wisconsin and Minnesota, being so close to the state line. They will average three tons of layer feed per week that includes Amaferm.

“We have very few dairy cows up here. Most of our customers have beef cattle, hogs and chickens. We cater to the smaller customers. We are smaller; they trust us,” Sanftner said.

Their mission is to go above and beyond when it comes to customer care. Sanftner said he will deliver feed up to 100 miles away for customers who need it, primarily larger customers and those who have show animals. They have also created signs for their show livestock and show rabbit families with the same statement: “Go above and beyond with Cottor Farms.”

Cottor Farms also supplies Maple Hill Feed & Farm Supply in Maple, Wisconsin, with their BioZyme products, including Backyard Boost® products and layer feed they needed for a recent Chick Days event. He said they will also conduct horse and beef clinics at the store; however, most of the promotion and education comes from him visiting personally with customers or through their social media. A new website is in development to be launched early this summer.

From chickens, rabbits and hogs to cattle and horses, there are no customers too big or small for Cottor Farms when it comes to showing care that comes full circle. Thank you for being leaders in species and brand diversification and hitting the target on one of BioZyme’s core goals!

2023 A Day in the Life of a BioZyme® Employee Samantha Albers

Title: Marketing Brand Manager – DuraFerm® & Backyard Boost®

Number of Years at BioZyme: 1

Describe a “typical” day in your job: A typical day in my job is starting my day by checking my daily to-do’s and emails, then starting in on tasks that are more time-sensitive to marketing projects. I also go through each of the social media accounts for DuraFerm and Backyard Boost, replying to comments, direct messages and then scheduling content either for that day or for later. Along with reviewing social media content, I also look at Facebook and Google campaign ads that are performing well and look at the metrics of those. My typical day is heavily in Asana for managing projects and tasks and looking at timelines of planning upcoming events for both DuraFerm and Backyard Boost.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: Organizing and putting together a campaign for the first Chick Days since I started at BioZyme. This was really fun to put together and create the various marketing materials surrounding Chick Days, and then seeing the sales team push these pieces out to our dealer network was really amazing to see all come together.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: One of the biggest challenges has been keeping up with marketing trends, specifically with retail merchandising, and challenging myself to think of the out-of-the-box ideas to implement for Backyard Boost and DuraFerm products through the BioZyme distribution and dealer network.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? I love talking with people about how BioZyme products have helped them succeed in their livestock operations. I showed livestock through 4-H and FFA and we fed Sure Champ® products to our show animals, and now with marketing the BioZyme Family of Brands to livestock producers and being on the other side of that relationship with producers is really amazing to experience the care that comes full circle.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? I love photography, visiting family and friends, going to a good coffee shop or winery and traveling.

2023 A Day in the Life of BioZyme® Employee Jill Vanover

Title: Director of Quality

Number of Years at BioZyme: 5 (10 including time at Cogent)

Describe a “typical” day in your job: My typical day starts at 5:30 a.m., where I open my e-mail and address any urgent issues, review my meeting schedule for the day and roll my kiddos out of bed and off to school. I get to the Lexington office after a hearty dose of caffeine and kick off my day. Each day is a combination of meetings – mostly virtual, managing any urgent issues including product concerns, quality-related supply chain issues, addressing any ingredient and finished product testing challenges and taking daily steps toward continuous improvements from a quality perspective. 

What is the most interesting thing you ever done at BioZyme: One of the most interesting things I get to be a part of in my role is helping to take a product concept on its journey through each stage of the development process to create a finished product that positively impacts the health of animals and people.  

Share a funny story about one of your days at work:  We were trouble shooting a labeler malfunction with a vendor technician over the phone. I explained that the labeler was making a terrible noise when the lock rollers were engaged and the tech asked me if I could describe the noise. Without thinking, instead of using my words to describe it, I made a very pronounced honking noise like a goose. Everyone involved – including myself – got a good chuckle out of that one.

What has been one of the biggest challenges:  One of the biggest challenges in my new role has been working remotely and connecting with my team in the same way that I’m used to doing in person. Working together, communicating well and building trust is vital to an effective team dynamic.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do?  By “living” quality and adhering to a mindset of continuous improvement, we offer products that are safe and accurate. Consistently doing so creates a foundation for upholding care that comes full circle. We help BioZyme take the first step to care and anticipate the return of the boomerang.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Outside of work, I love to “experience” life with my 3 (not so) little ones – Griffin (13), Jaycie (12), and Emma (8). On any given weekend you may find us enjoying live music, swimming, exploring, fishing or golfing.

Dealer Spotlight: Kentucky Distributor is Family Focused

If there’s one word to describe Central Farm Supply of Kentucky, it’s family. This family owned-and-operated BioZyme® distributor is based in Louisville, Kentucky. However, as a wholesale distributor to more than 700 stores from Kentucky to Virginia and points in between, its family has grown immensely since it was first established.

“We’re family owned, but every one of our dealers is part of our family. Our company was built on service, and that is still our strong suit,” said Larry Manning, Sales Manager, whose brother, Tommy, started the company in 1985.

Central Farm maintains a fleet of 10 tractors and 25 trailers. The fleet of trucks along with their 10 drivers allows them to be in control of the service they provide to their dealers, which has always been one of their strengths, but has become even more evident in the last few years in the midst of all the supply chain and distribution issues everyone experienced due to COVID.

Although Central Farm Supply of Kentucky has a long history in the agricultural industry, it is in its fifth year as a BioZyme dealer. Manning said incorporating the VitaFerm® line, and subsequently other BioZyme products, provided their customers with a premium product to offer their customers. He said with so many dealers that they distribute to, the need exists to have a product for every level of producer.

“We have to be able to offer products that fit every cattleman in our market. The VitaFerm products are premium cattle supplements that fit a lot of our cattle producer customers,” Manning said.

He suggests that every dealer discovers their market and knows who their customer is and what every customer wants in order to find success. Some will be happy with a salt block, some want the cheapest mineral they can buy, but those who truly keep records on their cattle operation will immediately see the results of using the BioZyme products.

Central Farm views their relationship with their dealers as a partnership. In order for Central Farm Supply to continue to be successful that partnership also includes their vendors. Since the early days, Central Farm has fostered the relationship between the dealers and vendors, by offering a buying show each October, so their dealers can come to Louisville to meet with their top vendors, exchange ideas and participate in “trade show specials” offered that day. Manning said it is truly a family event where dealers bring the entire family, including kids and grandkids for food, fun, entertainment and great deals during this one-day event.

The business actively uses BioZyme’s and other companies marketing tools, like Promoboxx and participates in quarterly dealer mailers. They also have four sales reps.

“I’d give BioZyme an A-plus in the marketing of their products when it comes to creating brand awareness and tying those brands to the dealers and distributors. Marketing is their real strength,” Manning said.

Family is important to Central Farm Supply of Kentucky, and it is important to BioZyme, too. We are certainly proud to have you in the BioZyme family, continuing that care that comes full circle!

A Day in the Life of BioZyme® Employee Jamie Miller

Title: Director of Operations

Number of Years at BioZyme: officially 4, contractor for 17

Describe a “typical” day in your job: A typical day at BioZyme for me is probably more of an atypical day for others. Most days consist of checking orders, evaluating any needed production changes for products that are set go negative and planning fermentation runs based on current information.  Mondays and Tuesdays are almost always filled with meetings with operations teams, development staff and tolling fermentation customers.

Wednesdays and Thursdays are used to address any changes to the monthly schedules and get caught up on emails and communications.

I typically like to spend at least two full days per week at each location (Stockyards and Easton); however, meeting requests, daily challenges and priorities sometimes require travel between the two.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: Supply Chain Center and Production automation. This part of the Back Office application has really allowed us to utilize all of the data we have from multiple systems to properly plan and manufacture safe, accurate product.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: With the scaling up of toll fermentation at our Easton facility and not having any formal training in the processes that are required, the last year at Easton has been personally challenging. The learning that has been required to understand the in and outs of the equipment, processes and needs for each customer has taken a lot of effort and time. With that, we have been able to make improvements, become more consistent, and our planning is getting better each month.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? When you run into someone outside of work that is wearing BioZyme-branded attire or a jacket of one of our partners and you can strike up a conversation about how they use our products in their operation, it makes you realize why we do things we do at BioZyme.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Socializing with friends, throwing darts and aspiring to become a member of the “Premiere” “Karaoke” “Air Band” called PRIME with my buddies.

Two Minutes in April

By Shelia Grobosky, Content & PR Manager

The adage April showers bring May flowers might need to be changed, depending on the part of the country you are in. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor and colleagues I’ve spoken to recently, April showers would barely settle the dust in parts of Nebraska, Western Kansas, Oklahoma and the northern tip of the Texas Panhandle. Meanwhile, California is facing devastating flooding. The Dakotas are digging out from yet another April blizzard, which means once all the snow finally melts, they will have some green grass AND flowers.

Mother Nature can be brutal, but dealing with her mood swings is part of the risk those of us in agriculture take every day. Spring is officially here, and in my home state of Illinois, when farmers aren’t cleaning up from the recent tornadoes, they are getting equipment ready to start working ground and planting.

Of course crop production has a direct impact on feed prices for all classes of animals, and we are in the nutrition business. The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its Prospective Plantings report on the last day of March that summarizes producers’ planting intentions in the U.S. and reflects expected profitability levels for various crops. Most notably, corn acreage was estimated to increase by roughly 4% from last year – to just under 92 million acres. By comparison, soybean acreage was projected to be virtually unchanged from 2022.

Feed prices are currently high, and significant change is not likely before harvest. Additional corn acres would undoubtedly be seen as a positive from the perspective of livestock feed prices. As long as those additional acres are planted, Mother Nature plays nice this Summer, and harvest is good, producers could see feed prices decrease. If not, remember to use the increased digestibility of AO-Biotics® Amaferm® as a marketing tool to help livestock get the most benefit from the feed producers do have available to them.

Sen. John Thune (R-SD) introduced legislation the first week of April to repeal the federal estate tax, often referred to as the Death Tax. According to a statement from NCBA, “Ensuring a farm or ranch can be passed to children or grandchildren is a priority for family-owned farms, ranches and agricultural businesses. It is critically important that producers and business owners have permanent relief from the Death Tax. Current Death Tax relief is set to expire at the end of 2025, and it is vital that Congress takes immediate action to provide permanent relief for agricultural families.”

Dealer Spotlight: Oklahoma Dealer Shares Passion for Products

Some might call it fate. Others might say it was destiny. However, it came to fruition, Wood Cattle Company, Vinita, Oklahoma, is sure of one thing – the timing was right, and they are glad to be BioZyme® dealers.

Patti and Chad Wood are long-time users of the VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® products. They had used them for years on their registered Red Angus herd in Wisconsin. When they relocated to Oklahoma, where the feedstuffs and forages were totally different, they were instructed that they would need to switch up their mineral program.

“We didn’t use it for a while, and the Genex rep who breeds our cows for us, told us to go back to the VitaFerm to see if we noticed changes. It was a night and day difference with the Concept•Aid. Not only in our conception rates, but in our feet, in our hide and hair. Down here in the heat and with the fescue, the HEAT mineral makes a world of difference, too,” Patti said.

No one nearby consistently kept the mineral on hand. Patti’s father-in-law was also bringing them commodities to mix their own feed. That is when they discovered an Umbarger dealer close to him. However, once they tried and decided they liked the Umbarger feeds, that dealer decided to quit his business, too. So, the Woods family took matters into their own hands.

They contacted Umbarger and became a dealer and opened a feedstore on their farm. They have been BioZyme dealers since 2018, and according to Patti, were thankful for the timing with the pandemic hitting just two years later.

“We never intended to have a feedstore. We moved from just outside Madison, Wisconsin, where there are lots of people and activities to Big Cabin, Oklahoma, which is very remote. Some of our best friends are the people we have met through our feedstore. We were busy through the pandemic, and this just fell into our lap,” Patti said.

She added that the products sell themselves, and she would never sell anything she doesn’t use or hasn’t tried herself, one of the reasons she feels like her sales have grown. She was hesitant about the Backyard Boost® line until she tried it at first. Now, she carries it and highly recommends it.

“Backyard Boost Defense is simply amazing! I picked up chicks from the post office. They were lethargic, droopy eyes, and I thought I would definitely lose some. I dipped all their beaks in water, and they fought me. I then took the water and added Backyard Boost, I walked out and left them. I came back 15 minutes later, and all the chicks were drinking and had drunk half of the water I put in with the Backyard Boost in it. All my chicks are alive, healthy and happy,” she said on one of her social media posts.

Patti relies on social media and word of mouth as her primary marketing tools. She also offers service and advice whenever needed. If someone comes in asking for Concept•Aid, for example, she will ask specific questions to learn their challenges to discover exactly which mineral they need. She also offers delivery, lives right at the farm so if someone needs “emergency mineral” can get it for them on a weekend, and her customers can see the Vita Charge® Stress Tubs in her kids’ show calves pens so they might ask questions, leading to more education and sales.

Her ”old school mentality” of service helps her gain customers and sales. Since her family does show, she will look for customers at the shows and offer them advice and help, as she wants to see everyone succeed.

“We’ve used the products. We know they work, and we believe in them, both from a seedstock operation and show program perspective. We have a passion for them, and for dealers to be successful, they need to be able to share that passion, too,” Patti encouraged.

Thank you for your passion, Patti. You are an example of care that comes full circle!

A Day in the Life of BioZyme® Employee Kevin Glaubius

Title: ASM – Nebraska

Years at BioZyme: 27

Describe a “typical” day in your job: Begin by checking daily plan and then on the road meeting with prospective clients and existing dealers. Road time goes by fast with incoming and outgoing phone calls. This winter Northwest Nebraska had 4 feet of snowpack, so driving conditions not always the best. Typically see six dealers face to face daily on my route. 

What is the most interesting thing you ever done at BioZyme: Research projects using Amaferm® are always interesting with something new to learn. I have been involved in a few over the years and always learn something new.  

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: First phone call I ever got from Butch Ehlert in 1995, he asked me where I was? I told him in the office (he didn’t know that was the name of my boat). Then I told him, and he said at least you’re honest; I knew you were on an annual fishing trip in South Dakota as I just talked to Merrill Neary.    

What has been one of the biggest challenges: In 2022 it definitely was the drought. Really had to focus on the value of Amaferm as a feed savings tool to maintain and grow sales with record high feed prices as producers struggled.

In 2021 it was simply driving and covering a whole state where most of the cows are 500+ miles away from where I live

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? Because without care that comes full circle people you touch wouldn’t continue to support our product lines.  You reap what you sow, so plant plenty of seeds and then nurture those accounts to be fruitful. 

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? My 4 grandkids and catfishing when I can find time! Typically fish one tournament per year and biggest fish is still a 85 lb. Blue Catfish caught on the Kansas River near KC. 

Two Minutes in March

By Shelia Grobosky, Content & PR Manager

The 50th anniversary of National Ag Day was observed earlier in March, and it should be no surprise that it was celebrated in big fashion across various social media platforms from thanking farmers and consumers alike. Perhaps one of the most honest posts I saw was on LinkedIn from a friend and colleague from Farm Journal, who posted this t-shirt that said, “without farmers you would hungry, naked and sober.”

As a mother in rural America, I know that not many of my daughter’s classmates have a direct connection to agriculture. That is why I was pleasantly surprised to read findings in the 2023 Feeding the Economy report that show the economic importance of U.S. food and agriculture to communities throughout the nation this month.

Showing an increased economic output in all 50 states compared to the 2022 report, the food and ag contributed more than $8.6 trillion, nearly 20%, of the country’s economic activity. In addition, the industries accounted for over $202 trillion in export value.

Reflecting a rebound in national economic activity, the largest total output gains were from Hawaii (31%), North Dakota (26%), New York (23%), Nevada (22%) and Florida (21%), according to the report.

While producers raise crops, produce and livestock on two out of every five acres of U.S. soil, millions of other U.S. workers fulfill jobs in over 200,000 food manufacturing, processing and storage facilities to strengthen the food supply chain across the world. I’m proud to say that I am one of those workers involved in agriculture every day.

In other news, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has awarded $15.8 million to 60 projects to focus on the nation’s response and control to animal disease outbreaks, through the 2018 Farm Bill’s National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP). While that number seems steep, think of the impact a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak or an African Swine Fever break would have if it reached us here in the U.S. This year’s projects focus on enhancing prevention, preparedness, early detection and rapid response to diseases that threaten U.S. livestock, including helping states develop and practice plans to quickly control an outbreak, train responders and producers to perform critical animal disease outbreak response activities, educate and increase the use of effective and practical biosecurity measures on farms, and support animal movement decisions in the case of a disease outbreak.

#MeettheTeamMonday: A Day in the Life of Cody Jensen

Title: Senior Manager of Blending

Number of Years at BioZyme: 7

Describe a “typical” day in your job:  A typical day can venture in various directions for me. Usually, I start the day with making sure everyone’s area started up correctly, and they have the materials they need to complete the day. I then get on my computer and use the tools we have in BackOffice to assess orders, product shortages for orders and to make sure everything on the day is achievable for my team. During the day I monitor the different areas to make sure that the quality and efficiency we are striving for is met. At the end of every day, I check to make sure everyone has completed their checklist and accomplished the run list, while also scanning through all my emails. The last thing I do at the end of every day is walk through the plant to make sure everything is turned on that needs to be and everything that should be turned off is off, while listening for any abnormal noises since this is the only time it is really quiet throughout the plant.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: This would definitely be the creation of Sure Champ® Climate Control, now integrated into Vita Charge® Climate Control Gel. To go through the whole process from test batches to get the product consistency correct, to doing the test trials on multiple species along with different customers across the country and finally seeing the launch of the product and in our customer stores or show boxes.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: It was relatively close to when I started and was down in Small Pack. We were making HydraBoost™, and at that time we were using powder dyes. While we were weighing it out, Bob Norton came through the plant and came into Small Pack. Well, the powder dyes get suspended in the air very easily, and the dye ended up dying Bob’s teeth green for the day.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: One of the biggest challenges we face in production is we are always striving to have the best facility in the world. With that comes capital improvements every year. Some of those capital improvements require down time. So scheduling production can sometimes become challenging, as we are trying to get the installation completed in a timely manner without sacrificing production’s time. Along with ensuring we have enough product on the floor to meet our customer’s needs, so they do not have to wait.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? I am fortunate to have been raised in the agricultural world my whole life, mainly in the cattle sector. Nonetheless, with being raised in it, I have built numerous relationships through the years. Having a customer call and ask for guidance on what would help their ranch or in the show ring and seeing them use our products and hear the results that products provide while seeing it made is why the care that comes full circle is important to me.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Going to cattle shows either competing or working for other operations. When I’m not at those I am usually found at the golf course or lake.

#FeatureFriday: A Day in the Life of BioZyme® Employee Susan Day

Title: Senior Manager of Formulation & Regulatory

Number of Years at BioZyme: 11.5

Describe a “typical” day in your job: My email is my to-do list, so I start the day running through what needs to be done. Depending on the day, I may be balancing rations for customers, updating formulas for our products, working with the international regulatory group to expand our product coverage internationally or being involved with other teams as a nutritionist/regulatory person.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: Working with the International Regulatory Team and learning how things are different in other countries.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: I typically work from home, but I was in the office a month or so ago and Chris Blakeney stopped by the office I was in to welcome me to BioZyme. He asked how long I had been working here, and I laughed and told him a long time! I appreciated the fact that he saw a new face and wanted to make me welcome, I thought it was very sweet.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: Making sure the proper systems are in place to get things done in a timely manner.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? I formulate the mineral products used on farm, but also help the customer through diet formulation so I can help provide an excellent product and make sure the customer is set up to take full advantage of that product by providing the proper diet to use it with.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Spending time with family and friends, reading, watching our free-range chickens run around.

Changes Coming in February


Beginning February 1, 2023, Vitalize® Alimend® products will feature an updated UPC. Please reference the table below for changes.


As part of the rebranding of Amaferm to AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, the bag design will be updated. This change will begin in mid-February, but will be a rolling change as bag inventory is depleted.



Sure Champ® Extreme with ClariFly® will now labeled for sheep and goats in addition to cattle and pigs. In addition, we are discontinuing the 25-pound bucket of Sure Champ Extreme and introducing a 25-pound bag of Sure Champ Extreme with ClariFly, in addition to the existing 40-pound bag. Watch for this on the March price list.


Starting March 1, AO-Biotics® EQE will be added to the Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials, in addition to Amaferm®. This will be a rolling change as inventory of the current stock is sold. However, as dealers get the new product, it will be a great marketing tool, especially for added egg quality and more sellable eggs.

Effective Action: Use Relationships to Ensure Producer Meeting Success

Any time you get a group of like-minded people in a room to talk about solving their challenges, you have the potential to host a successful producer meeting. Use existing relationships to create an even more rewarding meeting. There are a few ways that using these relationships when planning your next producer meeting can help build your business. Let’s explore.

Cooperate with another agricultural company.
Co-host your next producer meeting with another complementary agricultural company. The companies might have some overlap in customers, but each will likely have some unique customers who could benefit from the other company’s products and services. Perhaps you could partner with a genetics company or a show supply company, depending on what BioZyme® products you are talking about. Cooperating on a producer meeting splits the cost of the meeting and exposes a wider audience to your products.

Building on these already established relationships give you a leg up. It shows your potential customers that you are easy to get along with. It also provides an unspoken endorsement on the products and services you provide.

Encourage your customers to bring a guest.
Your customers are probably going to attend, but you could offer an incentive for bringing a guest who has the potential to become a new customer. Send a text reminder a few days before the meeting and let those within a set radius know that you will offer an incentive to those who bring a guest. If the newcomer becomes a customer, perhaps that incentive becomes even greater, like a percentage off your current customer’s order, like a discount for referrals.

Engage with the audience.
It’s always good to get the crowd engaged. Since the room consists of your customers, you should know their challenges and successes. Of course, the first topic to discuss is AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, but after that, mention how a certain product has impacted a particular crowd member’s conception or rate of gain. People like to be recognized and know that you care about their results.

Call upon your allies.
Word-of-mouth and testimonials go a long way in building trust and securing new customers. If there is a local veterinarian or a highly respected producer who has had success with the products, ask them for a few comments. It is always good to hear from a third party about the benefits of the products, without a hard sell.

Producer meetings are an efficient way to show appreciation to current customers and establish relationships with potential customers. Building on current relationships at these meetings makes them even more effective. Like any other enterprise, use your resources, count on your relationships and use those relationships to grow your customer base.

Customer Retention is a Wise Investment

As a youngster, you might have heard, “make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other’s gold.” Substitute the word friend with customer, and the same rings true. Retaining customers is a very important part of business and a wise investment if you want to watch your business continue to grow.

Returning customers give you the opportunity to provide ongoing value, develop more personalized relationships, create brand advocates, gain referrals and earn positive word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, research shows that 68% of new customers come from current ones, making it a smart move for your customers and your bottom line to keep current customers coming back.

We’re not insinuating that growing new customers isn’t important. However, it is important to invest in the current customer base that typically will spend 67% more than new customers. And it costs 16 times more to drum up new customers than it does to keep a repeat customer. Here are four ways you can invest wisely in those golden repeat customers.

Customer Outreach
Regardless of if you use a quick phone call, text or email, be sure to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. Your time can be the lowest cost
investment you make to retain a customer. Keep track of their orders, and if you notice it has been a while since they ordered a particular product, give them a call. Perhaps their daughter scored the winning basket at last Friday’s basketball game,
so start the conversation with a congratulations, and then move into asking if they were running low on VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® since you know they are preparing for calving season. Customer outreach is vital to retaining customers; it lets them know you care and that you really are keeping up on their program.

Customer Appreciation
Everyone enjoys being shown some appreciation and that includes your valued repeat customers. If you are hosting a customer appreciation event like an open house or an anniversary sale, be sure your local customers are aware of any promotions or sales. Provide them with a chance to come into your store, visit, shop and take advantage of any appreciation that you are showing. It will make a
difference in their return.

Customer Service
Retaining customers in not always about providing the best products at the best price. It might also be about providing the best services. Perhaps they can get the same products at a neighboring town, but you stay open later to serve those who have 8 to 5 jobs. Maybe the customer likes that you help load the product into their truck, whereas your competitor just expects the customer to load the product into
their own truck. Service, both large and small, adds up and means something to the customer.

Loyalty Programs
Now, it probably doesn’t make sense to have a “punch card” for a mineral program; however, if you have a customer who is buying large quantities of product from you, you might want to show some appreciation in some form. Perhaps with every
pallet, they get some swag, or some Vita Charge® Gel or a percentage off their next pallet. For every customer they refer that purchases a certain amount, they could receive a new cap and pair of gloves. Loyalty matters and rewarding loyalty will keep your customers returning and spending money with you.

Yes, investing time and money in your golden or current customers will pay in the long-term. One online article said that 80% of future profits come from 20% of current customers. Retain your current customers, and watch your business grow.

Two Minutes in January

As we enter a new year, it seems like a good time to set some new goals. I prefer the term goals over resolutions, because the average resolution lasts 32 days. I sure hope I can stick with something I want to achieve longer than just a month. 

A new year also means new changes in leadership following the November elections, like getting a new Speaker of the House. Following are a few hot topics impacting agriculture from Washington, D.C.  

It’s the year of the farm bill, and Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.), the new House Ag Committee Chairman is already hosting a farm bill listening session in his home state in January. With just six months until Congress breaks for summer recess, Thompson wants to act on getting a farm bill passed that “prioritizes the needs of the farmers, ranchers and foresters,” according to one media report.  

Another news bit from D.C. that impacts you and your customers is the looming definition of WOTUS (Waters of the United States). Late in 2022, an interim definition from EPA was introduced. The new rule would give federal protection to large waterways, like interstate rivers and streams and wetlands that are adjacent to them. Wetlands would be considered adjacent if they are connected to those larger waterways with “relatively permanent” surface water connections, or if they have a “significant” hydrologic or ecological “nexus” to those protected tributaries. This is definitely something to keep watching in the headlines of your local farm publications and the online newsletters you receive. 

Finally, technology is getting even bigger and more advanced each day. According to an article in Farm Journal’s PORK, Dragonfly Aerospace launched its first imaging satellite from the SpaceX launch site in Cape Canaveral, Fla., this month. “Named EOS SAT-1, this is the first of seven ag-specific satellites to be launched over the next three years, which is boasted to be the first such constellation focused on image data collection for agriculture. The constellation will maintain low Earth orbit and collect imagery for EOS Data Analytics with the goal of collecting high-quality data for crop monitoring, application mapping, soil moisture, yield prediction and biomass levels.” 

Technology is everywhere. Even places we don’t think about. 

A Day in the Life of BioZyme Employee Dan Delaney

Title: Inventory Coordinator

Number of Years at BioZyme: 35 (I started when I was 10 😊)

Describe a “typical” day in your job: Every ingredient we use is tested for various things depending on the ingredient. I pull a sample from each inbound ingredient and take to the lab for testing. Once the lab approves it, I can unload it or in the case of bagged product I will put it away in its proper place. In the case of bulk ingredients, I have to set it up in the receiving system and make sure the ingredient is going into the correct bin. It takes roughly an hour to unload each truck. Almost every morning there is at least one truck sitting here ready to unload. A typical day we’ll have around 4 trucks but have had as many as 8. Usually get 2 or 3 bagged ingredients each day as well. Medicated ingredients take special care, they are kept separate, and we have to keep records on its usage. Also, I will take inventory of both finished goods and ingredients to make sure we are staying on track. Every day is different and keeps me on my toes, I enjoy it a lot.

What is the most interesting thing you ever have done at BioZyme: Back when we had our own trucks and drivers, I would put together the loads, route the trucks and dispatch the drivers. It was VERY challenging, but it was nice when things came together, and I enjoyed working with customers and sales people to make things happen.

Share a funny story about one of your days at work: Hmmm oh my there have been a few! lol, I guess if I had to pick an all-time favorite it would be the day we had a belly dancer for Butch’s (Ehlert) 60th birthday.

What has been one of the biggest challenges: I think we are completing the new space in the warehouse literally just in time. It has been challenging finding space to store inbound ingredients and other inputs, and we were chomping at the bit to get to use the new space. Honestly on the day they gave us the go ahead that we could use the new space we had so much stuff coming in I’m not sure where we would have put it all. It has been a welcomed relief to have the new space.

Why is care that comes full circle important to what you do? Being at the beginning of process and knowing that each individual ingredient is going to be blended with others to make up our products that will ultimately be consumed by an animal is an important step. We can’t make great products if we don’t start with great ingredients.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of the office? Volleyball is my favorite, and I play competitively but also like golf, disc golf, corn hole, riding my motorcycle and listening to live music. Hanging out with friends and family.

We are thankful for long-term, caring employees like Dan as part of the BioZyme family!

Know your Checkbook: Customer Retention is a Wise Investment

As a youngster, you might have heard, “make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other’s gold.” Substitute the word friend with customer, and the same rings true. Retaining customers is a very important part of business and a wise investment if you want to watch your business continue to grow.

Returning customers give you the opportunity to provide ongoing value, develop more personalized relationships, create brand advocates, gain referrals and earn positive word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, research shows that 68% of new customers come from current ones, making it a smart move for your customers and your bottom line to keep current customers coming back.

We’re not insinuating that growing new customers isn’t important. However, it is important to invest in the current customer base that typically will spend 67% more than new customers. And it costs 16 times more to drum up new customers than it does to keep a repeat customer. Here are four ways you can invest wisely in those golden repeat customers.

Customer Outreach
Regardless of if you use a quick phone call, text or email, be sure to communicate with your customers on a regular basis. Your time can be the lowest cost investment you make to retain a customer. Keep track of their orders, and if you notice it has been a while since they ordered a particular product, give them a call. Perhaps their daughter scored the winning basket at last Friday’s basketball game, so start the conversation with a congratulations, and then move into asking if they were running low on VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® since you know they are preparing for calving season. Customer outreach is vital to retaining customers; it lets them know you care and that you really are keeping up on their program.

Customer Appreciation
Everyone enjoys being shown some appreciation and that includes your valued repeat customers. If you are hosting a customer appreciation event like an open house or an anniversary sale, be sure your local customers are aware of any promotions or sales. Provide them with a chance to come into your store, visit, shop and take advantage of any appreciation that you are showing. It will make a difference in their return.

Customer Service
Retaining customers in not always about providing the best products at the best price. It might also be about providing the best services. Perhaps they can get the same products at a neighboring town, but you stay open later to serve those who have 8 to 5 jobs. Maybe the customer likes that you help load the product into their truck, whereas your competitor just expects the customer to load the product into
their own truck. Service, both large and small, adds up and means something to the customer.

Loyalty Programs
Now, it probably doesn’t make sense to have a “punch card” for a mineral program; however, if you have a customer who is buying large quantities of product from you, you might want to show some appreciation in some form. Perhaps with every pallet, they get some swag, or some Vita Charge® Gel or a percentage off their next pallet. For every customer they refer that purchases a certain amount, they could receive a new cap and pair of gloves. Loyalty matters and rewarding loyalty will keep your customers returning and spending money with you.

Yes, investing time and money in your golden or current customers will pay in the long-term. One online article said that 80% of future profits come from 20% of current customers. Retain your current customers, and watch your business grow.

Dealer Spotlight: Darlington Feed, LLC

Show us a dealer with ambition, a wide network of diverse producers and a willingness to use the tools provided, and we’ll show you Darlington Feed, LLC. Matt Weigel at Darlington, Wisconsin, has been a BioZyme dealer for nine years, and says the best thing about the BioZyme products is that they always do what they say they will.

“I’m not selling them anything. I feel like I am helping my customers,” he said. “Whenever I am talking to anyone – in the store or somewhere else, I ask them ‘how are things at the ranch?’. They will always tell you what is wrong, then you know what to offer them to help them. It’s a simple conversation starter to help them.”

Weigel and his staff are helping a diverse group of producers. He said his team does a great job and is always confident selling the BioZyme products, knowing the products will do what they are needed to do.

One of his most popular products is VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® 5/S; however, the Vita Charge® Clench Gel is also increasing in demand with the dairies in his area. Dairy producers like to keep 2-3 cases of Clench Gel on hand when calving.

Another event that has grown for Darlington Feed is Chick Days, and Weigel has seen the benefits of putting Backyard Boost® in his chicks’ water.

Not only does he recognize the diversity and quality of products that he gets from BioZyme, but he also appreciates the presence that the marketing and sales staff offers from the tools they provide from signage and training.

“Everything is there for you to use. You just have to use it,” he said.

In 2022, Weigel was able to build his own store, giving customers a brighter, neater shopping experience. He said the investment shows his customers there is security in his business, and he intends to be able to provide them service for the long haul.

In addition to building his own store front, he has partnered with Eastland Feed, who has the ability to manufacture feed for him and adds Amaferm® to rations when customers request it.

BioZyme is proud to have ambitious, young dealers who use the tools that are offered to them to provide care that comes full circle. Thanks, Darlington Feed, for being a BioZyme dealer!

We Aren’t Competing with Santa!

Due to the holidays, there will be no scheduled freight pickups or shipments from BioZyme today (Thursday, December 22) through Monday, December 26.

We will ship again next Tuesday & Wednesday,

To ensure you receive the freshest product, in the timeliest manner, there is also no shipping or pick-up the following days:

  • Thursday, December 29 to Monday, January 2, 2023

We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Know your Checkbook: It is more Blessed to Give than to Receive

In our household, the second grader regularly reminds her dad and me that “sharing is caring.” This bold statement can be applied to something small like sharing her apples with me while she eats her popcorn on Sunday night or agreeing to fill a few extra shoeboxes for boys and girls during Operation Christmas Child during the holidays. In other words, she enjoys sharing and knows the importance of it.

As we approach the holiday season, it seems like there are numerous opportunities to give. You can give your time, you can give gifts, you can give blood. You can give as an individual, a family or a business. Giving can be a spontaneous gesture like dropping a donation in the red kettle or it can be planned. Any way you give this season, and throughout the year, remember that it is indeed “more blessed to give than receive.”

Not only will you be blessed as you give, giving is healthy. Studies have shown there are several health benefits to giving. They include lower blood pressure, less anxiety and depression and increased self-esteem. Anytime you can do something good for others and improve your own health, that seems like a win-win.

Giving also makes us happy. Research shows that giving both money and time provides humans an emotional surge because feeling good is a product of doing good. It’s built into our neurochemistry. Giving triggers feel-good chemicals like endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin. And it’s true across cultural and economic lines, too, according to a Harvard Business School study.

Who doesn’t want to reduce their stress levels? It turns out that giving also lowers your stress. When we are overall happier, we are less stressed. Studies also show that volunteering and giving to others can help us with improved self-esteem and can reduce cases of depression.

Giving is contagious. Have you heard of paying it forward? It is a real phenomenon. It feels pretty amazing to be in the fast food or coffee line, and when you get to the window to pay, the clerk announces that the car in front of you has paid for your order. Because of your happiness, and the fact that giving is contagious, you will likely pay for the person behind you. It is a true chain reaction.

Giving builds relationships. If you give your money, time or material gifts, you must have a connection to an individual or an organization that you believe in. That contact is someone you can build a relationship with. You never know where that relationship can lead. It could lead to further relationships, a future employee or customer.

As you can see, the benefits of giving are many. Not only are you helping others, but you are also reaping the rewards, too, in terms of better health, less stress and more happiness. It truly is better to give than receive. There are numerous opportunities to give around the holidays. Give where you can.

Know your Customer: Help your Customer Set Goals for the New Year

As we start thinking about closing out this year and preparing for a new one, there isn’t much time to reflect on the past. We need to start looking ahead to what we want to achieve in 2023, and our customers are not any different. They are likely going to rely on you – their feed and supplement dealer – for some good nutrition advice. You know about their program and understand their challenges.

Once you do understand the overarching goals for their program, it is a good idea to ask them if they have planned out their year to see how they can best make progress. A good method to establishing goals

is to make sure that they are S.M.A.R.T. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. Let’s explore how you can help your customers set goals that match this set of criteria.


Help your customers define as many details for their goals as possible. Who is involved? Is there a deadline? Where and when will these goals be achieved? For instance, maybe you have a customer who is planning their first production sale. A very specific goal could be to host a production sale in March to sell 40 yearling bulls and average $4,000.


Every goal that is set should have a unit of measurement to indicate success. For example, your customer doesn’t just want to breed a majority of his or her cows. The measurable goal would be to have 95% conception rate.


It is great to dream big; however, goals should be set that can be reached. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, and goals likely won’t be achieved overnight either.


The goals defined should align with the overall goals of the operation. If the operation wants to raise bulls that produce high-performance calves for the feedlot, the owner or manager probably wants to focus on sires that have desirable growth and carcass traits. A goal to have 100% conception rates isn’t relevant if your customer puts one 2-year-old bull out with 50 cows.


Make sure every goal set has a deadline and work ambitiously to meet those deadlines. Take that one step further and expand your goals to include short-term and long-term goals. Perhaps a short-term goal for the operation is to purchase a new a ram before breeding season (within two months). A long-term goal might be to host an on-farm club lamb sale in the spring (within the next year).

Now is a great time to work with your customers to help them set S.M.A.R.T. goals for their next production year. It’s always good to encourage writing down the goals where they will see them on a regular basis and posting deadlines that they can measure on a calendar that they also see regularly. Make sure their goals include a quality nutrition program. They will thank you, and you can watch your business grow.


Congratulations to the following for completing advanced levels of the Master Dealer Program in November:

Master Dealer Chapter 3

  • Boyce Feed & Grain Corp
  • Lazy JB Cattle Works

Master Dealer Chapter 4

  • 5 F Feed
  • Circle Z Farms
  • Foxfire Feed LLC
  • Straightway Farm Services
  • Falling Timber Farm LLC
  • Diamond H Land & Cattle
  • Boyce Feed & Grain
  • Renew Ag Supply
  • Sayre Farmers Cooperative Gin Association
  • All Creatures Mobile Clinic
  • Gillespie Feed & Farm Supply

Effective Action: Care that Comes Full Circle Comes from the Heart

Have you ever wondered about the phrase “care that comes full circle”? It isn’t just a fancy little catch phrase that BioZyme® throws around. It is the company motto that the company and its employees live by each day. Where does the care come from? It comes from the heart.

One of the things that sets BioZyme apart from other companies is this care that comes full circle. It’s in our people. It’s in our products. It’s in our research. President and CEO Lisa Norton compares it to a boomerang that is properly thrown.

“When you throw a boomerang properly, it will always come back to you. If we make supplements at BioZyme that help animals perform to their fullest, then that care we provide to them will ultimately, come full circle and put food on our plate. Now that is care that comes full circle,” Norton said.

Simply put, caring comes from the heart. This is true if you are talking about making nutrition products for a chicken with a with a rather short lifespan or a newborn child who depends on you for its every need.

Caring about what you do and how you do it always starts with the heart. If you start from the inside out – with the heart – not only will your care shine bright, but that care will boomerang back or “come full circle.”

Our research shows care. With more than 100 published studies, BioZyme never introduces a product until it has been carefully and fully researched. Research starts with a team of scientists and continues to real-life scenarios. Our proprietary fermentation processes are backed by 70 years of research – both in the lab and applied.

Our products show care. It’s no secret that the products that we market and sell do what we say they do. With a research-proven prebiotic like Amaferm® that has been studied and used for more than 70 years, you and your customers can rest assured that the products are carefully manufactured. Amaferm is made one place in the world – St. Joseph, Missouri.

Our people show care. Our people care about the products they make, the way they promote them and the people they work with. They are carefully trained in production best practices and safety manufacturing. They keep safety for themselves, others and the product top of mind.

Not only do our people show care about products and people within the BioZyme family, they extend that care into the greater community. They are active in civic organizations, community projects and helping neighbors. They know that care that comes full circle is a boomerang effect.

From the research, products and people, our care that comes full circle starts in the heart. We know that our dealers have heart too. We hope that you never forget your heart and how to give, and receive, that care.

Two Minutes in December

by Shelia Grobosky, Marketing Brand Manager – Dealers & Public Relations

For some, it is the most wonderful time of the year. The holidays are approaching, and a new year is too. But for others, the holidays are not a happy time to navigate. And the year-end is a reminder of bills that are due and deadlines that must be met. 

Agriculture is hard. There are no two ways around it. However, one of the best things about this industry is its people. If you are having a challenging time right now, remember that you are surrounded by some of the greatest people in the business. Not only are the people in agriculture great, but your BioZyme family is here for you too. 

Mental health and happiness are probably not what you were expecting to read about this month. Cattle numbers are short. Tighter regulations are being put down on truckers, and freight is still a concern. But in the grand scheme of this thing called life, the things that matter most are faith, family and YOU! Let’s talk about you for just a few more paragraphs. 

If you are feeling a little down in the dumps this holiday season or anytime of the year, it is ok to reach out. There is always someone there who wants to help you. And if you don’t think so, just contact me or your ASM. I love listening to people, and sometimes that is just what a person needs – an unbiased person to listen. 

Do something for you. Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives we forget to live. I know this is true for myself. I was going through the motions, and then one day realized my daughter was growing up in front of my eyes. So, I give my time to her from the time she gets off the bus until bedtime. It might mean putting in a few later nights, but those evenings together are so worth it. 

Take up a hobby. Have you always wanted to learn to play the guitar or decorate cakes? You are never too old to learn a talent that can serve as a creative outlet and help you relieve stress at the same time. 

Take a deep breath. Sometimes those deep breaths are just what I need to help clear my mind and help me put things back into perspective. 

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and celebrate this wonderful time of year!  

Tell Everyone: Marketing Plans Start NOW

Marketing is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Regardless of if you are selling widgets or high-quality feed supplements, marketing is going to help you grow your business, build relationships with your customers and increase your profits.

As we move into 2023, there are more marketing opportunities than ever before. We no longer live in your grandpa’s world of driving downtown and putting an advertisement in the local newspaper made with clipart provided by the local cattle association, hoping for results.

Dealers, you have so many options available to you. So, grab your yellow legal pad or even your iPad, and take notes, because your marketing plans start now.

Make a plan. Divide your year into quarters and break each quarter into months. Decide what is important to your customers during those given months. If it starts getting hot in March or April where you live, you will probably want to start promoting a mineral that includes HEAT® in February or even earlier to make it top of mind. Market Sure Champ® products in the months leading up to and during livestock shows in your area. If you have a big wall calendar or like to use excel spreadsheets, use these tools to help visualize your plan.

Create a budget. Do you know how much money you have to spend on marketing? Do you plan to spend money each month? Every other month? Is the dollar amount dependent on sales or time of year? As you prepare your annual budget, set aside some marketing dollars for advertising, promotional items and even a producer meeting. If you have those funds budgeted early on, you should not spend them on other items, and know that you have the money reserved specifically for marketing efforts.

Choose your vehicles. Once you know your budget and what you plan to market, determine which outlets you would like to use for your marketing. Do you plan to rely solely on social media? Will you print stuffers to go with your invoices to promote new or timely products? Do you plan to advertise on the local radio station or with the local sports boosters on the high school football programs? If you know your customers or the potential customers you are trying to reach, you can determine which of the vehicles are relevant to them. Whichever vehicle you decide on, make sure you know the cost, the deadline and the file format you need to provide if it is an external company like a newspaper or radio station.

Use social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok are growing in popularity. Social media offers several benefits, with the most popular being that it is free. Other benefits include that it is widely accessible by most people anywhere, including at their fingertips, and it allows you to interact with your customers, whereas traditional advertising only allows for one-way communication. Use social media to your advantage. If you are not fully comfortable with some of the tools and platforms, remember that BioZyme offers Promoboxx as free service, and you can link your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for free content.

Evaluate your action. After you have conducted your marketing action, it is always important to evaluate the outcome. Did a particular advertisement or promotion drive customers to the store? Did your business experience an increase in sales due to your marketing efforts? Take notes. If the sales didn’t increase, chalk one up for experience. If the sales went through the roof, write it down and plan for something very similar for the same time the next year.

Marketing is ever evolving. You don’t have to do it alone. Be sure to reach out to your ASM, use the tools provided to you in the Online Dealer Center or contact a member of the BioZyme Marketing Team. We are here to help you market your business and increase your sales.

Letters from Lisa – December 2022

December is my favorite month. This is because I get to give many “gifts” to those around me. These gifts include the most days off work of any month, end of year performance reviews, the annual Christmas bonus, Christmas gifts, happy New Year hugs and pausing to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

The word in there I would like to focus on this month is pausing.

Pausing at times — even for just a few seconds — can make a major difference in how we think and react. Before you dismiss this as simple common sense, remember: the pause is easy in theory, difficult in practice.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) includes the ability to understand and manage our emotions, using them to work for us instead of against us. Emotional intelligence can help us think logically, rather than solely reacting with emotion. Like any ability, it can be learned, exercised and honed to help produce desirable outcomes. What one action can sharpen your EQ?

The pause.

The pause isn’t only effective when dealing with upsetting situations. Often, we are tempted to jump on opportunities that look really good at the time but that we haven’t really thought through. Used effectively, the pause can help reduce those “What was I thinking?” moments. Now wouldn’t that be a nice gift to give everyone around us?

How to Use the Pause Effectively

  1. Stop. Resist the urge to act immediately.
  2. Take a deep, long breath.
  3. If possible, take a walk. At least 10 to 15 minutes is great; longer is even better.

Using the pause can help us look to the future with more optimism. It is the pause that allows us to digest information and begin to use that information effectively. We can move logically through the processes of thinking, then planning and then doing. The order is important, and it is that order that allows the future to be all it can be for you and for your business.

Some situations do require immediate responses, and a pause may not always be an option. Time is money, but in big decisions that may have great impact, a pause can pay dividends.

Take the time this process requires, and you will find better decisions throughout business.

Now that’s a gift worth giving and receiving!

Changes Coming in December


BioZyme® Inc. and Cogent Solutions Group will now carry the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) Quality Seal on products specifically designed for the equine and companion animal markets. Dealers and customers will start seeing the NASC seal on packaging for products for horses, dogs and cats under the Vitalize®, Hyaluronex® and Trixsyn® brands. The seal will be a rolling change as current packaging inventory is exhausted.


Vitalize® Horse Treats are still available in limited-edition holiday packaging. These carrot-flavored prebiotic snacks make great gifts for your favorite equine companions. Stock up now before the supply is gone!


To allow our families to observe the Christmas and New Year holidays, we are closed the following:

• Friday, December 23 & Monday, December 26

 • Monday, January 2, 2023

To ensure you receive the freshest product, in the timeliest manner, there is no shipping or pickup on:

• Thursday, December 22 to Monday, December 26

• Thursday, December 29 to Monday, January 2, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the BioZyme Family.

Dealer Spotlight: Falling Timber Farm

Batman and Robin. Kenny and Dolly. Johnny and June. Some things are just meant to be together. That same can be said of Falling Timber Farm LLC and BioZyme® Inc. John and Heidi Ridder, Marthasville, Missouri, started as BioZyme dealers shortly after they got married, and have been growing their business while watching BioZyme grow for nearly the last two decades. 

“The VitaFerm® products have a reputation of quality in the cattle world. The products sell themselves,” John said. 

He described the early beginnings in the nutrition industry. One of John’s jobs after college was a sales manager for a feed store before he returned to the home farm in eastern Missouri. The BioZyme district manager asked him to start selling BioZyme products. At that time, BioZyme still ran their own delivery trucks and would call dealers to put together orders every week. They would unload 10 bags of product at a time at Ridder’s shop and hand stack it onto a plastic pallet.  

“A few really good years changed everything,” he said. 

As if he and Heidi were looking into a crystal ball, they started identifying other good end-users in their area to work underneath them in getting products distributed. Falling Timber Farm was among the first to be part of the sub-dealer network.  

“Sub-dealers were going to be the only way to survive, even back then. When the freight changed and they started to bring a load in at a time, the sub-dealers were a great way to get more products out to more customers,” John said. 

Not only do they have several sub-dealers that they work together with, Falling Timber Farm also engages in several marketing opportunities that BioZyme offers. They participate in the quarterly mailer dealer four times a year, offer their customers a promo each spring and fall where they send their own postcard and work closely with their Area Sales Manager Ali Brunner. 

“The dealer mailer is easy, and it works. We keep our mailing list up to date,” Heidi said. “I have considered moving to an email for our spring and fall promos instead of a postcard, but that postcard gives them something in the mail to look at instead of an email where they can just delete it with a push of a button. That postcard usually gets us a few calls after it goes out.” 

In addition to their BioZyme business, the Ridders also have a registered Hereford operation, so they maintain several customer lists with the use of Excel spreadsheets. Heidi said her BioZyme spreadsheet rarely has any returned postcards due to being kept current. One tip she offers others is that for a minimal fee, the Post Office will check a list for accuracy, which she does before mailing their annual production sale catalog, since it is thicker and requires more postage. 

Although they face the same challenges most dealers face, John and Heidi enjoy the family atmosphere that their dealership has given them while raising their own two children, who are the fourth generation to grow up on the ranch. Madi is a sophomore at the University of Missouri studying Animal Science, and Ben is a freshman at Oklahoma State University majoring in Agriculture Systems and Technology.  

“We are able to help other producers with smaller herds and full-time jobs meet their production goals. They come out to get products with their family and their kids. We’ve grown up in this business and our customers have grown up with us, and we get to watch their families grow up, too,” Heidi said. 

John agrees. He also encourages anyone interested in getting involved to branch out and be patient. 

“You likely won’t survive on one entity alone, so you will need to diversify. That might be sales and grain farming or sales and livestock,” he said. “Don’t expect to grow real fast. Grow your customer base one really good customer at a time.”  

Just like John and Heidi Ridder of Falling Timber Farm had the foresight to grow their customer base and their sub-dealer system, they know to use their resources, diversify their opportunities and provide care that comes full circle to their customers. We’re proud that they have been with BioZyme for the long haul!  

#MasterDealer Monday

Congratulations to these dealers who completed Chapters 3 & 4 of the Master Dealer program in October! Master Dealer is just one action to help increase your product and business knowledge and help grow your business!

Master Dealer Chapter 3

  • Ark Country Store
  • Cobleskill Agway
  • Foxfire Feed LLC
  • The Feed Box

Master Dealer Chapter 4

  • Ark Country Store
  • AX Feeds
  • Carousel Design
  • Crusty’s Feed Store
  • E-Barr Feed & Supply
  • Elk County Veterinary Services
  • Fayette Ag Services, Inc
  • L & L Farm Supply, Inc
  • Landreth Livestock Products
  • Lime Ridge Ag Supply
  • Lincoln Farmers Copperative
  • Logan Boyle
  • Maple Lane Farm Group LLC
  • Maus Angus Ranch
  • Muddy Creek Ag LLC
  • Silvercrest Ag
  • Slavik Farms
  • Southern Oregon Feed & Mineral Solutions
  • Stillwater Milling Agri Center
  • The Feed Box
  • We Feed It, LLC

Two Minutes in November

By Shelia Grobosky, Marketing Brand Manager – Dealers & PR

Corn and soybean harvest begins to wind down, and the leaves crunch under foot on the way to the barn each morning. Those subtle reminders combined with the need for a hoodie or light jacket are evidence that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. There are many things to be grateful for this year, including the opportunity to work with those of you who market the BioZyme® products I am passionate about, and ultimately show care that comes full circle.

Of course, there is an election this month. I hope everyone took time to go to the polls and made their voices heard. We still live in a democracy, last I checked, and the process still should thrive.

I don’t have to remind the dealers how big of a logistical nightmare that transportation is; however, just in case you tried to forget, there is a looming railway strike that could yet happen in November. In late October, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) joined more than 100 other national and state trade organizations in sending a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to work with the railroad unions and railroads to avoid a strike. The letter made clear “the overwhelming concern that a rail shutdown would have a significant impact on the U.S. economy and lead to further inflationary pressure.”

With the holiday season basically upon us, many folks are focused on the economy – both from a spending and a profit standpoint. According to Rabobank analysts’ forecast, lower real wages will negatively impact protein consumption in the remainder of 2022 and the first half of the new year.

In one article on, Glynn Tonsor, professor of Ag Economics at Kansas State University who also tracks consumers buying habits through the Meat Demand Monitor, said the country is indeed in a recession. One indicator of that can be tracked by consumer spending, including protein.

“We’re seeing some trading down within the protein complex. Think about going from a bacon product to a ham product, or from a ribeye steak to a sirloin steak. There’s a lot of examples like that,” Tonsor said.

So, while the economy and transportation issues might feel like we are in a world of gloom, remember, there is still always something to be thankful for. Count your blessings each day and remember what is most important. Faith, family, friends, good business partners and the promise a bright future.  

Dealer Spotlight: Hale Feeds LLC, South Dakota

Imagine eating lunch with a local celebrity – it’s kind of like Cheers, except nowhere near Boston. Enning, South Dakota. The local establishment is multipurpose. It is a restaurant/bar, convenience store and post office all in one building. It was a Tuesday in September, and local BioZyme® dealer Tee Hale of Hale Feeds was having lunch with his ASM Brett Tostenson and Marketing Brand Manager – Dealers Shelia Grobosky. Tee was more like a local celebrity, where nearly everyone stopped by to pat his back, shake his hand or just exchange a few good words.

Tee is a well-rounded local guy who has a lot going on. This particular day he took time from his schedule to talk to Brett and Shelia about what he likes about BioZyme, the products and how he works to market them.

As an on-farm dealer who is also a cow-calf producer and has a passion for horses, he understands the needs of his customers. And as a friend and neighbor, he wants those customers to succeed. That is one reason carrying the products with Amaferm® is so important to him. One of his friends built him a small shop on his ranch that Tee finished on the inside to carry small pack products like Vitalize® and Vita Charge® along with some horse supplies and gloves.

“We want to make a living doing what we love. That’s the best part about running cows and feeding the products. I can tell them what I’ve seen with my own eyes. You know what to expect,” he said.

In the heart of cattle country, Tee’s number one seller is VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®. However, the Vitalize products are also growing in popularity. He has formulated his own ration of horse feed that includes Vitalize Equine Free Choice mineral mixed with other ingredients like oats and beet pulp, which is popular with his customers.

Even though Tee is well known in his community, he values the marketing assistance that BioZyme provides the dealer network. He keeps current on the Master Dealer Program. His Facebook page is linked to Promoboxx, he engages with the Quarterly Dealer mailers, and he works with his ASM to provide timely promotions to his customers to promote products that will work for their operations.

With an easy-going spirit and a willingness to try new things, it is easy to see why Tee is successful in his BioZyme dealership. Thanks for showing your customers care that comes full circle, Tee!

A Step-by-Step Approach to a Successful Producer Meeting

The BioZyme Team wants your next producer meeting to be a success. Follow this guide as you plan your next meeting this fall or winter.

1. Set a Date

Setting a date can be the biggest challenge, as you want to work around your customers’ schedules of calving, harvest, pulling cattle off of government managed ground and other tasks. Work with your Area Sales Manager and set a date at least 60 days out that works best for your schedule.

2. Submit a Marketing Request

At least 60 days before your producer meeting, submit a Marketing Request through the Online Dealer Center to let your ASM and the Marketing Team know that you are planning a Producer Meeting, along with all the pertinent information. The Marketing Team will send invitations on your behalf, provide you with literature and arrange one of the BioZyme experts to speak at your event, if you so choose.

“Use the BioZyme Marketing Team. They are a talented, creative group, so let them help you,” said Keith Micke, K Triangle Feed. Micke hosts at least one successful meeting annually.

3. Update your Customer List

Once you have your Marketing Request submitted, you will want to get an updated customer mailing list submitted to the Marketing Team. Make sure this includes customers and potential customers that you want to invite to your meeting.

Make sure your list is relevant; if you have customers out of state, no need to invite them. If you are focusing on cow-calf nutrition, should you invite customers who only buy dog supplements?

Make Local Arrangements

Decide on what you need locally for your meeting. Are you providing a meal or heavy appetizers? Secure the caterer or work with a local church group or producer’s group to do the cooking. Make sure you have adequate tables, chairs, plates and utensils. If you are having a speaker, you will need a screen and an LCD projector.

5. Follow Up with Phone Calls

Micke advises following up the printed invitation with a friendly phone call. Although the postcard invitation is professional and looks nice, so many of his customers get lots of mail. He said the phone call is a nice reminder for people who might otherwise forget about the meeting.

6. Host the Producer Meeting

On the day or evening of the meeting, make sure you have everything you need. Micke said the best piece of literature he offers attendees is the Product Guide.

“I used to flood them with too much literature. Now we just go through the Product Guide to let them know we have products for every animal and even humans. I will usually sell Baxyl at every meeting,” Micke said. “The other piece of literature that is important is the Amaferm booklet. It all starts with Amaferm, and they need to see how it works.”

He adds that his customers really appreciate seeing someone from BioZyme like Chris Cassady or John Jeffrey at the meeting, as they do a great job explaining and showing care that comes full circle.

7. Close the Sale

At the end of the meeting, follow up with the attendees to gather any orders, especially if you are offering a one-time discount. Follow up with potential customers who you might have met at the meeting within a few days to answer any questions.

The ASM will collect contact cards. A thank you email will be sent on yours and the ASMs behalf. Producer meetings are a great way for outreach, marketing and sales. Reach out to your ASM or the Marketing Team if you have questions on how to make your next producer meeting a success!

Continuous Improvements Lead to New Product Developments

“Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.”

This quote from entrepreneur Walt Disney aligns perfectly with the values of BioZyme®. With a mission to show care that comes full circle to all animals and caretakers of those animals, our team is continually focused on making positive changes for the future. 

One of BioZyme’s more recent changes and improvements comes from forming a key partnership with Zinpro®, a world leader in trace minerals. We are excited to kick off this partnership that allows us to introduce a new organic trace mineral (OTM) technology. 

“Absorption is key. Present research shows that using an amino acid complex opens multiple doors for absorption and increases mineral retention rate, providing for maximum utilization. Zinpro Performance Minerals also utilize amino acid transporters for uptake into the bloodstream,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Director of Beef Technical Sales. 

Zinpro amino acid complexes have four primary benefits outlined here: 

1. Soluble

Soluble simply means being capable of being dissolved in a liquid. Since we know that the animal’s body is primarily made of water, if a mineral is not soluble, it won’t be available. 

Mineral absorption is water based, and all Zinpro Performance Minerals have high solubility to improve efficacy and absorption into the enterocyte (small intestinal cell). 

2. Stable

The stability of the organic trace mineral is primarily based on the bond between the mineral (metal) and the amino acid it is “complexed” to. 

Varying bond strengths and pH changes throughout the GI tract cause a lot of OTMs to break apart and become less usable. The rumen is 6.7-7.0, the abomasum is around 2, the duodenum starts to increase back to 5, so it has to be strong enough to make it through this gauntlet of pHs. All Zinpro Performance Minerals are bound to an amino acid ligand with a stability constant between 2-7.4 pH. 

Stability requires a balance, tight enough to stay together, but not so tight that it can’t let go when needed. 

Cassady compares stability to a dating relationship. 

“Stability is a really good girlfriend. If you find this person, you should marry them.” 

“A crazy (too strong bond) clings, clings, clings to you and never lets go when you need it to,” he explains. “Alternatively, the weak girlfriend kind of holds your hand, but lets go and leaves you hanging when younger, more attractive guys show up to the party (antagonists in the rumen),” he said. 

3. Absorbable

For an OTM to be absorbable, it is able to easily enter the bloodstream. Obviously, for trace minerals to be used by the animal, they must be absorbed and distributed through the bloodstream to organs, tissues and enzyme systems. 

Zinpro Performance Minerals are manufactured to create a molecule that the animal can absorb and put to good use. Inorganics and some other organics are inadequately absorbed or not absorbed at all. If they aren’t absorbed, they aren’t used, and are excreted into the environment. 

Zinpro has the data and science to prove that their amino acid complexes are absorbed through the amino acid transporters. So, the receptor on the enterocyte essentially recognizes the specific amino acid it is targeting and “pulls it in”. The Availa Zn, Mn and Cu we are now using have these minerals complexed to multiple amino acids instead of just 

one glycine molecule like we had in the past. This increases the affinity and “opens more doors” for the complex minerals to be absorbed compared to the technology we used in the past.  

4. Metabolically Available

Metabolically available amino acids are in the body, available for immediate use and help animals reach their full genetic potential more efficiently and effectively. Zinpro Performance Minerals are research-proven to provide greater efficiency to reach target organs, tissue, and enzyme systems. These OTMs give us the opportunity to consistently increase the amount of minerals that are available and usable in the animal. 

As you can see, the primary benefits of the Zinpro Availa organic trace minerals are increased health, performance and absorption for the animals. The producers should see more efficiency, a reduced cost and more gain. 

At BioZyme, we know that continuously improving is important to the animals, the customers and you, the dealers. If our products don’t get better, we don’t get better. We hope that you and your customers appreciate these enhanced OTMs the progress we are making to improve our products every day. 

Prebiotic Tools for Heifer Development

By Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme® Inc., Director of Beef Technical Sales 

A new era of calf prices has brought amazing revenue for cow-calf producers. Immediate income opportunities incentivize cattlemen to sell their weaned calves, meaning a greater number of heifers are destined for the cattle feeding sector. Collectively, the cow herd hasn’t expanded as quickly as projected, ushering in amazing value for the replacement female. Like any valuable asset you may own, protecting your genetics with quality nutrition and management can help cattlemen get the most out of their retained females. Longevity is key to success in this business. With minimal incentive to grow the cow herd, it’s time to explore all the technologies available to produce high quality, sufficient levels of beef with the fewest cow numbers in decades. 

Maximize Cow Herd Longevity

Maximizing longevity is dependent upon getting your replacement heifers bred up early enough to calve by two years of age. Research has shown the long-term negative impacts of late calving heifers on their productivity and stayability as a mature cow. Fertility is paramount, but it’s hard to single-trait select for due to its low heritability. Additionally, the fact that reproduction is non-essential, it’s no surprise that any nutritional or health insult to a growing heifer can prevent her from effectively breeding. Missing cycles takes away substantial dollars to our weaned calf market next year and puts the replacement herself at risk of falling out of the herd thereafter. Collectively, it’s our job to protect cattle from any stressors that can impact their lifetime productivity in the herd. 

Heifers need to stay healthy to breed. However, the immune system requires an exorbitant amount of nutrition when activated and is responsible for anestrous, early-term abortions and more. The first thing that comes to mind when talking about herd well-being are effective vaccination protocols. Many are effective promotors of acquired immunity in your animals, but did you know that more than 70% of the immune system can be found in the gut? Hence, researchers have focused their efforts in evaluating the positive relationship between gut health and overall immune function. It may be time to take a proactive approach to the well-being of our developing heifers. Products such as prebiotics are designed to improve the number and activity of beneficial bacteria in the rumen and gastrointestinal tract. Competitive exclusion by promoting the good bugs and maintaining a stable rumen pH can help to eliminate pathogens and their negative effects on reproductive function. 

Just like a late-night informercial would claim, that’s not all for prebiotics! Prebiotics are defined by their positive impact on beneficial microorganisms in the gut, and some are research proven to improve feed utilization. At BioZyme®, we are proud to have AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a research-proven prebiotic designed to enhance digestibility. Amaferm stimulates the growth of energy-harvesting bacteria, resulting in greater volatile fatty acid production (VFA) in the rumen. Volatile fatty acids serve as the primary energy source for ruminants, and an improvement in VFA production by 16% from feeding Amaferm is nutritionally the same as feeding a pound of DDGS per head per day. Unlocking more energy from within affords the heifer additional energy available for growth, improved body condition and an earlier onset of puberty. Not to mention elevated energy levels have been shown to improve the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are crucial to the effective onset of ovulation in heifers. Obviously, these are essential for reproductive success, meaning that the prebiotic Amaferm can help improve breed-ups without any risks of grain-fed, overweight heifers. 

Prebiotic vs Probiotic

One of the key elements that distinguishes a prebiotic from a probiotic is that it is non-living. The fact that it stays viable at extreme temperatures and varying moisture and pH levels suggests that many delivery mechanisms exist for your heifers. Prebiotics can be fed via total mixed rations (TMR) in confined heifer development systems but are more commonly incorporated into mineral supplements. Vitamin and mineral supplementation strategies are well-established promotors of beef production efficiency. When highly available mineral and vitamin products serve as the carrier for a powerful prebiotic, an effective one-two nutritional punch can be provided to your replacements. 

The best way to incorporate Amaferm into your herd is through the VitaFerm® vitamin and mineral supplements powered by Amaferm. VitaFerm® is a line of nutritional supplements for beef cattle that maximize energy and forage utilization for successful production. A variety of products are available for cattle producers that contain organic trace minerals and Amaferm to help your heifers optimize their health and maximize their reproductive success. 

The feeder calf market is holding back any herd expansion because it incentivizes producers to cash in on their heifer calves while the market is hot. However, if you’re keeping fewer replacements this year, it’s likely you’re keeping the absolute elite of your calf crop. While this will certainly improve the genetic merit of a smaller domestic cow herd, it’s still up to us to maximize the genetic potential of our programs by developing our heifers in the best possible way. Great genetics require premium nutrition, and now is the most critical time to effectively set up our yearling females for a lifetime of success in the herd. 

Offering a prebiotic like Amaferm through a supplementation program like VitaFerm is the best way to ensure your yearling heifers are successful contributors to the herd. Prebiotics are powerful tools that can proactively benefit health from within as well as improve feed utilization and energetic status in the animal. Collectively, this technology serves as a vital tool for maximizing heifer breed-ups in the first year, and effective longevity thereon.  



We are pleased to announce a booking promotion of $500 off full truckload orders of Concept•Aid Protein Tubs and/or Concept•Aid Protein Meal placed between September 1 and 20. Delivery is scheduled between October 1 and October 22.

For more information contact your BioZyme sales representative or email


Currently, the VitaFerm® 30-13% Protein Tub stands alone, and it is not part of any product line. In an effort to remedy that and to build more product awareness, we are moving it to the VitaFerm Conserve® line, renaming it the VitaFerm Conserve® 30-13% Protein Tub.

Watch for this rolling change as the current product inventory is depleted, and new tubs with updated labels are made.


In an effort to continuously offer our customers the best service, we are updating the caps on 2.5 Gallon Liquid Boost® and HydraBoost® RTU closures from white vented to white heat seal for economy and security/reduction of spillage during shipment.  We conducted trials for 6 months to ensure no bloating occurred with a completely sealed closure.


To better align with its purpose and usage, Vitalize® Free Choice will now be known as Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement. Using the same great formula this highly-fortified, loose vitamin and mineral supplement is designed for horses as a daily top dress or free choice supplement to support nutritional and digestive health. The name change reflects the ability of the product to be fed various ways, either free choice or top dressed on feed.

The Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement, Protein Pellet and 40 lb Digest More Plus will also be transitioned into a new style of poly bag later this month. Look for this rolling change as current inventory is depleted.


When redeeming your points for BioZyme swag (wearables), in the Online Dealer Center, sizes are now linked to inventory, taking the guesswork out of if wondering if the item and size you want is available. This makes it convenient to see which items and sizes are available to you, just another way we can show care that comes full circle!


The Marketing Team is working diligently to provide dealers with the most current information. In order to keep the materials relevant, some pieces have been converted to digital only – allowing you to download and print on demand. Other literature, like the VitaFerm® ReproMaxx® sell sheet has been updated and is available for your request. Be sure to visit the SAMM Center regularly for all your Signage, Apparel & Marketing Material needs.


The Master Dealer On Demand course is now available in the Dealer Center to test your knowledge on the new VitaFerm® ReproMaxx® mineral product for your beef cattle customers.

Visit the Dealer Center to get started with the VitaFerm ReproMaxx On Demand training. 

ReproMaxx sell sheet is also available now in the SAMM Center. 

Taking Your Business to the Next Level

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” 

This quote by Winston Churchill can be applied to many facets of our lives. It also resonates with the team here at BioZyme®. We are constantly changing, and working to continuously improve ourselves as businesspeople. We know you are too!

At BioZyme, we strive to always live up to our motto: care that comes full circle. One of the most critical ways we do this is by collaborating with you, our dealers. Another way we do this is by working to embody our 4 pillars.

But our pillars aren’t just goals for us. We know from experience that each of these pillars—research, innovation, inspiration, and giving back—can help you grow your dealership and business. After all, as far as we’re concerned, you, our dealers, are part of our team. When you succeed, we succeed.   

That’s why BioZyme created the Dealer Action Rewards Program, to both thank you and motivate you toward further success. The program allows our dealers to earn and receive points for actions that help their business grow and promote BioZyme products

It is our ultimate goal to help you grow your business. The best and fastest way we can do that is by supporting you as you complete the tasks set up within the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet that best aligns with your business’s overall goals.  

Five Stages for Business Growth 

Small businesses can vary widely in size and capacity and allow for growth within them. The Harvard Business Review states in an entrepreneurial management article, The Five Stages of Small-Business Growth, small businesses can be categorized by 3 key categories. Those growth categories include: independence of action, differing organizational structures and varied management styles.  

Keeping those three key categories for small businesses in mind, you can assess your business’s current standing. Then, assess and evaluate your needs, using that information to take your business to the next level.  

Applying Strategy to Discover Growth 

In the Harvard Business Review article, those five stages include existence, survival, success, take-off, and resource maturity.  

In the existence and survival stages, these companies can range from newly started to high-technology manufacturers that have yet to stabilize and establish either production or product quality. 

When evaluating your business in these stages, it might be helpful to ask, “Can I get enough customers, deliver products, and provide services well enough to become a viable business?” 

In the third, fourth, and fifth stages of business growth, the business faces the challenges of continuing to use the company for growth. Other aspects companies will experience are finding new opportunities as financial growth takes off and delegating responsibilities.  

Along with the rapid growth, it is also key for a company to consolidate and control its financial gains. At this stage, the company has the resources to engage in detailed operational and strategic planning. Examples of this strategic planning could include a standard marketing plan and brand identification for the company, special product promotions, or attending events to build brand awareness. 

Leveling Up: Where Do You Want to Land? 

When leveling up your business, it’s important to remember that your dealership is no different from raising livestock. The quality inputs that you put into your business (taking action) can help increase performance (sales) and drive gains (growth).  

When assessing your business’s current state and determining its desired growth, it’s ideal to consider the tiers set up in the BioZyme Dealer Growth Program—Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. 

These tiers were implemented into the Dealer Action Rewards Program to set dealers up for success both in their own business and as BioZyme dealers. Promoting BioZyme products to drive sales and increase profit can help you advance and level up in the action rewards and growth program.

Along with leveling up in the program, dealers can consider what specific and clear actions are necessary to take their business to the next level. 

Bronze Level: Minimum Sales $10,000 

Dealers who achieve this level earn a maximum 1,499 Action Rewards Points. They also score between 21-25 on their Action Score Card and have at least $10,000 in total sales.  

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following:  

  • $500 in Animal Health product purchases 
  • Total purchases increase annually by 5% or more 
  • Carry at least 2 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Bronze Dealer Benefits 

• Receive a BioZyme Swag Pack with a choice of retail merchandising and apparel 

Silver Level: Minimum Sales $25,000 

Dealers level up to the Silver Level after achieving a score of 1,500–2,249 Action Rewards Points, Action Score Card Score between 26-28 and $25,000 in total sales. 

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following: 

  • $1,000 in Animal Health purchases 
  • Total purchases increase annually by 4% or more 
  • Carry at least 3 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Silver Dealer Benefits 

  • Invite to Dealer Retreat but no reimbursement (you will receive 500 action rewards points for attending). 
  • Guaranteed 2% of total sales from the prior year will be allocated toward a BioZyme-approved marketing plan. 

Gold Level: Minimum Sales $100,000 

Dealers must achieve a score of 2,250–2,999 Action Rewards Points, Action Score Card Score between 29-31, and $100,000 in total sales to advance to Gold Level status. 

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following: 

$3,000 in Animal Health product purchases 

  • Total purchases increase annually by 3% or more 

Carry at least 4 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Gold Dealer Benefits 

  • Invite up to two people and up to $500 expense reimbursements to the annual Dealer Retreat.  
  • A guaranteed 2% of total sales from the prior year will be allocated toward a BioZyme-approved marketing plan. 

Platinum Level: Minimum Sales $300,000 

This level in the Action Plan and Growth Program achieves the requirements of 3,000+ Action Rewards Points, an Action Score Card Score of 31 or above, and $300,000 in sales.  

They have also accomplished at least two out of the three of the following: 

  • $5,000 in Animal Health product purchases 
  • Total purchases increase annually by 2% or more 
  • Carry 5 BioZyme brands and purchase each annually 

Platinum Dealer Benefits 

  • Receive an EXCLUSIVE VIP experience with BioZyme team members — Director of National Sales, Vice President of Domestic Business, and/or your Area Sales Manager.  
  • A guaranteed 2% of total sales from the prior year will be allocated toward a BioZyme-approved marketing plan. 
  • All expenses paid invite for up to two people to the annual Dealer Retreat. 
  • Priority ordering 

Once you level up to the next tier, you are then eligible to redeem those benefits. By staying on target in the plan and continuing to maintain dealer status, you are on the path to taking your business to the next level. Check out the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet to view this list and the tasks through action you can take to get your action plan started.  

Are you curious about more information on our Animal Health products available to order? Learn more about these products in the Product Center in the Online Dealer Center.  

Elevate Your Business 

At the forefront, it seems daunting and possibly intimidating to try to find where to begin the process and steps to take to discover growth and elevate your business. Remember, keep your business in mind and the tools, resources, and actions you can implement to help your business grow.  

Assess Your Current Status 

It is always beneficial to start with an assessment of current standing to know where you are and evaluate where to go with moving toward your business goals. suggests a SWOT Analysis to conduct a balanced assessment of internal strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities, and threats. This analysis is one of the most commonly used tools by individuals and businesses.  

Along with the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet, other beneficial resources include a database of prospects and leads in your area. You can develop these through printed direct mailers and in-store display merchandise materials from the SAMM Center to market products to your customers and potential new customers.  

When taking your business to the next level, you can also utilize BioZyme’s professional team. Learn from our team of nutrition experts and other dealers across the country who discuss a variety of topics through the Message Board in the Online Dealer Center.  

Set Clear Goals 

Evaluating the current business standing is just the beginning. To execute a plan to take off and determine the actions to take, you will need to set clear and achievable goals for your business.  

Determine SMART goals for your company and the growth you want to achieve. It is important to remember with the SMART goals in mind, you are setting goals that are:  






These goals can help give you a clear sense of direction, push you further, and help you stay organized to be successful. 

The LinkedIn Learning blog, How to Help Employees Set SMART Goals for Professional Development, discusses the goals set up in the SMART framework. This framework can ensure clarity, focus, and measurable progress in skill enhancement. 

BioZyme Benefits 

After assessing and setting goals for your business, it is vital to then put those goals into action. BioZyme offers several options for dealers to leverage for their businesses and tackle the smaller tasks to achieve the big goals.  

The actions you take can look different for each individual business. To name a few, these include:  

  • Participate in the quarterly direct mailer to your customer list 
  • Engage on social media 
  • Utilize the Ration Request service 

In the Action Plan booklet, we have created examples of the routes you can take to earn points and take your business to the next level. 

The Action Points earned can then be redeemed for items in the list of rewards in the Dealer Center. 

Monitor Progress 

As you are achieving these actions in your plan, remember to monitor and review your progress toward your goals.  

One simple way to review your Action Point total and track activities: check the My Action Dashboard in your Online Dealer Center account! You can then look to see which level you land in the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet

To review your sales progress competitively with other BioZyme dealers, check the Dealer Dashboard under the My Account tab in the Dealer Center. It displays the top 10 dealers of each BioZyme brand. You can also view your sales ranking per product line on the homepage of your account. 

Keep an eye out in Dealer Center and the BioZyme Dealers Facebook group! We provide continuous updates to those dashboards to better keep you in the loop.  

Rewards Program: Fueling Your Growth 

Taking your plan and goals into action is just the first step in fueling growth as a BioZyme dealer. 

At each level of the BioZyme Dealer Action Rewards Program, you will be able to track your business’ growth. All the recommended actions have been specifically designed to generate growth. Though it might not be immediate, you’ll be able to see real, substantive benefits to your earnings and sales numbers.

Shining Success

Don’t just take it from us. Here are a few success stories from BioZyme dealers who have taken action in the Dealer Action Rewards Program.  

Spotlight: K Triangle Feed 

Keith Micke at K Triangle Feed says, “Everything in the Action Rewards Program I’ve done has helped me with sales one way or the other.” He says the Dealer Rewards Program can give you ideas for actions that you may not otherwise do.  

Micke further explains that the program’s actions can also help you get out of your comfort zone. That helps you accomplish tasks that benefit your business long-term.  

“Master Dealer trainings keep you updated on new products coming out and give you ideas on how to sell and place with your customers,” he says.  

He also states hay testing is another way to help you with your customers in making decisions on product placement. Attending trade shows and fairs and setting up booths gets people coming by that you may not normally see.  

 “This can help to get the word out and add exposure for our products and the benefits of Amaferm in their program,” he says. “You may plant the seed one year, and a year or two—or 10—they see you consistently out at these events, they start buying.” 

At the 2024 BioZyme Dealer Retreat, K Triangle Feed received top honors. They were awarded Second Place Action Dealer and Second Place VitaFerm® Dealer from sales in 2023. In 2023, he earned a total of 4,160 action points to receive this award. He did this through attending events, direct customer mailings, co-branded swag, and more!  

Spotlight: Tina Graham 

Though a relatively new member of the BioZyme family, Tina Graham has found the Dealer Action Rewards Program beneficial to her business. She has experienced first-hand the lasting impact that a personal touch can have on her customer base.  

“I benefit from using the rewards program to earn swag to give back to all of my customers,” Tina explains. “Customers love getting ‘gifts’ from me from the simple stuff of chapstick to t-shirts and vests. The rewards program allows me to do this without adding more overhead cost to my business.” 

At this past Dealer Retreat, Tina received the inaugural Rookie Dealer of the Year award for her sales in 2023.  

She also received the new Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards during the 2024 Dealer Retreat.  

BioZyme President and CEO Lisa Norton presented 13 Live It, Love It, Lead It Awards to dealers who exemplified leadership and passion for their businesses. The award spotlights dealers who excelled in their businesses not only in sales but also with engagement, growth, and action.   

“Leadership is intentional. It is a trait you must work on every day,” Norton said. 

Live It, Love It, Lead It is part of an ongoing leadership development program at BioZyme. The program’s mission is to grow leaders for the industry from within our community—employees, dealers, and consumers. 

Put Your Plan into ACTION 

Now that we have evaluated several avenues and resources BioZyme offers through the Dealer Action Rewards Program, it’s time to put these plans into tangible action for your business.  

It is important to remember: 

  1. Action = Growth 
  1. Growth = Success 

Get started with the BioZyme Dealer Action Plan Booklet to develop a business strategy and promote BioZyme products.  

If you have any questions, you can also contact your Area Sales Manager or the BioZyme Action Team. The support team can help you start putting your plan together or taking these actions for your business.  

Fuel Your Reproductive Success with VitaFerm®

Buyers want options. With that in mind, BioZyme® is excited to announce its newest line within the VitaFerm® brand – VitaFerm® ReproMaxx®, designed to Maxximize Reproductive Success.  

VitaFerm ReproMaxx products provide high vitamin and mineral fortification and research-proven components to take reproductive success to the MAXX.  


• Contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility.  
• Includes verified, research-proven levels of Zinpro organic zinc, copper and manganese.
• Maximizes reproductive success of the herd while supporting colostrum quality and bull soundness and fertility.  

“At our Dealer Retreat, we talked about the Olympic mindset. Competitiveness and hopefulness, two qualities of Olympians, can be broken into three themes; having a killer instinct, being intense and being a fierce competitor,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., BioZyme Director of Beef Technical Sales said. “Developing a new top of the line reproductive mineral has been a two-year process because we are competitive, and we are hopeful that the producer will always see value in what we offer.”   


VitaFerm ReproMaxx is part of the Zinpro Verified program and contains research-proven inclusion levels of organic manganese, copper and zinc. The product was developed in conjunction with Zinpro. 

Moving to Good–Better–Best

Adding ReproMaxx to the VitaFerm brand allows BioZyme to offer three choices of breeding minerals to cow-calf producers. As we know from studying the Good-Better-Best model, which is used across a multitude of industries, customers like to have choices. Think about your options at the fuel pump, when purchasing insurance or even airline tickets. The price-conscious consumer wants the basic product that will get the job done with no bells and whistles – good. A good product will often attract new customers to your brand.   


The next product is better than good. It offers some added value at a slightly higher cost. People who are willing to pay for that value will buy this product. Think of the middle tier of about any product. It’s often what customers choose; they don’t want the cheapest offering, but they don’t need premium either.   


Finally, some customers desire more features. They only want the best version, and cost is not an issue because they are willing to pay for the premium and understand the value of the product.  Some customers equate price with quality. Although you offer a quality product at a lower cost, they think that if it is higher dollar, it is higher quality, and that is what they want. As we all know, that’s not necessarily correct. While it’s never going to hurt your bottom line to let them buy the “best” marketed option, you have room to communicate and potentially build trust if you steer them toward something more affordable that is potentially more appropriate to their needs. 


Decades of research, recently summarized by the Harvard Business Review, proves that the Good-Better-Best model works. With new product offerings, ONE and ReproMaxx, BioZyme now offers Good-Better-Best breeding minerals, so you and your customers can benefit.  

Good: VitaFerm® ONE

Provide one solution to conveniently and consistently promote cattle performance in all seasons.  

This is an easy-to-implement solution for all seasons that contains Amaferm and the Zinpro organic copper and zinc. This is a good mineral to target customers who have heard of VitaFerm and Amaferm and are looking for an introduction to the brand. We also think it’s a great option for folks that don’t need all the bells and whistles of the next two product lines because their breeding operation is more simplistic and doesn’t demand it.  

Better: VitaFerm® Concept•Aid®

Promotes effective, easy breeding when fed at least 60 days pre-calving through 60 days post-breeding. Our tried-and-true line of breeding mineral contains Amaferm, organic copper, zinc and manganese as well as higher levels of vitamin and mineral fortification than ONE. 

You will likely have many customers stay at this level or get several new customers who have heard of Concept•Aid or Amaferm and want a quality breeding mineral. It’s a great option for producers that are using some reproductive technologies, such as AI and ET. Customers often tend to shop at the mid-range level. It is comfortable for them, as it isn’t the basic, and it also isn’t “premium.” That’s okay. As long as you are providing a product and service that they are comfortable with, and they become repeat customers, that is the goal. Who knows? They could reach a point where they do move up to the best! 

Best: VitaFerm® ReproMaxx®

Provides maximum performance within intensive reproductive systems. ReproMaxx contains Amaferm, research proven and verified levels of Zinpro organic copper, zinc and manganese as well as even higher levels of vitamin and mineral fortification as compared to Concept•Aid.  

Your target audience when marketing ReproMaxx should be those who use advanced reproductive technologies extensively. There will be room for some new customers within this line, and you will likely move a few of your “better” customers up to this level.   


Cassady suggests identifying bull-focused producers in your area and inviting them to a meeting or discussion about their top challenges – soundness and fertility. This is a great opportunity to introduce them to VitaFerm ReproMaxx.  

Talking Points for YOU

We want you to be comfortable talking about the Good-Better-Best lines of VitaFerm nutrition. Here are a few talking points for your dealership.  

  • The main difference between ONE, Concept•Aid and ReproMaxx is the intensity of nutrition. ONE provides great nutrition, Concept•Aid provides better nutrition, and ReproMaxx provides the best nutrition.  
  • ReproMaxx contains less copper, but more zinc than Concept•Aid. The reduced level of copper is due to the high percentage of highly available organic copper found in ReproMaxx. Animals also store copper more efficiently than zinc. 
  • The increased level of organic zinc found in ReproMaxx provides research-proven support for hoof health and colostrum quality. Compared to copper, zinc is more transient in the system. It’s not stored as well as and there’s a much greater demand for zinc utilization, especially in growth and reproduction.  
  • All three VitaFerm product lines (ONE, Concept•Aid and ReproMaxx) are suitable for cow-calf operations. Depending on the goals and needs of your operation, you can select the VitaFerm mineral you need to fuel your reproductive success.  

Stock up on VitaFerm Today!

There is no time like the present to get your inventory in order. Order your VitaFerm for your dealership today, and remember, the VitaFerm ReproMaxx is now available in the Dealer Center. Be sure to have this in stock, because as we know, customers do like options. 



In an effort to continuously offer our customers the best reproductive minerals on the market, BioZyme launches VitaFerm ReproMaxx this month. ReproMaxx products provide high vitamin and mineral fortification and research-proven, verified levels of Zinpro® Availa® organic trace minerals to take reproductive success to the MAXX.

Learn more about ReproMaxx in the Online Dealer Center or by watching the Webinar presented by Dr. Chris Cassady. View the webinar HERE.


To better align with its purpose and usage, Vitalize Free Choice will now be known as Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement. Using the same great formula this highly-fortified, loose vitamin and mineral supplement is designed for horses as a daily top dress or free choice supplement to support nutritional and digestive health. The name change reflects the ability of the product to be fed various ways, either free choice or top dressed on feed.

The Vitalize Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement, Protein Pellet and 40 lb Digest More Plus will also be transitioned into a new style of poly bag later this month. Look for this rolling change as current inventory is depleted.


The Marketing Team is working diligently to provide dealers with the most current information. In order to keep the materials relevant, some pieces have been converted to digital only – allowing you to download and print on demand. Other literature, like the DuraFerm® brochure, has been updated, and is available for your request. Be sure to look to the SAMM Center for all your Signage, Apparel & Marketing Material needs.


At the request of some of our Animal Health customers, the Songbird Ball feeders now have an UPC number associated with them for more efficient inventory control. Look for this number in the Product Center as you manage your SKUs.

The Importance of Hay Testing Near Me

We know that BioZyme® dealers wear many hats. You are a salesperson, a consultant in nutrition across species, a supporter of youth livestock and horse events, and a pillar in your community. Let’s add one more role to your over-extended job description: forage sampler. Did you know that hay sampling is a free service that BioZyme offers its customers, who are ultimately your customers?  

That’s right! The next time you have a customer ask, “Is there anywhere that does hay testing near me,” your answer will be simple: right here. 

Why Test Hay? 

Testing hay in the late summer and early fall is imperative to know exactly the nutrient content and makeup. Just like no two BioZyme dealers are the same, no two hay crops are the same, even if they both look similar. There is no way to tell the nutritional makeup of your hay just by looking at it. You could have the most gorgeous group of bales, yet they could all be deficient in protein or energy. 

If you or your customers cannot tell the nutrient value of your hay, how will your livestock be getting the proper nutrition. A simple forage analysis can help a customer determine what is missing from their hay, which in turn helps you sell them the added vitamins and minerals to supplement their herd. Forage testing is a win for the customer, you, and their animals. That’s care that comes full circle. 

That is why hay testing is so important.  

Hay Testing Made Easy 

At BioZyme, we want to make your customer’s forage testing experience as simple as possible. That is why we have broken it down into these 5 simple steps. 

1. Identify your Hay 

It is important for you or your customer to have their hay identified by a lot number, so they know which test results are from which lot. A lot is defined by the field and the cutting it is from. 

For instance, a lot from the second cutting from field one would be named Lot 1-2. A first-cutting sample from the third field would be 3-1. It is important to identify the lots when you haul them from the field and store them and continue to know where they are kept.   

2. Collect Samples 

Once the lots are identified, it is time to collect samples. As a dealer, you or your Area Sales Manager should be prepared to help your customer collect samples. Having an accurate sample is the key to a successful analysis. 

We recommend taking 10 samples from each lot, mixing them together, and submitting them as a representative sample of that lot. Be sure to get the samples from as far inside the bale as possible. There are two ways to collect samples: with a probe or by hand. 

Sampling with Hay Probe 

Reach as far as possible inside the bale with your coring tool. This can be more difficult when bales are wet or when the hay is very mature. In those cases, a spare battery for the drill is helpful, especially if a large number of bales are to be probed. 

Sampling Hay by Hand 

It helps to use a short pipe to pry open the bale. The goal is to reach inside with your hands open and grasp tightly a handful of hay. You want to try not to strip the leaves off when you grab them, so many small handfuls are better than one large handful. 

3. Place Samples Into a 5-gallon Bucket. 

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have at least 10 samples from 10% of the bales in the lot you are testing. Place all the samples into the same 5-gallon bucket. 

After sampling your bales, make sure to pull apart and thoroughly mix the entire sample. Do not rely on the lab to mix your sample. 

Place the sample into a re-sealable plastic bag and remove any excess air. It is fine if the bag is not completely full, but you will need approximately 1/2 a quart of material in the bag. You, the BioZyme dealer, should be able to submit the samples. 

If you have any questions at all, please contact your Area Sales Manager or a member of the Dealer Action Team. We submit every sample we receive to Dairyland Laboratories

4. Wait for Results 

Once you submit forage samples for testing, we can typically generate results within a week. These results indicate any deficiencies in energy or protein. In addition to knowing the nutrient content of your forages, it is also important to know the amount of each lot of hay you have. 

This is especially important when working with the BioZyme Nutrition Team to plan your next steps. This will help them calculate the proper rations and make supplement recommendations moving forward when they know how to match your forage supply to your production calendar. 

5. Work with the BioZyme Nutrition Team 

We send the forage analysis results to the producer, the dealer, and the ASM. We suggest the dealer and producer work with the nutritionist at BioZyme to calculate and coordinate formulations and supplementations. 

Where Can I Find Hay Testing Near Me?  

So, next time you hear, “Where can I find hay testing near me?” you will know just how to answer. We hope you are confident that you can pull and collect samples and submit them. That way, you can help your customers find the best nutrition options available.  

Sometimes wearing all these hats can be a challenge. But sometimes, it makes you a superhero, too. Offering hay and forage testing is just one way you can offer customer service that will pay your customers’ dividends in the long run. 

Why Should you Prioritize High Protein Cattle Feed?

Every BioZyme® dealer is different. What one on-farm dealer in North Dakota makes a priority might be totally different than the storefront in Florida. However, you all share more in common than you might think. Every single dealer puts the customer first, and that is care that comes full circle. With fall around the corner, it is time to start thinking about getting high protein cattle feed in stock. 

Be Prepared; Fall is Coming

You are probably selling products with the HEAT® technology and fly control faster than we can say AO-Biotics® Amaferm®. And that is a good thing, for now. However, time moves quickly, and before you know, fall will be here, as the temperature shifts, so will the needs of the beef cow herd. 

We want you to be prepared so you can best serve your customers. If you have protein supplements on hand when your customers are ready, they won’t have to go to another product or another dealer. They will be pleased that you have thought ahead and put their concerns at the top of your mind. 

So, start now to plan your fall protein orders and stock up on high protein cattle feed and supplements. 

Why Worry about Protein in the Fall?

Your cattle customers, and more specifically their cattle, often need added protein in the fall for several reasons. Forage quality decreases, they are preparing for winter, and their nutritional needs increase. Let’s examine each of these a little more in-depth as you consider why you should stock high protein cattle feed and supplements.  

Decline in Forage Quality

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and that is true for summer. As the growing season ends, the nutritional quality of pasture forage typically declines. The protein content in grasses and other forages decreases, forcing supplemental protein to meet cattle’s dietary requirements. 

Increased Nutritional Demands

During the fall, many cattle enter stages that significantly increase their nutritional needs, particularly for protein either late gestation or early lactation. Adequate protein is crucial for fetal development, milk production and overall health. It is vital to ensure your herd has high protein cattle feed or supplements during these phases.  

Preparation for Winter

Providing additional protein helps cattle build and maintain body condition before the harsher winter months. Adequate body condition is essential for maintaining health and productivity during the winter, when nutritional challenges can be more severe. 

Growing in Young Livestock

Young, growing cattle require higher protein levels to support their growth and development. Fall supplementation ensures they continue to grow efficiently and stay healthy as they transition to winter feeding programs. 

The Importance of Protein Supplements for Cattle

Protein is essential for cattle for several key reasons. 

Growth & Development

Proteins are fundamental building blocks for muscle, skin, hair and other tissues. They support the overall growth and development of young cattle, ensuring they reach their full size and potential. Because protein is vitally important to growth and development, it is important that calves in the growing phase receive adequate protein. 

Milk Production

Protein is crucial for lactating cows producing high-quality milk. Adequate protein levels in the diet help maintain milk yield and composition, particularly the protein content of the milk itself. Supplementing with extra protein during lactation helps to ensure your cows produce an adequate milk supply. The calf also receives that extra protein through the milk supply.  

Protein is important for reproductive health. Adequate protein levels improve fertility rates, support healthy pregnancies and contribute to the overall reproductive efficiency of the herd. 

Immune Function

Protein plays a critical role in maintaining and boosting the immune system. Adequate protein intake helps cattle resist diseases and recover more quickly from illnesses. 

Repair & Maintenance

Protein is necessary for the repair and maintenance of body tissues. Protein helps in the healing of wounds and the regeneration of damaged tissues, ensuring cattle remain healthy and productive. 

Enzyme & Hormone Production

Many enzymes and hormones, which regulate various physiological processes, are proteins or are derived from amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. These are crucial for digestion, metabolism and overall bodily functions. 

Energy Source

While carbohydrates and fats are the primary energy sources, proteins can also be used for energy, particularly in situations where other energy sources are inadequate. 

Feed Efficiency

Proper protein nutrition improves feed efficiency, meaning cattle can convert feed into body mass or milk more effectively. This is economically beneficial for cattle producers. 

VitaFerm Protein Options

In total, VitaFerm offers 5 options of protein supplements for cattle, between both the tubs and loose mineral forms. All contain Amaferm, the prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. 

Let’s learn more about their similarities and differences: 

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Meal

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Meal 

VitaFerm Conserve Protein Meal, a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 20% natural protein. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Tub

VitaFerm Concept•Aid® Protein Tub, a premium protein tub with vitamins and minerals for beef cattle on grass pasture designed to support reproductive success on low protein forage. 

• Includes 20% natural protein along with organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. 

• High levels of Vitamin E support reproductive tract repair and milk quality. 

VitaFerm® 30-13% Protein Tub

VitaFerm 30-13% Protein Tub, a protein tub for beef cattle with urea and natural protein designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 30% urea protein with no more than 13% equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Conserve® Protein Tub

VitaFerm Conserve Protein Tub, a natural protein tub for beef cattle designed to support herd health and performance while conserving cost. 

• Includes 20% natural protein. 

• Features a complete, but economical vitamin and mineral package. 

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal

VitaFerm® Concept•Aid® Protein Meal, a premium free-choice 2% phosphorus vitamin and mineral supplement with protein for beef cattle on grass pasture designed to support reproductive success on low protein forage. 

• Includes 20% natural protein and organic copper, iodine and zinc for maximum bioavailability, innate immunity and hoof health. 

• High levels of vitamin E support reproductive tract repair and milk quality. 

Regardless of the protein supplement you choose, it is just important to be sure that your herd receives the added protein it needs when it needs it most. 

“Providing cattle with a proper supplement that contains adequate minerals is important, as it serves as an insurance policy for seasonal fluctuations in forage quality and can keep cattle from becoming deficient or imbalanced in energy, protein or mineral status,” said Chris Cassady, Ph.D., Director of Beef Technical Sales for BioZyme. 

Save Dollars with Loose Mineral

BioZyme offers two loose supplements with a combination of essential minerals, Amaferm and natural protein in a granular form for beef cattle.  

In a loose formulation, salt is added to control intake. Producers don’t sacrifice any nutrition if they do offer loose mineral instead of tubs. Many of the same high-quality ingredients are used along with less expensive protein sources in the loose mixes, but since molasses is not in the mix, there is added cost savings. 

Another cost savings comes with the packaging. The bag that the loose mineral comes in costs less than 50 cents. A tub adds about $6-7 additional cost to the product; that is money spent that your cows are not consuming. 

For every pallet of tubs purchased, you could purchase a new ground mineral feeder to feed the loose mineral. 

BioZyme Products are Research Proven

Amaferm® is the key additive in all VitaFerm products. It has more than 111 published and/or presented research studies proving its increase in digestibility and, ultimately, its impact on the animal.    

Providing a high-quality trace mineral and vitamin supplementation like VitaFerm Concept•Aid is research-proven to improve reproductive efficiency. For example, our reproductive success report shows that VitaFerm Concept•Aid has proven itself as an industry leader in fertility support. Its ability to improve pregnancy rates, calving percentages, and weaning weights is unmatched by other brand products.    

“Research proves that cattle fed Amaferm synthesize 100 more grams of microbial protein each day. That’s enough protein equivalent to a pound of supplemented soybean meal available for the cow or heifer. This additional protein generated from Amaferm in a year-round supplemental program can help producers reduce their need for additional protein by up to 40% annually. That is a huge continuous savings on feed costs,” Cassady said.  

Get Your High Protein Cattle Feed & Supplements Today

We hope we have convinced you that it is time to start thinking about stocking up on your high protein cattle feed and supplements. Be prepared so when fall comes, your customers are not waiting on you to get the products they need and want for their cattle. 

In addition to the VitaFerm protein supplements, BioZyme also has some protein and VitaFerm mineral literature you might find helpful to have in stock to share with your customers. A protein product guide shows and describes all the products for cattle producers, their benefits and approximate cost per day. 

The other handy resource for this time of year is a seasonal product guide. This one-sheet guide suggests which BioZyme products a producer should feed at which time of year. 

You can request both of these guides and more through the SAMM Center by logging in through the Online Dealer Center. 

Prepare for the fall nutritional needs of your customers now. Fall will be here before we know it — so don’t be left unprepared. Stock up now on high protein cattle feed and supplements. You’ll be glad you did! 



In observance of Independence Day, BioZyme will be closed Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5. We will resume normal business operations Monday, July 8, at 8:00am CST. Please enjoy this time with your family and friends.


BioZyme is committed to continuous improvement and quality. As research and knowledge progress within the industry, our team of Ph.D. nutritionists are constantly evaluating ingredients that will drive performance and care that comes full circle. Recently, with high cattle values, an additional emphasis has been placed on shifting toward as many research-proven technologies as possible to maximize return on investment for producers.

Look for updates to the organic trace minerals in all BioZyme minerals, pellets and tubs beginning July 1 and in all ClariFly® products (except those with CTC) beginning January 1, 2025 (due to EPA registration). This will be a rolling change as inventory is depleted. To learn more about the benefits of Zinpro Performance Minerals®, tune into our webinar July 18 at 3pm Central Standard Time. Watch your email for a link to join!


Due to some ongoing supply chain issues, a limited number of VitaFerm® HEAT® products have been shipped in white BioZyme branded bags. A limited number of VitaFerm® ONE products have been shipped in white bags with full size front design stickers. We expect to rectify this issue in the coming weeks. Thank you for your understanding.


The DuraFerm® ONE®️ Sheep Master Dealer On Demand Training is now available in the Online Dealer Center. Take the time to familiarize yourself with this ONE mineral solution for all seasons.